protected override async Task AutoExecAsync() { try { base.AutoExec(); VersioInfo = VerHelper.CurVerStr(".Net5"); using (var db = A0DbMdl.GetA0DbMdlAzureDb) { await LoadFromDbAsync(db); SelectSnRt = null; //sessionLoad_Start_lazy(); IsInSsn = true; IsAdmin = VerHelper.IsVIP; //var gnd = (VoiceGender)((AppRunCount++) % 3 + 1); synth.Rate = 3; //Feb 2020: seems to hang on this one: synth.SelectVoiceByHints(gnd, VoiceAge.Senior); _dt = new DispatcherTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(_t333ms), DispatcherPriority.Background, new EventHandler(async(s, e) => await tick333ms()), Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher); //tu: one-line timer _dt.Start(); MainVis = Visibility.Visible; Opcty = 1; //SpeedClr = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); await updateDoneTodo(SelectUser, synth, db); } CurInfo = $"{(LesnTyp)} - {SubLesnId:N0} ";// ({DashName})"; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Log(); synth.SpeakAsyncCancelAll(); synth.SpeakFaF($"Something is not right: {ex.Message}. Talk to you later"); } Trace.TraceInformation($"{DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss.fff} AutoExec: \t."); }
async Task reload() { _db = A0DbContext.Create(); tbComp.Text = VerHelper.CurVerStr(A0DbContext.SolutionCfg); try { await _db.TxMoneySrcs.LoadAsync(); await _db.BalAmtHists.LoadAsync(); await _db.TxCoreV2.LoadAsync(); //full history is here: await _db.Vw_TxCore.LoadAsync(); - is it worth it/useful var groupByMnySrc = _db.TxCoreV2.Local.GroupBy(c => new { c.TxMoneySrcId }).Select(g => new { g.Key.TxMoneySrcId, Count = g.Count(), LastTx = g.Max(r => r.TxDate) }).ToList(); //var usedMnySrcList = _db.TxCoreV2.Local.Select(r => r.TxMoneySrcId).Distinct().ToList(); //lbMnySrc_Flas.ItemsSource = _db.TxMoneySrcs.Local.Where(r => usedMnySrcList.Contains(r.Id)).OrderBy(r => r.Fla); lbMnySrc_Flas.ItemsSource = _db.TxMoneySrcs.Local. Join(groupByMnySrc, s => s.Id, c => c.TxMoneySrcId, (s, c) => new { s, c }). Select(r => new Tms(r.s.Id, r.s.Fla, r.s.Name, r.s.IniBalance, r.c.LastTx, $"{r.s.Notes}\r\nCount: \t {r.c.Count}\r\nLast: \t {r.c.LastTx:yyy-MM-dd}" )); lbMnySrc_Flas.Focus(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Log(); } }
public MainWindow() : base() { InitializeComponent(); _ignoreEscape = true; VersioInfo.Text = $"{VerHelper.CurVerStr(".NET 4.8")}\n{DbMdl.A0DbMdl.GetA0DbMdlAzureDb.ServerDatabase()}"; }
public PodCatcherViewModel(bool countDown = true) { Bpr.Beep1of2(); CurVer = VerHelper.CurVerStr(A0DbContext.SqlEnv); //bool isDay0; if (bool.TryParse(MiscDataHelper.GetSetting("daq", "IsDay0", "True", "Directive flag to run all tasks in Full or Daily/Delta mode.").SValue, out isDay0))IsDay0 = isDay0; IsAutoNextStep = countDown; Task.Run(() => Thread.Sleep(1)) .ContinueWith(async _ => await reLoad(), TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()) .ContinueWith(_ => { #if !SkipCountDown if (IsAutoNextStep) { Bpr.BeepOkB(); } Thread.Sleep(1000); if (IsAutoNextStep) { Bpr.BeepFD(9000, 200); } Thread.Sleep(1000); if (IsAutoNextStep) { Bpr.BeepFD(8600, 200); } Thread.Sleep(1000); if (IsAutoNextStep) { Bpr.BeepFD(8300, 200); } Thread.Sleep(1000); if (IsAutoNextStep) { Bpr.BeepFD(8000, 600); } Thread.Sleep(1000); if (IsAutoNextStep) { Bpr.BeepFD(7000, 200); } Thread.Sleep(5); if (IsAutoNextStep) { Bpr.BeepFD(7000, 200); } #endif }) .ContinueWith(_ => { if (IsAutoNextStep) { onDoAll(null); } }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()) .ContinueWith(_ => Bpr.Beep2of2(), TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); }
public MainWindow() : base() { InitializeComponent(); _ignoreEscape = true; VersioInfo.Text = $"{VerHelper.CurVerStr(".Net5")}\n{DbMdl.A0DbMdl.GetA0DbMdlAzureDb.ServerDatabase()}"; Topmost = Debugger.IsAttached; }
//SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); public DdjViewModel() { _timer.Tick += onTick; _timer.Start(); TopRightTiny = $" {VerHelper.CurVerStr("4.8")} "; //UserA = DevOp.IsVIP; UserM = Environment.UserName.ToLower().Contains("mei"); UserN = Environment.UserName.ToLower().Contains("nadi"); UserZ = Environment.UserName.ToLower().Contains("zoe"); _TrgFolders = new ObservableCollection <string>(new[] { @"M:\", @"C:\Users\nadin\OneDrive\Music\dm\", $@"C:\1\M\" }); //RegisterHotKey(this.Handle, 4540, 0, Keys.MediaPlayPause); }
