Beispiel #1
        public void ValidateVaultInstanceBaseSettings()
            VaultAgentAPI a = new VaultAgentAPI(name, VaultServerRef.vaultURI);

            Assert.AreEqual(name, vault.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(VaultServerRef.vaultURI, vault.Uri);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Vault instance and connects it with either the default testing token or the specified token
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name to be given to this Vault object</param>
        /// <param name="overrideToken">The TokenId to use if you do not wish to use the default testing token</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <VaultAgentAPI> ConnectVault(string name, string overrideToken = "")
            vaultURI = new Uri("http://" + ipAddress + ":" + ipPort);
            VaultAgentAPI vault = new VaultAgentAPI(name, vaultURI);

            string thisToken;

            if (overrideToken != string.Empty)
                thisToken = overrideToken;
                thisToken = rootToken;

            TokenLoginConnector loginConnector = new TokenLoginConnector(vault, "Testing", thisToken, TokenAuthEngine.TOKEN_DEFAULT_MOUNT_NAME);
            bool success = await loginConnector.Connect();

            if (!success)
                throw new ApplicationException("Error connecting to the Vault Instance using Token " + thisToken);
        public async Task TokenLogin_InvalidToken()
            // Load engine and create a token

            VaultAgentAPI vault = new VaultAgentAPI("LoginConnVault", VaultServerRef.vaultURI);

            // TODO this test is not valid.  We kind of already test it, because every Test requires a connection to Vault which we do in the VaultServerSetup Class.
            TokenLoginConnector tlc = new TokenLoginConnector(vault, "Token Connector");

            tlc.TokenId = "bbnbb";
            bool success = await tlc.Connect();


             * TokenAuthEngine tokenAuthEngine = (TokenAuthEngine)_vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_Token);
             * TokenNewSettings tokenSettings = new TokenNewSettings();
             * tokenSettings.Name = "Test";
             * tokenSettings.IsRenewable = false;
             * tokenSettings.NumberOfUses = 4;
             * Token token = await tokenAuthEngine.CreateToken(tokenSettings);
             * TokenLoginConnector lc = new TokenLoginConnector(_vault,tokenAuthEngine.MountPoint,tokenAuthEngine.Name);
             * lc.TokenId = token.ID;
             * Assert.IsTrue(await lc.Connect());
Beispiel #4
        public async Task RevokeSelfTokenSucceeds()
            VaultAgentAPI v1 = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("TempVault");

            //new VaultAgentAPI("TempVault", VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort, VaultServerRef.rootToken);
            string tokenName = UK.GetKey("tmpTok");

            // Create a new token.
            TokenNewSettings tokenNewSettings = new TokenNewSettings()
                Name = tokenName,

            Token token = await _tokenAuthEngine.CreateToken(tokenNewSettings);

            Assert.NotNull(token, "A1:  Error creating a new token - expected to receive the new token back, instead we received a null value.");

            // Now set vault to use the new token.
            v1.Token = token;
            Assert.AreNotEqual(VaultServerRef.rootToken, token.ID, "A2:  Expected the Vault object to have a different token.  But was still set at initial token.");

            // And then revoke.
            Assert.IsTrue(await v1.RevokeActiveToken());

            // Now try and reset the Vault to use the old token. It should fail.
            v1.Token = token;
            Assert.ThrowsAsync <VaultForbiddenException> (async() => await v1.RefreshActiveToken());
Beispiel #5
        // ==============================================================================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        ///     Constructor.  Initializes the connection to Vault and stores the token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="backendName">The name of the secret backend to mount.  This is purely cosmetic.</param>
        /// <param name="backendMountPoint">
        ///     The actual mount point that the secret is mounted to.  Exclude and prefix such as /v1/
        ///     and exclude trailing slash.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="vaultAgentAPI">The Vault API Agent Object that contains connectivity information for authenticating and connecting to the Vault</param>

        public KV2SecretEngine(string backendName, string backendMountPoint, VaultAgentAPI vaultAgentAPI) : base(
                backendName, backendMountPoint,
            Type            = EnumBackendTypes.KeyValueV2;
            IsSecretBackend = true;
        public void Setup()
            _vault         = new VaultAgentAPI("LoginConnVault", VaultServerRef.vaultURI);
            _vault.TokenID = VaultServerRef.rootToken;

