CreateValuesElement(DataRow[] rows)
                /* logic, look into datatable to get
                 * - variableUnitsAbbreviation
                 * if all the same, create values
                 * - values
                 * Then get qualifiers
                 * Future
                 * if no MethodID and SourceID exists, but MethodDescript, and SourceDescrition exists
                 * - create MethodID, and SourceID, and

                TsValuesSingleVariableType valuesElement = new TsValuesSingleVariableType();
                List <ValueSingleVariable> valuesList    = new List <ValueSingleVariable>();

                foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                    ValueSingleVariable value = row2Value(row);
                    if (value != null)

                valuesElement.value = valuesList.ToArray();
                valuesElement.count = valuesList.Count.ToString();

            row2Value(DataRow aRow)
                DataValuesTables.DataValuesDataTable dvT = new DataValuesTables.DataValuesDataTable();

                DataValuesTables.DataValuesRow row = dvT[0];

                ValueSingleVariable valueElement = new ValueSingleVariable();

                    if (!row.IsLocalDateTimeNull())
                        valueElement.dateTime = row.LocalDateTime;
                        log.Error("Value with No DateTime provided to CreateValuesElement");

                    if (!row.IsQualfiersNull())
                        valueElement.qualifiers = row.Qualfiers;
                    if (!row.IsQualityControlLevelTermNull())
                    if (!row.IsMethodIDNull())
                        valueElement.methodID = row.MethodID;
                    if (!row.IsSourceIDNull())
                        valueElement.sourceID = row.SourceID;
                    if (!row.IsDataValueNull())
                        valueElement.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(row.DataValue);;
                        log.Error("No DataValue");
                        valueElement.Value               = 0;
                        valueElement.censorCode          =;
                        valueElement.censorCodeSpecified = true;
                    log.Error("Could not convert value");
Beispiel #3
 private string CensorCodeToString(ValueSingleVariable dataValue)
     if (dataValue.censorCodeSpecified)
        public void accuracyStdDevTest()
            ValueSingleVariable target = new ValueSingleVariable();

            double val = 0; // TODO: Assign to an appropriate value for the property

            target.accuracyStdDev = val;

            Assert.AreEqual(val, target.accuracyStdDev, "WaterOneFlow.Schema.v1.ValueSingleVariable.accuracyStdDev was not set correctly.");
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
        public void sourceIDTest()
            ValueSingleVariable target = new ValueSingleVariable();

            int val = 0; // TODO: Assign to an appropriate value for the property

            target.sourceID = val;

            Assert.AreEqual(val, target.sourceID, "WaterOneFlow.Schema.v1.ValueSingleVariable.sourceID was not set correctly.");
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
        public void qualifiersTest()
            ValueSingleVariable target = new ValueSingleVariable();

            string val = null; // TODO: Assign to an appropriate value for the property

            target.qualifiers = val;

            Assert.AreEqual(val, target.qualifiers, "WaterOneFlow.Schema.v1.ValueSingleVariable.qualifiers was not set correctly.");
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
        public void dateTimeTest()
            ValueSingleVariable target = new ValueSingleVariable();

            DateTime val = new DateTime(); // TODO: Assign to an appropriate value for the property

            target.dateTime = val;

            Assert.AreEqual(val, target.dateTime, "WaterOneFlow.Schema.v1.ValueSingleVariable.dateTime was not set correctly.");
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
        public void censorCodeTest()
            ValueSingleVariable target = new ValueSingleVariable();

            CensorCodeEnum val =; // TODO: Assign to an appropriate value for the property

            target.censorCode = val;

            Assert.AreEqual(val, target.censorCode, "WaterOneFlow.Schema.v1.ValueSingleVariable.censorCode was not set correctly.");
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
        public void sampleIDSpecifiedTest()
            ValueSingleVariable target = new ValueSingleVariable();

            bool val = false; // TODO: Assign to an appropriate value for the property

            target.sampleIDSpecified = val;

            Assert.AreEqual(val, target.sampleIDSpecified, "WaterOneFlow.Schema.v1.ValueSingleVariable.sampleIDSpecified was not set correctl" +
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
        public void offsetUnitsAbbreviationTest()
            ValueSingleVariable target = new ValueSingleVariable();

            string val = null; // TODO: Assign to an appropriate value for the property

            target.offsetUnitsAbbreviation = val;

            Assert.AreEqual(val, target.offsetUnitsAbbreviation, "WaterOneFlow.Schema.v1.ValueSingleVariable.offsetUnitsAbbreviation was not set co" +
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
        public void codedVocabularyTermTest()
            ValueSingleVariable target = new ValueSingleVariable();

            string val = null; // TODO: Assign to an appropriate value for the property

            target.codedVocabularyTerm = val;

            Assert.AreEqual(val, target.codedVocabularyTerm, "WaterOneFlow.Schema.v1.ValueSingleVariable.codedVocabularyTerm was not set correc" +
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
        public void qualityControlLevelTest()
            ValueSingleVariable target = new ValueSingleVariable();

