Beispiel #1
        public void Run_3ObservationsAnd2StatesAndRainySunnyModel_PathCount3()
            var algo = new Viterbi(false);

            var observations = new List <IObservation>
                new Observation(new double[] { 0 }, "walk"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 1 }, "shop"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 2 }, "clean")

            var startDistribution = new [] { 0.6, 0.4 };

            var states = new List <IState> {
                new State(0, "Rainy"), new State(1, "Sunny")

            var tpm = new double[][] { new[] { 0.7, 0.3 }, new[] { 0.4, 0.6 } };

            var distributions = new List <IDistribution> {
                new RainyDistribution(), new SunnyDistribution()

            var path = algo.Run(observations, states, startDistribution, tpm, distributions);

            Assert.AreEqual(path.Count, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual("Sunny", path[0].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("Rainy", path[1].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("Rainy", path[2].Description);
Beispiel #2
        public void Run_Normalized5ObservationsAnd3StatesAndHealthySickModel_PathCount5()
            var algo = new Viterbi(true);

            var observations = new List <IObservation>
                new Observation(new double[] { 0 }, "high"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 1 }, "average"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 1 }, "average"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 2 }, "low"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 2 }, "low")

            var startDistribution = new[] { 1 / 3d, 1 / 3d, 1 / 3d };

            var states = new List <IState> {
                new State(0, "Healthy"), new State(1, "OK"), new State(2, "Sick")

            var tpm = new double[][] { new[] { 0.4, 0.3, 0.3 }, new[] { 0.2, 0.6, 0.2 }, new[] { 0, 0.4, 0.6 } };

            var distributions = new List <IDistribution> {
                new HealthyDistribution(), new OkDistribution(), new SickDistribution()

            var path = algo.Run(observations, states, startDistribution, tpm, distributions);

            Assert.AreEqual(path.Count, 5);
            Assert.AreEqual("Healthy", path[0].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("OK", path[1].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("OK", path[2].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("Sick", path[3].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("Sick", path[4].Description);
Beispiel #3
        public void Run_3ObservationsAnd2StatesAnd123Model_PathCount3()
            var algo = new Viterbi(false);

            var observations = new List <IObservation>
                new Observation(new double[] { 0 }, "Red"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 1 }, "Blue"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 0 }, "Red")

            var startDistribution = new [] { 1 / 3d, 1 / 3d, 1 / 3d };

            var states = new List <IState> {
                new State(0, "One"), new State(1, "Two"), new State(2, "Three")

            var tpm = new double[][] { new[] { 0.3, 0.6, 0.1 }, new[] { 0.5, 0.2, 0.3 }, new[] { 0.4, 0.1, 0.5 } };

            var distributions = new List <IDistribution>
                new FirstDistribution(), new SecondDistribution(), new ThirdDistribution()

            var path = algo.Run(observations, states, startDistribution, tpm, distributions);

            Assert.AreEqual(path.Count, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual("One", path[0].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("Two", path[1].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("One", path[2].Description);
Beispiel #4
        public void HealthyFeverTest()
            double[,] A =
                { 0.7, 0.3 },
                { 0.4, 0.6 }

            double[,] B =
                { 0.5, 0.4, 0.1 },
                { 0.1, 0.3, 0.6 }

            double[] pi =
                0.6, 0.4

            int[] observation = { 0, 1, 2 };

            string[] Q = { "Healthy", "Fever" };
            int[]    V = { 0, 1, 2 };

            var T = observation.Length; // length of the observation sequence
            var N = Q.Length;           // number of states in the model (H, C)
            var M = V.Length;           // number of observation model (Small, Medium, Large)

            var expectedResult    = new string[] { "Healthy", "Healthy", "Fever" };
            var resultFromViterbi = Viterbi.GetResult(T, N, M, Q, V, A, B, pi, observation);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedResult, resultFromViterbi);
Beispiel #5
        private static void DemoDiscreteHamming()
            var config = CodeConfig.Size7_6d_4f;

            var input = 15003.GetBools(14)
                        .Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(false, 6));
            //var input = "11101010011011".ParseBools();

            var encoder = new Encoder(config, terminateCode: false);
            var output  = encoder.Encode(input);

            var viterbi  = Viterbi.CreateWithHammingDistance(config);
            var restored = viterbi.Solve(output);

