public static XmlDocument EPBOutboundRecords(List <DemoRecords> vr)
            XmlDocument             response = new XmlDocument();
            XmlSerializerNamespaces ns       = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();

            ns.Add("addr", "");
            ns.Add("addr_type", "");
            XmlSerializer      xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(VoterRecordsResponse));
            VoterRecordResults records       = new VoterRecordResults();

            records.VoterRecord   = new VoterRecord[vr.Count];
            records.TransactionId = "VRI-EPB-Example_" + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            int rec = 0;

            foreach (DemoRecords d in vr)
                VoterRecord voter = new VoterRecord();
                voter.Voter = new Voter();
                voter.Voter.DateOfBirthSpecified = true;
                voter.Voter.DateOfBirth          = Convert.ToDateTime(d.DATE_OF_BIRTH);
                Name votername = new Name()
                    FirstName = d.FIRST_NAME,
                    LastName  = d.LAST_NAME,
                    FullName  = BuildFullName(d.FIRST_NAME, d.MIDDLE_NAME, d.LAST_NAME, d.SUFFIX)
                string[] midname = new string[] { d.MIDDLE_NAME };
                votername.MiddleName         = midname;
                voter.Voter.Name             = votername;
                voter.Voter.ResidenceAddress = BuildAddress(d.HOUSE_NUMBER, d.PRE_DIRECTION, d.STREET_NAME, d.STREETTYPE,
                                                            d.POST_DIRECTION, d.APT_NUM, d.CITY, d.STATE, d.ZIP, d.COUNTRY);
                //This example does not specify a party, but this is where it would be added

                Party p = new Party();
                p.Name            = "Not-specified";
                voter.Voter.Party = p;
                //Known Voter ID Type
                VoterId vid = new VoterId();
                VoterId dmv = new VoterId();
                vid.Type        = VoterIdType.statevoterregistrationid;
                dmv.Type        = VoterIdType.driverslicense;
                vid.StringValue = d.VOTERID;
                dmv.StringValue = d.DMV_NUMBER;

                voter.Voter.VoterId    = new VoterId[2];
                voter.Voter.VoterId[0] = vid;
                voter.Voter.VoterId[1] = dmv;

                //adding districts - this exammple includes congressional, state senate and state house
                voter.District    = new ReportingUnit[3];
                voter.District[0] = BuildReportingUnit("congressional", d.CONGRESSIONAL_DISTRICT);
                voter.District[1] = BuildReportingUnit("state-senate", d.ST_LEG_UPPER_HOUSE);
                voter.District[2] = BuildReportingUnit("state-house", d.ST_LEG_LOWER_HOUSE);

                //Adding locality, precinct and splits
                voter.Locality    = new ReportingUnit[3];
                voter.Locality[0] = BuildReportingUnit("county", d.LOCALITY_NAME);
                voter.Locality[1] = BuildReportingUnit("precinct", d.PRECINCT_NAME);
                voter.Locality[2] = BuildReportingUnit("split-precinct", d.PRECINCT_SPLIT_NAME);

                //other information about voter
                voter.Voter.Gender = d.GENDER;

                //Protected voter
                VoterClassification prot = new VoterClassification();
                if (d.PROTECTED != "")
                    prot.Type = VoterClassificationType.protectedvoter;
                    prot.OtherType = "not protected";
                    prot.Type      = VoterClassificationType.other;
                //UOCAVA Voter
                VoterClassification uocava = new VoterClassification();
                if (d.UOCAVA_VOTER != "")
                    uocava.Type = VoterClassificationType.activeduty;
                    uocava.OtherType = "not uocava";
                    uocava.Type      = VoterClassificationType.other;

                //absentee ballot status
                VoterClassification ab = new VoterClassification();
                if (d.VOTEBYMAIL_STATUS != "")
                    ab.OtherType = "absentee ballots sent";
                    ab.Type      = VoterClassificationType.other;
                    ab.OtherType = "no absentee ballot sent";
                    ab.Type      = VoterClassificationType.other;
                //NVRA Status
                VoterClassification nvra = new VoterClassification();
                nvra.OtherType = d.VOTER_STATUS;
                nvra.Type      = VoterClassificationType.other;

                //NVRA Confirmation mailing sent
                VoterClassification conf = new VoterClassification();
                if (d.NVRA_CONFIRMATION != "")
                    conf.OtherType = "Confirmation sent";
                    conf.Type      = VoterClassificationType.other;
                    conf.OtherType = "No confirmation";
                    conf.Type      = VoterClassificationType.other;

                voter.Voter.VoterClassification    = new VoterClassification[5];
                voter.Voter.VoterClassification[0] = prot;
                voter.Voter.VoterClassification[1] = uocava;
                voter.Voter.VoterClassification[2] = ab;
                voter.Voter.VoterClassification[3] = nvra;
                voter.Voter.VoterClassification[4] = conf;

