public ActionResult ApproveRejectByCustomUrl(Guid rowGuid, string reqStatus, string comment)
            var repository = new VolunteerRepository();
            var oVolunteer = repository.GetbyGuid(rowGuid);
            var cu         = Session["user"] as ContextUser;

            if (reqStatus == "approved")
                ApprovedBylevel(new volunteer_profile {
                }, repository, oVolunteer, cu);
                oVolunteer.IsRejected = true;
                oVolunteer.RejectedBy = cu.OUser.Username;
                if (cu.EnumRole == EnumUserRole.Approver1)
                    oVolunteer.ApprovedAtLevel1Comments = comment;
                if (cu.EnumRole == EnumUserRole.Approver2)
                    oVolunteer.ApprovedAtLevel2Comments = comment;
                if (cu.EnumRole == EnumUserRole.Approver3)
                    oVolunteer.ApprovedAtLevel3Comments = comment;

                repository.Put(oVolunteer.Id, oVolunteer);
 private static void ApprovedBylevel(volunteer_profile volunteer, VolunteerRepository repository, volunteer_profile oVolunteer, ContextUser cu)
     if (cu.EnumRole == EnumUserRole.Approver1)
         oVolunteer.IsApprovedAtLevel1       = true;
         oVolunteer.ApprovedAtLevel1Comments = volunteer.ApprovedAtLevel1Comments;
     if (cu.EnumRole == EnumUserRole.Approver2)
         oVolunteer.IsApprovedAtLevel2       = true;
         oVolunteer.ApprovedAtLevel2Comments = volunteer.ApprovedAtLevel2Comments;
     if (cu.EnumRole == EnumUserRole.Approver3)
         oVolunteer.IsApprovedAtLevel3       = true;
         oVolunteer.ApprovedAtLevel3Comments = volunteer.ApprovedAtLevel3Comments;
         string             password        = EncryptionKeys.Decrypt(oVolunteer.user.Password);
         string             url             = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Account/Login";
         var                bogusController = Util.CreateController <EmailTemplateController>();
         EmailTemplateModel emodel          =
             new EmailTemplateModel
             Title         = "Volunteer Approved",
             RedirectUrl   = url,
             VolunteerName = oVolunteer.VolunteerName,
             UserName      = oVolunteer.user.Username,
             Password      = password
         string body =
             Util.RenderViewToString(bogusController.ControllerContext, "VolunteerApproved", emodel);
         EmailSender.SendSupportEmail(body, oVolunteer.VolunteerEmail);
     repository.Put(oVolunteer.Id, oVolunteer);
        public async Task <IActionResult> VolunteerList()
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            VolunteerRepository   repo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            List <VolunteerModel> volunteers;

            // Ensure that ONLY staff accounts have access to this API endpoint
            if (user == null || !await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized"));

                volunteers = repo.GetVolunteers();
            catch (Exception e)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson(configModel.DebugMode ? e.Message : "An error occurred while accessing the database."));

            return(new JsonResult(new
                Error = "",
                Volunteers = volunteers
Beispiel #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetBusDrivers(DateTime date)
            VolunteerRepository    repo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            List <DriverListModel> drivers;
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            /// Ensure that ONLY staff accounts have access to this API endpoint
            if (user == null || !await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized"));

                if (date != DateTime.MinValue)
                    drivers = repo.GetBusDrivers(date);
                    drivers = repo.GetBusDrivers();
            catch (Exception e)

            return(new JsonResult(new {
                Error = "",
                Drivers = drivers
Beispiel #5
        public async Task <ActionResult> MaintenanceFormsCreation(MaintenanceModel maintenance)
            BusModel bus;
            MaintenanceRepository repo          = new MaintenanceRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            BusRepository         busRepo       = new BusRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            VolunteerRepository   volunteerRepo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            VolunteerModel profile;

            if (user == null || !User.IsInRole(UserHelpers.UserRoles.BusDriver.ToString()))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized"));

            bus = busRepo.GetBus(maintenance.BusId);

            if (bus == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Invalid bus id"));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(maintenance.Text))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Text cannot be empty"));

            profile = volunteerRepo.GetVolunteer(user.VolunteerId);

            repo.CreateMaintenanceForm(maintenance.BusId, maintenance.Text, profile.PreferredName + " " + profile.LastName);

        public async Task <IActionResult> ClassTeacherAssignment(ClassModel model)
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            ClassRepository     repo  = new ClassRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            VolunteerRepository vRepo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);

