Beispiel #1
    public MissionData CreateMission()
        //Type,Min Amount of Agents,Max Amount of Agents,Min Time Limit (Minutes),Max Time Limit (Minutes),Min Monetary Reward,Max Monetary Reward
        int typeSelectedIndex = Random.Range(1, missionWeightings.subValueCount);

        //Parse the mission details and create random missions from them.
        string    type           = missionWeightings.Get("Type", typeSelectedIndex);
        int       amountOfAgents = Random.Range(int.Parse(missionWeightings.Get("Min Amount of Agents", typeSelectedIndex)), int.Parse(missionWeightings.Get("Max Amount of Agents", typeSelectedIndex)));
        float     timeLimit      = Random.Range(int.Parse(missionWeightings.Get("Min Time Limit (Minutes)", typeSelectedIndex)), int.Parse(missionWeightings.Get("Max Time Limit (Minutes)", typeSelectedIndex))) * 1000;
        int       monetaryReward = Random.Range(int.Parse(missionWeightings.Get("Min Monetary Reward", typeSelectedIndex)), int.Parse(missionWeightings.Get("Max Monetary Reward", typeSelectedIndex)));
        Continent location       = areaCreator.areas[Random.Range(0, areaCreator.areas.Length)].GetComponent <Continent>();

        int[] skillValues = new int[11];

        //Randomly assign skill requirements and then base them on the amount of agents.
        for (int i = 0; i < skillValues.Length; i++)
            skillValues[i] = Random.Range(1, 100) * amountOfAgents;

        SkillsHolder skills = new SkillsHolder(skillValues[0], skillValues[1], skillValues[2], skillValues[3], skillValues[4], skillValues[5], skillValues[6], skillValues[7], skillValues[8], skillValues[9], skillValues[10]);

        //Get a mission name based on the created details.
        string missionName = PopulateMissionNameWithRandomValues(missionNames.Get(type, Random.Range(1, missionNames.subValueCount)));

        //Return a new mission data object.
        return(new MissionData(missionName, skills, monetaryReward, location, type, amountOfAgents, timeLimit, "Client Name"));
Beispiel #2
    private string PopulateMissionNameWithRandomValues(string missionName)
        string currentKey  = "";
        bool   addingToKey = false;

        //Loop through all characters looking for keys ([KEY]).
        for (int i = 0; i < missionName.Length; i++)
            if (missionName[i] == '[')
                addingToKey = true;
            else if (missionName[i] == ']')
                string currentKeyCSV  = (Resources.Load(currentKey) as TextAsset).ToString();
                VeCSV  possibleValues = new VeCSV(currentKeyCSV, VeCSV.HeaderDirection.Horizontal);

                missionName = missionName.Replace("[" + currentKey + "]", possibleValues.Get(0, Random.Range(0, possibleValues.subValueCount)));

                addingToKey = false;
                currentKey  = "";
            else if (addingToKey)
                currentKey += missionName[i];

Beispiel #3
    public void ReadInGunData(TextAsset file, bool append)
        VeCSV gunCSV = new VeCSV(file.text, VeCSV.HeaderDirection.Horizontal);

        //Initalize gun array.
        allGuns = new Gun[gunCSV.subValueCount - 1];

        //Pull out the data using the parsed indexes.
        for (int i = 1; i < gunCSV.subValueCount; i++)
            string name        = gunCSV.Get("Name", i);
            string damage      = gunCSV.Get("Damage", i);
            string accuracy    = gunCSV.Get("Accuracy", i);
            string range       = gunCSV.Get("Range (m)", i);
            string clipSize    = gunCSV.Get("Clip Size", i);
            string fireRate    = gunCSV.Get("Fire Rate (RPM)", i);
            string reloadTime  = gunCSV.Get("Reload Time", i);
            string weight      = gunCSV.Get("Weight (g)", i);
            string size        = gunCSV.Get("Size", i);
            string price       = gunCSV.Get("Price", i);
            string fearFactor  = gunCSV.Get("Fear Factor", i);
            string noise       = gunCSV.Get("Noise", i);
            string concealable = gunCSV.Get("Concealable", i);
            string moraleBoost = gunCSV.Get("Morale Boost", i);
            string rarity      = gunCSV.Get("Rarity", i);
            string region      = gunCSV.Get("Region of Origin", i);
            string storage     = gunCSV.Get("Storage Units", i);

            allGuns[i - 1] = new Gun(name, int.Parse(damage), int.Parse(accuracy), int.Parse(range), int.Parse(clipSize), float.Parse(fireRate), float.Parse(reloadTime), float.Parse(weight), size, float.Parse(price), int.Parse(fearFactor), int.Parse(noise),
                                     BoolParse(concealable), int.Parse(moraleBoost), float.Parse(rarity), region, 0, int.Parse(storage));