Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns a list of vertex groups for the specified mesh.
        /// </summary>
        public static List <MeshVertexGroup> Create(Mesh mesh)
            if (!mesh.isReadable)
                return(new List <MeshVertexGroup>());

            // These variables holds the number of groups per world unit. It's probably worth
            // experimenting with these values, but there is no correct value that you can set.
            // The bigger the values, the bigger the number of vertices which can exist in one
            // group. The smaller the value, the bigger the number of vertex groups. It all
            // depends on the kind of meshes you are dealing with. Setting this to 2, seems to
            // provide reasonably good results.
            const float numberOfGroupsPerWorldUnitX = 2.0f;
            const float numberOfGroupsPerWorldUnitY = 2.0f;
            const float numberOfGroupsPerWorldUnitZ = 2.0f;

            // Cache needed data
            Bounds  meshBounds     = mesh.bounds;
            Vector3 meshBoundsSize = meshBounds.size;

            Vector3[] meshVertices = mesh.vertices;

            // Calculate the vertec group size on all axes
            float vertexGroupSizeX = meshBoundsSize.x / numberOfGroupsPerWorldUnitX;
            float vertexGroupSizeY = meshBoundsSize.y / numberOfGroupsPerWorldUnitY;
            float vertexGroupSizeZ = meshBoundsSize.z / numberOfGroupsPerWorldUnitZ;

            var vertexGroupIndexMappings = new Dictionary <VertexGroupIndices, MeshVertexGroup>();

            for (int vIndex = 0; vIndex < meshVertices.Length; ++vIndex)
                Vector3 vertex = meshVertices[vIndex];

                int groupIndexX = Mathf.FloorToInt(vertex.x / vertexGroupSizeX);
                int groupIndexY = Mathf.FloorToInt(vertex.y / vertexGroupSizeY);
                int groupIndexZ = Mathf.FloorToInt(vertex.z / vertexGroupSizeZ);

                VertexGroupIndices vertGroupIndices = new VertexGroupIndices(groupIndexX, groupIndexY, groupIndexZ);
                if (vertexGroupIndexMappings.ContainsKey(vertGroupIndices))
                    MeshVertexGroup meshVertexGroup = new MeshVertexGroup();
                    vertexGroupIndexMappings.Add(vertGroupIndices, meshVertexGroup);
            if (vertexGroupIndexMappings.Count == 0)
                return(new List <MeshVertexGroup>());

            var meshVertexGroups = new List <MeshVertexGroup>(vertexGroupIndexMappings.Count);

            foreach (var pair in vertexGroupIndexMappings)
                MeshVertexGroup vertGroup = pair.Value;


Beispiel #2
        public Geoset1300(BinaryReader br)
            TotalSize = br.ReadUInt32();
            long end = TotalSize + br.BaseStream.Position;

            if (br.HasTag("VRTX"))
                NrOfVertices = br.ReadUInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < NrOfVertices; i++)
                    Vertices.Add(new CVector3(br));

            if (br.HasTag("NRMS"))
                NrOfNormals = br.ReadUInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < NrOfNormals; i++)
                    Normals.Add(new CVector3(br));

            if (br.HasTag("UVAS"))
                NrOfTexCoords = br.ReadUInt32();                 //Amount of groups
                for (int i = 0; i < NrOfNormals * NrOfTexCoords; i++)
                    TexCoords.Add(new CVector2(br));

            //Face Group Type
            if (br.HasTag("PTYP"))
                NrOfFaceTypeGroups = br.ReadUInt32();

            //Face Groups
            if (br.HasTag("PCNT"))
                NrOfFaceGroups = br.ReadUInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < NrOfFaceGroups; i++)

            if (br.HasTag("PVTX"))
                NrOfFaceVertices = br.ReadUInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < NrOfFaceVertices / 3; i++)
                    FaceVertices.Add(new CVertex(br));

            //Vertex Groups
            if (br.HasTag("GNDX"))
                NrOfVertexGroupIndices = br.ReadUInt32();

            //Matrix Groups
            if (br.HasTag("MTGC"))
                NrOfMatrixGroups = br.ReadUInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < NrOfMatrixGroups; i++)

            //Matrix Indexes
            if (br.HasTag("MATS"))
                NrOfMatrixIndexes = br.ReadUInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < NrOfMatrixIndexes; i++)

            //Bone Indexes
            if (br.HasTag("BIDX"))
                NrOfBoneIndexes = br.ReadUInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < NrOfBoneIndexes; i++)

            //Bone Weights
            if (br.HasTag("BWGT"))
                NrOfBoneWeights = br.ReadUInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < NrOfBoneWeights; i++)

            MaterialId     = br.ReadUInt32();
            SelectionGroup = br.ReadUInt32();
            Unselectable   = br.ReadUInt32() == 1;
            Bounds         = new CExtent(br);

            NrOfExtents = br.ReadUInt32();
            for (int i = 0; i < NrOfExtents; i++)
                Extents.Add(new CExtent(br));

            //Grouped Vertices
            for (int i = 0; i < NrOfVertices; i++)
                if (!GroupedVertices.ContainsKey(VertexGroupIndices[i]))
                    GroupedVertices.Add(VertexGroupIndices[i], new List <CVector3>());
