public void AdditionOperator() { Vector4D a = new Vector4D(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0); Vector4D b = new Vector4D(2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0); Vector4D c = a + b; Assert.AreEqual(new Vector4D(3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0), c); }
public static bool Decompose(Matrix4x4 m, out Vector3D scale, out Vector4D rotationQuaternion, out Vector3D translation) { SlimDX.Vector3 s; SlimDX.Quaternion r; SlimDX.Vector3 t; if (Matrix4x4ToSlimDXMatrix(m).Decompose(out s, out r, out t)) { scale.x = s.X; scale.y = s.Y; scale.z = s.Z; rotationQuaternion.x = r.X; rotationQuaternion.y = r.Y; rotationQuaternion.z = r.Z; rotationQuaternion.w = r.W; translation.x = t.X; translation.y = t.Y; translation.z = t.Z; return true; } else { scale = new Vector3D(0); rotationQuaternion = new Vector4D(0); translation = new Vector3D(0); return false; } }
public void Addition() { Vector4D a = new Vector4D(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0); Vector4D b = new Vector4D(2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0); Vector4D c = Vector4D.Add(a, b); Assert.AreEqual(new Vector4D(3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0), c); }
public override void MouseMove(Vector2D mouseMovePos, EnumMouseButton button) { base.MouseMove(mouseMovePos, button); if (handleIndex == null) return; Vector2D p = mouseCurrPos - new Vector2D(projectedCenter.x, projectedCenter.y); p.x += 100; p.y += 100; switch (button) { case EnumMouseButton.Middle: movingBall.Drag(p); break; case EnumMouseButton.Left: movingBall.Drag(p / this.ScaleRatio); break; case EnumMouseButton.Right: movingBall.Drag(p); break; } Matrix4D tran = TransformController.Instance.TransformInverse * movingBall.CreateMatrix().Transpose() * TransformController.Instance.ModelMatrix; for (int i = 0; i < handleIndex.Count; i++) { int j = handleIndex[i]; Vector4D q = new Vector4D((Vector3D)oldHandlePos[i], 1); q = tran * (q - handleCenter) + handleCenter; mesh.Vertices[j].Traits.Position.x = q.x; mesh.Vertices[j].Traits.Position.y = q.y; mesh.Vertices[j].Traits.Position.z = q.z; } //TriMeshUtil.SetUpNormalVertex(mesh); OnChanged(EventArgs.Empty); }
public void Write(Vector4D value) { Write(value.X); Write(value.Y); Write(value.Z); Write(value.W); }
public void Normalize() { Vector4D v, n1, n2; double magnitude; v = new Vector4D(3.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0); n1 = v.Normalize(); n2 = v.Normalize(out magnitude); Assert.AreEqual(1.0, n1.Magnitude, 1e-14); Assert.AreEqual(1.0, n2.Magnitude, 1e-14); Assert.AreEqual(5.0, magnitude, 1e-14); v = new Vector4D(3.0, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0); n1 = v.Normalize(); n2 = v.Normalize(out magnitude); Assert.AreEqual(1.0, n1.Magnitude, 1e-14); Assert.AreEqual(1.0, n2.Magnitude, 1e-14); Assert.AreEqual(5.0, magnitude, 1e-14); v = new Vector4D(0.0, 3.0, 4.0, 0.0); n1 = v.Normalize(); n2 = v.Normalize(out magnitude); Assert.AreEqual(1.0, n1.Magnitude, 1e-14); Assert.AreEqual(1.0, n2.Magnitude, 1e-14); Assert.AreEqual(5.0, magnitude, 1e-14); v = new Vector4D(0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0); n1 = v.Normalize(); n2 = v.Normalize(out magnitude); Assert.AreEqual(1.0, n1.Magnitude, 1e-14); Assert.AreEqual(1.0, n2.Magnitude, 1e-14); Assert.AreEqual(5.0, magnitude, 1e-14); }
public void Construct2() { Vector4D v = new Vector4D(new Vector2D(1.0, 2.0), 3.0, 4.0); Assert.AreEqual(1.0, v.X); Assert.AreEqual(2.0, v.Y); Assert.AreEqual(3.0, v.Z); Assert.AreEqual(4.0, v.W); }
public void Drag(Vector2D pt) { endPt = pt; endVec = MapToSphere(pt); double epsilon = 1.0e-5; Vector3D prep = startVec.Cross(endVec); if (prep.Length() > epsilon) quat = new Vector4D(prep, startVec.Dot(endVec)); else quat = new Vector4D(); }
//from openFrameworks private Vector4D MakeRotate(Vector3D from, Vector3D to) { Vector4D quat = new Vector4D(); Vector3D sourceVector = from / from.Length; Vector3D targetVector = to / to.Length; // Now let's get into the real stuff // Use "dot product plus one" as test as it can be re-used later on double dotProdPlus1 = 1.0 +; // Check for degenerate case of full u-turn. Use epsilon for detection if (dotProdPlus1 < 1e-7) { // Get an orthogonal vector of the given vector // in a plane with maximum vector coordinates. // Then use it as quaternion axis with pi angle // Trick is to realize one value at least is >0.6 for a normalized vector. if (fabs(sourceVector.x) < 0.6) { const double norm = sqrt(1.0 - sourceVector.x * sourceVector.x); _v.x = 0.0; _v.y = sourceVector.z / norm; _v.z = -sourceVector.y / norm; _v.w = 0.0; } else if (fabs(sourceVector.y) < 0.6) { const double norm = sqrt(1.0 - sourceVector.y * sourceVector.y); _v.x = -sourceVector.z / norm; _v.y = 0.0; _v.z = sourceVector.x / norm; _v.w = 0.0; } else { const double norm = sqrt(1.0 - sourceVector.z * sourceVector.z); _v.x = sourceVector.y / norm; _v.y = -sourceVector.x / norm; _v.z = 0.0; _v.w = 0.0; } } else { // Find the shortest angle quaternion that transforms normalized vectors // into one other. Formula is still valid when vectors are colinear const double s = sqrt(0.5 * dotProdPlus1); const ofVec3f tmp = sourceVector.getCrossed(targetVector) / (2.0 * s); _v.x = tmp.x; _v.y = tmp.y; _v.z = tmp.z; _v.w = s; } return quat; }
