Beispiel #1
    void ComputeVelocityGridSliceThreaded(System.Object info)
        ThreadInfo threadInfo = (ThreadInfo)info;
        uint       izStart    = (uint)threadInfo.begin;
        uint       izEnd      = (uint)threadInfo.end;

        VortonSim vortonSim = threadInfo.vortonSim;

        int numLayers = vortonSim.mInfluenceTree.GetDepth();

        Vector3 vMinCorner = vortonSim.mVelGrid.GetMinCorner();
        float   nudge      = 1.0f - 2.0f * global.GlobalVar.FLT_EPSILON;
        Vector3 vSpacing   = vortonSim.mVelGrid.GetCellSpacing() * nudge;

        uint[] dims = { vortonSim.mVelGrid.GetNumPoints(0)
                        , vortonSim.mVelGrid.GetNumPoints(1)
                        , vortonSim.mVelGrid.GetNumPoints(2) };
        uint   numXY = dims[0] * dims[1];

        uint[] idx = new uint[3];

        for (idx[2] = izStart; idx[2] < izEnd; ++idx[2])
        {   // For subset of z index values...
            Vector3 vPosition;
            // Compute the z-coordinate of the world-space position of this gridpoint.
            vPosition.z = vMinCorner.z + (float)(idx[2]) * vSpacing.z;
            // Precompute the z contribution to the offset into the velocity grid.
            uint offsetZ = idx[2] * numXY;
            for (idx[1] = 0; idx[1] < dims[1]; ++idx[1])
            {   // For every gridpoint along the y-axis...
                // Compute the y-coordinate of the world-space position of this gridpoint.
                vPosition.y = vMinCorner.y + (float)(idx[1]) * vSpacing.y;
                // Precompute the y contribution to the offset into the velocity grid.
                uint offsetYZ = idx[1] * dims[0] + offsetZ;
                for (idx[0] = 0; idx[0] < dims[0]; ++idx[0])
                {   // For every gridpoint along the x-axis...
                    // Compute the x-coordinate of the world-space position of this gridpoint.
                    vPosition.x = vMinCorner.x + (float)(idx[0]) * vSpacing.x;
                    // Compute the offset into the velocity grid.
                    uint offsetXYZ = idx[0] + offsetYZ;

                    // Compute the fluid flow velocity at this gridpoint, due to all vortons.
                    uint[] zeros = { 0, 0, 0 }; // Starter indices for recursive algorithm
                    vortonSim.mVelGrid[offsetXYZ] = vortonSim.ComputeVelocity(vPosition, zeros, numLayers - 1);

     *  Initialize a fluid-and-body simulation
     *  This routine will remove particles that are embedded
     *  inside rigid bodies.
     *  This method assumes the vortons have been initialized,
     *  i.e. that their initial positions, vorticities and
     *  radius have all been set.
    void Initialize()
        numVortonsMax = numCellsPerDim * numCellsPerDim * numCellsPerDim;

        mVortonSim = new VortonSim(viscosity, density, useMultiThreads);

        //IVorticityDistribution vorticityDistribution = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<IVorticityDistribution>();
        //AssignVorticity(2.0f * magnitude, (uint)numVortonsMax, vorticityDistribution);

        // distribute numVortonsMax between all vortices of the simulation.
        GameObject[] vortices = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Vortex");
        for (int i = 0; i < vortices.Length; ++i)
            AssignVorticity(2.0f * magnitude, (uint)(numVortonsMax / vortices.Length), vortices[i].GetComponent <IVorticityDistribution>());

        // Create particle system
        if (gameObject.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>() == null)
            particleSystem = gameObject.AddComponent <ParticleSystem>();
        particleSystem.startSpeed = 0;
        var em = particleSystem.emission;

        em.enabled = false;

        // Fetch all particles on the scene
        //tracers = new List<ParticleSystem.Particle>();

        GameObject[] tracersGOs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Tracers");
        for (int i = 0; i < tracersGOs.Length; ++i)
            mVortonSim.mTracers.AddRange(tracersGOs[i].GetComponent <Tracers>().tracers);

        mVortonSim.Initialize(); //TO-DO: Here we should pass the list of all tracers
Beispiel #3
    private void AdvectTracersSliceThreaded(System.Object info)
        ThreadInfo threadInfo = (ThreadInfo)info;
        float      timeStep   = threadInfo.timeStep;
        int        itStart    = threadInfo.begin;
        int        itEnd      = threadInfo.end;

        VortonSim vortonSim = threadInfo.vortonSim;

        ManualResetEvent handle = threadInfo.handle;

        for (int offset = itStart; offset < itEnd; ++offset)
        {   // For each passive tracer in this slice...
            Vector3 velocity = ((Vector)vortonSim.mVelGrid.Interpolate(vortonSim.mTracers[offset].position)).v;

            myParticle newTracer = new myParticle();
            newTracer.position = vortonSim.mTracers[offset].position + velocity * timeStep;
            newTracer.velocity = velocity; // Cache for use in collisions

            vortonSim.mTracersAux[offset] = newTracer;
        Initialize a fluid-and-body simulation

        This routine will remove particles that are embedded
        inside rigid bodies.

        This method assumes the vortons have been initialized,
        i.e. that their initial positions, vorticities and
        radius have all been set.
    void Initialize()
        numVortonsMax = numCellsPerDim * numCellsPerDim * numCellsPerDim;

        mVortonSim = new VortonSim(viscosity, density, useMultiThreads);

        //IVorticityDistribution vorticityDistribution = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<IVorticityDistribution>();
        //AssignVorticity(2.0f * magnitude, (uint)numVortonsMax, vorticityDistribution);

        // distribute numVortonsMax between all vortices of the simulation.
        GameObject[] vortices = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Vortex");
        for (int i = 0; i < vortices.Length; ++i)
            AssignVorticity(2.0f * magnitude, (uint)(numVortonsMax / vortices.Length), vortices[i].GetComponent<IVorticityDistribution>());

        // Create particle system
        if(gameObject.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>() == null)
            particleSystem = gameObject.AddComponent<ParticleSystem>();
        particleSystem.startSpeed = 0;
        var em = particleSystem.emission;
        em.enabled = false;

        // Fetch all particles on the scene
        //tracers = new List<ParticleSystem.Particle>();

        GameObject[] tracersGOs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Tracers");
        for (int i = 0; i < tracersGOs.Length; ++i)

        mVortonSim.Initialize(); //TO-DO: Here we should pass the list of all tracers