Beispiel #1
        public async Task ConnectAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                       [Description("Channel.")] DiscordChannel channel = null)
            VoiceNextExtension vnext = ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext();

            if (vnext == null)
                throw new CommandFailedException("VNext is not enabled or configured.");

            VoiceNextConnection vnc = vnext.GetConnection(ctx.Guild);

            if (vnc != null)
                throw new CommandFailedException("Already connected in this guild.");

            DiscordVoiceState vstat = ctx.Member?.VoiceState;

            if ((vstat == null || vstat.Channel == null) && channel == null)
                throw new CommandFailedException("You are not in a voice channel.");

            if (channel == null)
                channel = vstat.Channel;

            vnc = await vnext.ConnectAsync(channel);

            await this.InformAsync(ctx, StaticDiscordEmoji.Headphones, $"Connected to {Formatter.Bold(channel.Name)}.", important : false);
Beispiel #2
        public Task DisconnectAsync(CommandContext ctx)
            VoiceNextExtension vnext = ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext();

            if (vnext == null)
                throw new CommandFailedException("VNext is not enabled or configured.");

            VoiceNextConnection vnc = vnext.GetConnection(ctx.Guild);

            if (vnc == null)
                throw new CommandFailedException("Not connected in this guild.");

            if (MusicPlayers.ContainsKey(ctx.Guild.Id))
                MusicPlayers.TryRemove(ctx.Guild.Id, out _);

            // TODO check await Task.Delay(500);

            return(this.InformAsync(ctx, StaticDiscordEmoji.Headphones, "Disconnected.", important: false));
Beispiel #3
        public Bot()
            Instance = this;

            DiscordConfiguration discordConfiguration = new DiscordConfiguration()
                AutoReconnect         = true,
                Token                 = Config.Instance.Token,
                TokenType             = TokenType.Bot,
                UseInternalLogHandler = true,
                LogLevel              = LogLevel.Info,
                DateTimeFormat        = "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"

            discord = new DiscordClient(discordConfiguration);
            discord.DebugLogger.LogMessageReceived += LogMessageReceived;

            interactivity = discord.UseInteractivity(new InteractivityConfiguration());
            voice         = discord.UseVoiceNext();
            commands      = discord.UseCommandsNext(new CommandsNextConfiguration()
                StringPrefixes = new[] { Config.Instance.Prefix },
                CaseSensitive  = false

            commands.RegisterCommands <GeneralCommands>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <AudioModule>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <MinecraftCommands>();
            commands.CommandErrored  += CommandErrored;
            commands.CommandExecuted += CommandExecuted;
            //discord.MessageCreated += MessageCreated;
            discord.Ready += Ready;
Beispiel #4
        public async Task Join(CommandContext ctx,
                               DiscordChannel chn = null)
            _vnext = ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext();
            if (_vnext == null)
                await ctx.RespondAsync(":x: VNext is not enabled or configured.");

            VoiceNextConnection vnc = _vnext.GetConnection(ctx.Guild);

            if (vnc != null)
                await ctx.RespondAsync("Already connected.");

            DiscordVoiceState vstat = ctx.Member?.VoiceState;

            if (vstat?.Channel == null && chn == null)
                await ctx.RespondAsync("You are not in a voice channel.");

            if (chn == null)
                chn = vstat.Channel;
            await chn.ConnectAsync();

            await ctx.RespondAsync($"Connected to `{chn.Name}`");
Beispiel #5
        public async Task Leave(CommandContext ctx)
            DiscordMessage tmp = await ctx.RespondAsync("DC");

            VoiceNextExtension vnext = ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext();
            await tmp.DeleteAsync();

            tmp = await ctx.RespondAsync("DC: GVNC");

            VoiceNextConnection vnc = vnext.GetConnection(ctx.Guild);
            await tmp.DeleteAsync();

            tmp = await ctx.RespondAsync("DC: CVNC");

            if (vnc == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Not connected in this guild.");
            await tmp.DeleteAsync();

            tmp = await ctx.RespondAsync("DC: DCXC");

            await tmp.DeleteAsync();

            await ctx.RespondAsync("👌");
Beispiel #6
            private async Task ConnectAndAddToQueueAsync(CommandContext ctx, SongInfo si)
                VoiceNextExtension vnext = ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext();

                if (vnext == null)
                    throw new CommandFailedException("VNext is not enabled or configured.");

