Beispiel #1
 private static void AssertAreEqual(Vector3D expected, Vector3D actual, string message = null, params object[] args)
     if (!Vector3D.AreEqual(expected, actual))
         Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, message, args);
Beispiel #2
        public void TestMultiplyVector()
            const float a11 = 1.1f;
            const float a12 = 2.1f;
            const float a13 = 3.1f;
            const float a21 = 1.2f;
            const float a31 = 1.3f;
            const float a22 = 2.2f;
            const float a32 = 2.3f;
            const float a23 = 3.2f;
            const float a33 = 3.3f;
            const float b1  = 0.1f;
            const float b2  = 0.2f;
            const float b3  = 0.3f;

            var m = new Matrix3D(new[, ] {
                { a11, a12, a13 }, { a21, a22, a23 }, { a31, a32, a33 }
            var v = new Vector3D(b1, b2, b3);

            var r1 = new Vector3D(a11 * b1 + a12 * b2 + a13 * b3,
                                  a21 * b1 + a22 * b2 + a23 * b3,
                                  a31 * b1 + a32 * b2 + a33 * b3);

            Assert.IsTrue(Vector3D.AreEqual(m * v, r1));

            var r2 = new Vector3D(b1 * a11 + b2 * a21 + b3 * a31,
                                  b1 * a12 + b2 * a22 + b3 * a32,
                                  b1 * a13 + b2 * a23 + b3 * a33);

            Assert.IsTrue(Vector3D.AreEqual(v * m, r2));
        public void TestCross()
            Vector3D v1     = new Vector3D(2.2F, -6.1F, 7.4F);
            Vector3D v2     = new Vector3D(-3.8F, 3.7F, 4.1F);
            Vector3D result = new Vector3D(-52.39F, -37.14F, -15.04F);

            Assert.IsTrue(Vector3D.AreEqual(v1.Cross(v2), result));
        private static void AssertVolumeSlice(VolumeSlice actualSlice,
                                              int expectedRows, int expectedColumns,
                                              Vector3D expectedPositionPatient,
                                              Vector3D expectedRowOrientationPatient, Vector3D expectedColumnOrientationPatient,
                                              float expectedRowSpacing, float expectedColumnSpacing,
                                              float expectedSliceThickness, float?expectedSpacingBetweenSlices,
                                              string message = null, params object[] args)
            const float tolerance = 1e-5f;
            var         msg       = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) ? "{0} (" + string.Format(message, args) + ")" : "{0}";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedRows, actualSlice.Rows, msg, "Rows");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedColumns, actualSlice.Columns, msg, "Columns");

            var imagePositionPatient = ImagePositionPatient.FromString(actualSlice.ImagePositionPatient);

            Assert.IsNotNull(imagePositionPatient, "ImagePositionPatient");

            var actualPositionPatient = new Vector3D((float)imagePositionPatient.X, (float)imagePositionPatient.Y, (float)imagePositionPatient.Z);

            if (!Vector3D.AreEqual(expectedPositionPatient, actualPositionPatient, tolerance))
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedPositionPatient, actualPositionPatient, msg, "ImagePositionPatient");

            var imageOrientationPatient = ImageOrientationPatient.FromString(actualSlice.ImageOrientationPatient);

            Assert.IsNotNull(imageOrientationPatient, "ImageOrientationPatient");

            var actualRowOrientationPatient    = new Vector3D((float)imageOrientationPatient.RowX, (float)imageOrientationPatient.RowY, (float)imageOrientationPatient.RowZ);
            var actualColumnOrientationPatient = new Vector3D((float)imageOrientationPatient.ColumnX, (float)imageOrientationPatient.ColumnY, (float)imageOrientationPatient.ColumnZ);

            if (!Vector3D.AreEqual(expectedRowOrientationPatient, actualRowOrientationPatient, tolerance))
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedRowOrientationPatient, actualRowOrientationPatient, msg, "ImageOrientationPatient.Row");
            if (!Vector3D.AreEqual(expectedColumnOrientationPatient, actualColumnOrientationPatient, tolerance))
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedColumnOrientationPatient, actualColumnOrientationPatient, msg, "ImageOrientationPatient.Column");

            var actualPixelSpacing = PixelSpacing.FromString(actualSlice.PixelSpacing);

            Assert.IsNotNull(actualPixelSpacing, "PixelSpacing");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedRowSpacing, actualPixelSpacing.Row, tolerance, msg, "PixelSpacing.Row");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedColumnSpacing, actualPixelSpacing.Column, tolerance, msg, "PixelSpacing.Column");