public void AreEqual() { double originalEpsilon = Numeric.EpsilonD; Numeric.EpsilonD = 1e-8; Vector4D u = new Vector4D(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0); Vector4D v = new Vector4D(1.000001, 2.000001, 3.000001, 4.000001); Vector4D w = new Vector4D(1.00000001, 2.00000001, 3.00000001, 4.00000001); Assert.IsTrue(Vector4D.AreNumericallyEqual(u, u)); Assert.IsFalse(Vector4D.AreNumericallyEqual(u, v)); Assert.IsTrue(Vector4D.AreNumericallyEqual(u, w)); Numeric.EpsilonD = originalEpsilon; }
public void ResolveShadows(Image shadowCastersTexture, RenderImage result, Vector2D lightPosition, bool attenuateShadows, Image mask, Vector4D maskProps, Vector4D diffuseColor) { resolveShadowsEffect.Parameters["AttenuateShadows"].SetValue(attenuateShadows ? 0 : 1); resolveShadowsEffect.Parameters["MaskProps"].SetValue(maskProps); resolveShadowsEffect.Parameters["DiffuseColor"].SetValue(diffuseColor); //Gorgon.CurrentRenderTarget.BlendingMode = BlendingModes.None; ExecuteTechnique(shadowCastersTexture, distancesRT, "ComputeDistances"); ExecuteTechnique(distancesRT.Image, distortRT, "Distort"); ApplyHorizontalReduction(distortRT, shadowMap); ExecuteTechnique(mask, result, "DrawShadows", shadowMap); //ExecuteTechnique(shadowsRT.Image, processedShadowsRT, "BlurHorizontally"); //ExecuteTechnique(processedShadowsRT.Image, result, "BlurVerticallyAndAttenuate"); Gorgon.CurrentShader = null; }
public static Vector4D BBox2DtoVVVV(this PXCMRectI32 pt, Vector2D ImageSize) { var bbox2d = new Vector4D(); bbox2d.z = pt.w / (float)ImageSize.x; bbox2d.w = pt.h / (float)ImageSize.y; bbox2d.x = (pt.x / (float)ImageSize.x * 2.0f - 1.0f) + bbox2d.z; bbox2d.y = (1.0f - pt.y / (float)ImageSize.y * 2.0f) - bbox2d.w; bbox2d.z *= 2; bbox2d.w *= 2; return bbox2d; }
public void AbsoluteStatic() { Vector4D v = new Vector4D(-1, -2, -3, -4); Vector4D absoluteV = Vector4D.Absolute(v); Assert.AreEqual(1, absoluteV.X); Assert.AreEqual(2, absoluteV.Y); Assert.AreEqual(3, absoluteV.Z); Assert.AreEqual(4, absoluteV.W); v = new Vector4D(1, 2, 3, 4); absoluteV = Vector4D.Absolute(v); Assert.AreEqual(1, absoluteV.X); Assert.AreEqual(2, absoluteV.Y); Assert.AreEqual(3, absoluteV.Z); Assert.AreEqual(4, absoluteV.W); }
public void Absolute() { Vector4D v = new Vector4D(-1, -2, -3, -4); v.Absolute(); Assert.AreEqual(1, v.X); Assert.AreEqual(2, v.Y); Assert.AreEqual(3, v.Z); Assert.AreEqual(4, v.W); v = new Vector4D(1, 2, 3, 4); v.Absolute(); Assert.AreEqual(1, v.X); Assert.AreEqual(2, v.Y); Assert.AreEqual(3, v.Z); Assert.AreEqual(4, v.W); }
public void Magnitude() { Vector4D v = new Vector4D(3.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0); Assert.AreEqual(25.0, v.MagnitudeSquared, 1e-14); Assert.AreEqual(5.0, v.Magnitude, 1e-14); v = new Vector4D(3.0, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0); Assert.AreEqual(25.0, v.MagnitudeSquared, 1e-14); Assert.AreEqual(5.0, v.Magnitude, 1e-14); v = new Vector4D(0.0, 3.0, 4.0, 0.0); Assert.AreEqual(25.0, v.MagnitudeSquared, 1e-14); Assert.AreEqual(5.0, v.Magnitude, 1e-14); v = new Vector4D(0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0); Assert.AreEqual(25.0, v.MagnitudeSquared, 1e-14); Assert.AreEqual(5.0, v.Magnitude, 1e-14); }
public static TriMesh BulidSphere(string data)//通过文件建立Trimesh { data = "D:\\atet.obj"; TriMesh sphere= FromObjFile(data); Matrix4D m = new Matrix4D(); m[0, 0] = 0.01; m[1, 1] = 0.01; m[2, 2] = 0.01; Vector4D v = new Vector4D(); for (int i = 0; i < sphere.Vertices.Count; i++)//对整个球进行缩放 { v.x = sphere.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.x; v.y = sphere.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.y; v.z = sphere.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.z; v.w = 1; v *= m; sphere.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.x = v.x; sphere.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.y = v.y; sphere.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.z = v.z; } return sphere; }
public SplineCurve3D(int degree, double[] knots, Vector4D[] controlPoints) { this.bsplineD_0 = new BSplineD(degree, knots); this.point3D_0 = new Point3D[controlPoints.Length]; this.double_0 = new double[controlPoints.Length]; bool flag = false; for (int index = controlPoints.Length - 1; index >= 0; --index) { Vector4D controlPoint = controlPoints[index]; this.point3D_0[index] = new Point3D(controlPoint.X, controlPoint.Y, controlPoint.Z); double w = controlPoint.W; this.double_0[index] = w; flag = flag || w != 1.0; } if (flag) { return; } this.double_0 = (double[])null; }
public override void DrawInternal( DrawContext.Wireframe context, IWireframeGraphicsFactory graphicsFactory) { if (this.list_0.Count <= 0) { return; } Polygon2D clipBoundary = this.GetClipBoundary((DrawContext)context); if (clipBoundary == null) { return; } Matrix4D preTransform = this.method_15(); IClippingTransformer clippingTransformer = (IClippingTransformer)context.GetTransformer().Clone(); clippingTransformer.SetPreTransform(preTransform); Matrix4D matrix = clippingTransformer.Matrix; WW.Math.Point3D point = new WW.Math.Point3D(-0.5, -0.5, 0.0); Vector4D transformedOrigin = matrix.TransformTo4D(point); Vector4D transformedXAxis = matrix.TransformTo4D(point + WW.Math.Vector3D.XAxis); Vector4D transformedYAxis = matrix.TransformTo4D(point + WW.Math.Vector3D.YAxis); WW.Math.Geometry.Polyline3D polyline = new WW.Math.Geometry.Polyline3D(true); foreach (WW.Math.Point2D point2D in (List <WW.Math.Point2D>)clipBoundary) { polyline.Add((WW.Math.Point3D)point2D); } IList <Polyline4D> polyline4DList = clippingTransformer.Transform(polyline, true); if (polyline4DList.Count <= 0) { return; } Polyline4D imageBoundary = polyline4DList[0]; graphicsFactory.CreateImage(this, context, this.bool_2 ? imageBoundary : (Polyline4D)null, imageBoundary, transformedOrigin, transformedXAxis, transformedYAxis); }