            QualityControlLevelEnum val = QualityControlLevelEnum.Rawdata; // TODO: Assign to an appropriate value for the property

            target.qualityControlLevel = val;

            Assert.AreEqual(val, target.qualityControlLevel, "WaterOneFlow.Schema.v1.ValueSingleVariable.qualityControlLevel was not set correc" +
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
Beispiel #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            XmlSchemaSet xmlSchemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet();

            xmlSchemaSet.XmlResolver = new XmlUrlResolver();
            //XmlSchema xmlSchema = WaterOneFlow.Schema.GetSchema.SchemaV1_0(); ;
            String    xsd       = WaterOneFlow.Schema.GetSchema.SchemaXmlV1_0();
            XmlSchema xmlSchema = XmlSchema.Read(new StringReader(xsd), new ValidationEventHandler(ValidationCallBack));

            xmlSchemaSet.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler(ValidationCallBack);

            XmlSerializer serializer =
                new XmlSerializer(typeof(ValueSingleVariable));

            XmlRootAttribute root           = new XmlRootAttribute("value");
            XmlSerializer    serializerRoot =
                new XmlSerializer(typeof(ValueSingleVariable), root);

            ValueSingleVariable value = new ValueSingleVariable();

            value.dateTime   = DateTime.Now;
            value.Value      = 1;
            value.qualifiers = "AD:CD ab:ab";
            serializer.Serialize(System.Console.Out, value);
            serializerRoot.Serialize(System.Console.Out, value);

            serializer =
                new XmlSerializer(typeof(TsValuesSingleVariableType));
            TsValuesSingleVariableType ts = new TsValuesSingleVariableType();

            ts.value     = new ValueSingleVariable[1];
            ts.value[0]  = value;
            ts.method    = new MethodType[1];
            ts.method[0] = new MethodType();
            ts.method[0].MethodDescription = "method";
            ts.count = ts.value.Length.ToString();
            serializer.Serialize(System.Console.Out, ts);

            System.Console.WriteLine("\nHit AnyKey to continue");
            public static ValueSingleVariable CreateValue(
                double DataValue,
                WaterOneFlowImpl.W3CDateTime localDateTime,
                string CensorCode,
                string Qualifiers,
                string MethodID,
                string SourceID,
                string QualityControlLevel
                ValueSingleVariable valueElement = new ValueSingleVariable();

                // make as datarow

Beispiel #15
            public static void TimeSeriesFromRDB(DataTable aTable, int time, int aValue, int qualifier, List <ValueSingleVariable> tsTypeList, bool provisional, int sourceId, int methodId, string qualityControlLevel)
                foreach (DataRow aRow in aTable.Rows)
                        ValueSingleVariable tsTypeValue = new ValueSingleVariable();
                        tsTypeValue.dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(aRow[time]);
                        //tsTypeValue.dateTimeSpecified = true;
                        //tsTypeValue.censored = string.Empty;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aRow[aValue].ToString()))
                            tsTypeValue.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(aRow[aValue]);
                        parseQualifiersForCensorCode(tsTypeValue, aRow[qualifier].ToString()); // this will add censored, if appropariate

                        if (provisional)
                            if (tsTypeValue.qualifiers != null)
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tsTypeValue.qualifiers))
                                    tsTypeValue.qualifiers = "P";
                                    tsTypeValue.qualifiers += "P";
                                tsTypeValue.qualifiers = "P";
                    catch (Exception e)
                        // just ignore any value errors
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// This will add a qualifer, and if appropriate censorCode value to the  tsTypeValue type, if appropriate.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tsTypeValue">tsValuesTypeValue to populate</param>
 /// <param name="qualifier">qualifier field to parse, and look for tags that indicate that an item should be censored.</param>
 public static void parseQualifiersForCensorCode(ValueSingleVariable tsTypeValue, String qualifier)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qualifier))
         if (qualifier.Contains("<"))
             tsTypeValue.censorCode          =;
             tsTypeValue.censorCodeSpecified = true;
             qualifier = qualifier.Replace("<", "");
         if (qualifier.Contains(">"))
             tsTypeValue.censorCode          =;
             tsTypeValue.censorCodeSpecified = true;
             qualifier = qualifier.Replace(">", "");
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qualifier))
             tsTypeValue.qualifiers = qualifier;
Beispiel #17
        static void InsertOneDataValue(OD_1_1_1DataSet.DataValuesDataTable tblDataValues,
                                       int siteID, int varID, ValueSingleVariable dvInfo)
            OD_1_1_1DataSet.DataValuesRow row = tblDataValues.NewDataValuesRow();

            row.DataValue     = (double)dvInfo.Value;
            row.ValueAccuracy = dvInfo.accuracyStdDev;

            string[] vars = Regex.Split(dvInfo.timeOffset, ":");
            double   v = 0, f = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < vars.Count(); i++)
                v += int.Parse(vars[i]) / f;
                f *= 60.0;
            row.UTCOffset     = v;
            row.LocalDateTime = dvInfo.dateTime;
            row.DateTimeUTC   = dvInfo.dateTimeUTC;

            row.SiteID     = siteID;
            row.VariableID = varID;

            row.OffsetValue = dvInfo.offsetValue;

            row.CensorCode = dvInfo.censorCode;
            row.MethodID = Convert.ToInt32(dvInfo.methodCode);
            row.SourceID = Convert.ToInt32(dvInfo.sourceCode);
            row.QualityControlLevelID = Convert.ToInt32(dvInfo.qualityControlLevelCode);