            // Ensure that ONLY staff accounts have access to this API endpoint
            if (user == null || !await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized"));

            // Make sure the provided class and volunteer ids are valid
            if (model.Id == 0 || repo.GetClass(model.Id) == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Must include a valid class ID"));
            if (model.TeacherId == 0 || vRepo.GetVolunteer(model.TeacherId) == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Must include a valid volunteer id as TeacherId"));

            // Update in the database
                repo.AssignTeacher(model.Id, model.TeacherId);
            catch (Exception e)

        public async Task <IActionResult> VolunteerTrainingCreation(VolunteerTrainingModel training)
            VolunteerRepository repo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            // Verify the user is a staff member
            if (!User.IsInRole(UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized"));

            // Validate inputs
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(training.Name))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Name is required"));

            catch (Exception e)

        public ActionResult VolenteerForm(int sessionId, int?volId, int?corId)
            evaluation_volunteer ecpp = new EvaluationVolunteerRepository().GetEvaluationForm(sessionId);

            if (ecpp == null)
                ecpp = new evaluation_volunteer();

                ecpp.SessionId = sessionId;
                if (volId != null)
                    var schoolName = new SessionRepository().Get(sessionId).school.SchoolName;
                    ecpp.VolunteerId = volId.Value;
                    var vol = new VolunteerRepository().Get(volId.Value);
                    ecpp.F1 = schoolName;
                    ecpp.F2 = vol.Region;
                    ecpp.F3 = vol.City;
                    ecpp.F5 = vol.VolunteerName;
                if (corId != null)
                    ecpp.CoordinatorId = corId.Value;
        public async Task <IActionResult> VolunteerTrainingDelete(VolunteerTrainingModel training)
            VolunteerRepository    repo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            VolunteerTrainingModel dbTraining;
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            // Verify the user is a staff member
            if (!User.IsInRole(UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized"));

            // Validate inputs
            dbTraining = repo.GetTraining(training.Id);
            if (dbTraining == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Invalid id"));

            catch (Exception e)

        public async Task <ActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //attach appuser to a volunteer user chk Tweeter
                var User = new ApplicationUser {
                    UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email
                var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(User, model.Password);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    await SignInManager.SignInAsync(User, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false);

                    // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit
                    // Send an email with this link
                    // string code = await UserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user.Id);
                    // var callbackUrl = Url.Action("ConfirmEmail", "Account", new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme);
                    // await UserManager.SendEmailAsync(user.Id, "Confirm your account", "Please confirm your account by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>");
                    VolunteerRepository repo = new VolunteerRepository();
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
        public async Task <IActionResult> Inventory(bool resolved = false)
            InventoryRepository   repo          = new InventoryRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            VolunteerRepository   volunteerRepo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            List <InventoryModel> items         = null;
            bool authorized = false;
            var  user       = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            VolunteerModel profile = volunteerRepo.GetVolunteer(user.VolunteerId);

            // Verify the user has permissions to edit inventory
            if (User.IsInRole(UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()) || User.IsInRole(UserHelpers.UserRoles.VolunteerCaptain.ToString()) || profile.CanEditInventory)
                authorized = true;
                authorized = false;

            if (!authorized)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized"));

            // Get the appropriate inventory items
            items = repo.GetInventory(resolved);

            return(new JsonResult(new
                Error = "",
                Items = items
        public async Task <IActionResult> VolunteerTrainings()
            VolunteerRepository           repo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            List <VolunteerTrainingModel> trainings;
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            // Verify the user is a staff member
            if (!User.IsInRole(UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized"));

                trainings = repo.GetTrainings();
            catch (Exception e)

            return(new JsonResult(new
                Error = "",
                Trainings = trainings
        public async Task <IActionResult> VolunteerJobsDelete(VolunteerJobModel job)
            VolunteerRepository repo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            VolunteerJobModel dbJob = null;