public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { if (FRectangle.IsChanged || FMaxBins.IsChanged || FDiscardBelow.IsChanged || FBox.IsChanged) { var binlist = new List <RectBin>(); var rectlistin = new RectXywhFlipped[FRectangle.SliceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < FRectangle.SliceCount; i++) { rectlistin[i] = new RectXywhFlipped { FWidth = FRectangle[i].x, FHeight = FRectangle[i].y, ID = i, Left = 0, Top = 0, Flipped = false }; } FSuccess[0] = RectPackHelper.Pack(rectlistin, FBox[0], FDiscardBelow[0], binlist, FMaxBins[0]); FPacked.SliceCount = binlist.Count; FID.SliceCount = binlist.Count; FDim.SliceCount = binlist.Count; FFlipped.SliceCount = binlist.Count; for (int i = 0; i < binlist.Count; i++) { FPacked[i].SliceCount = binlist[i].Rects.Count; FID[i].SliceCount = binlist[i].Rects.Count; FFlipped[i].SliceCount = binlist[i].Rects.Count; FDim[i] = binlist[i].Size; for (int j = 0; j < FPacked[i].SliceCount; j++) { var rect = binlist[i].Rects[j]; FPacked[i][j] = new Vector4D(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width(), rect.Height()); FFlipped[i][j] = rect.Flipped; FID[i][j] = rect.ID; } } } }
private void OnXyzwChanged() { if (_isUpdating) { return; } _isUpdating = true; try { if (_vectorType == typeof(Vector4)) { Value = new Vector4((float)X, (float)Y, (float)Z, (float)W); } else if (_vectorType == typeof(Quaternion)) { Value = new Quaternion((float)X, (float)Y, (float)Z, (float)W); } else if (_vectorType == typeof(Vector4)) { Value = new Vector4((float)X, (float)Y, (float)Z, (float)W); } else if (_vectorType == typeof(Vector4D)) { Value = new Vector4D(X, Y, Z, W); } else if (_vectorType == typeof(Quaternion)) { Value = new Quaternion((float)W, (float)X, (float)Y, (float)Z); } else if (_vectorType == typeof(QuaternionD)) { Value = new QuaternionD(W, X, Y, Z); } } finally { _isUpdating = false; } }
public void ProjectTo() { // Project (1, 1, 1) to axes Vector4D v = new Vector4D(1, 1, 1, 0); Vector4D projection = Vector4D.ProjectTo(v, Vector4D.UnitX); Assert.AreEqual(Vector4D.UnitX, projection); projection = Vector4D.ProjectTo(v, Vector4D.UnitY); Assert.AreEqual(Vector4D.UnitY, projection); projection = Vector4D.ProjectTo(v, Vector4D.UnitZ); Assert.AreEqual(Vector4D.UnitZ, projection); // Project axes to (1, 1, 1) Vector4D expected = new Vector4D(1, 1, 1, 0) / 3.0; projection = Vector4D.ProjectTo(Vector4D.UnitX, v); Assert.AreEqual(expected, projection); projection = Vector4D.ProjectTo(Vector4D.UnitY, v); Assert.AreEqual(expected, projection); projection = Vector4D.ProjectTo(Vector4D.UnitZ, v); Assert.AreEqual(expected, projection); }
public void SerializationJson() { Vector4D v1 = new Vector4D(0.1, -0.2, 2, 40); Vector4D v2; string fileName = "SerializationVector4D.json"; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Vector4D)); using (var stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write)) serializer.WriteObject(stream, v1); using (var stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) v2 = (Vector4D)serializer.ReadObject(stream); Assert.AreEqual(v1, v2); }
private Matrix3D QuatToMatrix3d(Vector4D q) { double n = q.Dot(q); double s = (n > 0.0) ? (2.0 / n) : 0.0f; double xs, ys, zs; double wx, wy, wz; double xx, xy, xz; double yy, yz, zz; xs = q.x * s; ys = q.y * s; zs = q.z * s; wx = q.w * xs; wy = q.w * ys; wz = q.w * zs; xx = q.x * xs; xy = q.x * ys; xz = q.x * zs; yy = q.y * ys; yz = q.y * zs; zz = q.z * zs; Matrix3D m = new Matrix3D(); m[0, 0] = 1.0 - (yy + zz); m[1, 0] = xy - wz; m[2, 0] = xz + wy; m[0, 1] = xy + wz; m[1, 1] = 1.0 - (xx + zz); m[2, 1] = yz - wx; m[0, 2] = xz - wy; m[1, 2] = yz + wx; m[2, 2] = 1.0 - (xx + yy); return(m); }
private void method_4( Graphics graphics, BlinnClipper4D drawingBoundsClipper, Class385 context, Vector4D t1, Vector4D t2) { IList <Segment4D> segment4DList = drawingBoundsClipper.Clip(new Segment4D(t1, t2)); if (segment4DList.Count <= 0) { return; } Pen pen = this.method_2(context); foreach (Segment4D segment4D in (IEnumerable <Segment4D>)segment4DList) { Point3D start = (Point3D)segment4D.Start; Point3D end = (Point3D)segment4D.End; graphics.DrawLine(pen, (float)start.X, (float)start.Y, (float)end.X, (float)end.Y); } }
public void Constructors() { Vector4D v = new Vector4D(); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, v.X); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, v.Y); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, v.Z); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, v.W); v = new Vector4D(2.3); Assert.AreEqual(2.3, v.X); Assert.AreEqual(2.3, v.Y); Assert.AreEqual(2.3, v.Z); Assert.AreEqual(2.3, v.W); v = new Vector4D(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0); Assert.AreEqual(1.0, v.X); Assert.AreEqual(2.0, v.Y); Assert.AreEqual(3.0, v.Z); Assert.AreEqual(4.0, v.W); v = new Vector4D(new[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 }); Assert.AreEqual(1.0, v.X); Assert.AreEqual(2.0, v.Y); Assert.AreEqual(3.0, v.Z); Assert.AreEqual(4.0, v.W); v = new Vector4D(new List <double>(new[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 })); Assert.AreEqual(1.0, v.X); Assert.AreEqual(2.0, v.Y); Assert.AreEqual(3.0, v.Z); Assert.AreEqual(4.0, v.W); v = new Vector4D(new Vector3D(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), 4.0); Assert.AreEqual(1.0, v.X); Assert.AreEqual(2.0, v.Y); Assert.AreEqual(3.0, v.Z); Assert.AreEqual(4.0, v.W); }