Beispiel #18
            public static IEnumerable <ValueSingleVariable> dataset2ValuesList(ValuesDataSet ds, VariableParam variable, int?VariableId, VariablesDataset variablesDs)
                Boolean          variableIsCategorical = false;
                VariableInfoType variableInfoType      = ODvariables.GetVariableByID(VariableId, variablesDs);

                if (variableInfoType != null && variableInfoType.dataType.Equals("Categorical"))
                    variableIsCategorical = true;

                /* logic
                 * if there is a variable that has options, then get a set of datarows
                 * using a select clause
                 * use an enumerator, since it is generic
                 * */

                IEnumerator dataValuesEnumerator;     // = ds.DataValues.GetEnumerator();

                ValuesDataSet.DataValuesRow[] dvRows; // if we find options, we need to use this.

                String select = OdValuesCommon.CreateValuesWhereClause(variable, VariableId);

                if (select.Length > 0)
                    dvRows = (ValuesDataSet.DataValuesRow[])ds.DataValues.Select(select.ToString());

                    dataValuesEnumerator = dvRows.GetEnumerator();
                    dataValuesEnumerator = ds.DataValues.GetEnumerator();

                while (dataValuesEnumerator.MoveNext())
                    ValuesDataSet.DataValuesRow aRow        = (ValuesDataSet.DataValuesRow)dataValuesEnumerator.Current;
                    ValueSingleVariable         tsTypeValue = new ValueSingleVariable();
                    Boolean goodValue = false;
                        tsTypeValue.dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime);

                        DateTime temprealdate;

                        TimeSpan zone   = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now);
                        Double   offset = Convert.ToDouble(aRow.UTCOffset);
                        if (zone.TotalHours.Equals(offset))
                            temprealdate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime),
                            temprealdate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime), DateTimeKind.Utc);

                            temprealdate = temprealdate.AddHours(offset);
                        temprealdate         = Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime);
                        tsTypeValue.dateTime = temprealdate;

                        tsTypeValue.dateTimeUTC          = aRow.DateTimeUTC;
                        tsTypeValue.dateTimeUTCSpecified = true;
                        tsTypeValue.timeOffset           = OffsetDoubleToHoursMinutesString(aRow.UTCOffset);

                        //tsTypeValue.dateTime = new DateTimeOffset(temprealdate);
                        //tsTypeValue.dateTimeSpecified = true;

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aRow.Value.ToString()))
                            tsTypeValue.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(aRow.Value);

                            tsTypeValue.censorCode =
                            if (!aRow.IsOffsetTypeIDNull())
                                //tsTypeValue.offsetTypeID = aRow.OffsetTypeID.ToString();
                                tsTypeValue.offsetTypeCode = aRow.OffsetTypeID.ToString();

                                // HIS-97 moved to OffsetUnitsType
                                //      ValuesDataSet.OffsetTypesRow off =
                                //        ds.OffsetTypes.FindByOffsetTypeID(aRow.OffsetTypeID);
                                //    ValuesDataSet.UnitsRow offUnit = ds.Units.FindByUnitsID(off.OffsetUnitsID);
                                //    tsTypeValue.offsetUnitsCode = offUnit.UnitsID.ToString();
                                //    tsTypeValue.offsetUnitsAbbreviation = offUnit.UnitsAbbreviation;

                            // offset value may be separate from the units... anticpating changes for USGS
                            if (!aRow.IsOffsetValueNull())
                                tsTypeValue.offsetValue          = aRow.OffsetValue;
                                tsTypeValue.offsetValueSpecified = true;

                            ValuesDataSet.MethodsRow meth = ds.Methods.FindByMethodID(aRow.MethodID);
                            // tsTypeValue.methodID = aRow.MethodID.ToString();
                            tsTypeValue.methodCode = aRow.MethodID.ToString();

                            // qualifiers
                            if (!aRow.IsQualifierIDNull())
                                ValuesDataSet.QualifiersRow qual = ds.Qualifiers.FindByQualifierID(aRow.QualifierID);
                                if (qual != null)
                                    tsTypeValue.qualifiers = qual.QualifierCode;