//            _vault = new VaultAgentAPI("LoginConnVault", VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort, VaultServerRef.rootToken, true);
Beispiel #7
        public async Task TokenEngineSetup()
            // Build Connection to Vault.
            vault = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("TokenEng");

            _tokenAuthEngine = (TokenAuthEngine)vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_Token);
Beispiel #8
        public async Task Setup()
            // Build Connection to Vault.
            _vault = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("AppRoleVault");

            //_vault = new VaultAgentAPI ("AppRoleVault", VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort, VaultServerRef.rootToken, true);
            _vaultSystemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vault.TokenID, _vault);

            _ldapMountName = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("LDAP");

            // Define the engine.
            _ldapAuthEngine = (LdapAuthEngine)_vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_LDAP, "ldap_test", _ldapMountName);

            // Now create the Mount point.
            AuthMethod authMethod = new AuthMethod(_ldapMountName, EnumAuthMethods.LDAP);

            authMethod.Description = "Ldap Test";
            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthEnable(authMethod), "A10:  Expected the LDAP Backend to have been enabled.");

            // Now build the LDAP Backend.
            _origConfig = _ldapAuthEngine.GetLDAPConfigFromFile(@"C:\a_Dev\Configs\LDAP_Test.json");
            SetLDAPConfig(_ldapMountName, _origConfig);

            // Save the Config.  We do this here so the SetLDAPConfig can be used for multiple engines.
            Assert.True(await _ldapAuthEngine.ConfigureLDAPBackend(_origConfig), "A100:  Expected the LDAP Configuration method to return True");

            // Initialize the LDAP Login Connector.
            _ldapLoginConnector = new LDAPLoginConnector(_vault, _ldapAuthEngine.MountPoint, "Test LDAP Backend");

            // Load the Test Data Object
Beispiel #9
        public async Task CreateToken()
            // SETUP

            // We need our own vault since we will be manipulating the token value
            VaultAgentAPI ourVault = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("TokenTest");

            TokenAuthEngine ourTokenAuthEngine = (TokenAuthEngine)ourVault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_Token);

            // Need a Token Role so we can autogenerate a token
            TokenRole tokenRole = new TokenRole();

            tokenRole.Name = UK.GetKey();
            await ourTokenAuthEngine.SaveTokenRole(tokenRole);

            string           tokenName        = "Name" + tokenRole.Name;
            TokenNewSettings tokenNewSettings = new TokenNewSettings()
                Name          = tokenName,
                NumberOfUses  = 6,
                NoParentToken = true,
                RoleName      = tokenRole.Name

            Token token = await ourTokenAuthEngine.CreateToken(tokenNewSettings);

            Assert.NotNull(token, "A10:  Expected to receive the new token back, instead we received a null value.");

            // Read the token we just created.
            //Token token = await _tokenAuthEngine.GetTokenWithID(tokenID);
            Assert.IsNotNull(token, "A20: No Token returned.  Was expecting one.");

            ourVault.TokenID = token.ID;
            Assert.AreEqual(ourVault.TokenID, token.ID, "A30: Vault did not store token correctly");
Beispiel #10
        public async Task Transit_Init()
            if (_vaultAgentAPI != null)

            // Build Connection to Vault.
            _vaultAgentAPI = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("TransitSecEng");

            //new VaultAgentAPI("transitVault", VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort, VaultServerRef.rootToken, true);

            // Create unique name for the transit Backend we will use to test with.
            string transitMountName = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("TRANsit");

            // Get Connection to Vault System backend
            _systemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vaultAgentAPI.TokenID, _vaultAgentAPI);
            Assert.IsTrue(await _systemBackend.CreateSecretBackendMount(EnumSecretBackendTypes.Transit, transitMountName, transitMountName,
                                                                        "Transit Bckend Testing"), "A10:  Failed to Create the Transit Backend");
            _transitSecretEngine = (TransitSecretEngine)_vaultAgentAPI.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.Transit, transitMountName, transitMountName);

