Beispiel #1
        private void OnTouch(object sender, SKTouchEventArgs e)
            // Save time, when the event occures
            long ticks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            var location = GetScreenPosition(e.Location);

            if (e.ActionType == SKTouchAction.Pressed)
                _firstTouch = location;

                _touches[e.Id] = new TouchEvent(e.Id, location, ticks);


                // Do we have a doubleTapTestTimer running?
                // If yes, stop it and increment _numOfTaps
                if (_doubleTapTestTimer != null)
                    _doubleTapTestTimer = null;
                    _numOfTaps = 1;

                e.Handled = OnTouchStart(_touches.Select(t => t.Value.Location).ToList());
            if (e.ActionType == SKTouchAction.Released)
                // Delete e.Id from _touches, because finger is released
                var releasedTouch = _touches[e.Id];

                double velocityX;
                double velocityY;

                (velocityX, velocityY) = _velocityTracker.CalcVelocity(e.Id, ticks);

                // Is this a fling or swipe?
                if (_touches.Count == 0)
                    if (velocityX > 10000 || velocityY > 10000)
                        // This was the last finger on screen, so this is a fling
                        e.Handled = OnFlinged(velocityX, velocityY);

                    // Do we have a tap event
                    if (releasedTouch == null)
                        e.Handled = false;

                    // While tapping on screen, there could be a small movement of the finger
                    // (especially on Samsungs). So check, if touch start location isn't more
                    // than 2 pixels away from touch end location.
                    var isAround = Math.Abs(releasedTouch.Location.X - _firstTouch.X) < 2 && Math.Abs(releasedTouch.Location.Y - _firstTouch.Y) < 2;

                    // If touch start and end is in the same area and the touch time is shorter
                    // than longTap, than we have a tap.
                    if (isAround && ticks - releasedTouch.Tick < (e.DeviceType == SKTouchDeviceType.Mouse ? shortClick : longTap) * 10000)
                        // Start a timer with timeout delayTap ms. If than isn't arrived another tap, than it is a single
                        _doubleTapTestTimer = new System.Threading.Timer((l) =>
                            if (_numOfTaps > 1)
                                if (!e.Handled)
                                    e.Handled = OnDoubleTapped(location, _numOfTaps);
                            if (!e.Handled)
                                e.Handled = OnSingleTapped((Geometries.Point)l);
                            _numOfTaps = 1;
                            if (_doubleTapTestTimer != null)
                            _doubleTapTestTimer = null;
                        }, location, UseDoubleTap ? delayTap : 0, -1);
                    else if (releasedTouch.Location.Equals(_firstTouch) && ticks - releasedTouch.Tick >= longTap * 10000)
                        if (!e.Handled)
                            e.Handled = OnLongTapped(location);

                if (_touches.Count == 1)
                    e.Handled = OnTouchStart(_touches.Select(t => t.Value.Location).ToList());

                if (!e.Handled)
                    e.Handled = OnTouchEnd(_touches.Select(t => t.Value.Location).ToList(), releasedTouch.Location);
            if (e.ActionType == SKTouchAction.Moved)
                _touches[e.Id] = new TouchEvent(e.Id, location, ticks);

                if (e.InContact)
                    _velocityTracker.AddEvent(e.Id, location, ticks);

                if (e.InContact && !e.Handled)
                    e.Handled = OnTouchMove(_touches.Select(t => t.Value.Location).ToList());
                    e.Handled = OnHovered(_touches.Select(t => t.Value.Location).FirstOrDefault());
            if (e.ActionType == SKTouchAction.Cancelled)
            if (e.ActionType == SKTouchAction.Exited)
            if (e.ActionType == SKTouchAction.Entered)
Beispiel #2
        private void OnTouch(object sender, SKTouchEventArgs e)
            // Save time, when the event occures
            long ticks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            var location = GetScreenPosition(e.Location);

            // Get finger/handler for this event
            if (!_fingers.Keys.Contains(e.Id))
                if (_fingers.Count < 10)
                    _fingers.Add(e.Id, _fingers.Count);

            var id = _fingers[e.Id];

            if (e.ActionType == SKTouchAction.Pressed)
                _firstTouch = location;

                _touches[id] = new TouchEvent(id, location, ticks);


                // Do we have a doubleTapTestTimer running?
                // If yes, stop it and increment _numOfTaps
                if (_doubleTapTestTimer != null)
                    _doubleTapTestTimer = null;
                    _numOfTaps = 1;

                e.Handled = OnTouchStart(_touches.Select(t => t.Value.Location).ToList());
            if (e.ActionType == SKTouchAction.Released)
                // Delete e.Id from _fingers, because finger is released


                double velocityX;
                double velocityY;

                (velocityX, velocityY) = _velocityTracker.CalcVelocity(id, ticks);

                // Is this a fling or swipe?
                if (velocityX > 10000 || velocityY > 10000)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Velocity X = {velocityX}, Velocity Y = {velocityY}");

                    e.Handled = OnFlinged(velocityX, velocityY);

                // Do we have a tap event
                if (_touches.Count == 0 || _touches[id] == null)
                    e.Handled = false;

                if (_touches[id].Location.Equals(_firstTouch) && ticks - _touches[id].Tick < (e.DeviceType == SKTouchDeviceType.Mouse ? shortClick : longTap) * 10000)
                    // Start a timer with timeout delayTap ms. If than isn't arrived another tap, than it is a single
                    _doubleTapTestTimer = new System.Threading.Timer((l) =>
                        if (_numOfTaps > 1)
                            if (!e.Handled)
                                e.Handled = OnDoubleTapped(location, _numOfTaps);
                        if (!e.Handled)
                            e.Handled = OnSingleTapped((Geometries.Point)l);
                        _numOfTaps = 1;
                        if (_doubleTapTestTimer != null)
                        _doubleTapTestTimer = null;
                    }, location, UseDoubleTap ? delayTap : 0, -1);
                else if (_touches[id].Location.Equals(_firstTouch) && ticks - _touches[id].Tick >= longTap * 10000)
                    if (!e.Handled)
                        e.Handled = OnLongTapped(location);
                var releasedTouch = _touches[id];

                if (!e.Handled)
                    e.Handled = OnTouchEnd(_touches.Select(t => t.Value.Location).ToList(), releasedTouch.Location);
            if (e.ActionType == SKTouchAction.Moved)
                _touches[id] = new TouchEvent(id, location, ticks);

                if (e.InContact)
                    _velocityTracker.AddEvent(id, location, ticks);

                if (e.InContact && !e.Handled)
                    e.Handled = OnTouchMove(_touches.Select(t => t.Value.Location).ToList());
                    e.Handled = OnHovered(_touches.Select(t => t.Value.Location).FirstOrDefault());