                            //  quality control level

                            ValuesDataSet.QualityControlLevelsRow qcl =
                            string qlName = qcl.Definition.Replace(" ", "");
                            tsTypeValue.qualityControlLevelCode = qcl.QualityControlLevelCode;
                            //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qlName))
                            //    tsTypeValue.qualityControlLevel = qlName;

                            // tsTypeValue.sourceID = aRow.SourceID.ToString();
                            tsTypeValue.sourceCode = aRow.SourceID.ToString();

                            if (!aRow.IsSampleIDNull())
                                //tsTypeValue.sampleID = aRow.SampleID.ToString();
                                ValuesDataSet.SamplesRow lsc = ds.Samples.FindBySampleID(aRow.SampleID);
                                tsTypeValue.labSampleCode = lsc.LabSampleCode;

                            // categorical
                            if (variableIsCategorical && VariableId.HasValue)
                                tsTypeValue.codedVocabularyTerm = ODvariables.GetCategoryTerm(VariableId.Value, tsTypeValue.Value, variablesDs);
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tsTypeValue.codedVocabularyTerm))
                                    tsTypeValue.codedVocabulary = true;
                                tsTypeValue.codedVocabularySpecified = true;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            log.Debug("Error generating a value " + e.Message);
                            // non fatal exceptions
                        goodValue = true;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        goodValue = false;
                        // If there is an error, we do not add it.

                    if (goodValue)
                        yield return(tsTypeValue);
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// DataValue creation. Converts a ValuesDataSet to the XML schema ValueSingleVariable
        /// If variable is null, it will return all
        /// If variable has extra options (variable:code/Value=Key/Value=Key)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ds">Dataset that you want converted</param>
        /// <param name="variable">Variable that you want to use to place limits on the returned data</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <ValueSingleVariable> dataset2ValuesList(ValuesDataSet ds, VariableParam variable)
            List <ValueSingleVariable> tsTypeList = new List <ValueSingleVariable>();

            /* logic
             * if there is a variable that has options, then get a set of datarows
             * using a select clause
             * use an enumerator, since it is generic
             * */
            IEnumerator dataValuesEnumerator;

            ValuesDataSet.DataValuesRow[] dvRows; // if we find options, we need to use this.

            String select = OdValuesCommon.CreateValuesWhereClause(variable, null);

            if (select.Length > 0)
                dvRows = (ValuesDataSet.DataValuesRow[])ds.DataValues.Select(select.ToString());

                dataValuesEnumerator = dvRows.GetEnumerator();
                dataValuesEnumerator = ds.DataValues.GetEnumerator();

            //  foreach (ValuesDataSet.DataValuesRow aRow in ds.DataValues){
            while (dataValuesEnumerator.MoveNext())
                ValuesDataSet.DataValuesRow aRow = (ValuesDataSet.DataValuesRow)dataValuesEnumerator.Current;
                    ValueSingleVariable tsTypeValue = new ValueSingleVariable();

                    #region DateTime Standard
                    tsTypeValue.dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime);
                    //tsTypeValue.dateTimeSpecified = true;
                    DateTime temprealdate;

                    //<add key="returnUndefinedUTCorLocal" value="Undefined"/>
                    if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["returnUndefinedUTCorLocal"].Equals("Undefined"))
                        temprealdate = Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime); // not time zone shift
                    else if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["returnUndefinedUTCorLocal"].Equals("Local"))
                        TimeSpan zone   = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now);
                        Double   offset = Convert.ToDouble(aRow.UTCOffset);

                        if (zone.TotalHours.Equals(offset))
                            // zone is the same as server. Shift
                            temprealdate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime), DateTimeKind.Local);
                            //// zone is not the same. Output in UTC.
                            //temprealdate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime), DateTimeKind.Utc);
                            //// correct time with shift.
                            //temprealdate = temprealdate.AddHours(offset);

                            // just use the DateTime UTC
                            temprealdate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTimeUTC), DateTimeKind.Utc);
                    else if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["returnUndefinedUTCorLocal"].Equals("UTC"))
                        temprealdate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTimeUTC), DateTimeKind.Utc);
                        temprealdate = Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime); // not time zone shift

                    temprealdate = Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime); // not time zone shift
                    #region DateTimeOffset Failed
                    /// using XML overrides
                    // Attemp to use DateTimeOffset in xml Schema
                    //TimeSpan zone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now);
                    //Double offset = Convert.ToDouble(aRow.UTCOffset);

                    //DateTimeOffset temprealdate;
                    //temprealdate = new DateTimeOffset(Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime),
                    //    new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(offset),0,0));
                    //DateTimeOffset temprealdate;
                    //temprealdate = new DateTimeOffset(Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime),
                    //    new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(offset), 0, 0));

                    //tsTypeValue.dateTime = temprealdate;
                    //tsTypeValue.dateTimeSpecified = true;

                    //tsTypeValue.censored = string.Empty;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aRow.Value.ToString()))
                        tsTypeValue.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(aRow.Value);

                        tsTypeValue.censorCode          = (CensorCodeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(CensorCodeEnum), aRow.CensorCode, true);
                        tsTypeValue.censorCodeSpecified = true;