//            _transitSecretEngine =
            //			(TransitSecretEngine) await _vaultAgentAPI.CreateSecretBackendMount(EnumSecretBackendTypes.Transit, transitMountName, transitMountName,
            //		                                                                    "Transit Bckend Testing");
            Assert.NotNull(_transitSecretEngine, "Transit Backend was returned null upon creation.");
Beispiel #11
        public async Task Backend_Init()
            if (_vaultSystemBackend != null)

            // Build Connection to Vault.
            _vaultAgentAPI = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("PolicyBE");

            // Create a new system Backend Mount for this series of tests.
            _vaultSystemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vaultAgentAPI.TokenID, _vaultAgentAPI);

            // Create the backend.
            _beName = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("beP");
            VaultSysMountConfig testBE = new VaultSysMountConfig();

            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.SysMountCreate(_beName, "KeyValue2 Policy Testing Backend", EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2),
                        "A10:  Enabling backend " + _beName + " failed.");

            // Create the Root Engine that we will use
            //_vaultRootAgentAPI = new VaultAgentAPI("Root", _vaultAgentAPI.IP, _vaultAgentAPI.Port, _vaultAgentAPI.Token.ID);
            _vaultRootAgentAPI = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("PolicyBE_Alt");

            _rootEng = (KV2SecretEngine)_vaultRootAgentAPI.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, _beName, _beName);

            _vaultAgents = new List <VaultAgentAPI>();
Beispiel #12
        // Create the token engines for a successful test and then the control test.
        private async Task <(KV2SecretEngine engKV2OK, KV2SecretEngine engKV2FAIL)> SetupTokenEngines(string policyWithPermission)
            // Get connection to Token Engine so we can create tokens.
            TokenAuthEngine tokenEng = (TokenAuthEngine)_vaultAgentAPI.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_Token);

            // AA - The token that will have the policy.
            TokenNewSettings tokenASettings = new TokenNewSettings();

            Token tokenOK = await tokenEng.CreateToken(tokenASettings);

            // AB - The token that will not have the policy.
            TokenNewSettings tokenBSettings = new TokenNewSettings();

            Token tokenFAIL = await tokenEng.CreateToken(tokenBSettings);

            // AC - Create 2 Vault Instances that will use each Token.
            VaultAgentAPI vaultOK = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("OKVault", tokenOK.ID);

            VaultAgentAPI vaultFail = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("FailVault", tokenFAIL.ID);

            //VaultAgentAPI vaultOK = new VaultAgentAPI("OKToken", _vaultAgentAPI.IP, _vaultAgentAPI.Port, tokenOK.ID);
            //VaultAgentAPI vaultFail = new VaultAgentAPI("FAILToken", _vaultAgentAPI.IP, _vaultAgentAPI.Port, tokenFAIL.ID);

            // AD - Create the KeyValue Engines for each Token
            KV2SecretEngine engKV2OK   = (KV2SecretEngine)vaultOK.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, _beName, _beName);
            KV2SecretEngine engKV2FAIL = (KV2SecretEngine)vaultFail.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, _beName, _beName);

            return(engKV2OK, engKV2FAIL);
Beispiel #13
        public async Task LoginWithValidCredentials_Success()
            string  roleName_A = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("RLogin");
            AppRole roleA      = new AppRole(roleName_A);

            Assert.True(await _appRoleAuthEngine.SaveRole(roleA), "A1: Saving the role failed.");

            // Read the role ID back.
            string roleID = await _appRoleAuthEngine.ReadRoleID(roleA.Name);

            // Now create the a secret
            AppRoleSecret secret_A = await _appRoleAuthEngine.GenerateSecretID(roleA.Name);

            // Now attempt to login - We need to create a new vault object or else we will screw with the other tests, since a successful login changes the token.
            VaultAgentAPI     v    = new VaultAgentAPI("logintest", VaultServerRef.vaultURI);
            AppRoleAuthEngine eng1 = (AppRoleAuthEngine)v.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_AppRole, "Test", _appRoleAuthEngine.MountPoint);

            Token token = await eng1.Login(roleID, secret_A.ID);

