protected void btnNewCategory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Parse the new category
            string CatName = Sanitizers.SanitizeGeneralInputString(txtNewCategoryName.Text);
            string Parent  = Sanitizers.SanitizeGeneralInputString(drpParent.SelectedValue);

            bool Hidden = chkHidden.Checked;

            bool Private = chkPrivate.Checked;

            if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CatName)) && (CatName.Length > 2))
                VideoCategory NewCategory = new VideoCategory()
                    Name             = CatName,
                    ParentCategoryID = Parent,
                    IsHidden         = Hidden,
                    IsPrivate        = Private

                VideoCategoryRepository videoCategoryRepository = new VideoCategoryRepository();

                txtNewCategoryName.Text = "";
                chkHidden.Checked       = false;
                chkPrivate.Checked      = false;
Beispiel #2
        private void displayVideo(Video video)
            lblID.Text               = video.ID;
            txtTitle.Text            = video.Name;
            txtAuthor.Text           = video.Author;
            txtDescription.Text      = video.Description;
            txtTags.Text             = video.Tags.ToSpaceSeparatedString();
            txtWidth.Text            = video.Width.ToString();
            txtHeight.Text           = video.Height.ToString();
            txtDuration.Text         = video.DurationInSeconds.ToString();
            txtYoutubeURL.Text       = video.YoutubeURL;
            txtYoutubeStartTime.Text = video.YoutubeStartTimeInSeconds.ToString();
            txtMP4URL.Text           = video.FileURL_H264;
            txtOGVURL.Text           = video.FileURL_THEORA;
            txtWEBM.Text             = video.FileURL_VP8;
            txtDownloadURL.Text      = video.DownloadURL;

            chkhidden.Checked  = video.IsHidden;
            chkPrivate.Checked = video.IsPrivate;

            // Category
            VideoCategoryRepository videoCategoryRepo = new VideoCategoryRepository();

            drpCategory.Items.Add(new ListItem()
                Text = " - No Category -", Value = "0"
            foreach (VideoCategory category in videoCategoryRepo.GetAll().OrderBy(c => c.FullName))
                bool selected = video.CategoryID == category.ID;
                drpCategory.Items.Add(new ListItem()
                    Selected = selected, Text = category.FullName, Value = category.ID

            // Thumbnail

            imgThumbnail.ImageUrl = "/thumbnails/videos/" + video.ThumbnailURL;
            DirectoryInfo ThumbnailDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("/thumbnails/videos"));

            foreach (FileInfo file in ThumbnailDirectory.GetFiles())
                if (
                    (file.Extension.ToLower() == ".png") ||
                    (file.Extension.ToLower() == ".jpg") ||
                    (file.Extension.ToLower() == ".gif")
                    ListItem Thumb = new ListItem(file.Name, file.Name);
                    if (video.ThumbnailURL == file.Name)
                        Thumb.Selected = true;
Beispiel #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // Populate thumbnail dropdown
                DirectoryInfo ThumbnailDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("/thumbnails/videos"));
                foreach (FileInfo file in ThumbnailDirectory.GetFiles())
                    if (
                        (file.Extension.ToLower() == ".png") ||
                        (file.Extension.ToLower() == ".jpg") ||
                        (file.Extension.ToLower() == ".gif")
                        ListItem Thumb = new ListItem(file.Name, file.Name);
                        if (file.Name == "blank.png")
                            Thumb.Selected = true;

                // Populate list of categories
                VideoCategoryRepository videoCategoryRepository = new VideoCategoryRepository();
                List <VideoCategory>    VideoCategories         = videoCategoryRepository.GetAll();

                drpCategory.Items.Add(new ListItem(" - No Category -", string.Empty));
                foreach (VideoCategory cat in VideoCategories.OrderBy(c => c.FullName).ToList <VideoCategory>())
                    drpCategory.Items.Add(new ListItem(cat.FullName, cat.ID));
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If the user hasn't selected a category, display a list of categories
            // If the user has selected a category, display all videos in that category