            Console.WriteLine("Configuration: " + config);
            Console.WriteLine("Input:    " + input.Format());
            Console.WriteLine("Encoded:  " + output.Format());
            Console.WriteLine("Restored: " + restored.Message.Format());
            Console.Write($"Score:    {restored.BestEndScore:F2}");
            //if (restored.TerminationStateScore.HasValue)
            Console.Write($" / {restored.TerminationStateScore:F2}");
Beispiel #6
        public void Run_4ObservationsAnd2StatesAndSTModel_PathCount4()
            var observations = new List <IObservation>
                new Observation(new double[] { 0 }, "A"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 1 }, "B"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 1 }, "B"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 0 }, "A")

            var startDistribution = new[] { 0.85, 0.15 };

            var states = new List <IState> {
                new State(0, "s"), new State(1, "t")

            var tpm = new double[2][];

            tpm[0] = new[] { 0.3, 0.7 };
            tpm[1] = new[] { 0.1, 0.9 };

            var distributions = new List <IDistribution> {
                new HealthyDistribution(), new OkDistribution(), new SickDistribution()

            var algo = new Viterbi(false);
            var path = algo.Run(observations, states, startDistribution, tpm, distributions);

            Assert.AreEqual(path.Count, 4);
            Assert.AreEqual("s", path[0].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("t", path[1].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("t", path[2].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("t", path[3].Description);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tagger">A tagger that this instnace peeps in.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// It is usually easier to use <see cref="Hack.GetDictionaries{TNode}(MeCabTaggerBase{TNode})"/> than this constructor.
 /// </remarks>
 public DictionaryBundle(MeCabTaggerBase <TNode> tagger)
     NodeAllocator = Hack.GetFieldValue(tagger, "nodeAllocator") as Func <TNode>;
     Viterbi       = Hack.GetFieldValue(tagger, "viterbi") as Viterbi <TNode>;
     Connector     = Hack.GetFieldValue(Viterbi, "connector") as Connector <TNode>;
     Tokenizer     = Hack.GetFieldValue(Viterbi, "tokenizer") as Tokenizer <TNode>;
     Dictionaries  = Hack.GetFieldValue(Tokenizer, "dic") as MeCabDictionary[];
Beispiel #8
        public void Run_100LengthObservations2MixtureDistribution_PathCount100()
            var algo = new Viterbi(false);

            var path = algo.Run(_observations, _states, _startDistribution, _tpm, _mixtures);

            Assert.AreEqual(path.Count, 100);
        private double[] PredictNextValue <TDistribution>(IHiddenMarkovModel <TDistribution> model, double[][] trainingSet) where TDistribution : IDistribution
            var alg = new Viterbi(model.Normalized);
            var mpp = alg.Run(Helper.Convert(trainingSet), model.GetStates(), model.Pi, model.TransitionProbabilityMatrix, model.GetEmissions());

            var emission   = model.Emission[mpp[trainingSet.Length - 1].Index];
            var prediction = CalculatePredictionValue(emission, trainingSet);

Beispiel #10
        private ViterbiResult RunViterbi(FilterResult filterResult, string fileSha1)
            // Load any user-defined state machines.
            List <UserState> userStates;

                userStates = Loader.LoadUserStates(MainForm.Program.UserStatesEnabled,
            catch (Exception ex)
                DisplayExceptionMessages(ex, "User-Defined States");
            ViterbiResult viterbiResultFields = null;

                write("Running Viterbi on fields");
                DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
                Viterbi viterbi = new Viterbi(RunType.GeneralParse, false);
                viterbiResultFields = viterbi.Run(filterResult.UnfilteredBlocks, this.filePath);
                viterbiResultFields        = new ViterbiResult();
                viterbiResultFields.Fields = new List <ViterbiField>();
                if (filterResult.UnfilteredBlocks.Count > 0)
                    ThreadedViterbi tv = new ThreadedViterbi(filterResult.UnfilteredBlocks, RunType.GeneralParse, userStates, this.filePath, this.fileSha1);
                    viterbiResultFields = tv.RunThreadedViterbi();
                    TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.Subtract(dt);
                    write("Time elapsed for Viterbi fields: {0}", ts.ToString("c"));
                    write("Field count: {0}", viterbiResultFields.Fields.Count);
                filterResult.UnfilteredBlocks.Clear(); // Allow gc to clean things up
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                DisplayExceptionMessages(ex, "Viterbi Fields");
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lnbIndex">Zero based index of the LNB the channel should be bound to.</param>
        /// <param name="uFrequency">Frequency.</param>
        /// <param name="eInversion">Spectrum inversion.</param>
        /// <param name="uSymbolRate">Symbol rate.</param>
        /// <param name="ePower">Polarisation selection.</param>
        /// <param name="eViterbi">[Don't know]</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The LNB index is negative or greater than 3.</exception>
        public SatelliteChannel(int lnbIndex, uint uFrequency, SpectrumInversion eInversion, uint uSymbolRate, PowerMode ePower, Viterbi eViterbi, bool DVBS2)
            : base(uFrequency, eInversion)
            // Verify
            if ( (lnbIndex < 0) || (lnbIndex > 3) ) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("lnbIndex", lnbIndex, "Must not be less than zero or greater than 3");