/*		    bool rc;
 *                  rc = await _appRoleAuthEngine.Login(roleID, secret_A.ID);
 *                  Assert.True(rc);
            Assert.IsNotNull(token, "A1:  A token was not returned.  The login failed.");
            Assert.IsNotEmpty(token.ID, "A2:  A token was returned, but it did not have an ID value.");
Beispiel #14
        public async Task VaultAgentTest_OneTimeSetup()
            _uk   = new UniqueKeys();
            name  = _uk.GetKey("vlt");
            vault = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault(name);

            //new VaultAgentAPI(name, VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort, VaultServerRef.rootToken);
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs tasks that the Role1 user would do.  Creating the actual application folders.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="role"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task PerformRole1Tasks()
            try {
                // Here we will create the AppA and B folders in both the path1 and the appData paths.
                KV2Secret path1AppA   = new KV2Secret(Constants.appName_A, "path1");
                KV2Secret path1AppB   = new KV2Secret(Constants.appName_B, "path1");
                KV2Secret appDataAppA = new KV2Secret(Constants.appName_A, Constants.appData);
                KV2Secret appDataAppB = new KV2Secret(Constants.appName_B, Constants.appData);
                KV2Secret appData     = new KV2Secret(Constants.appData);

                // We need to simulate a session as this Role1 User:
                VaultAgentAPI     vault        = new VaultAgentAPI("Role1", _vaultAgent.Uri);
                AppRoleAuthEngine authEngine   = (AppRoleAuthEngine)vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_AppRole, _AppBEName, _AppBEName);
                KV2SecretEngine   secretEngine =
                    (KV2SecretEngine)vault.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, "Sheakley KV2 Secrets", _beKV2Name);

                // Now login.
                Token token = await authEngine.Login(role1.RoleID, _SIDRole1.ID);

                // Create the secrets if they do not exist.  We can attempt to Read the Secret on the path1 paths as we have full control

                var result = await secretEngine.TryReadSecret(appData);

                if (!result.IsSuccess)
                    await secretEngine.SaveSecret(appData, KV2EnumSecretSaveOptions.OnlyIfKeyDoesNotExist);
                result = await secretEngine.TryReadSecret(path1AppA);

                if (!result.IsSuccess)
                    await secretEngine.SaveSecret(path1AppA, KV2EnumSecretSaveOptions.OnlyIfKeyDoesNotExist);
                result = await secretEngine.TryReadSecret(path1AppB);

                if (!result.IsSuccess)
                    await secretEngine.SaveSecret(path1AppB, KV2EnumSecretSaveOptions.OnlyIfKeyDoesNotExist);

                // We have to list the "folders" or secrets on the AppData path as we only have create and List permissions.
                List <string> appFolders = await secretEngine.ListSecretsAtPath(appData);

                if (!appFolders.Contains(Constants.appName_A))
                    await secretEngine.SaveSecret(appDataAppA, KV2EnumSecretSaveOptions.OnlyIfKeyDoesNotExist);
                if (!appFolders.Contains(Constants.appName_B))
                    await secretEngine.SaveSecret(appDataAppB, KV2EnumSecretSaveOptions.OnlyIfKeyDoesNotExist);
            catch (VaultForbiddenException e) { Console.WriteLine("The role does not have permission to perform the requested operation. - Original Error - {0}", e.Message); }
            catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error detected in routine - PerformRole1Tasks - Error is - {0}", e.Message); }
Beispiel #16
        public async Task RevokeTokenWithChildren_ChildrenOrphaned()
            // Create a new token.
            string           tokenName        = UK.GetKey("ParentOrp");
            TokenNewSettings tokenNewSettings = new TokenNewSettings()
                Name = tokenName,
            Token parent = await _tokenAuthEngine.CreateToken(tokenNewSettings);

            Assert.NotNull(parent, "A1:  Error creating the parent token - expected to receive the new token back, instead we received a null value.");

            VaultAgentAPI v1 = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("TokenAuth2", parent.ID);

            TokenAuthEngine TAE = (TokenAuthEngine)v1.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_Token);

            // Now create 3 child tokens.

