public static Vector3 NearestPointOnMesh(Vector3 pt, Vector3[] verts, KDTree vertProx, int[] tri, VertTriList vt)
		//	First, find the nearest vertex (the nearest point must be on one of the triangles
		//	that uses this vertex if the mesh is convex).
		int nearest = vertProx.FindNearest(pt);

		//	Get the list of triangles in which the nearest vert "participates".
		VertList nearTris = vt.list[nearest];

		Vector3 nearestPt =;
		float nearestSqDist = float.MaxValue;

		for ( int i = 0; i < nearTris.t.Length; i++ )
			int triOff = nearTris.t[i] * 3;
			Vector3 a = verts[tri[triOff]];
			Vector3 b = verts[tri[triOff + 1]];
			Vector3 c = verts[tri[triOff + 2]];

			Vector3 possNearestPt = NearestPointOnTri(pt, a, b, c);
			float possNearestSqDist = (pt - possNearestPt).sqrMagnitude;

			if ( possNearestSqDist < nearestSqDist )
				nearestPt = possNearestPt;
				nearestSqDist = possNearestSqDist;

		return nearestPt;
    public static Vector3 getNearestPointOnMesh(Vector3 pt, MeshFilter mf)
        Mesh        mesh = mf.mesh;
        VertTriList vt   = new VertTriList(mesh);

        Vector3[] verts = mesh.vertices;
        KDTree    kd    = KDTree.MakeFromPoints(verts);

        return(getNearestPointOnMesh(pt, verts, kd, mesh.triangles, vt));
    public static Vector3 NearestPointOnMesh(Vector3 pt, Vector3[] verts, int[] tri, VertTriList vt)
        int   num  = -1;
        float num2 = 1E+08f;

        for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
            float sqrMagnitude = (verts[i] - pt).sqrMagnitude;
            bool  flag         = sqrMagnitude >= num2;
            if (!flag)
                num  = i;
                num2 = sqrMagnitude;
        bool    flag2 = num == -1;
        Vector3 result;

        if (flag2)
            result =;
            int[]   array  = vt[num];
            Vector3 vector =;
            num2 = 1E+08f;
            for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++)
                int     num3          = array[j] * 3;
                Vector3 vector2       = verts[tri[num3]];
                Vector3 vector3       = verts[tri[num3 + 1]];
                Vector3 vector4       = verts[tri[num3 + 2]];
                Vector3 vector5       = NearestPointTest.NearestPointOnTri(pt, vector2, vector3, vector4);
                float   sqrMagnitude2 = (pt - vector5).sqrMagnitude;
                bool    flag3         = sqrMagnitude2 >= num2;
                if (!flag3)
                    vector = vector5;
                    num2   = sqrMagnitude2;
            result = vector;
Beispiel #4
    public static Vector3 lerpNearest(Vector3 from, MeshFilter to, float t)
        //Linearly interpolates between given point and nearest point on mesh by fraction t
        Mesh        mesh       = to.mesh;
        VertTriList vt         = new VertTriList(mesh);
        Vector3     objSpacePt = from;    // to.transform.InverseTransformPoint(from);

        Vector3[] verts   = mesh.vertices;
        KDTree    kd      = KDTree.MakeFromPoints(verts);
        Vector3   meshPt  = NearestPointOnMesh.getNearestPointOnMesh(objSpacePt, verts, kd, mesh.triangles, vt);
        Vector3   closest = meshPt;       //= to.transform.TransformPoint(meshPt);

        Debug.Log("selected:" + from.ToString() + " nearest:" + closest.ToString());
        Vector3 towards = Vector3.Lerp(from, closest, t);

        Debug.Log("lerp point" + towards.ToString());
    public static Vector3 NearestPointOnMesh(Vector3 pt, Vector3[] verts, int[] tri, VertTriList vt)
        //	First, find the nearest vertex (the nearest point must be on one of the triangles
        //	that uses this vertex if the mesh is convex).
        int   nearest       = -1;
        float nearestSqDist = float.MaxValue;

        for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
            float sqDist = (verts[i] - pt).sqrMagnitude;

            if (sqDist < nearestSqDist)
                nearest       = i;
                nearestSqDist = sqDist;

        //	Get the list of triangles in which the nearest vert "participates".
        VertList nearTris = vt.list[nearest];

        Vector3 nearestPt =;

        nearestSqDist = float.MaxValue;

        for (int i = 0; i < nearTris.t.Length; i++)
            int     triOff = nearTris.t[i] * 3;
            Vector3 a      = verts[tri[triOff]];
            Vector3 b      = verts[tri[triOff + 1]];
            Vector3 c      = verts[tri[triOff + 2]];

            Vector3 possNearestPt     = NearestPointOnTri(pt, a, b, c);
            float   possNearestSqDist = (pt - possNearestPt).sqrMagnitude;

            if (possNearestSqDist < nearestSqDist)
                nearestPt     = possNearestPt;
                nearestSqDist = possNearestSqDist;

    public static Vector3 getNearestPointOnMesh(Vector3 pt, Vector3[] verts, KDTree vertProx, int[] tri, VertTriList vt)
        //	First, find the nearest vertex (the nearest point must be on one of the triangles
        //	that uses this vertex if the mesh is convex).
        int nearest = vertProx.FindNearest(pt);

        //	Get the list of triangles in which the nearest vert "participates".
        int[] nearTris = vt[nearest];

        Vector3 nearestPt     =;
        float   nearestSqDist = 100000000f;

        for (int i = 0; i < nearTris.Length; i++)
            int     triOff = nearTris[i] * 3;
            Vector3 a      = verts[tri[triOff]];
            Vector3 b      = verts[tri[triOff + 1]];
            Vector3 c      = verts[tri[triOff + 2]];

            Vector3 possNearestPt     = NearestPointOnTri(pt, a, b, c);
            float   possNearestSqDist = (pt - possNearestPt).sqrMagnitude;

            if (possNearestSqDist < nearestSqDist)
                nearestPt     = possNearestPt;
                nearestSqDist = possNearestSqDist;