                VoiceNextConnection vnc = vnext.GetConnection(ctx.Guild);

                if (vnc == null)
                    await this.ConnectAsync(ctx);

                    vnc = vnext.GetConnection(ctx.Guild);

                if (MusicPlayers.ContainsKey(ctx.Guild.Id))
                    await ctx.RespondAsync("Added to queue:", embed : si.ToDiscordEmbed(this.ModuleColor));
                    if (!MusicPlayers.TryAdd(ctx.Guild.Id, new MusicPlayer(ctx.Client, ctx.Channel, vnc)))
                        throw new ConcurrentOperationException("Failed to initialize music player!");
                    var t = Task.Run(() => MusicPlayers[ctx.Guild.Id].StartAsync());
Beispiel #7
        public AudioPlayerModule(ILogger <AudioPlayerModule> logger, IBotCoreModule botCoreModule, AudioPlayer config)
            // These dlls are imported via DllImportAttribute which does not trigger BotRunner's assembly resolve functionality
            string opus = "libopus.dll", sodium = "libsodium.dll";


            _logger        = logger;
            _botCoreModule = botCoreModule;
            _botCoreModule.CommandHandler.RegisterCommands <AudioPlayerCommands>();
            _botCoreModule.DiscordClient.VoiceStateUpdated += VoiceStateUpdated;

            _config             = config;
            _voiceNextExtension = _botCoreModule.DiscordClient.UseVoiceNext(new VoiceNextConfiguration {
                EnableIncoming = false

            foreach (Track track in config.Tracks)
                if (track.FileName != null && track.FileNames != null)
                    _logger.LogWarning($"Track \"{track.Name}\" has a file name and a list of file names, if the file name is not also included in the list it will not be used as a trigger!");
Beispiel #8
 private async Task Client_MessageCreatedAsync(DSharpPlus.EventArgs.MessageCreateEventArgs e)
     if (e.Message.Content.Contains(":foodReview:"))
         VoiceNextExtension voiceNextClient = Program.Client.GetVoiceNext();
         VoiceNextConnection voiceNextCon = voiceNextClient.GetConnection(e.Guild);
         if (voiceNextCon == null)
             foreach (DiscordVoiceState vs in e.Guild.VoiceStates)
                 if (vs.User.Username.Equals(e.Author.Username))
                     voiceNextCon = await voiceNextClient.ConnectAsync(vs.Channel);
         if (voiceNextCon == null)
             // user wasnt in a voice channel
             // await PlayAudio(voiceNextCon, @"AudioFiles\foodReview.mp3");
Beispiel #9
        public JosephineBot(JosephineConfig cfg, int shardid)
            Config = cfg;

            var dcfg = new DiscordConfiguration
                AutoReconnect         = true,
                LargeThreshold        = 250,
                LogLevel              = LogLevel.Debug,
                Token                 = Config.Token,
                TokenType             = TokenType.Bot,
                UseInternalLogHandler = false,
                ShardId               = shardid,
                ShardCount            = Config.ShardCount,
                MessageCacheSize      = 2048,
                DateTimeFormat        = "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz"

            debugMode = Config.debug;
            Discord   = new DiscordClient(dcfg);

            Discord.DebugLogger.LogMessageReceived += this.DebugLogger_LogMessageRecieved;
            Discord.Ready          += this.Client_Ready;
            Discord.ClientErrored  += this.Client_ClientError;
            Discord.GuildUpdated   += this.Discord_GuildUpdated;
            Discord.ChannelDeleted += this.Discord_ChannelDeleted;
            Discord.MessageCreated += this.Client_Chat;
            Discord.MessageUpdated += this.MessageUpdated;
            //Discord.GuildMemberAdded += this.Join_Chat;

            var vcfg = new VoiceNextConfiguration
                AudioFormat    = AudioFormat.Default,
                EnableIncoming = true

            VoiceService = Discord.UseVoiceNext(vcfg);

            var depco = new ServiceCollection();

