internal static DdrFiler buildAddRecordQuery(AbstractConnection cxn, RemoteApplicationRecord rec, CallBackFileRecord subrec)
            DdrFiler query = new DdrFiler(cxn);

            query.Operation = "ADD";
            ArrayList  lst = new ArrayList(7);
            VistaField f   = rec.Fields["NAME"];

            lst.Add(FILE_NUMBER + "^" + f.VistaNumber + "^+1,^" + f.VistaValue);
            f = rec.Fields["CONTEXTOPTION"];
            VistaUserDao dao = new VistaUserDao(cxn);

            lst.Add(FILE_NUMBER + "^" + f.VistaNumber + "^+1,^" + dao.getOptionIen(f.VistaValue));
            f = rec.Fields["APPLICATIONCODE"];
            lst.Add(FILE_NUMBER + "^" + f.VistaNumber + "^+1,^" + f.VistaValue);

            f = subrec.Fields["CALLBACKTYPE"];
            lst.Add(CALLBACK_FILE_NUMBER + "^" + f.VistaNumber + "^+2,+1^" + f.VistaValue);
            f = subrec.Fields["CALLBACKPORT"];
            lst.Add(CALLBACK_FILE_NUMBER + "^" + f.VistaNumber + "^+2,+1^" + f.VistaValue);
            f = subrec.Fields["CALLBACKSERVER"];
            lst.Add(CALLBACK_FILE_NUMBER + "^" + f.VistaNumber + "^+2,+1^" + f.VistaValue);
            f = subrec.Fields["URLSTRING"];
            lst.Add(CALLBACK_FILE_NUMBER + "^" + f.VistaNumber + "^+2,+1^" + f.VistaValue);

            query.Args = (string[])lst.ToArray(typeof(string));
Beispiel #2
        //internal void setVisitorContext(AbstractPermission requestedContext, string DUZ)
        //    try
        //    {
        //        setContext(requestedContext);
        //        return;
        //    }
        //    catch (UnauthorizedAccessException uae)
        //    {
        //        addContextInVista(DUZ, requestedContext);
        //        setContext(requestedContext);
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception e)
        //    {
        //        throw;
        //    }

        // This is how the visitor gets the requested context - typically
        // OR CPRS GUI CHART. The visitor comes back from VistA with CAPRI
        // context only.
        internal void addContextInVista(string duz, AbstractPermission requestedContext)
            if (Permissions.ContainsKey(requestedContext.Name))
            VistaUserDao dao = new VistaUserDao(Cxn);

            // try/catch should fix:
            catch (Exception)
                    // will get CONTEXT HAS NOT BEEN CREATED if we don't set this again after failed attempt
                    setContext(new MenuOption(VistaConstants.DDR_CONTEXT));
                    dao.addPermission(duz, requestedContext);
                catch (Exception)
Beispiel #3
        //internal void setVisitorContext(AbstractPermission requestedContext, string DUZ)
        //    try
        //    {
        //        setContext(requestedContext);
        //        return;
        //    }
        //    catch (UnauthorizedAccessException uae)
        //    {
        //        addContextInVista(DUZ, requestedContext);
        //        setContext(requestedContext);
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception e)
        //    {
        //        throw;
        //    }

        // This is how the visitor gets the requested context - typically
        // OR CPRS GUI CHART. The visitor comes back from VistA with CAPRI
        // context only.
        internal void addContextInVista(string duz, AbstractPermission requestedContext)
            //if (!Permissions.ContainsKey(VistaConstants.MDWS_CONTEXT) && !Permissions.ContainsKey(VistaConstants.DDR_CONTEXT))
            //    throw new ArgumentException("User does not have correct menu options to add new context");
            if (hasPermission(this.Cxn.Account.Permissions, requestedContext))
            //setContext(Permissions[VistaConstants.DDR_CONTEXT]); // tbd - needed? i think this is superfluous
            VistaUserDao dao = new VistaUserDao(Cxn);

            // try/catch should fix:
            catch (Exception)
                    // will get CONTEXT HAS NOT BEEN CREATED if we don't set this again after failed attempt
                    setContext(new MenuOption(VistaConstants.DDR_CONTEXT));
                    dao.addPermission(duz, requestedContext);
                catch (Exception)
Beispiel #4
 internal void doTheAuthorize(AbstractCredentials credentials, AbstractPermission permission)
     //// if we are requesting CPRS context with a visit and user does not have it - add it to their account
     if (permission.Name == VistaConstants.CPRS_CONTEXT &&
         !Cxn.Account.Permissions.ContainsKey(VistaConstants.CPRS_CONTEXT) &&
         addContextInVista(Cxn.Uid, permission);
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Cxn.Uid))
         if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.FederatedUid))
             throw new MdoException("Missing federated UID, cannot get local UID");
         VistaUserDao dao = new VistaUserDao(Cxn);
         Cxn.Uid = dao.getUserIdBySsn(credentials.FederatedUid);
         if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Cxn.Uid))
             throw new MdoException("Unable to get local UID for federated ID " + credentials.FederatedUid);
     if (!credentials.Complete)
         VistaUserDao dao = new VistaUserDao(Cxn);
Beispiel #5
        public override bool success(string[] flds)
            AbstractPermission ddrContext = new MenuOption(VistaConstants.DDR_CONTEXT);


