// indices arrays are optional - if null is passed the index will be 0, 1, 2... up to values array length.
        // this is done to avoid allocating a separate array just to pass linear indices
        internal static UVTransform CalculateDelta(IList <Vector2> src, IList <int> srcIndices, IList <Vector2> dst, IList <int> dstIndices)
            // rotate to match target points by comparing the angle between old UV and new auto projection
            Vector2 srcAngle = src[GetIndex(srcIndices, 1)] - src[GetIndex(srcIndices, 0)];
            Vector2 dstAngle = dst[GetIndex(dstIndices, 1)] - dst[GetIndex(dstIndices, 0)];

            float rotation = Vector2.Angle(dstAngle, srcAngle);

            if (Vector2.Dot(Vector2.Perpendicular(dstAngle), srcAngle) < 0)
                rotation = 360f - rotation;

            Vector2 dstCenter = dstIndices == null?Bounds2D.Center(dst) : Bounds2D.Center(dst, dstIndices);

            // inverse the rotation to get an axis-aligned scale
            Vector2  dstSize   = GetRotatedSize(dst, dstIndices, dstCenter, -rotation);
            Bounds2D srcBounds = srcIndices == null ? new Bounds2D(src) : new Bounds2D(src, srcIndices);
            Vector2  scale     = dstSize.DivideBy(srcBounds.size);
            Vector2  srcCenter = srcBounds.center * scale;

            return(new UVTransform()
                translation = dstCenter - srcCenter,
                rotation = rotation,
                scale = dstSize.DivideBy(srcBounds.size)
            internal Sprite(JsonValue json, Vector2 size)
                _texSize       = size;
                _pixelPosition = VectorFromJson(json["position"]);
                _pixelSize     = VectorFromJson(json["size"]);
                _pixelAnchor   = VectorFromJson(json["anchor"]);

                _position = _pixelPosition.DivideBy(size);
                _size     = _pixelSize.DivideBy(size);
                _anchor   = _pixelAnchor.DivideBy(size);
Beispiel #3
     *	When modifying single properties, also set the textureGroup back to 0 since
     *	generally users don't want their face UVs to snap back to form after applying
     *	a change.
    public static void TranslateOffset(Vector2 delta, pb_Object[] sel)
        delta.x = -delta.x;
        for (int i = 0; i < sel.Length; i++)
            foreach (pb_Face q in sel[i].SelectedFaces)
                q.uv.offset -= delta.DivideBy(q.uv.scale);

	 *	When modifying single properties, also set the textureGroup back to 0 since
	 *	generally users don't want their face UVs to snap back to form after applying
	 *	a change.
	public static void TranslateOffset(Vector2 delta, pb_Object[] sel)
		delta.x = -delta.x;
		for(int i = 0; i < sel.Length; i++)
			foreach(pb_Face q in sel[i].SelectedFaces) 
				q.uv.offset -= delta.DivideBy(q.uv.scale);

Beispiel #5
	 * New scale, previous scale
	internal void SceneScaleTool(Vector2 textureScale, Vector2 previousScale)
		textureScale.x = 1f / textureScale.x;
		textureScale.y = 1f / textureScale.y;

		previousScale.x = 1f / previousScale.x;
		previousScale.y = 1f / previousScale.y;

			textureScale = pbUtil.SnapValue(textureScale, pref_gridSnapValue);

			pbUndo.RecordObjects(selection, "Scale UVs");

		if(mode == UVMode.Mixed || mode == UVMode.Manual)
			for(int n = 0; n < selection.Length; n++)
				pb_Object pb = selection[n];
				Vector2[] uvs = pb.msh.uv;

				foreach(int i in distinct_indices[n])
					uvs[i] = uv_origins[n][i].ScaleAroundPoint(uvOrigin, textureScale);
					uvs_canvas_space[n][i] = pb_Handle_Utility.UVToGUIPoint(uvs[i], uvGridSize);
				pb.msh.uv = uvs;

		 * Auto mode scales UVs prior to rotation, so we have to do it separately here.
		if(mode == UVMode.Mixed || mode == UVMode.Auto)
			Vector2 delta = textureScale.DivideBy(previousScale);

			for(int n = 0; n < selection.Length; n++)
				pb_Face[] autoFaces = System.Array.FindAll(selection[n].SelectedFaces, x => !x.manualUV);
				foreach(pb_Face face in autoFaces)
					face.uv.scale = Vector2.Scale(face.uv.scale, delta);


		nearestElement.valid = false;
		needsRepaint = true;