            // commandsnext config and the commandsnext service itself
            var cncfg = new CommandsNextConfiguration
                StringPrefixes           = Config.CommandPrefixes,
                EnableDms                = false,
                EnableMentionPrefix      = true,
                CaseSensitive            = false,
                Services                 = depco.BuildServiceProvider(true),
                IgnoreExtraArguments     = false,
                UseDefaultCommandHandler = true,

            this.CommandsNextService = Discord.UseCommandsNext(cncfg);
            this.CommandsNextService.CommandErrored  += this.CommandsNextService_CommandErrored;
            this.CommandsNextService.CommandExecuted += this.Commands_CommandExecuted;
            this.CommandsNextService.SetHelpFormatter <HelpFormatter>();
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Connect to a Voicechannel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channel"></param>
        /// <param name="voiceNext"></param>
        /// <returns>true when successfuly connected, false if not</returns>
        public async Task <bool> ConnectToChannel(DiscordChannel channel, VoiceNextExtension voiceNext)
            if (channel.Type == DSharpPlus.ChannelType.Voice)
                Vnc = await voiceNext.ConnectAsync(channel);

Beispiel #11
        public async Task RunAsync()
            var json = string.Empty;

            using (var fs = File.OpenRead("config.json"))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var configJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigJson>(json);

            var config = new DiscordConfiguration
                Token                 = configJson.Token,
                TokenType             = TokenType.Bot,
                AutoReconnect         = true,
                LogLevel              = LogLevel.Debug,
                UseInternalLogHandler = true,

            Client = new DiscordClient(config);

            Client.Ready += OnClientReady;

            Client.UseInteractivity(new InteractivityConfiguration
                Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)

            var commandsConfig = new CommandsNextConfiguration
                StringPrefixes      = new string[] { configJson.Prefix },
                EnableDms           = false,
                EnableMentionPrefix = true,

            Commands = Client.UseCommandsNext(commandsConfig);

            Commands.RegisterCommands <TestCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <MusicCommands>();

            var voiceConfiguration = new VoiceNextConfiguration
                //configuration of voice

            Voice = Client.UseVoiceNext(voiceConfiguration);

            await Client.ConnectAsync();

            await Task.Delay(-1); //fix for premature disconnect, delays eternally
Beispiel #12
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            Globals.BotSettings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Settings>(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(Globals.AppPath, "config.json")));

                if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Globals.AppPath, "Queue")))
                    Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(Globals.AppPath, "Queue"), true);
                // Consume "Directory not empty" error

            discord = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration
                Token                 = Globals.BotSettings.Token,
                TokenType             = TokenType.Bot,
                UseInternalLogHandler = true,
                LogLevel              = LogLevel.Debug,
                AutoReconnect         = true

            commands = discord.UseCommandsNext(new CommandsNextConfiguration
                StringPrefixes      = new [] { "=" },
                EnableMentionPrefix = true,
                EnableDms           = false


            commands.CommandExecuted += Commands_CommandExecuted;
            commands.CommandErrored  += Commands_CommandErrored;

            interactivity = discord.UseInteractivity(new InteractivityConfiguration

            voice = discord.UseVoiceNext(new VoiceNextConfiguration
                VoiceApplication = VoiceApplication.Music

            discord.MessageCreated += Discord_MessageCreated;
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit;

            await discord.ConnectAsync();

            await Task.Delay(-1);
Beispiel #13
        public async Task Play(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string queryString)
            VoiceNextExtension vnext = ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext();

            VoiceNextConnection vnc = vnext.GetConnection(ctx.Guild);

            if (vnc == null)
                DiscordChannel chn = ctx.Member?.VoiceState?.Channel;
                if (chn == null)
                    throw new OutputException("You need to be in a voice channel.");

                await vnext.ConnectAsync(chn);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryString))
                await this.Queue(ctx, queryString);

                if (!GuildMusicStatuses.TryGetValue(ctx.Guild.Id, out MusicStatus musicStatus))
                    GuildMusicStatuses.Add(ctx.Guild.Id, new MusicStatus
                        Skip = false

                    if (ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext().GetConnection(ctx.Guild) != null)
                    if (!musicStatus.Skip && ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext().GetConnection(ctx.Guild) != null)


            if (!GuildMusicStatuses.TryGetValue(ctx.Guild.Id, out MusicStatus _))
                GuildMusicStatuses.Add(ctx.Guild.Id, new MusicStatus {
                    Skip = false