            // Verify the user is a staff member
            if (!User.IsInRole(UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized"));

            dbJob = repo.GetVolunteerJob(job.Id, DateTime.MinValue);

            // Get job from database to check it exists
            if (dbJob == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Invalid id"));

            catch (Exception e)

        public ActionResult List()
            var repository = new VolunteerRepository();
            var volunteers = repository.GetAllVolunteers().ToList();

Beispiel #15
        public async Task <ActionResult> UserInfo()
            VolunteerRepository repo         = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            CalendarRepository  calendarRepo = new CalendarRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            ClassRepository     classRepo    = new ClassRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            BusRepository       busRepo      = new BusRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            AttendanceModel     attendance;
            VolunteerModel      profile;
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            bool checkedIn            = false;
            List <ClassModel> classes = new List <ClassModel>();
            List <BusModel>   buses   = new List <BusModel>();

            // Get the current user's profile
                profile = repo.GetVolunteer(user.VolunteerId);
            catch (Exception e)

            if (profile == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Could not find user profile"));

            if (configModel.DebugMode || DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                    attendance = calendarRepo.GetSingleAttendance(profile.Id, DateTime.Now.Date);

                    // determine if the current user has been checked in today
                    if (attendance != null && attendance.Attended == true)
                        checkedIn = true;

                    // Get the classes the user teaches and buses the user drives
                    classes = classRepo.GetClasses(true).Where(c => c.TeacherId == profile.Id).ToList();
                    buses   = busRepo.GetBusList(true).Where(b => b.DriverId == profile.Id).ToList();
                catch (Exception e)

            return(new JsonResult(new
                Error = "",
                Profile = profile,
                CheckedIn = checkedIn,
                Classes = classes,
                Buses = buses
        public async Task <IActionResult> SearchVolunteers(string searchString)
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            VolunteerRepository   repo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            List <VolunteerModel> volunteers;

            if (!User.IsInRole(UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized"));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Search string must be non-empty"));

                volunteers = repo.SearchVolunteers(searchString);
            catch (Exception e)

            return(new JsonResult(new
                Error = "",
                Volunteers = volunteers
        public async Task <IActionResult> CheckAttendance([FromQuery] IdModel model)
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            if (user == null || !(await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString())))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized."));

            if (model.Id == 0)
                return(Utilities.GenerateMissingInputMessage("volunteer id"));

                VolunteerRepository repo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);

                return(new JsonResult(new
                    DaysAttended = repo.GetAttendanceDates(model.Id)
            catch (Exception exc)
                return(new JsonResult(new
                    Error = exc.Message,
        public async Task <IActionResult> VolunteerJobRemoval(JobAssignmentViewModel vm)
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            VolunteerRepository repo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            VolunteerJobModel   job;

            // This endpoint should only be accessible if the user is a staff member or if the user is trying to remove a job they have signed themselves up for
            if (user.VolunteerId != vm.VolunteerId && !User.IsInRole(UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()))

            // The first check is so we can skip a call to the database if the user is signing up for a job on their own - clearly the user id is valid in that case
            if (vm.VolunteerId != user.VolunteerId && repo.GetVolunteer(vm.VolunteerId) == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Invalid volunteer id"));

            if (vm.Date == DateTime.MinValue)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Must specify a date"));

            job = repo.GetVolunteerJob(vm.JobId, vm.Date);
            if (job == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Invalid volunteer job id"));

            if (!repo.CheckSignedUpForJob(vm.JobId, vm.VolunteerId, vm.Date))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not currently signed up for this job"));

            if (job.CurrentNumber <= job.Min)
                    await EmailHelpers.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", $"{vm.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")} - {job.Name} may be understaffed",
                                                 $"A cancellation has left {job.Name} with fewer than its minimum of {job.Min} volunteers signed up on {vm.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")}.", configModel.EmailOptions);
                catch (Exception)
                    // This is in case the email fails to send - we still want to cancel the job, since the email isn't critical