            Token token1 = await TAE.CreateToken(tokenNewSettings);

            Assert.NotNull(token1, "A2:  Error creating a new token - expected to receive the new token back, instead we received a null value.");

            // Token 2.
            tokenNewSettings.Name = "Token2";
            Token token2 = await TAE.CreateToken(tokenNewSettings);

            Assert.NotNull(token2, "A3:  Error creating a new token - expected to receive the new token back, instead we received a null value.");

            // Token 3.
            tokenNewSettings.Name = "Token3";
            Token token3 = await TAE.CreateToken(tokenNewSettings);

            Assert.NotNull(token3, "A4:  Error creating a new token - expected to receive the new token back, instead we received a null value.");

            // Now revoke the Parent token.
            Assert.IsTrue(await _tokenAuthEngine.RevokeToken(parent.ID, false), "A5:  Revocation of parent token was not successful.");

            Token parent2 = await _tokenAuthEngine.GetTokenWithID(parent.ID);

            Assert.IsNull(parent2, "A6:  The parent token should have been revoked.  But it still exists.");

            // Validate that each of the child tokens is revoked as well.
            Token a1 = await _tokenAuthEngine.GetTokenWithID(token1.ID);

            Token a2 = await _tokenAuthEngine.GetTokenWithID(token2.ID);

            Token a3 = await _tokenAuthEngine.GetTokenWithID(token3.ID);

            Assert.IsNotNull(a1, "A7:  Expected the child token to still exist.  But it is null");
            Assert.IsNotNull(a2, "A8:  Expected the child token to still exist.  But it is null");
            Assert.IsNotNull(a3, "A9:  Expected the child token to still exist.  But it is null");
            Assert.IsTrue(a1.IsOrphan, "A10: Expected token to be marked as an orphan.");
            Assert.IsTrue(a2.IsOrphan, "A11: Expected token to be marked as an orphan.");
            Assert.IsTrue(a3.IsOrphan, "A12: Expected token to be marked as an orphan.");
Beispiel #17
        public async Task PerformRoleATasks()
            // We need to simulate a session as this Role1 User:
            VaultAgentAPI     vault        = new VaultAgentAPI("Role2", _vaultAgent.Uri);
            AppRoleAuthEngine authEngine   = (AppRoleAuthEngine)vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_AppRole, _AppBEName, _AppBEName);
            KV2SecretEngine   secretEngine =
                (KV2SecretEngine)vault.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, "KV2 Secrets", _beKV2Name);

            // Now login.
            Token token = await authEngine.Login(roleAppA.RoleID, _SIDRoleAppA.ID);

            // Read existing secrets.
            string    rootPath    = Constants.appData + "/" + Constants.appName_A + "/";
            KV2Secret secretA1    = new KV2Secret("Database", rootPath);
            bool      readSuccess = false;

            (readSuccess, secretA1) = await secretEngine.TryReadSecret <KV2Secret>(secretA1, 0);

            // If it did not exist then create it.
            if (!readSuccess)
                secretA1 = new KV2Secret("Database", rootPath);
                // Create Some Secrets.
                secretA1.Attributes.Add("username", "abcUser");
                secretA1.Attributes.Add("password", "passEncrypted");
                secretA1.Attributes.Add("Connection", "db=");

                await secretEngine.SaveSecret(secretA1, KV2EnumSecretSaveOptions.OnlyIfKeyDoesNotExist, 0);

            // Try to read the parent secret - should fail
            KV2Secret secretParent = new KV2Secret(Constants.appData);

            (readSuccess, secretParent) = await secretEngine.TryReadSecret <KV2Secret>(secretParent, 0);

            // Lets try and read an AppB secret.  Should fail.
            try {
                // Lets try and read an AppA secret.  Should fail.
                string    rootBPath = Constants.appData + "/" + Constants.appName_B + "/";
                KV2Secret secretB1  = new KV2Secret("Database", rootBPath);
                (readSuccess, secretB1) = await secretEngine.TryReadSecret <KV2Secret>(secretB1, 0);
            catch (VaultForbiddenException) {
                Console.WriteLine("[SUCCESS-EXPECTED RESULT:  User A does not have access to read from User B's secret store.");

