Beispiel #1
    public void CheckAndAddVertexToEdge(Collider other)
        if (!other)         // shorthand for (other == null)

        VertexScript vertex = other.GetComponent <VertexScript> ();

        if (vertex)         // shorthand for (vertex != null)
            if (VertexA == null && VertexB != vertex)
                VertexA = vertex;
            else if (VertexB == null && VertexA != vertex)
                VertexB = vertex;
            else if (VertexA && VertexB)
                System.Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Edge with two vertices intersecting new vertex in OnTriggerEnter.");
Beispiel #2
 public PathData(VertexScript startNode, VertexScript goalNode, float cost)
     vertices       = new List <VertexScript> ();
     this.startNode = startNode;
     this.goalNode  = goalNode;
     this.cost      = cost;
Beispiel #3
 public VertexWrapper(VertexScript Vertex)
     this.Vertex              = Vertex;
     this.LowestCostSoFar     = float.PositiveInfinity;
     this.LowestCostEdgeSoFar = null;
     this.Depth = 0;
Beispiel #4

    private VertexWrapper GetOrMakeVertexWrapper(VertexScript vertex, Dictionary <VertexScript, VertexWrapper> vertexDict)
        VertexWrapper wrapper;

        if (!vertexDict.TryGetValue(vertex, out wrapper))
            wrapper             = new VertexWrapper(vertex);
            vertexDict [vertex] = wrapper;
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
        // Gets the current node
        if (col.gameObject.tag == ("Node"))
            GameObject thisCurrentNode = col.gameObject;
            CurrentNode = thisCurrentNode.GetComponent <VertexScript>();

            // Ensures each node traversed is a new start node. Allows nodes to change mid travel
            StartNode = CurrentNode;
    public void StretchEdgeBetweenTwoVertices(VertexScript vertexA, VertexScript vertexB, EdgeScript edge)
        Vector3 leftVertexPosition  = vertexA.transform.position;
        Vector3 rightVertexPosition = vertexB.transform.position;

        edge.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(leftVertexPosition, rightVertexPosition, 0.5f);
        Vector3 positionDifferences = rightVertexPosition - leftVertexPosition;

        edge.transform.localScale = new Vector3(EdgeThickness, positionDifferences.magnitude * 0.5f, EdgeThickness);
        edge.transform.rotation   = Quaternion.LookRotation(positionDifferences);
        edge.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(90, 0, 0));
Beispiel #7
 public void InsertPreviousStep(VertexScript vertex)
     if (currentVertexIndex == -1)
         // only insert a step if we have not yet begun walking down the path
         vertices.Insert(0, vertex);
         // ERROR: shouldn't change path data while traversing path
         UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("ERROR: shouldn't change path data in PathData.InsertPreviousStep() while traversing path.");
    // Moved running dijkstra inside this function to allow re-running easily
    void runDijkstra(ref VertexScript NodeA, ref VertexScript NodeB, Dijkstra.CostMethodType costMethod)
        // Dijkstra is running
        dijkstraIsRunning = true;

        // either have no path yet or path data is stale (no longer correct) so get new path
        //path = algorithm.GetPath(StartNode, GoalNode, TravelerProfileCatalog.GetProfile(Type), CostMethod);
        path = algorithm.GetPath(NodeA, NodeB, TravelerProfileCatalog.GetProfile(Type), costMethod);

        //Dijkstra is not running
        dijkstraIsRunning = false;

        // Actor now has a path to use
        dijkstraHasPath = true;
Beispiel #9
    public void CheckAndRemoveVertexFromEdge(Collider other)
        if (!other)         // shorthand for (other == null)

        VertexScript vertex = other.GetComponent <VertexScript> ();

        if (vertex)         // shorthand for (vertex != null)
            if (VertexA == vertex)
                VertexA = null;
            else if (VertexB == vertex)
                VertexB = null;
Beispiel #10
    public VertexScript GetOtherVertex(VertexScript vertex)
        VertexScript value = null;

        if (vertex == null)
            System.Console.WriteLine("ERROR: null vertex in GetOtherVertex.");
        else if (vertex == VertexA)
            value = VertexB;
        else if (vertex == VertexB)
            value = VertexA;
            System.Console.WriteLine("ERROR: vertex not connected to edge in GetOtherVertex.");
    void safeBPMCheck()
        // If the currentBPM is >= to the maxBPM the actor can have
        if (currentBPM >= maxBPM || StartNode == GoalNode)
            // Sets the current node to the start node
            StartNode = CurrentNode;

