void CreateVanWindow()
        //Get the basic car model windscreen script
        VanSideWindow0 basicWindscreen = GameObject.Find("VanSideWindow0").GetComponent <VanSideWindow0> ();

        //Assign the mesh vertices
        mesh.vertices = new Vector3[] {
            basicWindscreen.mesh.vertices [2],
            basicWindscreen.mesh.vertices [3],
            basicWindscreen.mesh.vertices [7],
            basicWindscreen.mesh.vertices [5]

        //Assign the mesh triangles
        mesh.triangles = new int[] { 0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1 };

        //Calculate the normals of the mesh fom the triangles
Beispiel #2
    void Start()
        //Create a mesh filter while also assigning it as a variable to get the mesh property
        MeshFilter meshFilter = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter> ();

        //Create a mesh renderer so we can actually display the mesh
        gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer> ();

        //Set the mesh object to be that of the mesh from the mesh filter
        mesh = meshFilter.mesh;

        //Set the same material as the side panel
        gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer> ().material = GameObject.Find("VanSidePanel0").GetComponent <Renderer> ().material;

        //Get script of previous mesh
        rearSlant  = GameObject.Find("Van9RearSlant").GetComponent <Van9RearSlant> ();
        sideWindow = GameObject.Find("VanSideWindow0").GetComponent <VanSideWindow0> ();

        //Create the mesh
Beispiel #3
    void Start()
        //Create a mesh filter while also assigning it as a variable to get the mesh property
        MeshFilter meshFilter = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter> ();

        //Create a mesh renderer so we can actually display the mesh
        gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer> ();

        //Set the mesh object to be that of the mesh from the mesh filter
        mesh = meshFilter.mesh;

        //Set a random material
        Object[] loadedMaterials = Resources.LoadAll("Materials");
        gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer> ().material = (Material)loadedMaterials [Random.Range(0, loadedMaterials.Length - 2)];

        //Get script of previous mesh
        sideWindow = GameObject.Find("VanSideWindow0").GetComponent <VanSideWindow0>();
        sidePanel  = GameObject.Find("VanSidePanel1").GetComponent <VanSidePanel1>();
        windscreen = GameObject.Find("Van7Windscreen").GetComponent <Van7Windscreen>();
        roof       = GameObject.Find("Van8Roof").GetComponent <Van8Roof>();

        //Create the mesh