Beispiel #14
        public async Task RunAsync()
            var json = string.Empty;

            await using (var fs = File.OpenRead("config.json"))
                using var sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false));
                json         = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var configJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigJson>(json);

            var config = new DiscordConfiguration
                Token           = configJson.Token,
                TokenType       = TokenType.Bot,
                AutoReconnect   = true,
                MinimumLogLevel = LogLevel.Debug

            Client = new DiscordClient(config);

            Client.Ready          += OnClientReady;
            Client.GuildAvailable += OnGuildAvailable;
            Client.ClientErrored  += Client_ClientError;

            Client.UseInteractivity(new InteractivityConfiguration
                Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)

            var commandsConfig = new CommandsNextConfiguration
                StringPrefixes      = new [] { configJson.Prefix },
                EnableDms           = false,
                EnableMentionPrefix = true,

            Commands = Client.UseCommandsNext(commandsConfig);

            Commands.CommandExecuted += Commands_CommandExecuted;
            Commands.CommandErrored  += Commands_CommandErrored;

            Commands.RegisterCommands <LolCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <TeamCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <PolcrazCommands>();

            Voices = Client.UseVoiceNext();

            await Client.ConnectAsync();

            await Task.Delay(-1);
Beispiel #15
        public async Task RunAsync()
            var json = string.Empty;

            using (var fs = File.OpenRead("config.json"))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            configJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(json);

            var config = new DiscordConfiguration
                Token                 = configJson["Token"],
                TokenType             = TokenType.Bot,
                AutoReconnect         = true,
                LogLevel              = LogLevel.Debug,
                UseInternalLogHandler = true

            Client                 = new DiscordClient(config);
            Client.Ready          += OnClientReady;
            Client.MessageDeleted += MessageLogger;

            Client.UseInteractivity(new InteractivityConfiguration {

            var commandsConfig = new CommandsNextConfiguration
                StringPrefixes       = new string[] { configJson["Prefix"] },
                CaseSensitive        = false,
                EnableDms            = false,
                EnableMentionPrefix  = true,
                EnableDefaultHelp    = false,
                IgnoreExtraArguments = true

            Commands = Client.UseCommandsNext(commandsConfig);

            Commands.RegisterCommands <ModerationCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <OsuCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <UtilityCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <ImageCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <VoiceCommands>();

            Commands.CommandErrored += OnCommandError;

            Voice = Client.UseVoiceNext();

            await Client.ConnectAsync();

            await Task.Delay(-1);
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Plays music through the music process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vnext">VoiceNext instance</param>
        /// <param name="guild">Guild reference</param>
        /// <param name="song_path">Path to MP3 music file</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task PlayFromMemory(VoiceNextExtension vnext, DiscordGuild guild, DiscordMember requested_by, string song_path)
            var vnc = vnext.GetConnection(guild);

            if (vnc == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"I'm not connected to any voice channel! {DiscordEmoji.FromName(vnext.Client, ":thinking:")}");

            if (!File.Exists(song_path))
                throw new FileNotFoundException($"Music file not found! {DiscordEmoji.FromName(vnext.Client, ":(")}");

            if (!this.MusicChannels.TryGetValue(guild.Id, out GuildMusicChannel channel))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No music channel associated with this guild!");

            this.EnqueueSong(channel, new MusicData
                Source      = song_path,
                Channel     = channel,
                RequestedBy = requested_by,
                MusicType   = MusicTypes.MEMORY

            // Something it's being already played, limit to just enqueueing
            if (channel.IsPlaying)

            var txStream = vnc.GetTransmitStream();

            txStream.VolumeModifier = channel.Volume / 100f;

            // Start speaking
            channel.IsPlaying = true;
            channel.MusicProc = new MusicProcess(song_path, ProcessStartMode.OUTPUT);

            var ffout = channel.MusicProc.FFMpeg.StandardOutput.BaseStream;
            await ffout.CopyToAsync(txStream);

            await txStream.FlushAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            await vnc.WaitForPlaybackFinishAsync();