            // Remember
            SymbolRate = uSymbolRate;
            S2Modulation = DVBS2;
            LNBIndex = lnbIndex;
            Viterbi = eViterbi;
            Power = ePower;
Beispiel #12
        public void WorkbookExamples(TestCase testCase)
            var decoder = Viterbi.CreateWithHammingDistance(testCase.Config);
            var res     = decoder.Solve(testCase.Input.ParseBools());

            var expected = testCase.Expected.ParseBools();

            output.WriteLine("Result:   " + res.Message.Format());
            output.WriteLine("Expected: " + expected.Format());

Beispiel #13
        public void Setup()
            var config = CodeConfig.Size7_6d_4f;

            var input =
                .Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(false, 6));

            var encoder = new Encoder(config, terminateCode: true);

            encoded = encoder.Encode(input);

            viterbi = Viterbi.CreateWithHammingDistance(config);
Beispiel #14
        public void TestCalculateHits()
            int[] traceBackPath = new int[10];
            traceBackPath[0] = 1;
            traceBackPath[1] = 1;
            traceBackPath[2] = 1;
            traceBackPath[3] = 1;
            traceBackPath[4] = 1;
            traceBackPath[5] = 0;
            traceBackPath[6] = 0;
            traceBackPath[7] = 0;
            traceBackPath[8] = 1;
            traceBackPath[9] = 1;

            var result = Viterbi.CalculateHits(traceBackPath);
        public void TestExample(Func <IEnumerable <bool>, IEnumerable <double>, double> calcScore, ScoreMethod scoreMethod, double falseValue = 0.0)
            var input = "11 10 00 01 01 11 00"
                        .Select(b => b?1.0: falseValue);

            var expected = "1 0 1 1 0 0 0";

            var config  = CodeConfig.Size3_7_5;
            var decoder = new Viterbi <double>(config.EnumerateTransitions(), calcScore, new ViterbiConfig()
                InitialState = State.Zero(config.NoOfStateRegisters), ScoreMethod = scoreMethod
            var res = decoder.Solve(input);

Beispiel #16
        public void Run_Normalized9ObservationsAnd2StatesAndHLModel_PathCount9()
            var algo = new Viterbi(true);

            var observations = new List <IObservation>
                new Observation(new double[] { 2 }, "G"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 2 }, "G"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 1 }, "C"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 0 }, "A"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 1 }, "C"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 3 }, "T"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 2 }, "G"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 0 }, "A"),
                new Observation(new double[] { 0 }, "A")

            var startDistribution = new[] { 0.5, 0.5 };

            var states = new List <IState> {
                new State(0, "H"), new State(1, "L")

            var tpm = new double[][] { new[] { 0.5, 0.5 }, new[] { 0.4, 0.6 } };

            var distributions = new List <IDistribution> {
                new HDistribution(), new LDistribution()

            var path = algo.Run(observations, states, startDistribution, tpm, distributions);

            Assert.AreEqual(path.Count, 9);
            Assert.AreEqual("H", path[0].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("H", path[1].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("H", path[2].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("L", path[3].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("L", path[4].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("L", path[5].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("L", path[6].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("L", path[7].Description);
            Assert.AreEqual("L", path[8].Description);
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// The start simulation_ click.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">
        /// The sender.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="e">
        /// The e.
        /// </param>
        private void StartSimulation(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            double swicthToUnfairChance = (double)this.ChangeToSwitchToUnfair.Value;
            double switchToFairChance   = (double)this.ChanceToSwitchToFair.Value;
            int    numberOfRolls        = (int)this.NumberOfRolls.Value;

            var casinoSimulation = new Casino(this.DiceSides.ToList(), switchToFairChance, swicthToUnfairChance);

            this.steps = casinoSimulation.Simulate(numberOfRolls);