                repo.RemoveVolunteerJobAssignment(vm.VolunteerId, vm.JobId, vm.Date);
            catch (Exception e)

        public ActionResult Edit(volunteer_profile volunteer)
            var repository = new VolunteerRepository();
            var oVolunteer = repository.GetbyGuid(volunteer.RowGuid);
            var cu         = Session["user"] as ContextUser;

            if (volunteer.SubmitButton == "reject")
                oVolunteer.IsRejected = true;
                oVolunteer.RejectedBy = cu.OUser.Username;
                oVolunteer.ApprovedAtLevel1Comments = volunteer.ApprovedAtLevel1Comments;
                oVolunteer.ApprovedAtLevel2Comments = volunteer.ApprovedAtLevel2Comments;
                oVolunteer.ApprovedAtLevel3Comments = volunteer.ApprovedAtLevel3Comments;

                repository.Put(oVolunteer.Id, oVolunteer);
            if (volunteer.SubmitButton == "otdate")
                //   oVolunteer.OTDateTime = DateTime.Parse(volunteer.OTDateString);
                oVolunteer.OTId         = volunteer.OTId;
                oVolunteer.OTIdAssigner = cu.OUser.Id;
                repository.Put(oVolunteer.Id, oVolunteer);
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { status = "approved" }));
            if (volunteer.SubmitButton == "accept")
                //todo: send notification to super admin
                if (oVolunteer.OTIdAssigner != null)
                    var ot                    = new OTRepository().Get(oVolunteer.OTId.Value);
                    var admin                 = new AccountRepository().Get(oVolunteer.OTIdAssigner.Value);
                    var bogusController       = Util.CreateController <EmailTemplateController>();
                    EmailTemplateModel emodel =
                        new EmailTemplateModel
                        Title         = "Injaz: accepted by volunteer.",
                        VolunteerName = oVolunteer.VolunteerName,
                        User          = admin.FirstName,
                        OTSubject     = ot.Subject
                    string body =
                        Util.RenderViewToString(bogusController.ControllerContext, "VolunteerAcceptsOT", emodel);
                    EmailSender.SendSupportEmail(body, admin.Email);

                oVolunteer.OTAcceptedByVolunteer = volunteer.OTAcceptedByVolunteer;
                repository.Put(oVolunteer.Id, oVolunteer);
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", oVolunteer.RowGuid));
            if (volunteer.SubmitButton == "otattendense")
                oVolunteer.OTAttendenceForVolunteer = volunteer.OTAttendenceForVolunteer;
                repository.Put(oVolunteer.Id, oVolunteer);
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { status = "approved" }));
            ApprovedBylevel(volunteer, repository, oVolunteer, cu);
Beispiel #20
        public void EnsureICanGetInstanceOfRepo()
            //Arrange //Act
            VolunteerRepository repo = new VolunteerRepository();

Beispiel #21
        public void Initialize()
            mock_context    = new Mock <VolunteerContext>();
            mock_users      = new Mock <DbSet <VolunteerUser> >();
            mock_activities = new Mock <DbSet <VolunteerActivity> >();
            mock_app_users  = new Mock <DbSet <ApplicationUser> >();
            Repo            = new VolunteerRepository(mock_context.Object);

            ApplicationUser fredj = new ApplicationUser {
                Email = "*****@*****.**", UserName = "******", Id = "1234567"
            ApplicationUser susanm = new ApplicationUser {
                Email = "*****@*****.**", UserName = "******", Id = "1234568"

            //mock users created
            app_users = new List <ApplicationUser>()

                new VolunteerUser {
                    VolunteerUserId = 1,
                    BaseUser        = fredj
                new VolunteerUser
                    VolunteerUserId = 2,
                    BaseUser        = susanm
            //mock activities created to test the methods for adding, etc. to database
            mock_activities = new List <VolunteerActivity>
                new VolunteerActivity
                    mock_users         = "susanm",
                    ActivityId         = 3,
                    OrgName            = "The Nashville Rescue Mission",
                    Date               = DateTime.Now,
                    NumberHours        = 8,
                    Mileage            = 11,
                    DollarsContributed = 20
                new VolunteerActivity
                    mock_users         = "fredj",
                    ActivityId         = 5,
                    OrgName            = "Second Harvest",
                    Date               = DateTime.Now,
                    NumberHours        = 2,
                    Mileage            = 3,
                    DollarsContributed = 25
        public async Task <IActionResult> VolunteerInfo(int id)
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            VolunteerRepository repo         = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            CalendarRepository  calendarRepo = new CalendarRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            VolunteerModel      volunteer;
            AttendanceModel     attendance;
            bool checkedIn = false;

