private VisNode MarshalDecision(Decision decision, IDictionary <string, VisNode> prereqTechNodeLookup, string imagesPath)
            var result = VisHelpers.CreateNode(decision, CreateRelativePath(imagesPath), "decision");

            result.prerequisites = decision.PrerequisiteIds != null
                ? decision.PrerequisiteIds.ToArray()
                : new string[]

   = "Dependant";

            if (decision.CustomTooltip != null)
                result.title = result.title + "<br/>" + decision.CustomTooltip;

            result.title = result.title + AddBuildingResources("Cost", decision.Cost);
            VisHelpers.AddModifiersToNode(localisationApi, result, decision.Modifiers, decision);

            VisHelpers.SetLevel(result, decision, prereqTechNodeLookup);

            VisHelpers.SetGestaltAvailability(result, decision);
        private VisNode MarshalBuilding(Building building, IDictionary <string, VisNode> prereqTechNodeLookup, string imagesPath)
            var result = VisHelpers.CreateNode(building, CreateRelativePath(imagesPath), "building");

            result.prerequisites = building.PrerequisiteIds != null
                ? building.PrerequisiteIds.ToArray()
                : new string[]

            result.title = result.title + "<br/><b>Build Time: </b>" + building.BaseBuildTime;
   = "Building";

            if (building.Category != null)
                result.title = result.title + "<br/><b>Category: </b>" + localisationApi.GetName(building.Category);

            result.title = result.title + AddBuildingResources("Cost", building.Cost);
            result.title = result.title + AddBuildingResources("Upkeep", building.Upkeep);
            result.title = result.title + AddBuildingResources("Produces", building.Produces);

            VisHelpers.AddModifiersToNode(localisationApi, result, building.Modifiers, building);

            VisHelpers.SetGestaltAvailability(result, building);

            // find the highest prerequisite tech level and then add 1 to it to ensure it is rendered in a sensible place.
            var highestLevelOfPrerequisiteTechs = building.Prerequisites.Select(x => prereqTechNodeLookup[x.Id].level).Max();

            if (!highestLevelOfPrerequisiteTechs.HasValue)
                throw new Exception(building.Name + " Had no prerequiste levels: " + building.FilePath);

            result.level = highestLevelOfPrerequisiteTechs + 1;

 private string AddBuildingResources <T>(string resourceType, IDictionary <string, T> costs)
     return(VisHelpers.CreateCostString(localisationApi, resourceType, costs));
 private string CreateRelativePath(string imagesPath)
     return(VisHelpers.CreateRelativePath(imagesPath, outputDirectoryHelper.Root));
        private VisNode MarshallShipComponentSet(ShipComponentSet shipComponentSet, IDictionary <string, VisNode> prereqTechNodeLookup, string imagesPath)
            var result = VisHelpers.CreateNode(shipComponentSet, CreateRelativePath(imagesPath), "shipComponent");

            result.prerequisites = shipComponentSet.PrerequisiteIds != null
                ? shipComponentSet.PrerequisiteIds.ToArray()
                : new string[]

            // so for utility slot components, the component description is the generic description of the slot
            // the description of the tech level component item is held by the tech in the unlock_desc field.
            // the description also begins with squggle formatted name which we try to format out
            foreach (var prerequisite in shipComponentSet.Prerequisites)
                // Titan cannon unlocks with titan so gets titan tech description
                if (shipComponentSet.Id == "PERDITION_BEAM")

                if (prerequisite.ExtraDesc != null)
                    var parts = prerequisite.ExtraDesc.Split(@"\n");
                    if (parts.Length == 1)
                        result.title = result.title + $"<br/><i>{prerequisite.ExtraDesc}</i>";
                        result.title = result.title + $"<br/><i>{parts[1]}</i>";
                        // removes most of the squiggle formatting
                        Regex rgx = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]");
                        result.label = rgx.Replace(parts[0], "");
                        // sqiggleH is a common format, so remove a starting H
                        if (result.label.StartsWith("H"))
                            result.label = result.label.Substring(1);

            foreach (var shipComponent in shipComponentSet.ShipComponents)
                result.title = result.title + $"<br/><br/><b>{shipComponent.Name}</b>";
                result.title = result.title + AddBuildingResources("Cost", shipComponent.Cost);
                result.title = result.title + AddBuildingResources("Upkeep", shipComponent.Upkeep);
                VisHelpers.AddModifiersToNode(localisationApi, result, shipComponent.Properties, shipComponent, false);
                VisHelpers.AddModifiersToNode(localisationApi, result, shipComponent.Modifiers, shipComponent);

   = "Dependant";

            // find the highest prerequisite tech level and then add 1 to it to ensure it is rendered in a sensible place.
            var highestLevelOfPrerequisiteTechs = shipComponentSet.Prerequisites.Select(x => prereqTechNodeLookup[x.Id].level).Max();

            if (!highestLevelOfPrerequisiteTechs.HasValue)
                throw new Exception(shipComponentSet.Name + " Had no prerequiste levels: " + shipComponentSet.FilePath);

            result.level = highestLevelOfPrerequisiteTechs + 1;