            var alfaBeta       = new AlfaBeta(this.steps, switchToFairChance, swicthToUnfairChance, this.DiceSides.ToList());
            var alfaBetaResult = alfaBeta.Calculate();

            double alfaPass = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < alfaBetaResult.Length; ++i)
                if (alfaBetaResult[i] == this.steps[i].DiceState)

            var viterbi       = new Viterbi(this.steps, switchToFairChance, swicthToUnfairChance, this.DiceSides.ToList());
            var viterbiResult = viterbi.Calculate();

            double viterbiPass = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < viterbiResult.Length; ++i)
                if (viterbiResult[i] == this.steps[i].DiceState)

            int a = 0;
Beispiel #18
        private static void DemoContinuousSymmetricScore()
            var config = CodeConfig.Size7_6d_4f;

            var input = 15003.GetBools(14)
                        .Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(false, 6));

            var encoder     = new Encoder(config, terminateCode: false);
            var encoded     = encoder.Encode(input);
            var transmitted =
                .Select(e => e ? 255.0 : 0);

            var decoder = new Viterbi <double>(
                new ViterbiConfig()
                InitialState     = State.Zero(config.NoOfStateRegisters),
                ScoreMethod      = ScoreMethod.Maximize,
                TerminationState = State.Zero(config.NoOfStateRegisters)
            var restored = decoder.Solve(transmitted);

            Console.WriteLine("Configuration: " + config);
            Console.WriteLine("Input:    " + input.Format());
            Console.WriteLine("Encoded:  " + encoded.Format());
            Console.WriteLine("Restored: " + restored.Message.Format());
            Console.Write($"Score:    {restored.BestEndScore:F2}");
            //if (restored.TerminationStateScore.HasValue)
            Console.Write($" / {restored.TerminationStateScore:F2}");
Beispiel #19
 /// <summary>
 /// 维特比算法求解最优标签
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="roleTagList"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static List <NT> ViterbiExCompute(List <TagFreqItem <NT> > roleTagList) => Viterbi.Compute(roleTagList, OrgDictionary.transformMatrixDictionary);
Beispiel #20
  * 维特比算法求解最优标签
  * @param roleTagList
  * @return
 public static LinkedList <Corpus.Tag.NT> viterbiExCompute(LinkedList <EnumItem <Corpus.Tag.NT> > roleTagList)
     return(Viterbi.computeEnum(roleTagList, OrganizationDictionary.transformMatrixDictionary));
Beispiel #21
  * 简化的"维特比算法"求解最优标签
  * @param roleTagList
  * @return
 public static List <Corpus.Tag.NR> viterbiComputeSimply(LinkedList <EnumItem <Corpus.Tag.NR> > roleTagList)
     return(Viterbi.computeEnumSimply(roleTagList, PersonDictionary.transformMatrixDictionary));
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for evaluating model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stateToIntMap">State to int map</param>
        /// <param name="obsToIntMap">Observation to int map</param>
        /// <param name="stateToObservation">Map of observations found in states where state is the key</param>
        /// <param name="stateNgramProbs">State N-grams probabilities</param>
        /// <param name="obsNgramProbs">Observation N-grams probabilities </param>
        /// <param name="order">Max N-gram order</param>
        /// <param name="testFile">Test file containing test sentences</param>
        public static void testModel(Mapper stateToIntMap, Mapper obsToIntMap,
                                     SortedDictionary <int, SortedDictionary <int, int> > stateToObservation,
                                     List <Dictionary <List <int>, double[]> > stateNgramProbs,
                                     List <Dictionary <List <int>, double[]> > obsNgramProbs, int order, String testFile)
            //initialize Ngrams HMM
            HMM stateHMM = new HMM(stateNgramProbs);
            HMM obsHMM   = new HMM(obsNgramProbs);

            //initialize viterbi
            List <List <String>[]> sentences = getTestSentences(testFile);
            Viterbi viterbi = new Viterbi(stateToIntMap, obsToIntMap, stateToObservation, stateHMM, order);

            int    errors                = 0;
            double totalStateProb        = 0;
            int    totalStateWords       = 0;
            double totalObsProb          = 0;
            int    totalObsWords         = 0;
            double totalObsProbOOV       = 0;
            int    totalObsWordsOOV      = 0;
            int    numOfSkippedWords     = 0;
            int    numOfSkippedSentences = 0;
            int    numOfSkippedOOV       = 0;
            bool   skip;