            // Ensure that ONLY staff accounts have access to this API endpoint
            if (user == null || !await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized"));

            if (id == 0)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Must include an id"));

                volunteer = repo.GetVolunteer(id);
            catch (Exception e)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson(configModel.DebugMode ? e.Message : "An error occurred while accessing the database."));

            if (volunteer == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Invalid id"));

                attendance = calendarRepo.GetSingleAttendance(volunteer.Id, DateTime.Now.Date);

                // determine if the current user has been checked in today
                if (attendance != null && attendance.Attended == true)
                    checkedIn = true;
            catch (Exception e)

            return(new JsonResult(new
                Error = "",
                Volunteer = volunteer,
                CheckedIn = checkedIn
Beispiel #23
        public async Task <IActionResult> AnnouncementCreation(AnnouncementModel announcement) // TODO: put in parameter list
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            AnnouncementRepository ancRepo       = new AnnouncementRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            VolunteerRepository    volunteerRepo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            VolunteerModel         volunteer;

            // Ensure that ONLY staff accounts have access to this API endpoint
            if (user == null || !await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized"));

            // Get the current user's volunteer profile so we can get their name
            volunteer = volunteerRepo.GetVolunteer(user.VolunteerId);

            // Validate the inputs
            // Note that in C#, DateTimes are never null, so instead of checking for null, we check for DateTime.MinValue, which is the
            // default value that ASP.NET's model binding will provide if the date is not included in the API call.
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(announcement.Title))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Title field cannot be empty"));
            if (announcement.StartDate == DateTime.MinValue || announcement.EndDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Start and end date must be provided"));
            if (announcement.StartDate > announcement.EndDate)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Start date must be no later than end date"));

                ancRepo.CreateAnnouncement(new AnnouncementModel
                    Title        = announcement.Title,
                    Message      = announcement.Message,
                    Author       = volunteer.FirstName + " " + volunteer.LastName,
                    LastUpdateBy = volunteer.FirstName + " " + volunteer.LastName,
                    StartDate    = announcement.StartDate,
                    EndDate      = announcement.EndDate
            catch (Exception e)

            return(new JsonResult(new
                Error = ""
        public void VolunteerRepository_GetVolunteerByClaimedIdentifier_Test()
            string claimedIdentifier = "";

            VolunteerRepository volunteerRepository = new VolunteerRepository();

            Volunteer volunteer = volunteerRepository.GetVolunteerByClaimedIdentifier(claimedIdentifier);

Beispiel #25
        public async Task <IActionResult> CancelEvent(EventViewModel eventViewModel)
            int eventId = eventViewModel.eventId;
            var user    = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            VolunteerRepository volRepo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            CalendarRepository  repo    = new CalendarRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            VolunteerModel      volunteer;
            EventModel          eventModel;
            EventSignupModel    signup;

            // Ensure that ONLY volunteer, volunteer captain, and bus driver accounts have access to this API endpoint
            if (user == null ||
                !(await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, UserHelpers.UserRoles.Volunteer.ToString()) ||
                  await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, UserHelpers.UserRoles.VolunteerCaptain.ToString()) ||
                  await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, UserHelpers.UserRoles.BusDriver.ToString())))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Event signup is available only to volunteers, volunteer captains, and bus drivers"));

            volunteer = volRepo.GetVolunteer(user.VolunteerId);

            if (volunteer == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Unable to find volunteer profile"));

            eventModel = repo.GetEvent(eventId);

            // Verify that the specified event exists
            if (eventModel == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Specified event does not exist."));

