Beispiel #1
    /* Initialize fracture handlers. */
    void Start()
        tweenPosCount = 0;

        jfTex = FindObjectOfType <JumpFloodTexture>();

        voronoiBounds = bounds;
        vf            = GetComponent <VoronoiFracture>();
        vf.init(voronoiBounds, fracPiece, startObjVF, piecesContainerVF, vfSites);

        jf = GetComponent <JumpFloodFracture>();
        jf.init(jfShader, fracPiece, startObjJF, piecesContainerJF, jfSites);
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)
        if (col.gameObject.tag == "Projectile")
            Debug.Log("Entered collision with Projectile");
            //remove this game object's mesh renderer,box collider,Mesh filter and rigid body
            Vector3  originalPosition = transform.position;
            Material material         = this.RemoveAllComponents();
            //create two game objects of half the the width as this cube
            //add them as child to this cube
//			GameObject first = Instantiate(Resources.Load("SplitHalf 1", typeof(GameObject))) as GameObject;
//			GameObject second = Instantiate(Resources.Load("SplitHalf 2", typeof(GameObject))) as GameObject;
            DoublyConnectedEdgeList dcel = new VoronoiFracture().GetVoronoiDiagram();
            CreateBodiesForEachFace(dcel, material, originalPosition);
            DoublyConnectedEdgeList d = null;
//			d.ToString();//intentional program crash for pausing