            // Lets update the secret.
            string passwd = secretA1.Attributes["password"];

            passwd = passwd + DateTime.Now.Hour;
            secretA1.Attributes["password"] = passwd;
Beispiel #18
        public VaultClient_SystemBackend(string token, string ip, int port)
            Uri vaultURI = new Uri("http://" + ip + ":" + port);

            _vault = new VaultAgentAPI("VaultClient", vaultURI);

            //_vault = new VaultAgentAPI("VaultSys",ip,port,token);
            _token = token;
            //_vaultSystemBackend = _vault.System;
Beispiel #19
        public InitiateVault(VaultAgentAPI vaultAgent)
            _vault = vaultAgent;
            _vaultSystemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vault.TokenID, _vault);

            _ldapAuthEngine = (LdapAuthEngine)_vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_LDAP, LDAP_MOUNTNAME, LDAP_MOUNTNAME);

            _authMethod             = new AuthMethod(LDAP_MOUNTNAME, EnumAuthMethods.LDAP);
            _authMethod.Description = LDAP_MOUNTNAME;
Beispiel #20
        public async Task TokenPropertiesSet_WhenPassedValidToken()
            VaultAgentAPI v1 = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault(name);

            //new VaultAgentAPI(name, VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort, VaultServerRef.rootToken);

            // Vault instance was created in one time setup.
            Assert.AreEqual(VaultServerRef.rootToken, v1.Token.ID);
            Assert.Greater(v1.Token.CreationTime, 1);
Beispiel #21
        public VC_AppRoleAuthEngine(VaultAgentAPI vaultAgent)
            UniqueKeys uniqueKeys = new UniqueKeys();

            // We will create a unique App Role Authentication Engine with the given name.
            _AppBEName          = "BEAppRole";
            _vaultAgent         = vaultAgent;
            _vaultSystemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vaultAgent.TokenID, _vaultAgent);
            _appRoleAuthEngine  = (AppRoleAuthEngine)vaultAgent.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_AppRole, _AppBEName, _AppBEName);
            _idEngine           = (IdentitySecretEngine)vaultAgent.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.Identity);
Beispiel #22
        public VaultClient_TransitBackend(string token, string ip, int port, string db)
            Uri vaultURI = new Uri("http://" + ip + ":" + port);

            _vault = new VaultAgentAPI("VaultClient", vaultURI);
            //_vault = new VaultAgentAPI("VaultClientTra", ip, port);
            //_vault = new VaultAgentAPI("TransitVault", ip, port, token);

            //TB = new TransitSecretEngine(ip, port, token,db);
        public async Task Setup()
            if (_vaultAgentAPI != null)

            // Build Connection to Vault.
            _vaultAgentAPI = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("VaultSecretEntry");

            //_vaultAgentAPI = new VaultAgentAPI("testa", VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort, VaultServerRef.rootToken, true);

            // We will create 3 KV2 mounts in the Vault instance.  One for testing with CAS on, one with CAS off, and then a generic default (CAS off).
            string noCasMountName = _uniqueKey.GetKey("NoCas");
            string casMountName   = _uniqueKey.GetKey("CAS");

            // Config settings for all the mounts.
            VaultSysMountConfig config = new VaultSysMountConfig
                DefaultLeaseTTL   = "30m",
                MaxLeaseTTL       = "90m",
                VisibilitySetting = "hidden"

            // Get Connection to Vault System backend
            _systemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vaultAgentAPI.TokenID, _vaultAgentAPI);
            Assert.IsTrue(await _systemBackend.CreateSecretBackendMount(EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, noCasMountName, noCasMountName,
                                                                        "No CAS Mount Test", config), "Failed to Create the NOCas KV2 secret backend");
            _noCASMount = (KV2SecretEngine)_vaultAgentAPI.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, noCasMountName, noCasMountName);

            Assert.IsTrue(await _systemBackend.CreateSecretBackendMount(EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, casMountName, casMountName,
                                                                        "CAS Mount Test", config), "Failed to create the CAS Mount KV2 Secret Backend");
            _casMount = (KV2SecretEngine)_vaultAgentAPI.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, casMountName, casMountName);


            // This is required as of Vault 1.0  It now seems to take a second or 2 to upgrade the mount from KV1 to KV2.