            // If the decrement coroutine has ran or not
            if (decrementHasRan == false)
                // Sets decrementHasRan to true
                decrementHasRan = true;

                // Actor cannot move
                Move = false;

                // Starts BPMdecrement Coroutine
    /// Here Lies the Dijkstra Call ///

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // If there is not startNode and no Goal node
        if (StartNode != null && GoalNode != null)
            // have somewhere to go
            if (path == null || path.StartNode != StartNode || path.GoalNode != GoalNode)
                // either have no path yet or path data is stale (no longer correct) so get new path
                path = algorithm.GetPath(StartNode, GoalNode, TravelerProfileCatalog.GetProfile(Type), CostMethod);

                if (path != null && path.GetCurrentVertex() != null && StartAtStartNode)
                    transform.position = path.GetCurrentVertex().transform.position;
                    StartAtStartNode   = false;
            // have nowhere to go
            path = null;

        if (Move && path != null && path.GetCurrentVertex() != null)
            VertexScript nextNode = path.GetCurrentVertex();              // <- In PathData.cs, returns the current vertex

            currentNode = path.GetCurrentVertex();                        // returns the current vertex the actor is at
            // TODO: Upon getting current vertex, if the actors heartrate > maxBPM
            // Wait untill heartrate is at safe BPM
            // after reaching safe BPM, continue with movement

            Vector3 nextDestination = nextNode.transform.position;
            Vector3 currentPosition = transform.position;
            Vector3 difference      = nextDestination - currentPosition;
            // difference.Normalize (); // scales vector to have length = 1

            FacingDirection = difference;

            float distanceToDest = difference.magnitude;
            if (distanceToDest <= DELTA)
                // we're already there, so just correct the position
                // and advance to the next vertex in the path
                transform.position = nextDestination;
            else if (distanceToDest < Speed * Time.deltaTime)
                // we're close enough to arrive there this frame
                transform.position = nextDestination;
                // it'll take more than one frame to arrive there
                Vector3 normalizedVelocity = difference.normalized;                 // velocity vector
                Vector3 movementThisFrame  = Speed * normalizedVelocity * Time.deltaTime;
                transform.position += movementThisFrame;
Beispiel #13
    public PathData GetPath(
        VertexScript startNode,
        VertexScript goalNode,
        TravelerProfile traveler  = null,
        CostMethodType costMethod = CostMethodType.Steepness,           // <- Default cost method
        int maxDepth = int.MaxValue)
        PathData data = null;

        if (startNode == null || goalNode == null)
        else if (startNode == goalNode)
            Debug.Log("ERROR: startNode == goalNode in GetPath.");

        if (traveler == null)
            traveler = TravelerProfileCatalog.GetProfile(TravelerProfileCatalog.TravelerType.Heart);             // <- Setting defaults to heart

        PriorityQueue <VertexWrapper>            priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue <VertexWrapper> ();
        Dictionary <VertexScript, VertexWrapper> vertexDict    = new Dictionary <VertexScript, VertexWrapper> ();
        Dictionary <EdgeScript, EdgeWrapper>     edgeDict      = new Dictionary <EdgeScript, EdgeWrapper> ();

        EdgeWrapper edgeWrapper;
        bool        reachedGoal = false;

        VertexWrapper nodeWrapper = GetOrMakeVertexWrapper(startNode, vertexDict);

        nodeWrapper.LowestCostSoFar = 0;

        while (!reachedGoal && priorityQueue.Count != 0)
            VertexWrapper tempWrapper = priorityQueue.Dequeue();
            if (tempWrapper != null)
                nodeWrapper = tempWrapper;
                if (nodeWrapper.Vertex == goalNode)
                    reachedGoal = true;
                if (nodeWrapper.Depth == maxDepth)
                VertexScript currentNode = nodeWrapper.Vertex;
                foreach (EdgeScript edge in currentNode.Edges)
                    if (edge == null)