protected virtual Vector4D getColorForFeature(Feature input, FilterEnv env) { Vector4D result = overall_color; if (is_batch) { result = batch_feature_color; } else if (getColorScript() != null) { ScriptResult r = env.getScriptEngine().run(getColorScript(), input, env); if (r.isValid()) { result = r.asVec4(); } else { env.getReport().error(r.asString()); } } return(result); }
public static TriMesh BulidSphere(string data)//通过文件建立Trimesh { data = "D:\\atet.obj"; TriMesh sphere = FromObjFile(data); Matrix4D m = new Matrix4D(); m[0, 0] = 0.01; m[1, 1] = 0.01; m[2, 2] = 0.01; Vector4D v = new Vector4D(); for (int i = 0; i < sphere.Vertices.Count; i++)//对整个球进行缩放 { v.x = sphere.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.x; v.y = sphere.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.y; v.z = sphere.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.z; v.w = 1; v *= m; sphere.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.x = v.x; sphere.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.y = v.y; sphere.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.z = v.z; } return(sphere); }
public void SerializationXml() { Vector4D v1 = new Vector4D(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0); Vector4D v2; string fileName = "SerializationVector4D.xml"; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Vector4D)); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName); serializer.Serialize(writer, v1); writer.Close(); serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Vector4D)); FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open); v2 = (Vector4D)serializer.Deserialize(fileStream); Assert.AreEqual(v1, v2); }
//gets the shortest quaternion between two vectors public Vector4D qGetQuaternionToPoint(Vector3D vecA, Vector3D vecB) { Vector4D result; if ((vecA.x == 0 && vecA.y == 0 && vecA.z == 0) || (vecB.x == 0 && vecB.y == 0 && vecB.z == 0)) { result = new Vector4D(0, 0, 0, 1); } else { vecA = normalizeVector(vecA); vecB = normalizeVector(vecB); double d = dotVectors(vecA, vecB); double s = Math.Sqrt((1 + d) * 2); double invs = 1 / s; Vector3D c = crossVectors(vecA, vecB); result.x = c.x * invs; result.y = c.y * invs; result.z = c.z * invs; result.w = s * 0.5; } return(qUnify(result)); }
public void MultiplicationOperator() { double x = 23.4; double y = -11.0; double z = 6.0; double w = 0.4; double s = 13.3; Vector4D v = new Vector4D(x, y, z, w); Vector4D u = v * s; Assert.AreEqual(x * s, u.X); Assert.AreEqual(y * s, u.Y); Assert.AreEqual(z * s, u.Z); Assert.AreEqual(w * s, u.W); u = s * v; Assert.AreEqual(x * s, u.X); Assert.AreEqual(y * s, u.Y); Assert.AreEqual(z * s, u.Z); Assert.AreEqual(w * s, u.W); }
public Point?VectorToScreenPosition(Vector3D vector) { if (!isReady) { return(null); } Vector4D v = new Vector4D(vector, 1.0); v = Vector4D.TransformCoordinate(ref v, ref transform); if (v.W > 0) { v.MultiplyBy(1.0 / v.W); Point position = new Point( (int)(view.Width * (v.X + 1.0) * 0.5), (int)(view.Height * (1.0 - v.Y) * 0.5)); // check if the projected position is outside the bounds of the view if (position.X < 0 || position.X > view.Width || position.Y < 0 || position.Y > view.Height) { return(null); } return(position); } else { // position is behind camera return(null); } }
public void SerializationXml2() { Vector4D v1 = new Vector4D(0.1, -0.2, 2, 40); Vector4D v2; string fileName = "SerializationVector4D_DataContractSerializer.xml"; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Vector4D)); using (var stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write)) using (var writer = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateTextWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8)) serializer.WriteObject(writer, v1); using (var stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (var reader = XmlDictionaryReader.CreateTextReader(stream, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas())) v2 = (Vector4D)serializer.ReadObject(reader); Assert.AreEqual(v1, v2); }
public override void ProcessImage(RenderImage image) { if (_noiseBase == null) GenerateNoise(32); var shadowColor = new Vector4D(1, 0, 0, 1); var midtoneColor = new Vector4D(0, 0, 1, 1); var highlightColor = new Vector4D(0, 1, 0, 1); Gorgon.CurrentRenderTarget = copyImage; Gorgon.CurrentShader = _shader; _shader.Parameters["xTime"].SetValue(_duration/20); _shader.Parameters["xOvercast"].SetValue(1.0f); _shader.Parameters["NoiseTexture"].SetValue(_noiseBase); _shader.Parameters["SceneTexture"].SetValue(image); //_shader.Parameters["shadowColor"].SetValue(shadowColor); //_shader.Parameters["midtoneColor"].SetValue(midtoneColor); //_shader.Parameters["highlightColor"].SetValue(highlightColor); _noiseBase.Blit(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height); Gorgon.CurrentShader = null; Gorgon.CurrentRenderTarget = null; image.CopyFromImage(copyImage.Image); }