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedSliceThickness, float.Parse(actualSlice.SliceThickness), tolerance, msg, "SliceThickness");

            if (expectedSpacingBetweenSlices.HasValue)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedSpacingBetweenSlices.Value, float.Parse(actualSlice.SpacingBetweenSlices), tolerance, msg, "SpacingBetweenSlices");
                Assert.IsEmpty(actualSlice.SpacingBetweenSlices, msg, "SpacingBetweenSlices");
        public void TestDivide()
            Vector3D result = new Vector3D(2.2F, -6.1F, 7.4F);
            Vector3D v1     = new Vector3D(6.82F, -18.91F, 22.94f);

            v1 = 3.1F / v1;

            Assert.IsTrue(Vector3D.AreEqual(v1, result));
        public void TestSubtract()
            Vector3D v1     = new Vector3D(2.2F, 6.1F, 7.4F);
            Vector3D v2     = new Vector3D(3.8F, 3.7F, 4.1F);
            Vector3D result = new Vector3D(-1.6F, 2.4F, 3.3F);

            Assert.IsTrue(Vector3D.AreEqual(v1 - v2, result));

            v1     = new Vector3D(2.2F, -6.1F, 7.4F);
            v2     = new Vector3D(-3.8F, 3.7F, -4.1F);
            result = new Vector3D(6F, -9.8F, 11.5F);

            Assert.IsTrue(Vector3D.AreEqual(v1 - v2, result));
                private bool GetTextBoxAdjustmentParameters(out PointF startPoint, out PointF endPoint, out float lengthOfLineThroughTextBox)
                    startPoint = _topParent.Points[0];
                    endPoint   = _topParent.Points[1];
                    lengthOfLineThroughTextBox = 0;

                    Vector3D lineDirection = new Vector3D(endPoint.X - startPoint.X, endPoint.Y - startPoint.Y, 0F);

                    if (Vector3D.AreEqual(lineDirection, Vector3D.Null))

                    Vector3D lineUnit = lineDirection.Normalize();

                    Vector3D xUnit = new Vector3D(1F, 0, 0);
                    Vector3D yUnit = new Vector3D(0, 1F, 0);

                    float cosThetaX = Math.Abs(xUnit.Dot(lineUnit));
                    float cosThetaY = Math.Abs(yUnit.Dot(lineUnit));

                    float textWidth  = _textGraphic.BoundingBox.Width;
                    float textHeight = _textGraphic.BoundingBox.Height;

                    if (cosThetaX >= cosThetaY)
                        // the distance along the line to where we want the outside right edge of the text to be.
                        lengthOfLineThroughTextBox = cosThetaX * textWidth;
                        if (lineDirection.X < 0)
                            startPoint = _topParent.Points[1];
                            endPoint   = _topParent.Points[0];
                        // the distance along the line to where we want the outside bottom edge of the text to be.
                        lengthOfLineThroughTextBox = cosThetaY * textHeight;
                        if (lineDirection.Y < 0)
                            startPoint = _topParent.Points[1];
                            endPoint   = _topParent.Points[0];

        public void TestLinePlaneIntersection()
            Vector3D planeNormal  = new Vector3D(1, 1, 1);
            Vector3D pointInPlane = new Vector3D(1, 1, 1);

            Vector3D point1 = new Vector3D(0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F);
            Vector3D point2 = new Vector3D(1.5F, 1.5F, 1.5F);

            Vector3D expected     = new Vector3D(1, 1, 1);
            Vector3D intersection = Vector3D.GetLinePlaneIntersection(planeNormal, pointInPlane, point1, point2, true);

            // line segment intersects plane
            Assert.IsTrue(Vector3D.AreEqual(expected, intersection), "line-plane intersection is not what is expected!");

            // infinite line intersects plane
            point2       = -point2;
            intersection = Vector3D.GetLinePlaneIntersection(planeNormal, pointInPlane, point1, point2, false);
            Assert.IsTrue(Vector3D.AreEqual(expected, intersection), "line-plane intersection is not what is expected!");

            // line segment does not intersect plane
            intersection = Vector3D.GetLinePlaneIntersection(planeNormal, pointInPlane, point1, point2, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(intersection, null, "line-plane intersection is not what is expected!");

            // line is in plane (no intersection)
            point1       = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0);
            point2       = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1);
            intersection = Vector3D.GetLinePlaneIntersection(planeNormal, pointInPlane, point1, point2, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(intersection, null, "line-plane intersection is not what is expected!");

            // line is in plane (no intersection)
            intersection = Vector3D.GetLinePlaneIntersection(planeNormal, pointInPlane, point1, point2, false);
            Assert.AreEqual(intersection, null, "line-plane intersection is not what is expected!");

            // intersection at infinity (sort of)
            point1       = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0);
            point2       = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0.99999991F);
            intersection = Vector3D.GetLinePlaneIntersection(planeNormal, pointInPlane, point1, point2, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(intersection, null, "line-plane intersection is not what is expected!");

            // intersection at infinity (sort of), line segment does not intersect
            intersection = Vector3D.GetLinePlaneIntersection(planeNormal, pointInPlane, point1, point2, false);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(intersection, null, "line-plane intersection is not what is expected!");