            //read test file and perform calculations
            for (int i = 0; i < sentences.Count; i++)
                List <String> obs       = sentences[i][0];
                List <String> states    = sentences[i][1];
                List <String> retStates = new List <String>(viterbi.process(obs.ToArray()));

                //calculating state Ngrams perplexity
                List <int> stack = new List <int> {
                double sentProb = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < retStates.Count; j++)
                    int token = stateToIntMap.getValue(retStates[j]);
                    double value = stateHMM.getStateToStateProb(stack);
                    sentProb += value;
                    while (true)
                        if (stateHMM.contains(stack))
                        if (stack.Count > 1)
                    if (stack.Count == order)
                totalStateWords += states.Count;
                totalStateProb  += sentProb;

                //calculating obs Ngrams perplexity
                stack = new List <int> {
                sentProb = 0;
                int skippedWords = 0;
                skip = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < obs.Count; j++)
                    try {
                        int token = obsToIntMap.getValue(obs[j]);
                        if (token == -1)
                            throw new Exception();
                        double value = obsHMM.getStateToStateProb(stack);
                        sentProb += value;
                        while (true)
                            if (obsHMM.contains(stack))
                            if (stack.Count > 1)
                        if (stack.Count == order)
                    catch (Exception) {
                        skip = true;
                if (!skip)
                    totalObsProb  += sentProb;
                    totalObsWords += obs.Count;
                    numOfSkippedWords += obs.Count;
                    totalObsProbOOV  += sentProb;
                    numOfSkippedOOV  += skippedWords;
                    totalObsWordsOOV += (obs.Count - skippedWords);

                //calculating WER
                for (int j = 0; j < retStates.Count; j++)
                    if (!states[j].Equals(retStates[j]))

            //show results
            double exp        = totalStateProb / totalStateWords;
            double perplexity = Math.Pow(2, -exp);

            Console.WriteLine("\nSTATE N-GRAMS RESULTS:");
            Console.WriteLine("Number of state sentences: " + sentences.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of state words: " + totalStateWords);
            Console.WriteLine("Total states log2 probability: " + totalStateProb);
            Console.WriteLine("State perplexity: " + perplexity);
            Console.WriteLine("WER: " + (errors / (double)totalStateWords * 100) + "%");

            exp        = totalObsProbOOV / totalObsWordsOOV;
            perplexity = Math.Pow(2, -exp);
            Console.WriteLine("\nOBS N-GRAMS RESULTS:");
            Console.WriteLine("Number of observation sentences: " + sentences.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of observations in vocabulary: " + totalObsWordsOOV);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of observations out of vocabulary: " + numOfSkippedOOV);
            Console.WriteLine("Total observation log2 probability with OOV skipped: " + totalObsProbOOV);
            Console.WriteLine("Observation perplexity with OOV skipped: " + perplexity);
            exp        = totalObsProb / totalObsWords;
            perplexity = Math.Pow(2, -exp);
            Console.WriteLine("\nOOV SENTENCES SKIPPED:");
            Console.WriteLine("Number of observation sentences: " + (sentences.Count - numOfSkippedSentences));
            Console.WriteLine("Number of observations: " + totalObsWords);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of skipped sentences: " + numOfSkippedSentences);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of skipped observations: " + numOfSkippedWords);
            Console.WriteLine("Total observation log2 probability: " + totalObsProb);
            Console.WriteLine("Observation perplexity: " + perplexity);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for evaluating sentence
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stateToIntMap">State to int map</param>
        /// <param name="obsToIntMap">Observation to int map</param>
        /// <param name="stateToObservation">Map of observations found in states where state is the key</param>
        /// <param name="stateNgramProbs">State N-grams probabilities</param>
        /// <param name="obsNgramProbs">Observation N-grams probabilities</param>
        /// <param name="order">Max N-gram order</param>
        /// <param name="sentence">Test sentence</param>
        public static void testSentence(Mapper stateToIntMap, Mapper obsToIntMap,
                                        SortedDictionary <int, SortedDictionary <int, int> > stateToObservation,
                                        List <Dictionary <List <int>, double[]> > stateNgramProbs,
                                        List <Dictionary <List <int>, double[]> > obsNgramProbs, int order, String sentence)
            //initialize Ngrams HMM
            HMM stateHMM = new HMM(stateNgramProbs);
            HMM obsHMM   = new HMM(obsNgramProbs);