            // Check if there is already a record of this user having signed up
            signup = repo.GetEventSignup(eventId, volunteer.Id);

            if (signup == null)
                // If no record exists of the user signing up, or they have already cancelled, then let them know
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("You are not signed up for this event"));
                // Otherwise, update the record to indicate non-attendance
                repo.DeleteEventSignup(eventId, volunteer.Id);

            return(new JsonResult(new
                Error = ""
Beispiel #26
        public async Task <IActionResult> AnnouncementEdit(AnnouncementModel announcement)
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            AnnouncementRepository repo = new AnnouncementRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            AnnouncementModel      dbAnc;
            VolunteerRepository    volunteerRepo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            VolunteerModel         volunteer;

            // Ensure that ONLY staff accounts have access to this API endpoint
            if (user == null || !await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized"));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(announcement.Title))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Title field cannot be empty"));
            if (announcement.StartDate == DateTime.MinValue || announcement.EndDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Start and end date must be provided"));
            if (announcement.StartDate > announcement.EndDate)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Start date must be no later than end date"));

            dbAnc = repo.GetAnnouncement(announcement.Id);

            if (dbAnc == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not a valid announcement"));

            volunteer = volunteerRepo.GetVolunteer(user.VolunteerId);

            announcement.LastUpdateBy = volunteer.FirstName + " " + volunteer.LastName;

            catch (Exception e)

            return(new JsonResult(new
                Error = "",
                Announcement = repo.GetAnnouncement(announcement.Id)
        public ActionResult AfterExternalLoginCallBack(string username, string email, string providerKey, string provider, string prfileurl, string fullname)
            var cu = new ContextUser
                OUser = new user
                    Username = username,
                    Email    = email
                EnumRole   = EnumUserRole.Volunteer,
                GoogleId   = provider == "Google" ? providerKey : null,
                LinkedInId = provider == "LinkedIn" ? providerKey : null,
                FullName   = fullname,
                ProfileUrl = prfileurl

            FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(username, false);
            var repository = new VolunteerRepository();
            volunteer_profile oVoluntee = null;

            Session["user"] = cu;
            if (provider == "Google")
                oVoluntee = repository.Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.GoogleSigninId == providerKey);
            else if (provider == "user")
                oVoluntee = repository.Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == int.Parse(providerKey));
                oVoluntee = repository.Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.LinkedInSignInId == providerKey);
            if (oVoluntee != null)
                cu.OUser.Id     = oVoluntee.Id;
                Session["user"] = cu;
                if (oVoluntee.IsApprovedAtLevel1 != null && oVoluntee.IsApprovedAtLevel1.Value &&
                    oVoluntee.IsApprovedAtLevel2 != null && oVoluntee.IsApprovedAtLevel2.Value &&
                    oVoluntee.IsApprovedAtLevel3 != null && oVoluntee.IsApprovedAtLevel3.Value &&
                    return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Supervisor", new { id = oVoluntee.RowGuid }));
                if (oVoluntee.OTAttendenceForVolunteer)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Session"));
                return(RedirectToAction("VolunteerProfile", "Volunteer"));
            return(RedirectToAction("VolunteerProfile", "Volunteer"));
Beispiel #28
        public async Task <IActionResult> PasswordResetRequest(PasswordResetViewModel vm)
            string email = vm.Email;
            string token;
            var    user = await userManager.FindByNameAsync(email);

            VolunteerRepository repo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            VolunteerModel      profile;

            if (!UserHelpers.IsValidEmail(email))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Must provide a valid email address"));

            if (user == null)

                profile = repo.GetVolunteer(user.VolunteerId);
            catch (Exception)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Unable to get volunteer profile - please try again later."));

            if (profile == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Unable to get volunteer profile - please try again later."));

            token = await userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user);

                await EmailHelpers.SendEmail(email, "Password Reset - OCC",
                                             $"Hello {profile.PreferredName + " " + profile.LastName},\n\n" +
                                             "You are receiving this email because you requested a password reset for Orlando Children's Church. " +
                                             "In order to reset your password, please follow the link below, or copy/paste the code below when prompted.\n\n" +
                                             "Link:" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(email) + "&token=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(token) + "\n\n" +
                                             $"Code: {token}\n\n" +
                                             "This code will be valid for 1 hour.  If you did not request a password reset, please ignore this email.",
            catch (Exception)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("An error occurred and a password reset email could not be sent.  Please try again later."));