                    VertexScript  otherNode        = edge.GetOtherVertex(currentNode);
                    VertexWrapper otherNodeWrapper = GetOrMakeVertexWrapper(otherNode, vertexDict);
                    if (otherNode != null)
                        // returns the edge cost //
                        float cost = GetCost(nodeWrapper, otherNodeWrapper, edge, costMethod, traveler, startNode, goalNode);

                        // // // // // // // // //

                        Debug.Assert(cost >= 0f, "ERROR: Dijkstra's Algorithm does not accept negative edge weights.");

                        float costOfPathPlusThisEdge = nodeWrapper.LowestCostSoFar + cost;
                        if (costOfPathPlusThisEdge < otherNodeWrapper.LowestCostSoFar)
                            edgeWrapper      = GetOrMakeEdgeWrapper(edge, edgeDict);
                            edgeWrapper.Cost = cost;
                            otherNodeWrapper.LowestCostSoFar     = costOfPathPlusThisEdge;
                            otherNodeWrapper.LowestCostEdgeSoFar = edgeWrapper;
                            otherNodeWrapper.Depth = nodeWrapper.Depth + 1;

        data = new PathData(startNode, goalNode, nodeWrapper.LowestCostSoFar);

        // traverse the shortest path from the goalNode backwards to the startNode
        edgeWrapper = nodeWrapper.LowestCostEdgeSoFar;
        while (edgeWrapper != null)
            nodeWrapper = GetOrMakeVertexWrapper(edgeWrapper.Edge.GetOtherVertex(nodeWrapper.Vertex), vertexDict);
            edgeWrapper = nodeWrapper.LowestCostEdgeSoFar;
        Debug.Assert(nodeWrapper.Vertex == startNode, "ERROR: shortest path did not terminate at startNode in MakeShortestPath.");


Beispiel #14
    // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
    // TODO: Take this specific function, Modify it to only calculate BPM cost
    // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
    public float GetCost(VertexWrapper fromNodeWrapper, VertexWrapper toNodeWrapper, EdgeScript edge, CostMethodType method, TravelerProfile Traveler = null, VertexScript startNode = null, VertexScript goalNode = null)
        VertexScript fromNode = fromNodeWrapper.Vertex;
        VertexScript toNode   = toNodeWrapper.Vertex;

        // the baseCost is our interpretation of the physical cost of travel, ignoring any personality traits
        float baseCost = 0f;

        switch (method)
        case CostMethodType.ClosestToCompass:
            // pick the path with the smallest angle compared to the vector between you and the destination
            Vector3 differenceForEdge = toNode.transform.position - fromNode.transform.position;
            Vector3 differenceForGoal = goalNode.transform.position - fromNode.transform.position;
            baseCost = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Angle(differenceForEdge, differenceForGoal));

        case CostMethodType.DistanceHorizontal:
            // use only the pure horizontal distance, ignoring any vertical distance
            Vector3 difference = toNode.transform.position - fromNode.transform.position;
            difference.y = 0;
            baseCost     = difference.magnitude;

        case CostMethodType.DistanceTrue:
            // use the typical 3D distance between the two points
            baseCost = (toNode.transform.position - fromNode.transform.position).magnitude;

        case CostMethodType.DistanceVertical:
            // use only the pure vertical distance, ignoring any horizontal distance
            // this is equivalent to saying "walking on flat ground is easy, but any change in elevation is hard"
            baseCost = Mathf.Abs(toNode.transform.position.y - fromNode.transform.position.y);

        case CostMethodType.NumberOfStops:
            // counts the number the vertices between the start and the goal nodes
            baseCost = 1f;

        case CostMethodType.PeakLover:
            // for people who enjoy walking along the tops of hills and mountains so they can enjoy the view
            // there is a cost for going down, but not for going up
            baseCost = Mathf.Max(0f, fromNode.transform.position.y - toNode.transform.position.y);