                        if (!aRow.IsOffsetTypeIDNull())
                            tsTypeValue.offsetTypeID          = aRow.OffsetTypeID;
                            tsTypeValue.offsetTypeIDSpecified = true;

                            // enabled to fix issue with hydroobjects
                            ValuesDataSet.OffsetTypesRow off = ds.OffsetTypes.FindByOffsetTypeID(aRow.OffsetTypeID);

                            ValuesDataSet.UnitsRow offUnit = ds.Units.FindByUnitsID(off.OffsetUnitsID);
                            tsTypeValue.offsetUnitsCode         = offUnit.UnitsID.ToString();
                            tsTypeValue.offsetUnitsAbbreviation = offUnit.UnitsAbbreviation;

                        // offset value may be separate from the units... anticpating changes for USGS
                        if (!aRow.IsOffsetValueNull())
                            tsTypeValue.offsetValue          = aRow.OffsetValue;
                            tsTypeValue.offsetValueSpecified = true;

                        ValuesDataSet.MethodsRow meth = ds.Methods.FindByMethodID(aRow.MethodID);
                        tsTypeValue.methodID          = aRow.MethodID;
                        tsTypeValue.methodIDSpecified = true;

                        if (!aRow.IsQualifierIDNull())
                            ValuesDataSet.QualifiersRow qual = ds.Qualifiers.FindByQualifierID(aRow.QualifierID);
                            if (qual != null)
                                tsTypeValue.qualifiers = qual.QualifierCode;

                        ValuesDataSet.QualityControlLevelsRow qcl =
                        string qlName = qcl.Definition.Replace(" ", "");

                        if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(QualityControlLevelEnum), qlName))
                            tsTypeValue.qualityControlLevel = (QualityControlLevelEnum)
                                typeof(QualityControlLevelEnum), qlName, true);
                            if (tsTypeValue.qualityControlLevel != QualityControlLevelEnum.Unknown)
                                tsTypeValue.qualityControlLevelSpecified = true;
                        tsTypeValue.sourceID          = aRow.SourceID;
                        tsTypeValue.sourceIDSpecified = true;

                        if (!aRow.IsSampleIDNull())
                            tsTypeValue.sampleID          = aRow.SampleID;
                            tsTypeValue.sampleIDSpecified = true;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        log.Debug("Error generating a value " + e.Message);
                        // non fatal exceptions

                catch (Exception e)
                    //  ignore any value errors
            private TsValuesSingleVariableType CreateWQTimeSeriesObject(VariableParam vp, string aURL)
                // download the iformation
                String resultFile = USGSCommon.GetHTTPFile(aURL, 10);

                TsValuesSingleVariableType values = new TsValuesSingleVariableType();
                //result.TimeSeries.Values.valueUnits = units; // this needs to be done earlier

                DataTable aTable = NWISDelimitedTextParser.ParseFileIntoDT(resultFile);

                // dwv add code to get the code, and use that to find the correct columns
                // time and date are separate
                int    date = 2; // present location of time column
                int    time = 3;
                String code = vp.Code;
                int    codeCol;
                int    aValue;
                int    qualifier; // there are many qa columns. what do we want to do about them

                /* 20070909
                 * add
                 #  meth_cd                    - Method code
                 #  dqi_cd                     - Data-quality indicator code
                 #  rpt_lev_va                 - Reporting level
                 #  rpt_lev_cd                 - Reporting level type
                 #  lab_std_va                 - Lab standard deviation
                 #  anl_ent_cd                 - Analyzing entity code
                int method;

                    /* 20070909 - USGS column name changes
                     * parameter_cd to param_cd
                     *     APPSETTING: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parameterColumn"];
                     * qualifiers now in val_qual_tx
                     * also:
                     #  meth_cd                    - Method code
                     #  dqi_cd                     - Data-quality indicator code
                     #  rpt_lev_va                 - Reporting level
                     #  rpt_lev_cd                 - Reporting level type
                     #  lab_std_va                 - Lab standard deviation
                     #  anl_ent_cd                 - Analyzing entity code
                    //codeCol = getVarQualifiersColumn(aTable, "parameter_cd", null);
                    string parmameterColName = (string)Properties.Settings.Default["parameterColumn"];
                    codeCol   = USGSCommon.getVarQualifiersColumn(aTable, parmameterColName, null);
                    aValue    = USGSCommon.getVarColumn(aTable, "result_va", null);
                    qualifier = USGSCommon.getVarQualifiersColumn(aTable, "remark_cd", null); // there are many qa columns. what do we want to do about them
                    // qualifier = getVarColumn(aTable, "val_qual_tx", null); //Do Not use at present
                catch (WaterOneFlowException we)
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("URL: '" + aURL, we);
                List <ValueSingleVariable> tsTypeList = new List <ValueSingleVariable>();

                foreach (DataRow aRow in aTable.Rows)
                    if (aRow[codeCol].Equals(code))
                    { // only do this if this is the correct value
                        ValueSingleVariable tsTypeValue = new ValueSingleVariable();
                        //tsTypeValue.time= Convert.ToDateTime(aRow[time]);
                        tsTypeValue.dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(
                            aRow[date].ToString() +
                            " " + aRow[time].ToString()
                        // tsTypeValue.dateTimeSpecified = true;
                        //tsTypeValue.censored = string.Empty;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aRow[aValue].ToString()))
                            tsTypeValue.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(aRow[aValue]);