            VistaUserDao dao = new VistaUserDao(cxn);

            cxn.Uid = dao.getUserIdBySsn(creds.FederatedUid);

Beispiel #6
        public override bool success(string[] flds)
            // Set DDR context in order to add the requested context
            AbstractPermission ddrContext = new MenuOption(VistaConstants.DDR_CONTEXT);


            // Get the UID while we have DDR context set anyway
            VistaUserDao dao = new VistaUserDao(cxn);

            cxn.Uid = dao.getUserIdBySsn(creds.FederatedUid);

            // Add the requested context to the user's account
            //acct.addContextInVista(cxn.Uid, acct.PrimaryPermission);

Beispiel #7
        public string isRpcAvailable(string target, string context, string localRemote, string version)
            if (!isRpcAvailableAtSite(target, localRemote, version))
                return("Not installed at site");
            KeyValuePair <string, string>[] rpcList = getRpcList(target);
            string       rpcIEN  = rpcList[0].Key;
            VistaUserDao userDao = new VistaUserDao(cxn);
            string       optIEN  = userDao.getOptionIen(context);

            if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(optIEN))
                return("Error getting context IEN: " + optIEN);
            DdrLister query = buildGetOptionRpcsQuery(optIEN);

            string[] optRpcs = query.execute();
            if (!isRpcIenPresent(optRpcs, rpcIEN))
                return("RPC not in context");
Beispiel #8
 public FhieUserDao(AbstractConnection cxn)
     vistaDao = new VistaUserDao(cxn);
        public Order discontinueOrder(String patientId, string orderIen, string providerDuz, String locationIen, string reasonIen)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderIen))
                throw new ArgumentException("No order ID");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(providerDuz))
                throw new ArgumentException("No user ID");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationIen))
                throw new ArgumentException("No location ID");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reasonIen))
                throw new ArgumentException("No reason ID");

            String userId = cxn.Uid;

            VistaUserDao userDao             = new VistaUserDao(cxn);
            bool         providerHasProvider = userDao.hasPermission(providerDuz, new SecurityKey("", "PROVIDER"));

            if (!providerHasProvider)
                throw new ArgumentException("The account with the DUZ specified does not hold the PROVIDER key");

            VistaOrdersDao orderDao = new VistaOrdersDao(cxn);
            Order          order    = orderDao.getOrder(orderIen);

            if (order == null)
                throw new MdoException("No such order");

            string msg = orderDao.validateOrderActionNature(order.Id, "DC", providerDuz, ""); // TBD - orderIen -> order.Id??

            if (msg != "OK")
                throw new MdoException(msg);
            msg = orderDao.getComplexOrderMsg(order.Id); // TBD - orderIen -> order.Id??
            if (msg != "")
                throw new MdoException(msg);

            if (!orderDao.lockOrdersForPatient(patientId))
                throw new MdoException("Unable to lock orders for patient");

            msg = orderDao.lockOrder(order.Id);
            if (msg != "OK")
                throw new MdoException(msg);

            Order canceledOrder = cancelOrder(order.Id, providerDuz, locationIen, reasonIen);


        public void signOrder(String orderId, String providerDuz, String locationIen, String eSig)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderId) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(providerDuz) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationIen) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(eSig))
                throw new ArgumentException("Must supply all arguments!");

            VistaOrdersDao orderDao = new VistaOrdersDao(this.cxn);
            Order          order    = orderDao.getOrder(orderId);

            if (order == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid order IEN");

            VistaUserDao userDao             = new VistaUserDao(cxn);
            bool         providerHasProvider = userDao.hasPermission(providerDuz, new SecurityKey("", "PROVIDER"));

            if (!providerHasProvider)
                throw new MdoException("Provider DUZ specified does not have PROVIDER key");

            if (!userDao.isValidEsig(eSig))
                throw new MdoException("Invalid signature code");

            // NOTE:: these are the SAME business rules as found in discontinueAndSign above - must change them BOTH PLACES if they need updated!!!
            String userId = cxn.Uid;

            bool userHasProvider     = String.Equals(userId, providerDuz) ? providerHasProvider : userDao.hasPermission(userId, new SecurityKey("", "PROVIDER"));
            bool userHasOremas       = userDao.hasPermission(userId, new SecurityKey("", "OREMAS")); // need this for some decisions so fetch even if user holds superceding PROVIDER key
            bool usingWrittenOnChart = false;
            bool okToDcAndSign       = false;                                                        //using this to simplify logic and skip checks
            // allow this to be configurable
            bool okToCancelOrderFromOtherProvider = false;

