Beispiel #1
        /*  Description:
         *      Find the largest license plate in the image
         *          - Segment using ThresholdHSVchannels
         *          - Remove blobs which are not license plates
         *  Input:
         *          //Original image
         *          RGB888Image plateImage
         *  Output:
         *          //Segmented license plate
         *          ref Int32Image binaryPlateImage
         *  Return:
         *          //License plate found?
         *          bool
        public static bool FindPlate(RGB888Image plateImage, ref Int32Image binaryPlateImage)
            const int c_threshold_h_min  = 21;
            const int c_threshold_h_max  = 50;
            const int c_threshold_s_min  = 100;
            const int c_threshold_s_max  = 255;
            const int c_threshold_v_min  = 100;
            const int c_threshold_v_max  = 255;
            const int c_remove_blobs_min = 1;
            const int c_remove_blobs_max = 5000;

            //** Exercise:                 **//
            //**   adjust licenseplate     **//
            //**   segmentation            **//

            //Find licenseplate
            HSV888Image plateImageHSV = new HSV888Image();

            //Convert to RGB to HSV
            VisionLab.FastRGBToHSV(plateImage, plateImageHSV);

            //Threshold HSV image
            VisionLab.Threshold3Channels(plateImageHSV, binaryPlateImage, c_threshold_h_min, c_threshold_h_max, c_threshold_s_min, c_threshold_s_max, c_threshold_v_min, c_threshold_v_max);

            //Remove blobs with small areas
            VisionLab.RemoveBlobs(binaryPlateImage, Connected.EightConnected, BlobAnalyse.BA_Area, c_remove_blobs_min, c_remove_blobs_max);

            //Return true, if pixels found
            return(VisionLab.SumIntPixels(binaryPlateImage) > 0);
         *  Description:
         *      Find the largest license plate in the image
         *      - Segment using ThresholdHSVchannels
         *      - Remove blobs which are not license plates
         *  Input:
         *      //Original image
         *      RGB888Image plateImage
         *  Output:
         *      //Segmented license plate
         *      ref Int32Image binaryPlateImage
         *  Return:
         *      //License plate found?
         *      bool
        public static bool FindPlate(RGB888Image plateImage, ref Int32Image binaryPlateImage)
                const int c_threshold_h_min = 14;
                const int c_threshold_h_max = 50;
                const int c_threshold_s_min = 100;
                const int c_threshold_s_max = 255;
                const int c_threshold_v_min = 46;
                const int c_threshold_v_max = 255;

                //** Exercise:                 **//
                //**   adjust licenseplate     **//
                //**   segmentation            **//

                //Find licenseplate
                HSV888Image plateImageHSV = new HSV888Image();
                //Convert to RGB to HSV
                VisionLab.FastRGBToHSV(plateImage, plateImageHSV);

                //Threshold HSV image
                VisionLab.Threshold3Channels(plateImageHSV, binaryPlateImage, c_threshold_h_min, c_threshold_h_max, c_threshold_s_min, c_threshold_s_max, c_threshold_v_min, c_threshold_v_max);

                VisionLab.LabelBlobs(binaryPlateImage, Connected.EightConnected);

                VisionLab.RemoveBlobs(binaryPlateImage, Connected.EightConnected, BlobAnalyse.BA_LengthBreadthRatio, 0.0, 2.50);
                VisionLab.RemoveBlobs(binaryPlateImage, Connected.EightConnected, BlobAnalyse.BA_LengthBreadthRatio, 10.0, 9999.0);

                //Remove blobs with small areas
                VisionLab.RemoveBlobs(binaryPlateImage, Connected.EightConnected, BlobAnalyse.BA_Area, 1, 1000, UseXOrY.UseX);
                //VisionLab.RemoveBlobs(binaryPlateImage, Connected.EightConnected, BlobAnalyse.BA_Area, 80000, 120000);

                //Fill up characters
                VisionLab.FillHoles(binaryPlateImage, Connected.EightConnected);

