Beispiel #1
            public Triangle[] CreateScreenSpaceLines(Point3D begin, Point3D end, double thickness, Color color)
                VerticesBehindCamera behind = VerticesBehindCamera.None;

                if (begin.Z >= 0)
                    behind |= VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex1;
                if (end.Z >= 0)
                    behind |= VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex2;

                switch (behind)
                case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex1:
                    // 'begin' is behind the camera.  Replace it with a new point that isn't.
                    Weights weights = Interpolator.GetWeightsToXYPlane(begin, end, -distanceAheadOfCamera);
                    begin = Interpolator.WeightedSum(begin, end, weights);

                case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex2:
                    // 'end' is behind the camera.  Replace it with a new point that isn't.
                    Weights weights = Interpolator.GetWeightsToXYPlane(begin, end, -distanceAheadOfCamera);
                    end = Interpolator.WeightedSum(begin, end, weights);

                case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex1And2:
                    return(new Triangle[0]);

                return(new Triangle[] { new ScreenSpaceLineTriangle(begin, end, thickness, color, projection),
                                        new ScreenSpaceLineTriangle(end, begin, thickness, color, projection) });
            private void ReorderVertices(ref Vertex v1, ref Vertex v2, ref Vertex v3, VerticesBehindCamera behind)
                Vertex temp = null;

                switch (behind)
                    case VerticesBehindCamera.None:
                    case VerticesBehindCamera.AllVertices:
                    case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex1:
                    case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex1And2:
                        // Do nothing

                    case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex2:
                    case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex2And3:
                        // Rotate CCW
                        temp = v1;
                        v1 = v2;
                        v2 = v3;
                        v3 = temp;

                    case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex3:
                    case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex1And3:
                        // Rotate CW
                        temp = v1;
                        v1 = v3;
                        v3 = v2;
                        v2 = temp;
            public Triangle[] CreateTriangles(Vertex v1, Vertex v2, Vertex v3)
                VerticesBehindCamera behind = VerticesBehindCamera.None;

                if (v1.PositionZ >= 0)
                    behind |= VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex1;
                if (v2.PositionZ >= 0)
                    behind |= VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex2;
                if (v3.PositionZ >= 0)
                    behind |= VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex3;

                // Set v1 (and possibly v2) as the clipped vertex (vertices)
                // We do this to simplify the tessellation code (in the 'switch' block below)
                ReorderVertices(ref v1, ref v2, ref v3, behind);

                switch (behind)
                    case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex1:
                    case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex2:
                    case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex3:
                            //  The two triangles created are 2-3-4 and 2-4-5
                            //  Vertices 4 and 5 are actually just in front of the camera plane (unlike the picture shows)
                            //     3---------2   ^ camera look direction
                            //      \    ." /    |
                            //       \ ."  /     |
                            //  <-----4---5-------> camera plane (NOT the near clipping plane)
                            //         \ /
                            //          1          behind the camera
                            Vertex v4 = GetVertexAheadOfCamera(v1, v3);
                            Vertex v5 = GetVertexAheadOfCamera(v1, v2);
                            return new Triangle[]{ new Triangle( v2, v3, v4, projection ),
                                               new Triangle( v2, v4, v5, projection ) };

                    case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex1And2:
                    case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex1And3:
                    case VerticesBehindCamera.Vertex2And3:
                            // The triangle created is 3-4-5
                            // Vertices 4 and 5 are actually just in front of the camera plane (unlike the picture shows)
                            //          3        ^ camera look direction
                            //         / \       |
                            //        /   \      |
                            //  <----4-----5------> camera plane (NOT the near clipping plane)
                            //      /       \
                            //     1---------2      behind the camera

                            Vertex v4 = GetVertexAheadOfCamera(v1, v3);
                            Vertex v5 = GetVertexAheadOfCamera(v2, v3);
                            return new Triangle[] { new Triangle(v3, v4, v5, projection) };

                    case VerticesBehindCamera.AllVertices:
                        return new Triangle[0];

                    case VerticesBehindCamera.None:
                        return new Triangle[] { new Triangle(v1, v2, v3, projection) };