Beispiel #1
        protected override void OnSizeRequested(ref Gtk.Requisition requisition)
            // GUI designer automatically puts this widget into Viewport when property "Show Scrollbars" is set
            // necessary for automatic scroll support.
            // Need additional access in here to improve positioning when zooming.
            // cannot be initialized in constructor
            if (viewport == null)
                viewport = (Gtk.Viewport) this.Parent;

                // not called when scrollbar is being moved
                //viewport.ScrollAdjustmentsSet += Viewport_ScrollAdjustmentsSet;
                viewport.ScrollEvent += Viewport_ScrollEvent;
            //var vr = viewport.Allocation;
            //Console.WriteLine ("Viewport size request Width={0} Height={1}", vr.Width, vr.Height);

            // Calculate desired size here.
            requisition.Width  = minWidth;
            requisition.Height = minHeight;
            //Console.WriteLine ("OnSizeRequested -> Requisition: {0}x{1}", requisition.Width, requisition.Height);