            // Set backend mount config.
            Assert.True(await _noCASMount.SetBackendConfiguration(8, false));
            Assert.True(await _casMount.SetBackendConfiguration(8, false));

            // Setup the DateTimeOffset Fields
            _theDate = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(_unixEpochTime);
        public async Task Identity_Init()
            if (_vaultAgentAPI != null)

            // Build Connection to Vault.
            _vaultAgentAPI = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("IdTest");

            //new VaultAgentAPI("IdentityTest", VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort, VaultServerRef.rootToken, true);
            _idEngine = (IdentitySecretEngine)_vaultAgentAPI.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.Identity);
Beispiel #25
        public async Task Backend_Init()
            if (_vaultSystemBackend != null)

            // Build Connection to Vault.
            _vaultAgentAPI = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("TransitVault");

            //new VaultAgentAPI("transitVault", VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort, VaultServerRef.rootToken, true);

            // Create a new system Backend Mount for this series of tests.
            _vaultSystemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vaultAgentAPI.TokenID, _vaultAgentAPI);
Beispiel #26
        public async Task PerformRoleBTasks()
            // We need to simulate a session as this Role1 User:
            VaultAgentAPI     vault        = new VaultAgentAPI("Role2", _vaultAgent.Uri);
            AppRoleAuthEngine authEngine   = (AppRoleAuthEngine)vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_AppRole, _AppBEName, _AppBEName);
            KV2SecretEngine   secretEngine =
                (KV2SecretEngine)vault.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, "KV2 Secrets", _beKV2Name);

            // Now login.
            Token token = await authEngine.Login(roleAppB.RoleID, _SIDRoleAppB.ID);

            // Read existing secrets.
            string    rootPath    = Constants.appData + "/" + Constants.appName_B + "/";
            KV2Secret secretB1    = new KV2Secret("Database", rootPath);
            bool      readSuccess = false;

            (readSuccess, secretB1) = await secretEngine.TryReadSecret(secretB1, 0);

            if (!readSuccess)
                secretB1 = new KV2Secret("Database", rootPath);
                // Create Some Secrets.
                secretB1.Attributes.Add("username", "Buser");
                secretB1.Attributes.Add("password", "Bpassword");
                secretB1.Attributes.Add("Connection", "db=");

                await secretEngine.SaveSecret(secretB1, KV2EnumSecretSaveOptions.OnlyIfKeyDoesNotExist, 0);

            try {
                // Lets try and read an AppA secret.  Should fail.
                string    rootAPath = Constants.appData + "/" + Constants.appName_A + "/";
                KV2Secret secretA1  = new KV2Secret("Database", rootAPath);
                (readSuccess, secretB1) = await secretEngine.TryReadSecret(secretA1, 0);
            catch (VaultForbiddenException) {
                Console.WriteLine("[SUCCESS-EXPECTED RESULT:  User B does not have access to read from User A's secret store.");

            int bb = 0;

Beispiel #27
        public async Task NormalLogin()
            // SETUP

            // We need our own vault since we will be manipulating the token value
            VaultAgentAPI ourVault = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("TokenTest");

            TokenAuthEngine ourTokenAuthEngine = (TokenAuthEngine)ourVault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_Token);

            // Need a Token Role so we can autogenerate a token
            TokenRole tokenRole = new TokenRole();

            UniqueKeys UK = new UniqueKeys("", "");       // Unique Key generator

            tokenRole.Name = UK.GetKey();
            await ourTokenAuthEngine.SaveTokenRole(tokenRole);

            string           tokenName        = "Name" + tokenRole.Name;
            TokenNewSettings tokenNewSettings = new TokenNewSettings()
                Name          = tokenName,
                NumberOfUses  = 6,
                NoParentToken = true,
                RoleName      = tokenRole.Name

            Token token = await ourTokenAuthEngine.CreateToken(tokenNewSettings);

            Assert.NotNull(token, "A10:  Expected to receive the new token back, instead we received a null value.");

            // Read the token we just created.
            //Token token = await _tokenAuthEngine.GetTokenWithID(tokenID);
            Assert.IsNotNull(token, "A20: No Token returned.  Was expecting one.");