        case CostMethodType.SmoothTurns:
            // when you're driving very fast or driving a very large vehicle it's important that your turns are smooth
            // the cost is smaller if the edge is a straight-forward continuation of the last edge and larger if you have to make a sharp turn
            if (fromNodeWrapper.LowestCostEdgeSoFar != null)
                // all nodes except the start node will have a "lowest cost edge so far", so we can use it
                Vector3 differenceNext     = toNode.transform.position - fromNode.transform.position;
                Vector3 differencePrevious = fromNode.transform.position - fromNodeWrapper.LowestCostEdgeSoFar.Edge.GetOtherVertex(fromNode).transform.position;
                // ignore changes in elevation so that only horizontal turning is taken into account
                differenceNext.y     = 0;
                differencePrevious.y = 0;
                // the cost should be higher if the angle is larger or if the distance traveled is shorter (i.e. it's a sharper turn)
                // the cost should be lower if the angle is smaller or if the distance traveled is larger (i.e. it's a long smooth turn)
                baseCost = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Angle(differencePrevious, differenceNext)) / (differencePrevious.magnitude + differenceNext.magnitude);
                // the start node has no "lowest cost edge so far" so just use 0 (no need to turn when leaving the start node)
                baseCost = 0f;

        case CostMethodType.Steepness:          // <- Use this for calculating edge BPM Cost
            // the cost is the angle that the edge makes with the horizon
            // so flat paths are good but the steeper the edge (going up or going down) the more it costs
            Vector3 differenceFull = toNode.transform.position - fromNode.transform.position;
            Vector3 differenceFlat = new Vector3(differenceFull.x, differenceFull.z, 0f);
            baseCost = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Angle(differenceFlat, differenceFull));

        case CostMethodType.UpSucksDownOkay:            // <- work with both
            // for people who hate walking uphill but don't mind going downhill
            // there is a cost for going up but no cost for going down
            baseCost = Mathf.Max(0f, toNode.transform.position.y - fromNode.transform.position.y);

            // if nothing else, just use the physical length of the edge
            baseCost = (edge.transform.localScale.y * 2f);
        // end of baseCost calculation

        // retrieve the traveler profile, then check if the profile is null to prevent errors
        if (Traveler == null)
            Traveler = TravelerProfileCatalog.GetProfile(TravelerProfileCatalog.TravelerType.Neutral);

        // if profile is not null use the average of the trait indexes (which will be -1 to 1)
        // but if profile is null then just use zero
        float compatibility = (Traveler != null
                        ?  (Traveler.LikesToWalk * edge.PedestrianFriendly +
                            Traveler.LikesToBicycle * edge.BicyclistFriendly +
                            Traveler.LikesToDrive * edge.CarFriendly +
                            Traveler.LikesVistas * edge.Beautiful +
                            Traveler.LikesFood * edge.FoodAvailable +
                            Traveler.LikesHeart * edge.Heart) / 5f

                        : 0f);

        // (1 - compatibility) gives a value that is 0 (good) to 2 (bad)
        // this translates to:
        //   -- cost is reduced when the traveler likes the edge
        //   -- cost is not affected when the traveler has no opinion of the edge
        //   -- cost is increased when the traveler dislikes the edge
        float personalityCost = (1f - compatibility);

        // using personalityCost * baseCost means "the traveler's emotions can make anything easy or anything hard"
        return(personalityCost * baseCost);
    /// Here Lies the Dijkstra Call ///

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Always checks to ensure the actor is at a safeBPM

        // If there is a startNode and a Goal node
        if (StartNode != null && GoalNode != null)
            // have somewhere to go
            if (path == null || path.StartNode != StartNode || path.GoalNode != GoalNode)
                // Checks if Dijkstra has already ran before
                if (dijkstraIsRunning == false && dijkstraHasPath == false || GoalNode != CurrentNode)
                    // runs Dijkstra's algorithm
                    runDijkstra(ref StartNode, ref GoalNode, CostMethod);

                if (path != null && path.GetCurrentVertex() != null && StartAtStartNode)
                    transform.position = path.GetCurrentVertex().transform.position;
                    StartAtStartNode   = false;
            // Sets the current node as the start node
            if (CurrentNode == GoalNode && dijkstraHasPath == true)
                dijkstraHasPath = false;
                StartNode       = GoalNode;
            // have nowhere to go
            path = null;

        // If the actor can move
        if (Move && path != null && path.GetCurrentVertex() != null)
            VertexScript nextNode = path.GetCurrentVertex();              // <- In PathData.cs, returns the current vertex

