/// <summary>
 /// Rotates a <c>Vector</c> <c>Absolute or Relative</c> 
 /// to the defined <c>Angle</c>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="v">The Vector to Rotate</param>
 /// <param name="rad">The Angle</param>
 /// <param name="absolute">Determines if the Angle is absolute or not</param>
 /// <returns>The rotated Vector2</returns>
 public static Vector2 Rotate(this Vector2 v, float rad, bool absolute)
     Vector2 vOut = new Vector2(v.X, v.Y);
     vOut = Vector2.Transform(
         rad - (absolute ? vOut.GetRotation() : 0)));
     return vOut;
Beispiel #2
        public static Vector2 Rotate(this Vector2 src, Vector2 pivot, float amount)
            var rot = pivot.GetRotation(src);

            rot += amount;

            var dir = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(rot), (float)Math.Sin(rot));

            return(dir * (src - pivot).Length() + pivot);
Beispiel #3
        private void lookAt(Vector2 from, Vector2 target)
            desiredRotation = from.GetRotation(target);// -MathHelper.PiOver2;
            //transform.Orientation = desiredRotation;
            var rotation       = MathHelper.WrapAngle(transform.DerivedOrientation);
            var rotationAmount = MathHelper.WrapAngle(desiredRotation - rotation);

            if (Math.Abs(rotationAmount) < maxTurnSpeed)
                transform.Orientation = desiredRotation;
                //rotationAmount = MathHelper.Clamp(rotationAmount, -0.05f, 0.05f);
                transform.Orientation += MathHelper.Clamp(rotationAmount, -maxTurnSpeed, maxTurnSpeed);;
Beispiel #4
        //public float maxTurnSpeed = 0.065f;
        private void lookAt(Vector2 from, Vector2 target)
            desiredRotation = from.GetRotation(target);// -MathHelper.PiOver2;
            //transform.Orientation = desiredRotation;
            var rotation       = MathHelper.WrapAngle(transform.DerivedOrientation);
            var rotationAmount = MathHelper.WrapAngle(desiredRotation - rotation);

            //if (Math.Abs(rotationAmount) < maxTurnSpeed)
            //    transform.Orientation = desiredRotation;
            if (Math.Abs(rotationAmount) < 1.5f)
                var mtsq = ((Math.Abs(rotationAmount) / 1.5f));
                //var mtsq = ((Math.Abs(rotationAmount) / 1.5f) + 1) / 2f;
                //var mstq = random.Next(0.5f, 0.75f);
                transform.Orientation += (MathHelper.Clamp(rotationAmount, -maxTurnSpeed, maxTurnSpeed) * mtsq);
                //rotationAmount = MathHelper.Clamp(rotationAmount, -0.05f, 0.05f);
                transform.Orientation += MathHelper.Clamp(rotationAmount, -maxTurnSpeed, maxTurnSpeed);
Beispiel #5
        protected override void InitializeObject(string data)
            string[] temp = data.Split(',');
            values = new float[Enum.GetValues(typeof(JumpPadValues)).Length];
            for(int i = 0; i< temp.Length;i++)
                    values[i] = float.Parse(temp[i], CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-us"));
                catch (Exception e)
                    DebugManager.AddItem(e.Message, this.ToString(), new StackTrace(e), System.Drawing.Color.Red);
                    FileManager.WriteInErrorLog(this, "Failed to load Data of "+ Type +": \n" + e.Message, e.GetType());
            timeThreshold = values[(int)JumpPadValues.Fallof];
            blank = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Stuff\\Blank");
            jumpPadTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>(GameParameters.CurrentGraphXPackPath + "Level/InteractiveObjects/JumpPad");
            drawRects = new ExtendedRectangle[5];
            drawRectsAlpha = new byte[5];
            drawRectsTime = new float[5];
            ActionRectangle = new Rectangle(

            force = new Vector2(values[(int)JumpPadValues.SpeedX],values[(int)JumpPadValues.SpeedY]);
            float rotation = force.GetRotation();
            for (int i = 0; i < drawRects.Length; i++)
                drawRectsTime[i] = (float)i / drawRects.Length * AnimationTimeThreshold;
                Vector2 offset = (force / MaxForceLength) * (((float)i / drawRects.Length) * MaxLengthDrawRects);
                drawRects[i] = ExtendedRectangle.Transform(new Rectangle(
                    (int)values[(int)JumpPadValues.RectangleX], (int)values[(int)JumpPadValues.RectangleY],
                    new Vector2(blank.Width,blank.Height),
                    new Vector2((int)values[(int)JumpPadValues.RectangleWidth] / 2,
                    (int)values[(int)JumpPadValues.RectangleHeight] / 2),
                    force.GetRotation() - (float)Math.PI/2);

            particles = new ParticleSystem();
            particles.Initialize(false, SpawnType.Fontaine,
                new Vector2(values[(int)JumpPadValues.RectangleX] , values[(int)JumpPadValues.RectangleY]),
                new Vector2(values[(int)JumpPadValues.RectangleX] + values[(int)JumpPadValues.RectangleWidth], values[(int)JumpPadValues.RectangleY] + values[(int)JumpPadValues.RectangleHeight]),
                 SpawnDirections.Angle, force /MaxForceLength * 1000, blank, GravityType.OverallForce, Vector2.Zero, 1, XNAParticleSystem.CollisionType.None);
            particles.UseMinSpeed = true;
            particles.MinSpeed = force / MaxForceLength * 500;
            particles.SpawnAngle = 0.0f;
            particles.AirFriction = 0.95f;
        //Finds the angle (radians) between two vectors by considering two lines drawn from each vector to a shared pivot point.
        //Rotation is calculated clockwise starting at the first vector.
        //The end result x always satisfies 0 <= x < TwoPi.
        //Note: the length of each line drawn to the pivot matters unless the angle is an exact multiple of PiOver2 (90 degrees).
        // Examples (P = pivot point, v1 = first vector, v2 = second vector):
        //   |[v1]                                       \[v2]  =(rotated 1/3 left into quadrant 2)           \[v1]  =(rotated 1/3 left into quadrant
        //   |                                            \                                                    \
        //   |                                             \                                                    \
        //   |                                              \                                                    \
        //   | x=PiOver2=90degrees                           \ x=(5/3)Pi=240degrees                               \ x=(4/3)Pi=120degrees
        //   P---------------------------------[v2]           P-------------[v1]  =(along x axis)                  P-------------[v2]  =(along x axis)
        public static float GetAngleBetweenVectors(this Vector2 point, Vector2 other, Vector2 pivot)
            float angle = point.GetRotation(pivot) - other.GetRotation(pivot);

            return(angle < 0 ? angle + MathHelper.TwoPi : angle);