public bool IsConstant(VariableArgumentValue Non_Constant)
     if (A.IsConstant(Non_Constant) && B.IsConstant(Non_Constant))
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new VariableArgumentValue with a random value between -1 and 1, to be used for inbetween nodes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>VariableArgumentValue with a random value between -1 and 1</returns>
        private VariableArgumentValue RandomVariableValue()
            var i = new VariableArgumentValue(Counter.ToString());

            i.Value = (random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 2;
        public SyntaxBlock ParallelDerivative(VariableArgumentValue ArgumentToDerive, int Depth)
            if (Depth == 0)
            SyntaxBlock adir = null;
            SyntaxBlock bdir = null;

                () => { adir = A.ParallelDerivative(ArgumentToDerive, Depth - 1); },
                () => { bdir = B.ParallelDerivative(ArgumentToDerive, Depth - 1); }
            return(DerivativeFormulate(adir, bdir));
        public bool ParallelIsConstant(VariableArgumentValue Non_Constant, int Depth)
            if (Depth == 0)
            bool a = false;
            bool b = false;

                () => { a = A.ParallelIsConstant(Non_Constant, Depth - 1); },
                () => { b = B.ParallelIsConstant(Non_Constant, Depth - 1); }
            return(a && b);
Beispiel #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
             * Currently implemented:
             *  Sums
             *  Products
             *  Quotients
             *  Numeric constants
             *  Variable constants (constants that can be changed)
             *  Variables
             * Functionality:
             *  (Partial) derivatives
             *  Calculations
             *  Printing of formulas
             * Notes:
             *  Simplification does not yet do anything beyond removing the following:
             *      A * 0 -> 0
             *      A * 1 -> A
             *      A + 0 -> A
             *      A / 1 -> A
             *      0 / A -> 0
             *      Number / Number -> Number
             *      Number + Number -> Number
             *      Number * Number -> Number

            var A = new VariableArgumentValue("A"); //create arguments with values, IE variables. The values of the variables can be changed using "ConstantArgumentValue" and "VariableArgumentValue".

            var B = new ConstantArgumentValue("B"); //A variable constant. Can only be used to create constants in the syntax.

            var C = new VariableArgumentValue("C"); //A true variable. Can only be used to create variables in the syntax.
            var D = new VariableArgumentValue("D");

            A.Value = 10;//change their value, their value type is a double.
            B.Value = 13;
            C.Value = 14.67;
            D.Value = -3;

            SyntaxBlock SomeSum = new Sum(new Variable(A), new Sum(new VariableConstant(B), new NumericConstant(420))); //create a formula.

            Console.WriteLine(SomeSum.print());                                                                         //print the forumula
            Console.WriteLine(SomeSum.Calculate());                                                                     //Calculate the results of a formula

            Console.WriteLine("\nCalculating partial derivatives");

            SyntaxBlock functionA, functionB;

            functionA = new Product(new NumericConstant(44), new Product(new Variable(A), new Variable(C)));
            functionB = new Product(new VariableConstant(B), new Product(new Variable(A), new Variable(D)));

            SyntaxBlock ComplexSum               = new Sum(functionA, functionB);                                                               //functions of functions
            SyntaxBlock SuperComplexProduct      = new Product(ComplexSum, ComplexSum);                                                         //functions of functions of functions
            SyntaxBlock SuperSuperComplexProduct = new Product(SuperComplexProduct, SuperComplexProduct);                                       //functions^4

            List <Tuple <VariableArgumentValue, SyntaxBlock> > derivatives = Derivatives.CalculatePartialDerivatives(SuperSuperComplexProduct); //Calculate all the partial derivatives of a given function.

            //A Function to calculate the derivative for a simple (single argument) function is also present, but will throw an exception if the formula given has more than one variable.
            //swap out "SuperSuperComplexProduct" for any other syntaxblock to see the result.
            foreach (var i in derivatives)
                Console.WriteLine(i.Item1.Name + " : " + i.Item2.print()); //print the resulting derivatives

            double CalculationResult = derivatives[0].Item2.Calculate(); //calculate the result of a derivative function.

            Console.WriteLine("Calculation result: " + CalculationResult);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
 public SyntaxBlock Derivative(VariableArgumentValue ArgumentToDerive)
     return(DerivativeFormulate(A.Derivative(ArgumentToDerive), B.Derivative(ArgumentToDerive)));
 public NeuronConnection(Neuron From, Neuron To, VariableArgumentValue value)
     this.From = From;
     this.To = To;
     this.value = value;
 public void LinkTo(Neuron TargetNeuron, VariableArgumentValue Value)
     var connection = new NeuronConnection(this, TargetNeuron, Value);
 public SyntaxBlock ParallelDerivative(VariableArgumentValue ArgumentToDerive, int Depth)
 public bool ParallelIsConstant(VariableArgumentValue Non_Constant, int Depth)
 public abstract bool IsConstant(VariableArgumentValue Non_Constant);
 public abstract SyntaxBlock Derivative(VariableArgumentValue ArgumentToDerive);