                        USGSCommon.parseQualifiersForCensorCode(tsTypeValue, aRow[qualifier].ToString()); // this will add censored, if appropariate
                        // added for  hydrodesktop
                        tsTypeValue.qualityControlLevel          = QualityControlLevelEnum.Unknown;
                        tsTypeValue.qualityControlLevelSpecified = true;
                        tsTypeValue.methodID          = 0;
                        tsTypeValue.methodIDSpecified = true;
                        tsTypeValue.sourceID          = 1;
                        tsTypeValue.sourceIDSpecified = true;
                values.count = tsTypeList.Count.ToString();
                values.value = tsTypeList.ToArray();

                // add added qualifiers
                values.source                      = new SourceType[1];
                values.source[0]                   = new SourceType();
                values.source[0].sourceID          = 1;
                values.source[0].sourceIDSpecified = true;
                values.source[0].Organization      = "USGS";
                values.source[0].SourceDescription = "US Geological Survey National Water Information System";
                values.source[0].SourceLink        = "";

                values.qualityControlLevel    = new qualityControlLevel[1];
                values.qualityControlLevel[0] = new qualityControlLevel();
                values.qualityControlLevel[0].qualityControlLevelID   = "0";
                values.qualityControlLevel[0].qualityControlLevelCode = "Unknown";

                values.method                      = new MethodType[1];
                values.method[0]                   = new MethodType();
                values.method[0].methodID          = 0;
                values.method[0].methodIDSpecified = true;
                values.method[0].MethodDescription = "Unknown";

Beispiel #21
            public static IEnumerable<ValueSingleVariable> dataset2ValuesList(ValuesDataSet ds, VariableParam variable, int? VariableId, VariablesDataset variablesDs)
                Boolean variableIsCategorical = false;
                VariableInfoType variableInfoType = ODvariables.GetVariableByID(VariableId, variablesDs);
                if (variableInfoType != null && variableInfoType.dataType.Equals("Categorical"))
                    variableIsCategorical = true;

                /* logic
                 * if there is a variable that has options, then get a set of datarows
                 * using a select clause
                 * use an enumerator, since it is generic
                 * */

                IEnumerator dataValuesEnumerator; // = ds.DataValues.GetEnumerator();

                ValuesDataSet.DataValuesRow[] dvRows; // if we find options, we need to use this.

                String select = OdValuesCommon.CreateValuesWhereClause(variable, VariableId);

                if (select.Length > 0)
                    dvRows = (ValuesDataSet.DataValuesRow[]) ds.DataValues.Select(select.ToString());

                    dataValuesEnumerator = dvRows.GetEnumerator();
                    dataValuesEnumerator = ds.DataValues.GetEnumerator();

                while (dataValuesEnumerator.MoveNext())
                    ValuesDataSet.DataValuesRow aRow = (ValuesDataSet.DataValuesRow) dataValuesEnumerator.Current;
                    ValueSingleVariable tsTypeValue = new ValueSingleVariable();
                    Boolean goodValue = false;
                        tsTypeValue.dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime);

                        DateTime temprealdate;

                        TimeSpan zone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now);
                        Double offset = Convert.ToDouble(aRow.UTCOffset);
                        if (zone.TotalHours.Equals(offset))
                            temprealdate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime),
                            temprealdate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime), DateTimeKind.Utc);

                            temprealdate = temprealdate.AddHours(offset);
                        temprealdate = Convert.ToDateTime(aRow.DateTime);
                        tsTypeValue.dateTime = temprealdate;

                        tsTypeValue.dateTimeUTC = aRow.DateTimeUTC;
                        tsTypeValue.dateTimeUTCSpecified = true;
                        tsTypeValue.timeOffset = OffsetDoubleToHoursMinutesString(aRow.UTCOffset);

                        //tsTypeValue.dateTime = new DateTimeOffset(temprealdate);
                        //tsTypeValue.dateTimeSpecified = true;

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aRow.Value.ToString()))
                            tsTypeValue.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(aRow.Value);

                            tsTypeValue.censorCode =
                            if (!aRow.IsOffsetTypeIDNull())
                                //tsTypeValue.offsetTypeID = aRow.OffsetTypeID.ToString();
                               tsTypeValue.offsetTypeCode = aRow.OffsetTypeID.ToString();