            NextNode = path.GetCurrentVertex();                           // returns the current vertex the actor is at
            // TODO: Upon getting current vertex, if the actors heartrate > maxBPM
            // Wait untill heartrate is at safe BPM
            // after reaching safe BPM, continue with movement

            Vector3 nextDestination = nextNode.transform.position;
            Vector3 currentPosition = transform.position;
            Vector3 difference      = nextDestination - currentPosition;
            // difference.Normalize (); // scales vector to have length = 1

            FacingDirection = difference;

            float distanceToDest = difference.magnitude;
            if (distanceToDest <= DELTA)
                // we're already there, so just correct the position
                // and advance to the next vertex in the path
                transform.position = nextDestination;
            else if (distanceToDest < Speed * Time.deltaTime)
                // we're close enough to arrive there this frame
                transform.position = nextDestination;
                // it'll take more than one frame to arrive there
                Vector3 normalizedVelocity = difference.normalized;                 // velocity vector
                Vector3 movementThisFrame  = Speed * normalizedVelocity * Time.deltaTime;
                transform.position += movementThisFrame;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();

            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "plane" && state == 0)
                    GameObject   instance = Instantiate(vertex, hit.point + new Vector3(0, 0, -0.00001f), Quaternion.identity);
                    VertexScript script   = instance.GetComponent <VertexScript>();
                    if (CollidesWithOthers(instance))

                        if (graph == null)
                            graph = new float[1, 1];
                            graph = ResizeArray(graph, vertexCount, vertexCount);
                else if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "vertex")
                    state = 1;
                    if (counter == 1)
                        start   = hit.collider.gameObject;
                        m       = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material;
                        m.color =;
                    if (counter == 2)
                        if (!hit.collider.gameObject.transform.position.Equals(start.transform.position))
                            end = hit.collider.gameObject;
                            Vector3 v1, v2, v3, v4, k;
                            float   a, b, c, d, kx, ky;
                            bool    isInside = false;
                            for (int i = 0; i < graph.GetLength(0); i++)
                                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                                    //Debug.Log (j + "---" + i);
                                    if (graph[i, j] != 0)
                                        v1 = start.transform.position;
                                        v2 = verticesPositions [i];
                                        v3 = end.transform.position;
                                        v4 = verticesPositions [j];

                                        if (v1 == v2 || v1 == v4 || v3 == v2 || v3 == v4)
                                            //Debug.Log ("wspólne wierzchołki");

                                        //Debug.Log (v1 + " " + v2 + " " + v3 + " " + v4);
                                        a = (v1.y - v3.y) / (v1.x - v3.x);
                                        b = v1.y - a * v1.x;
                                        c = (v2.y - v4.y) / (v2.x - v4.x);
                                        d = v2.y - c * v2.x;
                                        //Debug.Log (a + " " + b + " " + c + " " + d);

                                        if (c != a)
                                            kx = (b - d) / (c - a);
                                            ky = a * kx + b;
                                            //Debug.Log (kx + " " + ky);
                                            k.x = kx;
                                            k.y = ky;
                                            k.z = 0;
                                            //GameObject instance = Instantiate(vertex, k, Quaternion.identity);
                                            //Debug.Log ("równoległe");

                                        isInside = false;
                                        isInside = checkIfInside(v1, v2, k, isInside);
                                        isInside = checkIfInside(v2, v3, k, isInside);
                                        isInside = checkIfInside(v3, v4, k, isInside);
                                        isInside = checkIfInside(v4, v1, k, isInside);

                                        if (isInside)
                                            //Debug.Log ("jest zły");
                                            goto waypoint;

                            if (!isInside)
                                GameObject instance = (Instantiate(line) as GameObject).GetComponent <LineScript>().setPoints(start.transform.position, end.transform.position);
                                int        id1      = start.GetComponent <VertexScript>().getId();
                                int        id2      = end.GetComponent <VertexScript>().getId();
                                graph[id1, id2] = Vector3.Distance(start.transform.position * multiplier, end.transform.position * multiplier);
                                graph[id2, id1] = graph[id1, id2];

                            m.color =;
                            state   = 0;
                            counter = 0;
                            counter = 0;
                            state   = 0;
                            m.color =;
                else if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "button" && state == 0)
                    LevelManager.Load(1, graph, verticesPositions);