            // Stop speaking (also sets IsPlaying to false)
            await this.TryDequeueSong(channel);
Beispiel #17
        private void BuildClient()
            __discord = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration
                Token           = __config.GetValue <string>("discord:token"),
                TokenType       = TokenType.Bot,
                MinimumLogLevel = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Error

            __interactivity = __discord.UseInteractivity();
            __voice         = __discord.UseVoiceNext();
            __lavalink      = __discord.UseLavalink();
Beispiel #18
        public async Task RunAsync()
            var json = string.Empty;

            using (var fs = File.OpenRead("config.json"))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var configJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigJson>(json);

            var config = new DiscordConfiguration
                Token           = configJson.Token,
                TokenType       = TokenType.Bot,
                AutoReconnect   = true,
                MinimumLogLevel = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Debug,

            Client = new DiscordClient(config);

            Client.Ready += Client_Ready;

            Client.UseInteractivity(new InteractivityConfiguration
                Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)

            var commandsConfig = new CommandsNextConfiguration
                StringPrefixes      = new string[] { configJson.Prefix },
                EnableMentionPrefix = true,
                EnableDms           = false,
                DmHelp = true,

            Commands = Client.UseCommandsNext(commandsConfig);
            Commands.RegisterCommands <FunCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <TeamCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <UtilitaryCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <SpecialCommands>();

            voice = Client.UseVoiceNext();

            await Client.ConnectAsync();

            await Task.Delay(-1);
Beispiel #19
 public async Task StopListen(CommandContext ctx)
     if (await IsClientConnected(ctx))
         VoiceNextExtension  voiceNextClient = ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext();
         VoiceNextConnection voiceNextCon    = ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext().GetConnection(ctx.Guild);
         if (voiceNextClient.IsIncomingEnabled)
             this.ssrcMap                = new ConcurrentDictionary <uint, ulong>();
             this.ssrcFilemap            = new ConcurrentDictionary <uint, FileStream>();
             voiceNextCon.VoiceReceived += null;
             voiceNextCon.UserSpeaking  += null;
Beispiel #20
        public async Task StartListen(CommandContext ctx)
            await JoinIfNotConnected(ctx);

            VoiceNextExtension  voiceNextClient = ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext();
            VoiceNextConnection voiceNextCon    = voiceNextClient.GetConnection(ctx.Guild);

            if (voiceNextClient.IsIncomingEnabled)
                this.ssrcMap                = new ConcurrentDictionary <uint, ulong>();
                this.ssrcFilemap            = new ConcurrentDictionary <uint, FileStream>();
                voiceNextCon.VoiceReceived += this.OnVoiceReceived;
                voiceNextCon.UserSpeaking  += this.OnUserSpeaking;
Beispiel #21
        }                                             //To play music
        public async Task RunAsync()
            //Read config from JSON file
            var json = string.Empty;

            using (var fs = File.OpenRead("config.json"))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    json = sr.ReadToEnd();

            var configJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigJson>(json);

            var config = new DiscordConfiguration
                Token                 = configJson.Token,
                TokenType             = TokenType.Bot,
                AutoReconnect         = true,
                LogLevel              = LogLevel.Debug,
                UseInternalLogHandler = true,

            Client = new DiscordClient(config);

            Client.Ready += OnClientReady;

            Client.UseInteractivity(new InteractivityConfiguration
                Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)

            var commandsConfig = new CommandsNextConfiguration
                StringPrefixes      = new string[] { configJson.Prefix },
                EnableDms           = false,
                EnableMentionPrefix = true,
                DmHelp = false //Bot will send you private message with help command

            Commands = Client.UseCommandsNext(commandsConfig); //To use commands
            Voice    = Client.UseVoiceNext();                  //To play msucic

            //Register our own commands
            Commands.RegisterCommands <NetworkCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <MusicCommands>(); //Commands that will take care of playing music

            await Client.ConnectAsync();

            await Task.Delay(-1); //this is to prevent the bot to quit unexpectedly
Beispiel #22
            public async Task PlayFileAsync(CommandContext ctx,
                                            [RemainingText, Description("Full path to the file to play.")] string filename)
                VoiceNextExtension vnext = ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext();

                if (vnext == null)
                    throw new CommandFailedException("VNext is not enabled or configured.");

