Beispiel #1
        private void AttachWordFrequencyOnSingleKanaMatch()
            _log.InfoFormat("Attaching word frequency on single kana match...");
            VocabDao dao = new VocabDao();

            foreach (string line in FileReadingHelper.ReadLineByLine(PathHelper.WordUsagePath, Encoding.UTF8))
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
                    string[] split = line.Trim().Split('|');
                    long?    rank  = ParsingHelper.ParseLong(split[0]);
                    if (split.Count() == 3 && rank.HasValue)
                        string kanjiReading = split[1];
                        string kanaReading  = split[2];
                        if (kanjiReading == kanaReading)
                            if (dao.UpdateFrequencyRankOnSingleKanaMatch(kanaReading, (int)rank.Value))
                                _log.InfoFormat("{0} has a frequency of {1}", kanaReading, rank.Value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Before going to the next step, read all items!
        /// </summary>
        public override bool OnNextStep()
            // Initialize fields
            _parent.NewEntries = new List <SrsEntry>();
            StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder();

            log.AppendLine(string.Format("Starting import with {0} line(s).", _parent.CsvLines.Count));
            int i        = 0;
            var vocabDao = new VocabDao();
            var kanjiDao = new KanjiDao();


            // Browse CSV lines!
            foreach (List <string> row in _parent.CsvLines)
                log.AppendFormat("l{0}: ", ++i);
                // Attempt to read the entry.
                SrsEntry entry = ReadEntry(row, vocabDao, kanjiDao, log);

                // Add the entry to the parent's list if not null.
                if (entry != null)


            // All items have been added.
            // Apply the timing preferences for items that do not have a review date.

            // Pray for the plural
            log.AppendLine(string.Format("Finished with {0} new entries.", _parent.NewEntries.Count));

            // Set the import log. We're good.
            _parent.ImportLog = log.ToString();