Beispiel #1
        public override void Added(Scene scene)

            // Hack to determine sprite color without resorting to a switch statement
            XNAColor color = Color ?? (Heart.IsGhost ? new XNAColor(130, 144, 198) : Heart.Get <VertexLight>().Color);

            sprite.Color = color;

            shineParticle = heartData.Get <ParticleType>("shineParticle");
            if (Color != null)
                shineParticle.Color = Color.Value;

            Add(light      = new VertexLight(color, 1f, 32, 64));
            Add(lightTween = light.CreatePulseTween());
Beispiel #2
 public override void Added(Scene scene)
     Add(_wiggler = Wiggler.Create(0.4f, 4f, delegate(float v)
         _sprite.Scale = Vector2.One * (1f + v * 0.35f);
     Add(_rotateWiggler = Wiggler.Create(0.5f, 4f, delegate(float v)
         _sprite.Rotation = v * 30f * ((float)Math.PI / 180f);
     Add(_bloom      = new BloomPoint(_isGhostBerry ? 0.5f : 1f, 12f));
     Add(_light      = new VertexLight(Color.RosyBrown, 1f, 16, 24));
     Add(_lightTween = _light.CreatePulseTween());
     if ((scene as Level).Session.BloomBaseAdd > 0.1f)
         _bloom.Alpha *= 0.5f;
Beispiel #3
        public NoOverlayLookout(EntityData data, Vector2 offset)
            : base(data.Position + offset)
            Depth = Depths.Above;

            Add(talk = new TalkComponent(new Rectangle(-24, -8, 48, 8), new Vector2(-0.5f, -20f), Interact)
                PlayerMustBeFacing = false,

            summit = data.Bool("summit");
            onlyY  = data.Bool("onlyY");

            Collider = new Hitbox(4f, 4f, -2f, -4f);

            VertexLight vertexLight = new VertexLight(new Vector2(-1f, -11f), Color.White, 0.8f, 16, 24);


            lightTween = vertexLight.CreatePulseTween();

            Add(sprite           = GFX.SpriteBank.Create("lookout"));
            sprite.OnFrameChange = delegate(string s) {
                switch (s)
                case "idle":
                case "badeline_idle":
                case "nobackpack_idle":
                    if (sprite.CurrentAnimationFrame == sprite.CurrentAnimationTotalFrames - 1)

            Vector2[] array = data.NodesOffset(offset);
            if (array != null && array.Length != 0)
                nodes = new List <Vector2>(array);
        public GenericStrawberrySeed(IStrawberrySeeded strawberry, Vector2 position, int index, bool ghost)
            : base(position)
            Strawberry = strawberry;
            Depth      = Depths.Pickups;
            start      = Position;
            Collider   = new Hitbox(12f, 12f, -6f, -6f);
            this.index = index;
            this.ghost = ghost;

            Add(follower              = new Follower(OnGainLeader, OnLoseLeader));
            follower.FollowDelay      = 0.2f;
            follower.PersistentFollow = false;

            Add(new StaticMover {
                SolidChecker = solid => solid.CollideCheck(this),
                OnAttach     = platform => {
                    Depth    = Depths.Top;
                    Collider = new Hitbox(24f, 24f, -12f, -12f);
                    attached = platform;
                    start    = Position - platform.Position;
            Add(new PlayerCollider(OnPlayer));

            Add(wiggler = Wiggler.Create(0.5f, 4f, v => {
                sprite.Scale = Vector2.One * (1f + 0.2f * v);
            }, false, false));
            Add(sine       = new SineWave(0.5f, 0f).Randomize());
            Add(shaker     = new Shaker(false, null));
            Add(bloom      = new BloomPoint(1f, 12f));
            Add(light      = new VertexLight(Color.White, 1f, 16, 24));
            Add(lightTween = light.CreatePulseTween());