public override void DrawInternal( DrawContext.Wireframe context, IWireframeGraphicsFactory graphicsFactory) { IList <Polyline4D> polyline4DList = context.GetTransformer().Transform(this.method_14(), true); if (polyline4DList == null || polyline4DList.Count <= 0) { return; } IList <Polyline4D> polylines4D; IList <IShape4D> shapes; this.GetPolylines4D((DrawContext)context, context.GetTransformer(), out polylines4D, out shapes); IClippingTransformer clippingTransformer = (IClippingTransformer)context.GetTransformer().Clone(); Matrix4D preTransform = Transformation4D.Translation((WW.Math.Vector3D) this.point3D_3); clippingTransformer.SetPreTransform(preTransform); Matrix4D matrix = clippingTransformer.Matrix; WW.Math.Point3D zero = WW.Math.Point3D.Zero; Vector4D transformedOrigin = matrix.TransformTo4D(zero); Vector4D transformedXAxis = matrix.TransformTo4D(zero + WW.Math.Vector3D.XAxis); Vector4D transformedYAxis = matrix.TransformTo4D(zero + WW.Math.Vector3D.YAxis); graphicsFactory.CreateScalableImage((DxfEntity)this, context, (IBitmapProvider)this, polyline4DList[0], new Size2D((this.point3D_2 - this.point3D_3).GetLength(), (this.point3D_0 - this.point3D_3).GetLength()), transformedOrigin, transformedXAxis, transformedYAxis); if (polylines4D.Count > 0) { graphicsFactory.CreatePath((DxfEntity)this, context, context.GetPlotColor((DxfEntity)this), false, polylines4D, false, true); } if (shapes == null) { return; } Class940.smethod_23((IPathDrawer) new ns0.Class0((DxfEntity)this, context, graphicsFactory), (IEnumerable <IShape4D>)shapes, this.Color.ToColor(), context.GetLineWeight((DxfEntity)this)); }
private Vector4D Limit(Vector4D color) { if (Math.Max(color.X, Math.Max(color.Y, Math.Max(color.Z, color.W))) <= 255) return color; float x, y, z, w; x = color.X; y = color.Y; z = color.Z; w = color.W; //RGB Max var max = Math.Max(y, Math.Max(z, w)); if(max > 255) { var f = 255/max; y = f*y; z = f*z; w = f*w; } if (x > 255) x = 255; return new Vector4D(x, y, z, w); }
private Vector4D VariedPositiveVector4D(Vector4D value, float variance) { return new Vector4D( VariedPositiveFloat(value.X, variance), VariedPositiveFloat(value.Y, variance), VariedPositiveFloat(value.Z, variance), VariedPositiveFloat(value.W, variance) ); }
public void Update(float frameTime) { Age += frameTime; if (Age >= Lifetime) Alive = false; Velocity += Acceleration*frameTime; RadialVelocity += RadialAcceleration*frameTime; TangentialVelocity += TangentialAcceleration*frameTime; //Calculate delta p due to radial velocity var positionRelativeToEmitter = Position - EmitterPosition; var deltaRadial = RadialVelocity * frameTime; var deltaPosition = positionRelativeToEmitter*(deltaRadial/positionRelativeToEmitter.Length); //Calculate delta p due to tangential velocity var radius = positionRelativeToEmitter.Length; if (radius > 0) { var theta = MathUtility.ATan(positionRelativeToEmitter.Y, positionRelativeToEmitter.X); theta += TangentialVelocity*frameTime; deltaPosition += new Vector2D(radius*MathUtility.Cos(theta), radius*MathUtility.Sin(theta)) - positionRelativeToEmitter; } //Calculate delta p due to Velocity deltaPosition += Velocity*frameTime; Position += deltaPosition; Spin += SpinVelocity*frameTime; Size += SizeDelta*frameTime; Color += ColorDelta*frameTime; }
public static void Write(this BitStream stream, Vector4D vec) { stream.WriteDouble(vec.X); stream.WriteDouble(vec.Y); stream.WriteDouble(vec.Z); stream.WriteDouble(vec.W); }
public void CreateLine(DxfEntity entity, Vector4D start, Vector4D end) { this.DrawLine(start, end); }
public override void Write(Vector4D value, int stride) { Write((double *)&value, stride); }
public static Vector3D XYZ(this Vector4D vec) { return(new Vector3D(vec.X, vec.Y, vec.Z)); }
protected static Vector4D unpackVector4D(byte[] bytes, ref int start) { var v = new Vector4D(); v.x = unpackDouble(bytes, ref start); v.y = unpackDouble(bytes, ref start); v.z = unpackDouble(bytes, ref start); v.w = unpackDouble(bytes, ref start); return v; }
public void setColor(Vector4D value);
public void Draw_Camera(Camera camera, string camera_type, Matrix4x4 model_to_world, Matrix4x4 world_to_view, Matrix4x4 view_to_screen) { double semi_width = camera.Width / 2, semi_height = camera.Height / 2; double ratio = camera.Z_Far / camera.Z_Near; Vector4D origin = camera.World_Origin; Vector4D near_top_left_point = origin + new Vector4D(-semi_width, semi_height, camera.Z_Near); Vector4D near_top_right_point = origin + new Vector4D(semi_width, semi_height, camera.Z_Near); Vector4D near_bottom_left_point = origin + new Vector4D(-semi_width, -semi_height, camera.Z_Near); Vector4D near_bottom_right_point = origin + new Vector4D(semi_width, -semi_height, camera.Z_Near); if (camera.Draw_Near_View || camera.Draw_Entire_View) { Edge near_top_left_edge = new Edge(origin, near_top_left_point); Edge near_top_right_edge = new Edge(origin, near_top_right_point); Edge near_bottom_left_edge = new Edge(origin, near_bottom_left_point); Edge near_bottom_right_edge = new Edge(origin, near_bottom_right_point); Edge near_top_edge = new Edge(near_top_left_point, near_top_right_point); Edge near_bottom_edge = new Edge(near_bottom_left_point, near_bottom_right_point); Edge near_left_edge = new Edge(near_top_left_point, near_bottom_left_point); Edge near_right_edge = new Edge(near_top_right_point, near_bottom_right_point); /* * Draw_Edge(near_top_left_edge, camera_type); * Draw_Edge(near_top_right_edge, camera_type); * Draw_Edge(near_bottom_left_edge, camera_type); * Draw_Edge(near_bottom_right_edge, camera_type); * Draw_Edge(near_top_edge, camera_type); * Draw_Edge(near_bottom_edge, camera_type); * Draw_Edge(near_left_edge, camera_type); * Draw_Edge(near_right_edge, camera_type); */ } if (camera.Draw_Entire_View) { double semi_width_ratio = semi_width * ratio, semi_height_ratio = semi_height * ratio; Vector4D far_top_left_point = origin + new Vector4D(-semi_width_ratio, semi_height_ratio, camera.Z_Far); Vector4D