                //Return true, if pixels found
                return(VisionLab.SumIntPixels(binaryPlateImage) > 0);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("FindPlate: " + ex.Message);
        private void MatchImage(String Filename, bool add)
            ErrorTB.Text     = "";
            lblExpected.Text = Filename.Substring(0, 6);

            //** load and display original image **//
            Bitmap bm;

            bm = new Bitmap(Filename);
            RGB888Image plateImage = VisionLabEx.BitmapToJL(bm);

            DisplayImage(plateImage, imgOrig);

            //** Find plate **//
            Int16Image binaryPlateImage = new Int16Image();

            if (!LicensePlateMatcher.FindPlate(plateImage, ref binaryPlateImage, TresholdConditions.NORMAAL) &&
                !LicensePlateMatcher.FindPlate(plateImage, ref binaryPlateImage, TresholdConditions.OVERBELICHT) &&
                !LicensePlateMatcher.FindPlate(plateImage, ref binaryPlateImage, TresholdConditions.ONDERBELICHT))
                DisplayImage(binaryPlateImage, imgPlateBin, true, true);
                lblLexiconResult.Text = "";
                if (add)
                    lblFindPlateErrCount.Text = lstFindPlateErr.Items.Count.ToString();
            DisplayImage(binaryPlateImage, imgPlateBin, true, true);

            //** Rectify plate **//
            Int16Image binaryRectifiedImage = new Int16Image();

                // Check if we can find the plate
                if (LicensePlateMatcher.FindCharacters(plateImage, binaryPlateImage, ref binaryRectifiedImage))
                    // if so we are done
                    // ************************************
                    // **  Find the biggest blob in the  **
                    // **  image and remove that one     **
                    // ************************************
                    VisionLab.LabelBlobs(binaryPlateImage, Connected.EightConnected);
                    vector_BlobAnalyse ba_vec = new vector_BlobAnalyse();
                    vector_Blob blobs = new vector_Blob();
                    VisionLab.BlobAnalysis(binaryPlateImage, VisionLab.VectorToSet_BlobAnalyse(ba_vec), VisionLab.MaxPixel(binaryPlateImage), blobs);
                    int biggestArea = 0;
                    foreach (Blob ba in blobs)
                        if (ba.Area() > biggestArea)
                            biggestArea = ba.Area();
                    VisionLab.RemoveBlobs(binaryPlateImage, Connected.EightConnected, BlobAnalyse.BA_Area, biggestArea - 1, biggestArea + 1);
            } // Repeat this until there is nothing left
            while (VisionLab.SumIntPixels(binaryPlateImage) > 0);

            // If that is so it wasn't found
            if (VisionLab.SumIntPixels(binaryPlateImage) == 0)
                // So do all this
                if (imgRectifiedPlate.Image != null)
                imgRectifiedPlate.Image = null;
                lblLexiconResult.Text   = "";
                if (add)
                    lblRectfyPlateErrCount.Text = lstRectifyPlateErr.Items.Count.ToString();

            DisplayImage(binaryRectifiedImage, imgRectifiedPlate, true, true);

            //** Match Plate **//
            LicensePlate result        = new LicensePlate();
            LicensePlate lexiconResult = new LicensePlate();

            if (!LicensePlateMatcher.MatchPlate(binaryRectifiedImage, blobMatcher, lexicon, ref result, ref lexiconResult, false))
                lblLexiconResult.Text = "";
                if (add)
                    lblMatchPlateErrCount.Text = lstMatchPlateErr.Items.Count.ToString();
            // Extra way to up confidence perhaps
            if (result.characters != null && result.confidence < (double)nupConfidence.Value / 100)
                LicensePlateMatcher.MatchPlate(binaryRectifiedImage, blobMatcher, lexicon, ref result, ref lexiconResult, true);

            //** Process results **//
            ProcessResults(result, lexiconResult, Filename, (double)nupConfidence.Value / 100, add);