                //Election specific information using the VoterParticipation Object
                VoterParticipation participation = new VoterParticipation();
                Election           el            = new Election();
                el.Name                = d.ELECTION_NAME;
                el.StartDate           = Convert.ToDateTime(d.ELECTION_DATE);
                participation.Election = el;
                //for ballot style we will need to create an external identifier
                ExternalIdentifier bsiden = new ExternalIdentifier();
                bsiden.Type  = IdentifierType.locallevel;
                bsiden.Value = d.BALLOT_STYLE_NAME;
                BallotStyle bs = new BallotStyle();
                bs.ExternalIdentifier     = new ExternalIdentifier[1];
                bs.ExternalIdentifier[0]  = bsiden;
                participation.BallotStyle = bs;

                voter.VoterParticipation    = new VoterParticipation[1];
                voter.VoterParticipation[0] = participation;

                records.VoterRecord[rec] = voter;

            VoterRecordsResponse vrresp = records;

            vrresp.TransactionId = "epb-vri-example";

            TextWriter write = new StreamWriter("C:\\dev\\epb_example.xml");

            xmlSerializer.Serialize(write, vrresp, ns);
        public static XmlDocument responseRecord(VoterRecordsRequest lookuprecord)
            XmlDocument             response = new XmlDocument();
            XmlSerializerNamespaces ns       = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();

            ns.Add("addr", "");
            ns.Add("addr_type", "");
            XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(VoterRecordsResponse));

            VoterRecordResults records = new VoterRecordResults();

            records.TransactionId = lookuprecord.TransactionId;
            VoterRecord vr = new VoterRecord();

            vr.Voter = new Voter();
            vr.Voter.DateOfBirthSpecified = true;
            vr.Voter.DateOfBirth          = Convert.ToDateTime(lookuprecord.Subject.DateOfBirth);
            Name votername = new Name()
                FirstName = lookuprecord.Subject.Name.FirstName,
                LastName  = lookuprecord.Subject.Name.LastName,
                FullName  = lookuprecord.Subject.Name.FullName

            vr.Voter.Name             = votername;
            vr.Voter.ResidenceAddress = voterAddress(lookuprecord.Subject);
            vr.Voter.MailingAddress   = mailingAddress(lookuprecord.Subject);
            Party p = new Party();

            p.Name         = "Not-specified";
            vr.Voter.Party = p;
            VoterId vid = new VoterId();

            vid.Type        = VoterIdType.statevoterregistrationid;
            vid.StringValue = "99998888991";

            vr.Voter.VoterId    = new VoterId[1];
            vr.Voter.VoterId[0] = vid;

            vr.District    = new ReportingUnit[1];
            vr.District[0] = ru("congressional", "7");
            vr.Locality    = new ReportingUnit[2];

            vr.Locality[0] = ru("county", "Richmond City");
            vr.Locality[1] = ru("precinct", "111 - One Hundred Eleven");

            records.VoterRecord = new VoterRecord[1];

            records.VoterRecord[0] = vr;

            VoterRecordsResponse vrresp = records;

            vrresp.TransactionId = "vri-resp" + DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace("/", "").Replace(":", "").Replace(" ", "").Replace("AM", "").Replace("PM", "");

            TextWriter write = new StreamWriter("C:\\dev\\nvraresponse.xml");

            xmlSerializer.Serialize(write, vrresp, ns);

            //Simple acknowledgement example
            RequestAcknowledgement ack     = new RequestAcknowledgement();
            VoterRecordsResponse   vrresp2 = ack;

            vrresp2.TransactionId = "vri-validation" + DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace("/", "").Replace(":", "").Replace(" ", "").Replace("AM", "").Replace("PM", "");

            TextWriter write2 = new StreamWriter("C:\\dev\\vriack.xml");

            xmlSerializer.Serialize(write2, vrresp2, ns);

            //Rejection request
            RequestRejection rejection = new RequestRejection();
            Error            e         = new Error();

            e.OtherError       = "There was an error in processing this request";
            rejection.Error    = new Error[1];
            rejection.Error[0] = e;
            VoterRecordsResponse resperr = rejection;

            resperr.TransactionId = "vri-validation" + DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace("/", "").Replace(":", "").Replace(" ", "").Replace("AM", "").Replace("PM", "");

            TextWriter writeerr = new StreamWriter("C:\\dev\\vrierr.xml");

            xmlSerializer.Serialize(writeerr, resperr, ns);