            VaultAgentAPI vault2 = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("TokenLoginTest");

            TokenLoginConnector loginConnector = new TokenLoginConnector(vault2, "test");

            loginConnector.TokenId = token.ID;
            Assert.IsTrue(await loginConnector.Connect(), "A30:  Login Failed");
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs tasks that the teen wants to to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task Perform_TeenTasks()
            // We cannot use the Vault Agent _masterVaultAgent, since it has the Master Token tied to it.  We will create a new VaultAgent and SecretEngine for use during this Task, which will have our
            // Mother role token AND not the master Token.
            // So, we wire up a new Vault, AppRole and Secret Engines AND use them throughout this routine.
            VaultAgentAPI     vault        = new VaultAgentAPI("TeenConnector", _masterVaultAgent.Uri);
            AppRoleAuthEngine authEngine   = (AppRoleAuthEngine)vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_AppRole, _AppBEName, _AppBEName);
            KV2SecretEngine   secretEngine =
                (KV2SecretEngine)vault.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, _beKV2Name, _beKV2Name);

            // Login.
            Token token = await authEngine.Login(roleTeenager.RoleID, _sidTeenager.ID);

            // Should be able to load the House Secret.  But not updated it.
            KV2Secret a = await secretEngine.ReadSecret <KV2Secret>(HOUSE.HOUSE_PATH);

            a.Attributes["Electric"] = "No";
            // Should Fail
            bool rc = await SaveSecret(secretEngine, a);

            // Should NOT be able to read anything in the Toddler's Bedroom
            (bool rcB, KV2Secret b) = await ReadSecret(secretEngine, HOUSE.TODDLER_BEDROOM);

            // Should be able to read and update the Kitchen secret
            (bool rcK, KV2Secret k) = await ReadSecret(secretEngine, HOUSE.KITCHEN);

            k.Attributes["Carrots"] = "Need";
            rcK = await SaveSecret(secretEngine, k);

            // Should be able to read and update the Fridge
            (bool rcR, KV2Secret r) = await ReadSecret(secretEngine, HOUSE.REFRIGERATOR);

            k.Attributes["Cold"] = "True";
            rcR = await SaveSecret(secretEngine, r);

            // Should have no writes to the Dishwasher
            (bool rcD, KV2Secret d) = await ReadSecret(secretEngine, HOUSE.DISHWASHER);
Beispiel #29
        public async Task AppRoleAuthEngineSetup()
            // Build Connection to Vault.
            _vault = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("AppRoleVault");

            //_vault = new VaultAgentAPI("AppRoleVault", VaultServerRef.ipAddress, VaultServerRef.ipPort);  //, VaultServerRef.rootToken,true);
            _vaultSystemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vault.TokenID, _vault);

            string approleMountName = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("AppAuth");

            // Create an AppRole authentication connection.
            _appRoleAuthEngine = (AppRoleAuthEngine)_vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_AppRole, "AppRole", approleMountName);

            // Create an Authentication method of App Role.	- This only needs to be done when the Auth method is created.
            AuthMethod am = new AuthMethod(approleMountName, EnumAuthMethods.AppRole);
            bool       rc = await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthEnable(am);
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs tasks that the Role1 user would do.  Creating the actual application folders.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="role"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task PerformRole2Tasks()
            try {
                // We just try and read secrets off path1/ folders.

                // We need to simulate a session as this Role1 User:
                VaultAgentAPI     vault        = new VaultAgentAPI("Role2", _vaultAgent.Uri);
                AppRoleAuthEngine authEngine   = (AppRoleAuthEngine)vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_AppRole, _AppBEName, _AppBEName);
                KV2SecretEngine   secretEngine =
                    (KV2SecretEngine)vault.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, "Sheakley KV2 Secrets", _beKV2Name);

                // Now login.
                Token token = await authEngine.Login(role2.RoleID, _SIDRole2.ID);

                // Try and read a secret.
            catch (VaultForbiddenException e) { Console.WriteLine("The role does not have permission to perform the requested operation. - Original Error - {0}", e.Message); }
            catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error detected in routine - PerformRole1Tasks - Error is - {0}", e.Message); }