                                // HIS-97 moved to OffsetUnitsType
                            //      ValuesDataSet.OffsetTypesRow off =
                            //        ds.OffsetTypes.FindByOffsetTypeID(aRow.OffsetTypeID);
                            //    ValuesDataSet.UnitsRow offUnit = ds.Units.FindByUnitsID(off.OffsetUnitsID);
                            //    tsTypeValue.offsetUnitsCode = offUnit.UnitsID.ToString();
                            //    tsTypeValue.offsetUnitsAbbreviation = offUnit.UnitsAbbreviation;

                            // offset value may be separate from the units... anticpating changes for USGS
                            if (!aRow.IsOffsetValueNull())
                                tsTypeValue.offsetValue = aRow.OffsetValue;
                                tsTypeValue.offsetValueSpecified = true;

                            ValuesDataSet.MethodsRow meth = ds.Methods.FindByMethodID(aRow.MethodID);
                           // tsTypeValue.methodID = aRow.MethodID.ToString();
                            tsTypeValue.methodCode = aRow.MethodID.ToString();

                            // qualifiers
                            if (!aRow.IsQualifierIDNull())
                                ValuesDataSet.QualifiersRow qual = ds.Qualifiers.FindByQualifierID(aRow.QualifierID);
                                if (qual != null)
                                    tsTypeValue.qualifiers = qual.QualifierCode;

                            //  quality control level

                            ValuesDataSet.QualityControlLevelsRow qcl =
                            string qlName = qcl.Definition.Replace(" ", "");
                            tsTypeValue.qualityControlLevelCode = qcl.QualityControlLevelCode;
                            //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qlName))
                            //    tsTypeValue.qualityControlLevel = qlName;

                           // tsTypeValue.sourceID = aRow.SourceID.ToString();
                             tsTypeValue.sourceCode = aRow.SourceID.ToString();

                            if (!aRow.IsSampleIDNull())
                                //tsTypeValue.sampleID = aRow.SampleID.ToString();
                                ValuesDataSet.SamplesRow lsc = ds.Samples.FindBySampleID(aRow.SampleID);
                                tsTypeValue.labSampleCode = lsc.LabSampleCode;

                            // categorical
                            if (variableIsCategorical && VariableId.HasValue)
                                  tsTypeValue.codedVocabularyTerm = ODvariables.GetCategoryTerm(VariableId.Value, tsTypeValue.Value, variablesDs);
                                  if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tsTypeValue.codedVocabularyTerm) )
                                      tsTypeValue.codedVocabulary = true;
                                tsTypeValue.codedVocabularySpecified = true;

                        catch (Exception e)
                            log.Debug("Error generating a value " + e.Message);
                            // non fatal exceptions
                        goodValue = true;

                    catch (Exception e)
                        goodValue = false;
                        // If there is an error, we do not add it.

                    if (goodValue)
                        yield return tsTypeValue;
        private static ValueSingleVariable CreateNoDataValue(DateTime time, TsValuesSingleVariableType s, int variableId)
            ValueSingleVariable v = new ValueSingleVariable();
            v.censorCode = "nc";
            v.dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(time);
            v.dateTimeUTC = v.dateTime.AddHours(-1);
            v.dateTimeUTCSpecified = true;
            v.methodCode = s.method[0].methodCode;
            v.methodID = v.methodCode;
            v.offsetValueSpecified = false;
            v.qualityControlLevelCode = "1";
            v.sourceCode = "1";
            v.sourceID = "1";
            v.timeOffset = "01:00";

            switch (variableId)
                case 1:
                    //for precipitation, set 'no data' to zero
                    v.Value = 0.0M;
                case 4:
                    v.Value = -9999.0M;
                case 5:
                    v.Value = -9999.0M;
                case 8:
                    v.Value = 0.0M;
                case 16:
                    v.Value = -9999.0M;
                    v.Value = -9999.0M;
            return v;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the values, from the Db
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="siteId">site id (local database id)</param>
        /// <param name="variableId">variable id (local database id)</param>
        /// <param name="startDateTime"></param>
        /// <param name="endDateTime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static TsValuesSingleVariableType GetValuesFromDb(string siteId, string variableCode, DateTime startDateTime, DateTime endDateTime)
            //numeric variable id
            int varId = VariableCodeToID(variableCode);

            //to get values, from the db
            TsValuesSingleVariableType s = new TsValuesSingleVariableType();
            s.censorCode = new CensorCodeType[1];
            s.censorCode[0] = new CensorCodeType();
            s.censorCode[0].censorCode = "nc";
            s.censorCode[0].censorCodeDescription = "not censored";
            s.censorCode[0].censorCodeID = 1;
            s.censorCode[0].censorCodeIDSpecified = true;

            s.method = new MethodType[1];
            s.method[0] = GetMethodForVariable(varId);
            string timeStep = "hour";

            //time units
            s.units = new UnitsType();
            s.units.unitAbbreviation = "hr";
            s.units.unitCode = "103";
            s.units.unitID = 104;
            s.units.unitName = "hour";
            s.units.unitType = "Time";
            timeStep = "hour";

            s.method[0] = GetMethodForVariable(varId);