            // Always list categories
            VideoCategoryRepository videoCategoryRepo = new VideoCategoryRepository();
            List <VideoCategory>    VideoCategories   = videoCategoryRepo.GetTopLevel();

            litCategories.Text = addMenuChildren(VideoCategories);

            // If given a category ID, display all videos from that category
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["category"]))
                string parsedCatID = Sanitizers.SanitizeGeneralInputString(Request.QueryString["category"].ToString().Trim());

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parsedCatID))
                    VideoCategory selectedCategory = videoCategoryRepo.Get(parsedCatID);
                    if (selectedCategory != null)
                        // Determine if the viewer is viewing from inside the network
                        string clientIP = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
                        bool   canUserAccessPrivateContent = Config.CanAccessPrivate(clientIP);

                        VideoRepository videoRepository = new VideoRepository();
                        List <Video>    CategoryVideos  = videoRepository.GetFromCategory(selectedCategory, canUserAccessPrivateContent);

                        StringBuilder VideoListHTML = new StringBuilder();
                        foreach (Video video in CategoryVideos)
                        litVideos.Text = VideoListHTML.ToString();
        private void refreshCategoryList()
            VideoCategoryRepository videoCategoryRepo = new VideoCategoryRepository();
            List <VideoCategory>    AllCategories     = videoCategoryRepo.GetAll();


            drpParent.Items.Add(new ListItem(" - No Parent Category -", string.Empty));

            foreach (VideoCategory cat in AllCategories.OrderBy(c => c.FullName).ToList <VideoCategory>())
                tblCategories.Rows.Add(AddVideoCategoryTableRow(cat, false));

                // Add categories to the dropdown list
                if (!IsPostBack)
                    ListItem newCategoryItem = new ListItem(cat.FullName, cat.ID);
Beispiel #6
        private Video parseVideo()
            string title       = txtTitle.Text;
            string author      = txtAuthor.Text;
            string description = txtDescription.Text;
            string id          = lblID.Text;

            string        tagsRaw = txtTags.Text;
            List <string> tags    = new List <string>();

            foreach (string tag in tagsRaw.Split(' '))
                string tagSanitized = tag.Trim();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagSanitized))
                    if (!tags.Contains(tagSanitized))

            int    width                     = Parsers.ParseInt(txtWidth.Text);
            int    height                    = Parsers.ParseInt(txtHeight.Text);
            string thumbnail                 = drpThumbnail.SelectedValue;
            int    durationInSeconds         = Parsers.ParseInt(txtDuration.Text);
            string youtubeURL                = txtYoutubeURL.Text;
            int    youtubeStartTimeInSeconds = Parsers.ParseInt(txtYoutubeStartTime.Text);
            string file_mp4                  = txtMP4URL.Text;
            string file_ogg                  = txtOGVURL.Text;
            string file_webm                 = txtWEBM.Text;
            string downloadURL               = txtDownloadURL.Text;
            bool   ishidden                  = chkhidden.Checked;
            bool   isprivate                 = chkPrivate.Checked;

            // Category
            string cateogryID = string.Empty;

            VideoCategoryRepository videoCategoryRepo = new VideoCategoryRepository();
            VideoCategory           category          = videoCategoryRepo.Get(drpCategory.SelectedValue);

            if (category != null)
                cateogryID = category.ID;

            // Validate
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                throw new Exception("Title cannot be empty.");
            if (width <= 0)
                throw new Exception("Width must be greater than zero");
            if (height <= 0)
                throw new Exception("Height must be greater than zero");

            return(new Video()
                ID = id,
                Name = title,
                Author = author,
                Description = description,
                Width = width,
                Height = height,
                DateAdded = DateTime.Now,
                DurationInSeconds = durationInSeconds,
                FileURL_H264 = file_mp4,
                FileURL_THEORA = file_ogg,
                FileURL_VP8 = file_webm,
                DownloadURL = downloadURL,
                YoutubeURL = youtubeURL,
                YoutubeStartTimeInSeconds = youtubeStartTimeInSeconds,
                IsHidden = ishidden,
                IsPrivate = isprivate,
                Tags = tags,
                ThumbnailURL = thumbnail,
                CategoryID = cateogryID,