            return(new JsonResult(new { token = token }));
Beispiel #29
        public async Task <IActionResult> CheckInBusDriver(DriverCheckInModel model)
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            CheckInRepository   repo    = new CheckInRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            VolunteerRepository volRepo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            VolunteerModel      profile;

            if (user == null ||
                !(await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString())))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized."));

            if (model == null || model.Id == 0)
                return(Utilities.GenerateMissingInputMessage("bus driver id"));

            if (model.Date == DateTime.MinValue)

            if (model.Date.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Drivers can only be checked in for Saturdays"));

            if (DateTime.Today.Date.AddDays(7) < model.Date)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Date is too far in the future.  Bus drivers can only be checked in for the next Saturday"));

                profile = volRepo.GetVolunteer(model.Id);

                if (profile == null || profile.Role != UserHelpers.UserRoles.BusDriver.ToString())
                    return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not a valid bus driver"));

                repo.CheckInBusDriver(model.Id, model.Date);
            catch (Exception e)

Beispiel #30
 public UnitOfWork(ContextDb context)
     this.context = context;
     Language     = new LanguageRepository(context);
     LanguageData = new LanguageDataRepository(context);
     Partners     = new PartnerRepository(context);
     Photo        = new PhotoRepository(context);
     Slider       = new SliderRepository(context);
     Volunteer    = new VolunteerRepository(context);
     Gallery      = new GalleryRepository(context);
     News         = new NewsRepository(context);
     Tag          = new TagRepository(context);
        public async Task <IActionResult> VolunteerJobsEdit(VolunteerJobModel job)
            VolunteerRepository repo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            VolunteerJobModel dbJob = null;

            // Verify the user is a staff member
            if (!User.IsInRole(UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Not authorized"));

            dbJob = repo.GetVolunteerJob(job.Id, DateTime.MinValue);

            // Get job from database to check that it exists
            if (dbJob == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Invalid id"));

            // Validate inputs
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.Name))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Name is required"));
            if (job.Min < 0)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Minimum number of volunteers for ajob must be non-negative"));
            if (job.Max <= 0)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Maximum number of volunteers for a job must be positive"));
            if (job.Max < job.Min)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Maximum number of volunteers for a job cannot be less than the minimum number of volunteers"));

            catch (Exception e)

Beispiel #32
 public ProfileController(VolunteerRepository volunteerRepository)
     this.volunteerRepository = volunteerRepository;
Beispiel #33
 public ProfileController()
     volunteerRepository = new VolunteerRepository();
Beispiel #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Authenticates the volunteer using Open ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelState">The current ModelState dictionary.</param>
        /// <returns>The authenticated volunteer.</returns>
        public Volunteer Authenticate(ModelStateDictionary modelState)
            Volunteer volunteer = null;

            // Guard against a canceled response.
            if (AuthenticationResponse.Status == AuthenticationStatus.Canceled)
                modelState.AddModelError("OpenIdUrl", "The sign in was canceled.");
                return volunteer;

            // Guard against a failed response.
            if (AuthenticationResponse.Status == AuthenticationStatus.Failed)
                modelState.AddModelError("OpenIdUrl", AuthenticationResponse.Exception.Message);
                return volunteer;

            if (AuthenticationResponse.Status == AuthenticationStatus.Authenticated)
                volunteer = new VolunteerRepository()

                // Guard against a new volunteer authenticating, but they are not
                // in the database yet.
                if (volunteer == null)
                    HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Set(CreateCookie("New Volunteer",
                    return volunteer;

                string volunteerName = MvcHtmlString.Create(volunteer.FirstName + " " + volunteer.LastName).ToHtmlString();

                return volunteer;

            // TODO Log how we ended up here.
            modelState.AddModelError("OpenIdUrl", "An unknown error occurred.");
            return volunteer;