            if (P_Burst == null)
                P_Burst = StrawberrySeed.P_Burst;
 public override void Added(Scene scene)
     Add(sprite = GFX.SpriteBank.Create("strawberry"));
     if (Winged)
         sprite.Play("flap", false, false);
     sprite.OnFrameChange = new Action <string>(OnAnimate);
     Add(wiggler          = Wiggler.Create(0.4f, 4f, delegate(float v) {
         sprite.Scale = Vector2.One * (1f + v * 0.35f);
     }, false, false));
     Add(rotateWiggler = Wiggler.Create(0.5f, 4f, delegate(float v) {
         sprite.Rotation = v * 30f * 0.0174532924f;
     }, false, false));
     Add(bloom      = new BloomPoint(1f, 12f));
     Add(light      = new VertexLight(Color.White, 1f, 16, 24));
     Add(lightTween = light.CreatePulseTween());
     if ((scene as Level).Session.BloomBaseAdd > 0.1f)
         bloom.Alpha *= 0.5f;
        // When a new Strawberry is "added" to a scene, we need it to initialize certain features, most of them visual in nature.
        public override void Added(Scene scene)

            sprite = spriteBank.Create("springCollabGlassBerry");

            if (!isOwned)

            // Strawberries have certain special effects during their animation sequence.
            // This adds a handler to enable this.
            sprite.OnFrameChange = OnAnimate;

            // A Wiggler is capable of "shaking" and "pulsing" sprites.
            // This Wiggler adjusts the sprite's Scale when triggered.
            wiggler = Wiggler.Create
                delegate(float v) {
                sprite.Scale = Vector2.One * (1f + v * 0.35f);

            // Bloom makes bright things brighter!
            // The default BloomPoint for a vanilla Strawberry is
            // alpha = (this.Golden || this.Moon || this.isGhostBerry) ? 0.5f : 1f
            // radius = 12f
            bloom = new BloomPoint(isOwned ? 0.25f : 0.5f, 12f);

            // Strawberries give off light. This is the vanilla VertexLight.
            light      = new VertexLight(Color.White, 1f, 16, 24);
            lightTween = light.CreatePulseTween();

            // While we're here, a seeded Strawberry must be allowed to initialize its Seeds.
            if (Seeds != null && Seeds.Count > 0 && !SceneAs <Level>().Session.GetFlag(gotSeedFlag))
                foreach (GenericStrawberrySeed seed in Seeds)

                // If we added the seeds, we don't want to see or touch the strawberry, do we?
                Visible       = false;
                Collidable    = false;
                bloom.Visible = light.Visible = false;

            // Let's be polite and turn down the bloom a little bit if the base level has bloom.
            if (SceneAs <Level>().Session.BloomBaseAdd > 0.1f)
                bloom.Alpha *= 0.5f;

            // The Glass Berry's gimmick is that it breaks if the player dashes while carrying it.
            // So we need a generic DashListener.
            Add(new DashListener {
                OnDash = OnDash
 public override void Added(Scene scene)
     if (SaveData.Instance.CheckStrawberry(ID))
         if (Moon)
             sprite = GFX.SpriteBank.Create("moonghostberry");
         else if (Golden)
             sprite = GFX.SpriteBank.Create("goldghostberry");
             sprite = GFX.SpriteBank.Create("ghostberry");
         sprite.Color = Color.White * 0.8f;
     else if (Moon)
         sprite = GFX.SpriteBank.Create("moonberry");
     else if (Golden)
         sprite = GFX.SpriteBank.Create("goldberry");
         sprite = GFX.SpriteBank.Create("strawberry");
     if (Winged)
     sprite.OnFrameChange = OnAnimate;
     Add(wiggler          = Wiggler.Create(0.4f, 4f, delegate(float v) {
         sprite.Scale = Vector2.One * (1f + v * 0.35f);
     Add(rotateWiggler = Wiggler.Create(0.5f, 4f, delegate(float v) {
         sprite.Rotation = v * 30f * ((float)Math.PI / 180f);
     Add(bloom      = new BloomPoint((Golden || Moon || isGhostBerry) ? 0.5f : 1f, 12f));
     Add(light      = new VertexLight(Color.White, 1f, 16, 24));
     Add(lightTween = light.CreatePulseTween());
     if (Seeds != null && Seeds.Count > 0)
         Session session = (scene as Level).Session;
         if (!session.GetFlag(gotSeedFlag))
             foreach (GenericStrawberrySeed seed in Seeds)
             Visible        = false;
             Collidable     = false;
             WaitingOnSeeds = true;
             bloom.Visible  = (light.Visible = false);
     if ((scene as Level).Session.BloomBaseAdd > 0.1f)
         bloom.Alpha *= 0.5f;