                VoiceNextConnection vnc = vnext.GetConnection(ctx.Guild);

                if (vnc == null)
                    await this.ConnectAsync(ctx);

                    vnc = vnext.GetConnection(ctx.Guild);

                if (!File.Exists(filename))
                    throw new CommandFailedException($"File {Formatter.InlineCode(filename)} does not exist.");

                var si = new SongInfo()
                    Title    = filename,
                    Provider = "Server file system",
                    Query    = ctx.Client.CurrentUser.AvatarUrl,
                    Queuer   = ctx.User.Mention,
                    Uri      = filename

                if (MusicPlayers.ContainsKey(ctx.Guild.Id))
                    await ctx.RespondAsync("Added to queue:", embed : si.ToDiscordEmbed(this.ModuleColor));
                    if (!MusicPlayers.TryAdd(ctx.Guild.Id, new MusicPlayer(ctx.Client, ctx.Channel, vnc)))
                        throw new ConcurrentOperationException("Failed to initialize music player!");
                    await MusicPlayers[ctx.Guild.Id].StartAsync();
Beispiel #23
        public async Task RunAsync()
            var json = string.Empty;

            using (var fs = File.OpenRead("config.json"))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var configJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigJson>(json);

            var config = new DiscordConfiguration
                Token                 = configJson.Token,
                TokenType             = TokenType.Bot,
                AutoReconnect         = true,
                LogLevel              = LogLevel.Debug,
                UseInternalLogHandler = true

            Client = new DiscordClient(config);

            Client.Ready             += ClientReady;
            Client.VoiceStateUpdated += SeriousCommands.MemberJoin;

            Client.UseInteractivity(new InteractivityConfiguration
                Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)

            var commandsConfig = new CommandsNextConfiguration
                StringPrefixes      = new string[] { configJson.Prefix },
                EnableDms           = true,
                EnableMentionPrefix = true,
                DmHelp = true

            Commands = Client.UseCommandsNext(commandsConfig);

            Commands.RegisterCommands <FunCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <SeriousCommands>();

            voice = Client.UseVoiceNext();

            await Client.ConnectAsync();

            await Task.Delay(-1);
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Stops any currently playing music but does not disconnect from the voice channel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vnext">VoiceNext instance</param>
        /// <param name="guild">Guild reference</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task Stop(VoiceNextExtension vnext, DiscordGuild guild)
            var vnc = vnext.GetConnection(guild);

            if (vnc == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"I'm not connected to any voice channel! {DiscordEmoji.FromName(vnext.Client, ":thinking:")}");

            if (!this.MusicChannels.TryGetValue(guild.Id, out GuildMusicChannel channel))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No music channel associated with this guild!");

            await this.TryDequeueSong(channel);
Beispiel #25
        private async void AudioPlayingThread()
            while (true)
                    PlayQueueElement elementToPlay = playQueue.Take();
                    Program.Client.DebugLogger.Info($"Took [{elementToPlay.Filepath}] off the queue");

                    // Connect if not already
                    VoiceNextExtension  voiceNextClient = Program.Client.GetVoiceNext();
                    VoiceNextConnection voiceNextCon    = voiceNextClient.GetConnection(elementToPlay.GuildToJoin);
                    if (voiceNextCon == null)
                        Program.Client.DebugLogger.Info($"Not currently connected");
                        Task <VoiceNextConnection> voiceNextConTask = voiceNextClient.ConnectAsync(elementToPlay.ChannelToJoin);
                        voiceNextConTask.Wait(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3));
                        if (voiceNextConTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
                            voiceNextCon = voiceNextConTask.Result;
                            Program.Client.DebugLogger.Info($"Joined: {voiceNextCon.Channel}");
                            Program.Client.DebugLogger.Error($"Could not join: {elementToPlay.ChannelToJoin.Name}");

                    await PlayAudio(voiceNextCon, elementToPlay.Filepath);

                    if (playQueue.Count == 0)
                        Program.Client.DebugLogger.Info($"Leaving: {voiceNextCon.Channel}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Program.Client.DebugLogger.Critical($"Exception was caught in the Audio Thread: {ex}");
Beispiel #26
        public async Task RunAsync()
            var json = string.Empty;

            using (var fs = File.OpenRead("config.json"))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var configJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Config>(json);

            var config = new DiscordConfiguration()
                Token                 = configJson.Token,
                TokenType             = TokenType.Bot,
                AutoReconnect         = true,
                LogLevel              = LogLevel.Debug,
                UseInternalLogHandler = true