            //Force a garbage collect to prevens malloc errors from unmanaged code.
        /*  Description:
         *      Find the largest license plate in the image
         *          - Segment using ThresholdHSVchannels
         *          - Remove blobs which are not license plates
         *  Input:
         *          //Original image
         *          RGB888Image plateImage
         *  Output:
         *          //Segmented license plate
         *          ref Int16Image binaryPlateImage
         *  Return:
         *          //License plate found?
         *          bool
        public static bool FindPlate(RGB888Image plateImage, ref Int16Image binaryPlateImage, TresholdConditions state)
            int c_threshold_h_min  = 0;
            int c_threshold_h_max  = 0;
            int c_threshold_s_min  = 0;
            int c_threshold_s_max  = 0;
            int c_threshold_v_min  = 0;
            int c_threshold_v_max  = 0;
            int c_remove_blobs_min = 0;
            int c_remove_blobs_max = 500;

            switch (state)
            case (TresholdConditions.NORMAAL):
                c_threshold_h_min = 21;
                c_threshold_h_max = 50;
                c_threshold_s_min = 100;
                c_threshold_s_max = 255;
                c_threshold_v_min = 100;
                c_threshold_v_max = 255;

            case (TresholdConditions.ONDERBELICHT):
                c_threshold_h_min = 11;
                c_threshold_h_max = 119;
                c_threshold_s_min = 23;
                c_threshold_s_max = 255;
                c_threshold_v_min = 56;
                c_threshold_v_max = 176;

            case (TresholdConditions.OVERBELICHT):
                c_threshold_h_min = 0;
                c_threshold_h_max = 241;
                c_threshold_s_min = 29;
                c_threshold_s_max = 241;
                c_threshold_v_min = 249;
                c_threshold_v_max = 255;

            //** Exercise:                 **//
            //**   adjust licenseplate     **//
            //**   segmentation            **//

            //Find licenseplate
            HSV888Image plateImageHSV = new HSV888Image();

            //Convert to RGB to HSV
            VisionLab.FastRGBToHSV(plateImage, plateImageHSV);

            //Threshold HSV image
            VisionLab.Threshold3Channels(plateImageHSV, binaryPlateImage, c_threshold_h_min, c_threshold_h_max, c_threshold_s_min, c_threshold_s_max, c_threshold_v_min, c_threshold_v_max);

            //Convert to a 32 bit format
            Int32Image binaryPlateImage32 = new Int32Image();

            VisionLab.Convert(binaryPlateImage, binaryPlateImage32);

            //Remove blobs with small areas
            VisionLab.RemoveBlobs(binaryPlateImage32, Connected.EightConnected, BlobAnalyse.BA_Area, c_remove_blobs_min, c_remove_blobs_max);

            //Remove border blobs
            VisionLab.RemoveBorderBlobs(binaryPlateImage32, Connected.EightConnected, Border.AllBorders);

            //Length Breath Ratio
            VisionLab.RemoveBlobs(binaryPlateImage32, Connected.EightConnected, BlobAnalyse.BA_LengthBreadthRatio, 0, 2.5);
            VisionLab.RemoveBlobs(binaryPlateImage32, Connected.EightConnected, BlobAnalyse.BA_LengthBreadthRatio, 6.7, 10);

            // Remove blobs that have to less holes
            VisionLab.RemoveBlobs(binaryPlateImage32, Connected.EightConnected, BlobAnalyse.BA_NrOfHoles, 0, 5);
            // And remove blobs that have a to small area for the holes
            VisionLab.RemoveBlobs(binaryPlateImage32, Connected.EightConnected, BlobAnalyse.BA_AreaHoles, 0, 200);

            //Convert back to a 16 bit format
            VisionLab.Convert(binaryPlateImage32, binaryPlateImage);



            //Return true, if pixels found
            return(VisionLab.SumIntPixels(binaryPlateImage) > 0);
            //return VisionLab.LabelBlobs(binaryPlateImage, Connected.EightConnected) == 1;