//public static readonly DependencyProperty ZVProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ZV", typeof(double), typeof(RODBView), new PropertyMetadata(1d)); public double ZV { get { return (double)GetValue(ZVProperty); } set { SetValue(ZVProperty, value); } } async void onLoaded(object s, RoutedEventArgs e) { ZommablePanel.IsEnabled = false; try { tbInfo.Text = $"Loading ... {_localdb}"; tbCurVer.Text = $"{VerHelper.CurVerStr(".NET 5.0")}"; await _db.PcLogics.LoadAsync(); await _db.EvOfInts.OrderByDescending(r => r.TimeID).LoadAsync(); //tu: error "'EditItem' is not allowed for this view." if Order is done on Local !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((CollectionViewSource)(this.FindResource("pcLogicViewSource"))).Source = _db.PcLogics.Local; ((CollectionViewSource)(this.FindResource("pcLogicEvOfIntsViewSource"))).Source = _db.EvOfInts.Local; ((CollectionViewSource)(this.FindResource("pcLogicEvOfIntsViewSourRO"))).Source = _db.EvOfInts.Local; tbInfo.Text = $"{_db.PcLogics.Local.Count} PCs, {_db.EvOfInts.Local.Count} events in \r\n{_localdb}."; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Pop();; } finally { ZommablePanel.IsEnabled = true; } }
async void onLoaded(object s, RoutedEventArgs e) { vizroot.IsEnabled = false; try { tbInfo.Text = $"Loading ... "; tbCurVer.Text = $"{VerHelper.CurVerStr(".NET 5.0")}"; var itemsSrc = await DbLogHelper.AllPCsAsync(); tbInfo.Text = $"Loading {itemsSrc.Count} PCs... "; var _localdb = OneDrive.Folder($@"{DbLogHelper._dbSubP}LocalDb({Environment.MachineName}).mdf"); FileAttributeHelper.RmvAttribute(_localdb, FileAttributes.ReadOnly); var _db = A0DbModel.GetLclFl(_localdb); await _db.PcLogics.LoadAsync(); await _db.EvOfInts.LoadAsync(); //foreach (PcLogic item in ((List<PcLogic>)pcLogicDataGridRO.ItemsSource).Where(r => !r.MachineName.Equals(Environment.MachineName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) _db.PcLogics.Local.Add(item); ((CollectionViewSource)(FindResource("pcLogicViewSource"))).Source = _db.PcLogics.Local; ((CollectionViewSource)(FindResource("evOfIntViewSource"))).Source = _db.EvOfInts.Local; tbInfo.Text = $"{_db.PcLogics.Local.Count} PCs with {_db.EvOfInts.Local.Count} events."; pcLogicDataGridRO.ItemsSource = itemsSrc; foreach (var item in itemsSrc) { if (item.MachineName.Equals(Environment.MachineName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { pcLogicDataGridRO.SelectedItem = item; } } pcLogicDataGridRO.Focus(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Pop();; } finally { vizroot.IsEnabled = true; } }
public MainAppDispatcher() { InitializeComponent(); KeyUp += (s, e) => { switch (e.Key) { case Key.Escape: Close(); App.Current.Shutdown(); break; case Key.Up: /**/ Settings.Default.LastBtnNo = Settings.Default.LastBtnNo > 0 /**/ ? --Settings.Default.LastBtnNo : 0; /**/ setDefault(Settings.Default.LastBtnNo); break; case Key.Down: /**/ Settings.Default.LastBtnNo = Settings.Default.LastBtnNo < _zeroBasedBtnCnt /**/ ? ++Settings.Default.LastBtnNo : _zeroBasedBtnCnt; /**/ setDefault(Settings.Default.LastBtnNo); break; default: break; } }; //tu: //Task.Run(async () => await A0DbContext.Create().UnitPrices.LoadAsync()); // preload to ini the EF for faster loads in views. setDefault(Settings.Default.LastBtnNo); tbver.Text = $"db:{Db.FinDemo.DbModel.A0DbContext.DbName} - {VerHelper.CurVerStr(".NET 4.8")}"; }
public void ShowOnTargetScreen(Screen trgScreen, bool showMaximized) { //Task.Run(async () => await Task.Delay(waitMs)).ContinueWith(_ => { Show(); Left = trgScreen.Bounds.Left; Top = trgScreen.Bounds.Top; Title = $" {string.Join(" ", Environment.GetCommandLineArgs())} \t\t {trgScreen.DeviceName} - {(trgScreen.Primary ? "Primary " : "Secondary")} XY: {trgScreen.Bounds.X,5} x {trgScreen.Bounds.Y,-5} \t\t {(VerHelper.IsVIP ? "VIP :)" : "!vip :(")} {VerHelper.CurVerStr(".Net 5.0")}"; // always NaN / 0: ► Left-Top: {(double.IsNaN(window.Left) ? -1.0 : window.Left)}-{(double.IsNaN(window.Top) ? -1.0 : window.Top)} Actual W x H: {window.ActualWidth}x{window.ActualHeight}" + if (showMaximized) { WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; } else { WindowState = WindowState.Normal; Width = trgScreen.Bounds.Width; Height = 50; // trgScreen.Bounds.Height / 32; //Background = Brushes.DarkSlateGray; Top = trgScreen.Bounds.Top + 40; // task bar considerations. //Opacity = .75; } //}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); Debug.WriteLine($" {Title.Replace("\r", " ").Replace("\n", " ")}"); }