            Client = new DiscordClient(config);

            Client.Ready += OnClientReady;

            var commandsConfig = new CommandsNextConfiguration
                StringPrefixes      = new string[] { configJson.Prefix },
                EnableMentionPrefix = true,
                EnableDms           = false,
                DmHelp = true,

            Commands = Client.UseCommandsNext(commandsConfig);
            Commands.RegisterCommands <TestCommands>();

            Voice = Client.UseVoiceNext(new VoiceNextConfiguration {
                AudioFormat = AudioFormat.Default, EnableIncoming = true

            await Client.ConnectAsync();

            await Task.Delay(-1);
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Joins a voice channel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vnext">VoiceNext instance</param>
        /// <param name="voiceChannel">Voice channel to join</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <GuildMusicChannel> JoinVoiceChannel(VoiceNextExtension vnext, DiscordChannel voiceChannel)
            var vnc = vnext.GetConnection(voiceChannel.Guild);

            var channel = new GuildMusicChannel(voiceChannel.Guild);

            if (!this.MusicChannels.TryAdd(voiceChannel.GuildId, channel))
                // If the add fails, it means there is already a channel for this guild, recover it
                this.MusicChannels.TryGetValue(voiceChannel.GuildId, out channel);
            channel.IsConnected = true;

            if (vnc != null)

            vnc = await vnext.ConnectAsync(voiceChannel);

Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Leaves the voice channel where the bot is currently connected for a given guild
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vnext">VoiceNext instance</param>
        /// <param name="guild">Guild reference</param>
        public async Task LeaveVoiceChannel(VoiceNextExtension vnext, DiscordGuild guild)
            var vnc = vnext.GetConnection(guild);

            if (vnc == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"I'm not connected to any voice channel! {DiscordEmoji.FromName(vnext.Client, ":thinking:")}");

            if (!this.MusicChannels.TryGetValue(guild.Id, out GuildMusicChannel channel))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No music channel associated with this guild!");

            if (await this.TryDequeueSong(channel) && !channel.Queue.IsEmpty)

            channel.IsConnected = false;
Beispiel #29
        public async Task Join(CommandContext ctx)
            VoiceNextExtension vnext = ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext();

            VoiceNextConnection vnc = vnext.GetConnection(ctx.Guild);

            if (vnc != null)
                throw new OutputException("Already connected in this guild.");

            DiscordChannel chn = ctx.Member?.VoiceState?.Channel;

            if (chn == null)
                throw new OutputException("You need to be in a voice channel.");

            vnc = await vnext.ConnectAsync(chn);

            await ctx.RespondAsync($"Connected to channel {vnc.Channel.Name} successfully.");
Beispiel #30
        public async Task Join(CommandContext ctx)
            DiscordMessage tmp = await ctx.RespondAsync("JN: GVNC");

            VoiceNextExtension vnext = ctx.Client.GetVoiceNext();
            await tmp.DeleteAsync();

            tmp = await ctx.RespondAsync("JN: GGLD");

            VoiceNextConnection vnc = vnext.GetConnection(ctx.Guild);
            await tmp.DeleteAsync();

            tmp = await ctx.RespondAsync("JN: CVNC");

            if (vnc != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Already connected in this guild.");
            await tmp.DeleteAsync();

            tmp = await ctx.RespondAsync("JN: CCHN");

            DiscordChannel chn = ctx.Member?.VoiceState?.Channel;

            if (chn == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("You need to be in a voice channel.");
            await tmp.DeleteAsync();

            tmp = await ctx.RespondAsync("JN: CTXC");

            vnc = await vnext.ConnectAsync(chn);

            await tmp.DeleteAsync();

            await ctx.RespondAsync("👌Connected");