Beispiel #1
        public void RefreshVideoProfiles(VideoCaptureDeviceInfo item, VideoProfileKind kind)
            var videoProfiles = new CollectionViewModel <MediaCaptureVideoProfile>();

            if (item != null)
                IReadOnlyList <MediaCaptureVideoProfile> profiles;
                if (kind == VideoProfileKind.Unspecified)
                    profiles = MediaCapture.FindAllVideoProfiles(item.Id);
                    int index = (int)kind;
                    profiles = MediaCapture.FindKnownVideoProfiles(item.Id, (KnownVideoProfile)index);
                foreach (var profile in profiles)
            VideoProfiles = videoProfiles;

            // Select first item for convenience
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for creating a local video device initialization settings marshaling struct.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="settings">The settings to initialize the newly created marshaling struct.</param>
 /// <seealso cref="DeviceVideoTrackSource.CreateAsync(LocalVideoDeviceInitConfig)"/>
 public LocalVideoDeviceMarshalInitConfig(LocalVideoDeviceInitConfig settings)
     if (settings != null)
         VideoDeviceId               =;
         VideoProfileId              = settings.videoProfileId;
         VideoProfileKind            = settings.videoProfileKind;
         Width                       = settings.width.GetValueOrDefault(0);
         Height                      = settings.height.GetValueOrDefault(0);
         Framerate                   = settings.framerate.GetValueOrDefault(0.0);
         EnableMixedRealityCapture   = (mrsBool)settings.enableMrc;
         EnableMRCRecordingIndicator = (mrsBool)settings.enableMrcRecordingIndicator;
         VideoDeviceId               = string.Empty;
         VideoProfileId              = string.Empty;
         VideoProfileKind            = VideoProfileKind.Unspecified;
         Width                       = 0;
         Height                      = 0;
         Framerate                   = 0.0;
         EnableMixedRealityCapture   = mrsBool.True;
         EnableMRCRecordingIndicator = mrsBool.True;
        public void RefreshVideoProfiles(VideoCaptureDeviceInfo item, VideoProfileKind kind)
            var videoProfiles = new CollectionViewModel <MediaCaptureVideoProfile>();

            if (item != null)
                IReadOnlyList <MediaCaptureVideoProfile> profiles;
                if (kind == VideoProfileKind.Unspecified)
                    profiles = MediaCapture.FindAllVideoProfiles(item.Id);
                    // VideoProfileKind and KnownVideoProfile are the same with the exception of
                    // `Unspecified` that takes value 0.
                    var profile = (KnownVideoProfile)((int)kind - 1);
                    profiles = MediaCapture.FindKnownVideoProfiles(item.Id, profile);
                foreach (var profile in profiles)
            VideoProfiles = videoProfiles;

            // Select first item for convenience
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructor for creating a local video track from a wrapper and some user settings.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="track">The newly created track wrapper.</param>
            /// <param name="settings">The settings to initialize the newly created native track.</param>
            /// <seealso cref="PeerConnection.AddLocalVideoTrackAsync(LocalVideoTrackSettings)"/>
            public LocalVideoTrackInteropInitConfig(LocalVideoTrack track, LocalVideoTrackSettings settings)
                trackHandle = Utils.MakeWrapperRef(track);

                if (settings != null)
                    VideoDeviceId               =;
                    VideoProfileId              = settings.videoProfileId;
                    VideoProfileKind            = settings.videoProfileKind;
                    Width                       = settings.width.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                    Height                      = settings.height.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                    Framerate                   = settings.framerate.GetValueOrDefault(0.0);
                    EnableMixedRealityCapture   = (mrsBool)settings.enableMrc;
                    EnableMRCRecordingIndicator = (mrsBool)settings.enableMrcRecordingIndicator;
                    VideoDeviceId               = string.Empty;
                    VideoProfileId              = string.Empty;
                    VideoProfileKind            = VideoProfileKind.Unspecified;
                    Width                       = 0;
                    Height                      = 0;
                    Framerate                   = 0.0;
                    EnableMixedRealityCapture   = mrsBool.True;
                    EnableMRCRecordingIndicator = mrsBool.True;
        private static Task <IReadOnlyList <VideoCaptureFormat> > GetCaptureFormatsAsyncImpl(
            string deviceId, string profileId, VideoProfileKind profileKind)
            // Ensure the logging system is ready before using PInvoke.

            // Always call this on a background thread, this is possibly the first call to the library so needs
            // to initialize the global factory, and that cannot be done from the main UI thread on UWP.
            return(Task.Run(() =>
                var formats = new List <VideoCaptureFormat>();
                var eventWaitHandle = new ManualResetEventSlim(initialState: false);
                Exception resultException = null;
                var wrapper = new DeviceVideoTrackSourceInterop.EnumVideoCaptureFormatsWrapper()
                    enumCallback = (in VideoCaptureFormat format) => formats.Add(format),
                    completedCallback = (Exception ex) =>
                        resultException = ex;

                        // On enumeration end, signal the caller thread
                    // Keep delegates alive
                    EnumTrampoline = DeviceVideoTrackSourceInterop.VideoCaptureFormat_EnumCallback,
                    CompletedTrampoline = DeviceVideoTrackSourceInterop.VideoCaptureFormat_EnumCompletedCallback,

                // Prevent garbage collection of the wrapper delegates until the enumeration is completed.
                var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(wrapper, GCHandleType.Normal);
                IntPtr userData = GCHandle.ToIntPtr(handle);

                // Execute the native async callback.
                uint res = DeviceVideoTrackSourceInterop.EnumVideoCaptureFormatsAsync(deviceId, profileId, profileKind,
                                                                                      wrapper.EnumTrampoline, userData, wrapper.CompletedTrampoline, userData);
                if (res != Utils.MRS_SUCCESS)
                    resultException = Utils.GetExceptionForErrorCode(res);
                    // Wait for end of enumerating

                // Clean-up and release the wrapper delegates

                if (resultException != null)
                    throw resultException;

                return (IReadOnlyList <VideoCaptureFormat>)formats;
Beispiel #6
        public async void RefreshVideoProfiles(VideoCaptureDeviceInfo item, VideoProfileKind kind)
            // Clear formats, which are profile-dependent. This ensures the former list doesn't
            // stay visible if the current profile kind is not supported (does not return any profile).

            var videoProfiles = new CollectionViewModel <VideoProfile>();

            if (item != null)
                IReadOnlyList <VideoProfile> profiles = await DeviceVideoTrackSource.GetCaptureProfilesAsync(item.Id, kind);

                foreach (var profile in profiles)
            VideoProfiles = videoProfiles;

            // Select first item for convenience
 /// <summary>
 /// Enumerate the video capture formats for the specified video capture device and video profile.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="deviceId">Unique identifier of the video capture device to enumerate the
 /// capture formats of, as retrieved from the <see cref=""/> field of
 /// a capture device enumerated with <see cref="GetCaptureDevicesAsync"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="profileKind">Kind of video profile to enumerate the capture formats of.</param>
 /// <returns>The list of available video capture formats for the specified video capture device.</returns>
 public static Task <IReadOnlyList <VideoCaptureFormat> > GetCaptureFormatsAsync(
     string deviceId, VideoProfileKind profileKind)
     return(GetCaptureFormatsAsyncImpl(deviceId, string.Empty, profileKind));