far_top_right_point = origin + new Vector4D(semi_width_ratio, semi_height_ratio, camera.Z_Far); Vector4D far_bottom_left_point = origin + new Vector4D(-semi_width_ratio, -semi_height_ratio, camera.Z_Far); Vector4D far_bottom_right_point = origin + new Vector4D(semi_width_ratio, -semi_height_ratio, camera.Z_Far); Edge far_top_left_edge = new Edge(near_top_left_point, far_top_left_point); Edge far_top_right_edge = new Edge(near_top_right_point, far_top_right_point); Edge far_bottom_left_edge = new Edge(near_bottom_left_point, far_bottom_left_point); Edge far_bottom_right_edge = new Edge(near_bottom_right_point, far_bottom_right_point); Edge far_top_edge = new Edge(far_top_left_point, far_top_right_point); Edge far_bottom_edge = new Edge(far_bottom_left_point, far_bottom_right_point); Edge far_left_edge = new Edge(far_top_left_point, far_bottom_left_point); Edge far_right_edge = new Edge(far_top_right_point, far_bottom_right_point); /* * Draw_Edge(far_top_left_edge, camera_type); * Draw_Edge(far_top_right_edge, camera_type); * Draw_Edge(far_bottom_left_edge, camera_type); * Draw_Edge(far_bottom_right_edge, camera_type); * Draw_Edge(far_top_edge, camera_type); * Draw_Edge(far_bottom_edge, camera_type); * Draw_Edge(far_left_edge, camera_type); * Draw_Edge(far_right_edge, camera_type);*/ } }
private WW.Math.Point2D method_6(Vector4D point) { return(this.xamlExporter_0.matrix4D_0.TransformToPoint2D(point)); }
public static Vector4 AsSystemVector(this Vector4D v) => new Vector4((float)v.x, (float)v.y, (float)v.z, (float)v.w);
private Color ToColor(Vector4D color) { color = Limit(color); return Color.FromArgb((int) color.X, (int)color.Y, (int)color.Z, (int)color.W); }
public void FromVector4( Vector4D a ) { x = a.x; y = a.y; z = a.z; w = a.w; }
public void End() { quat = new Vector4D(); type = MotionType.None; }
public bool StartMoving() { // find closest selected vertex OpenGLProjector projector = new OpenGLProjector(); TriMesh m = this.mesh; CRectangle viewport = new CRectangle(0, 0, Width, Height); double eps = ToolSetting.ToolsSetting.DepthTolerance; double minDis = double.MaxValue; int minIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < m.Vertices.Count; i++) { if (m.Vertices[i].Traits.SelectedFlag == 0) { continue; } Vector3D v3d = projector.Project(m.Vertices[i].Traits.Position); Vector2D v = new Vector2D(v3d.x, v3d.y); if (!viewport.Contains((int)v.x, (int)v.y)) { continue; } if (projector.GetDepthValue((int)v.x, (int)v.y) - v3d.z < eps) { continue; } double dis = (v - mouseDownPos).Length(); if (dis < minDis) { minDis = dis; minIndex = i; } } if (minIndex == -1) { handleIndex = null; oldHandlePos.Clear(); return(false); } // find boundary box int flag = m.Vertices[minIndex].Traits.SelectedFlag; handleIndex.Clear(); oldHandlePos.Clear(); Vector3D c = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < m.Vertices.Count; i++) { if (m.Vertices[i].Traits.SelectedFlag == flag) { Vector3D p = new Vector3D(m.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.x, m.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.y, m.Vertices[i].Traits.Position.z); handleIndex.Add(i); oldHandlePos.Add(p); c += p; } } c /= (double)handleIndex.Count; handleCenter = new Vector4D(c, 0); projectedCenter = projector.Project(handleCenter.x, handleCenter.y, handleCenter.z); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Draws location marker on screen. /// </summary> public void DrawLocationMarker(int styleHandle, Vector3D position, MyHudEntityParams hudParams, float targetDamageRatio, float targetArmorRatio, float alphaMultiplifier = 1f) { if (MySession.ControlledEntity == null) { return; } // Transform point to camera space, so Z = -1 is always forward and then do projective transformation Vector3D transformedPoint = Vector3D.Transform(position, MySector.MainCamera.ViewMatrix); Vector4D projectedPoint = Vector4D.Transform(transformedPoint, MySector.MainCamera.ProjectionMatrix); // If point is behind camera we swap X and Y (this is mirror-like transformation) if (transformedPoint.Z > 0) { projectedPoint.X *= -1; projectedPoint.Y *= -1; } if (projectedPoint.W == 0) { return; } MyMarkerStyle markerStyle = m_markerStyles[styleHandle]; double distance = Vector3D.Distance(position, MySession.ControlledEntity.Entity.WorldMatrix.Translation); float maxDistance = hudParams.MaxDistance; byte colorAlphaInByte = 255; var hudColor = MyFakes.SHOW_FACTIONS_GUI ? markerStyle.Color : Color.White; hudColor.A = (byte)(colorAlphaInByte * alphaMultiplifier); // Calculate centered coordinates in range <0..1> Vector2 projectedPoint2D = new Vector2((float)(projectedPoint.X / projectedPoint.W / 2.0f) + 0.5f, (float)(-projectedPoint.Y / projectedPoint.W) / 2.0f + 0.5f); if (MyVideoSettingsManager.IsTripleHead()) { projectedPoint2D.X = (projectedPoint2D.X - (1.0f / 3.0f)) / (1.0f / 3.0f); } float objectNameYOffset = 0.0f; //offset to direction indicator // This will bound the rectangle in circle, although it isn't real circle because we work in [1,1] dimensions, // but number of horizontal pixels is bigger, so at the end it's more elypse // It must be done when point is out of circle or behind the camera Vector2 direction = projectedPoint2D - MyHudConstants.DIRECTION_INDICATOR_SCREEN_CENTER; if ((direction.Length() > MyHudConstants.DIRECTION_INDICATOR_MAX_SCREEN_DISTANCE) || (transformedPoint.Z > 0)) { if ((hudParams.FlagsEnum & MyHudIndicatorFlagsEnum.SHOW_BORDER_INDICATORS) == 0) { return; } if (direction.LengthSquared() > MyMathConstants.EPSILON_SQUARED) { direction.Normalize(); } else { direction = new Vector2(1f, 0f); } projectedPoint2D = MyHudConstants.DIRECTION_INDICATOR_SCREEN_CENTER + direction * MyHudConstants.DIRECTION_INDICATOR_MAX_SCREEN_DISTANCE; // Fix vertical scale projectedPoint2D.Y *= MyGuiManager.GetHudSize().Y; AddTexturedQuad(markerStyle.TextureDirectionIndicator, projectedPoint2D + direction * MyHudConstants.HUD_DIRECTION_INDICATOR_SIZE * 2.5f, direction, hudColor, MyHudConstants.HUD_DIRECTION_INDICATOR_SIZE * 1.2f, MyHudConstants.HUD_DIRECTION_INDICATOR_SIZE * 0.8f); } else { // Fix vertical scale projectedPoint2D.Y *= MyGuiManager.GetHudSize().Y; Color rectangleColor = Color.White; rectangleColor.A = colorAlphaInByte; if ((hudParams.FlagsEnum & MyHudIndicatorFlagsEnum.SHOW_FOCUS_MARK) > 0) { Vector2 upVector = new Vector2(0, -1); if (markerStyle.TextureTargetRotationSpeed != 0) { upVector = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(MySandboxGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds / 1000f * markerStyle.TextureTargetRotationSpeed * MathHelper.Pi), (float)Math.Sin(MySandboxGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds / 1000f * markerStyle.TextureTargetRotationSpeed * MathHelper.Pi)); } AddTexturedQuad(markerStyle.TextureTarget, projectedPoint2D, upVector, hudColor, MyHudConstants.HUD_DIRECTION_INDICATOR_SIZE * markerStyle.TextureTargetScale, MyHudConstants.HUD_DIRECTION_INDICATOR_SIZE * markerStyle.TextureTargetScale); } objectNameYOffset = -MyHudConstants.HUD_TEXTS_OFFSET; } if (hudParams.Text != null && hudParams.Text.Length > 0 && (hudParams.FlagsEnum & MyHudIndicatorFlagsEnum.SHOW_TEXT) != 0) { // Add object's name MyHudText objectName = m_hudScreen.AllocateText(); if (objectName != null) { objectName.Start(markerStyle.Font, projectedPoint2D + new Vector2(0, hudParams.OffsetText ? objectNameYOffset : 0), hudColor, 0.8f, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER); objectName.Append(hudParams.Text); } } // display hud icon if (hudParams.Icon != null && (hudParams.FlagsEnum & MyHudIndicatorFlagsEnum.SHOW_ICON) != 0) { Color iconColor = hudParams.IconColor.HasValue && MyFakes.SHOW_FACTIONS_GUI ? hudParams.IconColor.Value : Color.White; iconColor.A = (byte)(colorAlphaInByte * alphaMultiplifier); AddTexturedQuad(hudParams.Icon.Value, projectedPoint2D + hudParams.IconOffset, new Vector2(0, -1), iconColor, hudParams.IconSize.X / 2f, hudParams.IconSize.Y / 2f); } if (MyFakes.SHOW_HUD_DISTANCES && (hudParams.FlagsEnum & MyHudIndicatorFlagsEnum.SHOW_DISTANCE) != 0) { // Add distance to object MyHudText objectDistance = m_hudScreen.AllocateText(); if (objectDistance != null) { objectDistance.Start(markerStyle.Font, projectedPoint2D + new Vector2(0, MyHudConstants.HUD_TEXTS_OFFSET), hudColor, 0.8f, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER); // Create string builder with distance in metres, e.g. "123m" objectDistance.AppendInt32((int)Math.Round(distance)); objectDistance.Append("m"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Update and get current weights of the weapon variants. /// </summary> /// <returns>Weights. Normalized.</returns> Vector4D UpdateAndGetWeaponVariantWeights(MyHandItemDefinition handItemDefinition) { float characterSpeed; Character.AnimationController.Variables.GetValue(MyAnimationVariableStorageHints.StrIdSpeed, out characterSpeed); bool isWalkingState = MyCharacter.IsRunningState(Character.GetCurrentMovementState()) && characterSpeed > Character.Definition.MaxWalkSpeed; bool isShooting = Character.IsShooting(MyShootActionEnum.PrimaryAction) && (!Character.IsSprinting); bool isInIronSight = Character.ZoomMode == MyZoomModeEnum.IronSight && (!Character.IsSprinting); float deltaW = MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS / handItemDefinition.BlendTime; float deltaShootW = MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS / handItemDefinition.ShootBlend; // blend into the current variant // if currently shooting/ironsight -> use "shooting" blend speed m_weaponPositionVariantWeightCounters.X += !isWalkingState && !isShooting && !isInIronSight ? deltaW : (isShooting || isInIronSight ? -deltaShootW : -deltaW); m_weaponPositionVariantWeightCounters.Y += isWalkingState && !isShooting && !isInIronSight ? deltaW : (isShooting || isInIronSight ? -deltaShootW : -deltaW); m_weaponPositionVariantWeightCounters.Z += isShooting && !isInIronSight ? deltaShootW : (isInIronSight ? -deltaShootW : -deltaW); m_weaponPositionVariantWeightCounters.W += isInIronSight ? deltaShootW : (isShooting ? -deltaShootW : -deltaW); m_weaponPositionVariantWeightCounters = Vector4.Clamp(m_weaponPositionVariantWeightCounters, Vector4.Zero, Vector4.One); Vector4D rtnWeights = new Vector4D(MathHelper.SmoothStep(0, 1, m_weaponPositionVariantWeightCounters.X), MathHelper.SmoothStep(0, 1, m_weaponPositionVariantWeightCounters.Y), MathHelper.SmoothStep(0, 1, m_weaponPositionVariantWeightCounters.Z), MathHelper.SmoothStep(0, 1, m_weaponPositionVariantWeightCounters.W)); double weightSum = rtnWeights.X + rtnWeights.Y + rtnWeights.Z + rtnWeights.W; return rtnWeights / weightSum; }
public void CreateDot(DxfEntity entity, Vector4D position) { this.method_1(position); }