            Boolean.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AllowOrderDcFromOtherProvider"], out okToCancelOrderFromOtherProvider);

            String originalOrderProvider = order.Provider.Uid;

            if (String.Equals(originalOrderProvider, userId))
                okToDcAndSign = true;

            if (!okToDcAndSign)
                if (!String.Equals(originalOrderProvider, userId) && userHasProvider)
                    if (okToCancelOrderFromOtherProvider)
                        okToDcAndSign = true;
                        throw new ArgumentException("Providers may not sign another provider's order.");

            if (!okToDcAndSign)
                if (!userHasProvider)
                    if (!userHasOremas)
                        throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("User does not have appropriate keys for sign");

            if (!okToDcAndSign)
                if (!userHasProvider && userHasOremas)
                    okToDcAndSign = usingWrittenOnChart = true;

            orderDao.signOrder(orderId, providerDuz, locationIen, eSig, true, usingWrittenOnChart);
        public Order discontinueAndSignOrder(String patientId, string orderIen, string providerDuz, String locationIen, string reasonIen, String eSig)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderIen))
                throw new ArgumentException("No order ID");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(providerDuz))
                throw new ArgumentException("No user ID");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationIen))
                throw new ArgumentException("No location ID");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reasonIen))
                throw new ArgumentException("No reason ID");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(eSig))
                throw new ArgumentException("No electronic signature code");

            String userId = cxn.Uid;

            VistaUserDao userDao             = new VistaUserDao(cxn);
            bool         providerHasProvider = userDao.hasPermission(providerDuz, new SecurityKey("", "PROVIDER"));

            if (!providerHasProvider)
                throw new ArgumentException("The account with the DUZ specified does not hold the PROVIDER key");

            if (!userDao.isValidEsig(eSig))
                throw new MdoException("Invalid signature code");

            VistaOrdersDao orderDao = new VistaOrdersDao(cxn);
            Order          order    = orderDao.getOrder(orderIen);

            if (order == null)
                throw new MdoException("No such order");

            if (String.Equals(order.Status, "DISCONTINUED", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                throw new ArgumentException("Order is already discontinued");

            bool userHasProvider     = String.Equals(userId, providerDuz) ? providerHasProvider : userDao.hasPermission(userId, new SecurityKey("", "PROVIDER"));
            bool userHasOremas       = userDao.hasPermission(userId, new SecurityKey("", "OREMAS")); // need this for some decisions so fetch even if user holds superceding PROVIDER key
            bool usingWrittenOnChart = false;
            bool okToDcAndSign       = false;                                                        //using this to simplify logic and skip checks
            // allow this to be configurable
            bool okToCancelOrderFromOtherProvider = false;

            Boolean.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AllowOrderDcFromOtherProvider"], out okToCancelOrderFromOtherProvider);

            String originalOrderProvider = order.Provider.Uid; //.Provider.Id;

            if (String.Equals(originalOrderProvider, userId))
                okToDcAndSign = true;

            if (!okToDcAndSign)
                if (!String.Equals(originalOrderProvider, userId) && userHasProvider)
                    if (okToCancelOrderFromOtherProvider)
                        okToDcAndSign = true;
                        throw new ArgumentException("Providers may not sign discontinue order request for another provider's order. Use discontinue order without signature");

            if (!okToDcAndSign)
                if (!userHasProvider && !userHasOremas)
                    throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("User does not have appropriate keys for cancel and sign");

            if (!okToDcAndSign)
                if (!userHasProvider && userHasOremas)
                    okToDcAndSign = usingWrittenOnChart = true;

            string msg = orderDao.validateOrderActionNature(order.Id, "DC", providerDuz, ""); // TBD - orderIen -> order.Id??

            if (msg != "OK")
                throw new MdoException(msg);
            msg = orderDao.getComplexOrderMsg(order.Id); // TBD - orderIen -> order.Id??
            if (msg != "")
                throw new MdoException(msg);

            if (!orderDao.lockOrdersForPatient(patientId))
                throw new MdoException("Unable to lock orders for patient");

            msg = orderDao.lockOrder(order.Id);
            if (msg != "OK")
                throw new MdoException(msg);

            Order canceledOrder = cancelOrder(order.Id, providerDuz, locationIen, reasonIen);

            orderDao.signOrder(patientId, canceledOrder.Id, providerDuz, locationIen, eSig, true, usingWrittenOnChart);


Beispiel #12
 public FhieUserDao(AbstractConnection cxn)
     vistaDao = new VistaUserDao(cxn);