            //initialize viterbi
            Viterbi viterbi = new Viterbi(stateToIntMap, obsToIntMap, stateToObservation, stateHMM, order);

            String[]      split     = Regex.Split(sentence, "\\s+");
            List <String> retStates = new List <String>(viterbi.process(split.ToArray()));

            //calculating state Ngrams perplexity
            List <int> stack = new List <int> {
            double sentStateProb = 0;
            String stateSequence = "";

            for (int j = 0; j < retStates.Count; j++)
                int token = stateToIntMap.getValue(retStates[j]);
                double value = stateHMM.getStateToStateProb(stack);
                sentStateProb += value;
                while (true)
                    if (stateHMM.contains(stack))
                if (stack.Count == order)
                stateSequence += retStates[j] + " ";

            //calculating obs Ngrams perplexity
            stack = new List <int> {
            double sentObsProb  = 0;
            int    skippedWords = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < split.Length; j++)
                try {
                    int token = obsToIntMap.getValue(split[j]);
                    if (token == -1)
                        throw new Exception();
                    double value = obsHMM.getStateToStateProb(stack);
                    sentObsProb += value;
                    while (true)
                        if (obsHMM.contains(stack))
                        if (stack.Count > 1)
                    if (stack.Count == order)
                catch (Exception) {

            Console.WriteLine("\nSENTENCE EVALUATION RESULTS");
            Console.WriteLine("Sentence: " + sentence);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of out of vocabulary words in sentence: " + skippedWords);
            Console.WriteLine("Most probable state sequence: " + stateSequence);
            Console.WriteLine("State sequence probability: " + Math.Pow(2, sentStateProb));
            Console.WriteLine("Sentence probability with out of vocabulary words skipped: " + Math.Pow(2, sentObsProb));
Beispiel #24
 public SatelliteChannel(int lnbIndex, uint uFrequency, SpectrumInversion eInversion, uint uSymbolRate, PowerMode ePower, Viterbi eViterbi)
     : this(lnbIndex, uFrequency, eInversion, uSymbolRate, ePower, eViterbi, false)
 public static List <NS> ViterbiExCompute(List <TagFreqItem <NS> > roleTagList) =>
 Viterbi.Compute(roleTagList, PlaceDictionary.trans_tr_dict);
 public static List <NR> ViterbiComputeSimply(List <TagFreqItem <NR> > tags) => Viterbi.ComputeSimply(tags, ChsPersonNameDict.transformMatrixDictionary);
 /// <summary>
 /// 词性标注
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="list"></param>
 public static void SpeechTaggint(List <Vertex> list) => Viterbi.Compute(list, CoreDictTransfromMatrixDictionary.transformMatrixDictionary);
Beispiel #28
        public override List <Term> SegSentence(char[] sentence)
            var list = new List <Term>();

            if (sentence.Length == 0)

            var convertedChars = CharTable.Convert(sentence);
            var table          = new Table();

            table.v = AtomSeg2Table(convertedChars);
            int offset = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Size; offset += table.v[i][1].Length, i++)
                var line = table.v[i];
                switch (line[2][0])
                case 'B':
                    int begin = offset;
                    while (table.v[i][2][0] != 'E')             // 寻找结束标签'E'
                        offset += table.v[i][1].Length;
                        if (i == table.Size)
                            break;                          // 达到最后一个字符
                    // 退出while循环
                    if (i == table.Size)            // 肯定是由while loop的break退出的,offset已经包含了最后一格词的长度
                        list.Add(new Term(new string(sentence, begin, offset - begin), Nature.none));
                    else                            // 由while loop正常退出,当前词标注为'E',offset尚未包含这个词的长度
                        list.Add(new Term(new string(sentence, begin, offset - begin + table.v[i][1].Length), Nature.none));


                default:            // 理论来说,只可能是标注为'S',所以单独成词
                    list.Add(new Term(new string(sentence, offset, table.v[i][1].Length), Nature.none));

            if (config.natureTagging)
                var vertices = ToVertexList(list, true);
                Viterbi.Compute(vertices, CoreDictTransfromMatrixDictionary.transformMatrixDictionary);
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    var term = list[i];
                    if (term.nature == Nature.none)
                        term.nature = vertices[i + 1].GuessNature();            // vertices[i+1] -> 附加了辅助起始节点
            if (config.useCustomDict)
                var vertices = ToVertexList(list, false);       //? 会不会覆盖上面的词性标注值
                list = ToTermList(vertices, config.offset);