public Particle() { Position = ParticleDefaults.Position; EmitterPosition = ParticleDefaults.EmitterPosition; Velocity = ParticleDefaults.Velocity; Acceleration = ParticleDefaults.Acceleration; RadialVelocity = ParticleDefaults.RadialVelocity; RadialAcceleration = ParticleDefaults.RadialAcceleration; TangentialVelocity = ParticleDefaults.TangentialVelocity; TangentialAcceleration = ParticleDefaults.TangentialAcceleration; Age = ParticleDefaults.Age; Lifetime = ParticleDefaults.Lifetime; Spin = ParticleDefaults.Spin; SpinVelocity = ParticleDefaults.SpinVelocity; Size = ParticleDefaults.Size; SizeDelta = ParticleDefaults.SizeDelta; Color = ParticleDefaults.Color; ColorDelta = ParticleDefaults.ColorDelta; Alive = ParticleDefaults.Alive; }
private void method_3(Vector4D start, Vector4D end) { }
public static void Serialize(this BitStream stream, ref Vector4D vec) { stream.Serialize(ref vec.X); stream.Serialize(ref vec.Y); stream.Serialize(ref vec.Z); stream.Serialize(ref vec.W); }
private void RefineFoundPath(ref Vector3D begin, ref Vector3D end, MyPath<MyNavigationPrimitive> path) { Debug.Assert(MyPerGameSettings.EnablePathfinding, "Pathfinding is not enabled!"); if (!MyPerGameSettings.EnablePathfinding) { return; } if (path == null) { Debug.Assert(false, "Path to refine was null!"); return; } m_currentPrimitive = path[path.Count - 1].Vertex as MyNavigationPrimitive; if (m_hlBegin != null && !m_pathNodes.Contains(m_hlBegin)) { m_hlBegin.Parent.StopObservingPrimitive(m_hlBegin, this); } m_hlBegin = m_currentPrimitive.GetHighLevelPrimitive(); if (m_hlBegin != null && !m_pathNodes.Contains(m_hlBegin)) { m_hlBegin.Parent.ObservePrimitive(m_hlBegin, this); } ProfilerShort.Begin("Path refining and post-processing"); IMyNavigationGroup prevGroup = null; int groupStart = 0; int groupEnd = 0; Vector3 prevBegin = default(Vector3); Vector3 prevEnd = default(Vector3); for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; ++i) { var primitive = path[i].Vertex as MyNavigationPrimitive; var group = primitive.Group; if (prevGroup == null) { prevGroup = group; prevBegin = prevGroup.GlobalToLocal(begin); } bool lastPrimitive = i == path.Count - 1; if (group != prevGroup) { groupEnd = i - 1; prevEnd = prevGroup.GlobalToLocal(primitive.WorldPosition); } else if (lastPrimitive) { groupEnd = i; prevEnd = prevGroup.GlobalToLocal(end); } else { continue; } int refinedBegin = m_expandedPath.Count; prevGroup.RefinePath(path, m_expandedPath, ref prevBegin, ref prevEnd, groupStart, groupEnd); int refinedEnd = m_expandedPath.Count; for (int j = refinedBegin; j < refinedEnd; ++j) { Vector3D position = new Vector3D(m_expandedPath[j]); position = prevGroup.LocalToGlobal(position); m_expandedPath[j] = new Vector4D(position, m_expandedPath[j].W); } if (lastPrimitive && group != prevGroup) { m_expandedPath.Add(new Vector4D(primitive.WorldPosition, m_expandedPath[refinedEnd - 1].W)); } prevGroup = group; groupStart = i; if (m_expandedPath.Count != 0) prevBegin = group.GlobalToLocal(new Vector3D(m_expandedPath[m_expandedPath.Count - 1])); } m_pathNodePosition++; //m_expandedPath.RemoveAt(0); m_expandedPathPosition = 0; ProfilerShort.End(); }
public static Quaternion AsSystemQuaternion(this Vector4D v) => new Quaternion((float)v.x, (float)v.y, (float)v.z, (float)v.w);
public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax) { bool reset = false; if (this.FInIndex.IsChanged || this.FInReset[0] || this.runtime.Runtime == null) { this.haskinect = this.runtime.Assign(this.FInIndex[0]); reset = true; } if (this.haskinect) { if (this.FInEnabled.IsChanged || reset) { if (this.FInEnabled[0]) { this.runtime.Start(this.FInEnableColor[0], this.FInEnableSkeleton[0], this.FInDepthMode[0]); } else { this.runtime.Stop(); } reset = true; } if (this.FInDepthMode.IsChanged || reset || this.FInDeptRes.IsChanged) { this.runtime.SetDepthMode(this.FInDepthMode[0], this.FInDeptRes[0]); } if (this.FInEnableColor.IsChanged || this.FInInfrared.IsChanged || reset) { this.runtime.SetColor(this.FInEnableColor[0],this.FInInfrared[0]); } if (this.FInInfraredEmit.IsChanged || reset) { try { this.runtime.Runtime.ForceInfraredEmitterOff = !this.FInInfraredEmit[0]; } catch { } } if (this.FInDepthRange.IsChanged || reset) { try { this.runtime.SetDepthRange(this.FInDepthRange[0]); } catch { } } if (this.FInEnableSkeleton.IsChanged || reset) { TransformSmoothParameters sp; /*if (this.FSmoothParams.PluginIO.IsConnected) { sp = this.FSmoothParams[0]; } else {*/ sp = this.runtime.DefaultSmooth(); //} this.runtime.EnableSkeleton(this.FInEnableSkeleton[0], this.FInEnableSmooth[0], sp); } if (this.FInSkMode.IsChanged || reset) { this.runtime.SetSkeletonMode(this.FInSkMode[0]); } if (this.FInAngle.IsChanged || reset) { if (this.runtime.IsStarted) { try { this.runtime.Runtime.ElevationAngle = (int)VMath.Map(this.FInAngle[0], 0, 1, this.runtime.Runtime.MinElevationAngle, this.runtime.Runtime.MaxElevationAngle, TMapMode.Clamp); } catch { } } } this.FOutStatus[0] = runtime.Runtime.Status; this.FOutRuntime[0] = runtime; this.FOutStarted[0] = runtime.IsStarted; Vector4 va = this.runtime.Runtime.AccelerometerGetCurrentReading(); Vector4D acc = new Vector4D(va.X, va.Y, va.Z, va.W); this.FOutColorFOV.SliceCount = 1; this.FOutDepthFOV.SliceCount = 1; this.FOutAccelerometer.SliceCount = 1; this.FOutAccelerometer[0] = acc; this.FOutColorFOV[0] = new Vector2D(this.runtime.Runtime.ColorStream.NominalHorizontalFieldOfView, this.runtime.Runtime.ColorStream.NominalVerticalFieldOfView) * (float)VMath.DegToCyc; this.FOutDepthFOV[0] = new Vector2D(this.runtime.Runtime.DepthStream.NominalHorizontalFieldOfView, this.runtime.Runtime.DepthStream.NominalVerticalFieldOfView) * (float)VMath.DegToCyc; } this.FOutKCnt[0] = KinectSensor.KinectSensors.Count; }