            //qc level
            s.qualityControlLevel = new QualityControlLevelType[1];
            s.qualityControlLevel[0] = new QualityControlLevelType();
            s.qualityControlLevel[0].definition = "raw data";
            s.qualityControlLevel[0].explanation = "raw data";
            s.qualityControlLevel[0].qualityControlLevelCode = "1";
            s.qualityControlLevel[0].qualityControlLevelID = 1;
            s.qualityControlLevel[0].qualityControlLevelIDSpecified = true;

            //TODO: read the correct source
            s.source = new SourceType[1];
            s.source[0] = GetSourceForSite(Convert.ToInt32(siteId));
            s.source[0].citation = "CHMI";
            s.source[0].organization = "CHMI";
            s.source[0].sourceCode = "1";
            s.source[0].sourceDescription = " measured by CHMI professional stations";
            s.source[0].sourceID = 1;
            s.source[0].sourceIDSpecified = true;

            //values: get from database...
            string connStr = GetConnectionString();
            List<ValueSingleVariable> valuesList = new List<ValueSingleVariable>();
            using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(connStr))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("plaveninycz.new_query_observations", cnn))
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@st_id", SqlDbType.SmallInt));
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@var_id", SqlDbType.SmallInt));
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@start_time", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime));
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@end_time", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime));
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@time_step", SqlDbType.VarChar));
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@group_function", SqlDbType.VarChar));

                    cmd.Parameters["@st_id"].Value = Convert.ToInt32(siteId);
                    cmd.Parameters["@var_id"].Value = varId;
                    cmd.Parameters["@start_time"].Value = startDateTime;
                    cmd.Parameters["@end_time"].Value = endDateTime;
                    cmd.Parameters["@time_step"].Value = timeStep;
                    cmd.Parameters["@group_function"].Value = "sum";


                    SqlDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    int obsTimeIndex = r.GetOrdinal("obs_time");
                    int obsValueIndex = r.GetOrdinal("obs_value");
                    while (r.Read())
                        ValueSingleVariable v = new ValueSingleVariable();
                        v.censorCode = "nc";
                        v.dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(r["obs_time"]);
                        v.dateTimeUTC = v.dateTime.AddHours(-1);
                        v.dateTimeUTCSpecified = true;
                        v.methodCode = s.method[0].methodCode;
                        v.methodID = v.methodCode;
                        v.offsetValueSpecified = false;
                        v.qualityControlLevelCode = "1";
                        v.sourceCode = "1";
                        v.sourceID = "1";
                        v.timeOffset = "01:00";
                        v.Value = convertValue(r["obs_value"], varId);
            s.value = valuesList.ToArray();

            ////convert list to array for temperature
            //if (varId == 16)
            //    s.value = valuesList.ToArray();
            //    //convert list to array - for precip, snow, discharge, stage
            //    DateTime beginDate = valuesList[0].dateTime;
            //    DateTime endDate = valuesList[valuesList.Count - 1].dateTime;
            //    int numHours = endDate.Subtract(beginDate).Hours;
            //    ValueSingleVariable[] valuesArray = new ValueSingleVariable[numHours];
            //    int valueIndex = 0;
            //    DateTime curDate = beginDate;
            //    foreach (ValueSingleVariable val in valuesList)
            //    {
            //        if (valueIndex >= valuesArray.Length) break;
            //        while (curDate < val.dateTime)
            //        {
            //            valuesArray[valueIndex] = CreateNoDataValue(curDate,s, varId);
            //            curDate = curDate.AddHours(1);
            //            valueIndex++;
            //        }
            //        if (valueIndex >= valuesArray.Length) break;
            //        valuesArray[valueIndex] = val;
            //        curDate = val.dateTime.AddHours(1);
            //        valueIndex++;
            //    }
            //    s.value = valuesArray;
            return s;
Beispiel #24
        // Return number of records inserted or found
        public static int HandleDataValueInfo(SqlConnection sqlConn,
                                              OD_SeriesCatalog odSC, OD_1_1_1DataSet.SeriesCatalogRow scRow,
                                              SiteInfoType siteInfo, seriesCatalogTypeSeries scts, TimeSeriesResponseType tsRt)
            DataValuesTableAdapter dvAdapter = new DataValuesTableAdapter();

            dvAdapter.Connection = sqlConn;
            dvAdapter.Adapter.UpdateBatchSize = Program.DbUpdateBatchSize;
            dvAdapter.Adapter.InsertCommand.UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.None; // required to do batch insertion

            string siteCode = siteInfo.siteCode[0].network + "|" + siteInfo.siteCode[0].Value;
            string varCode  = scts.variable.variableCode[0].Value;
            string cond;

            OD_1_1_1DataSet.DataValuesDataTable tblDataValues = new OD_1_1_1DataSet.DataValuesDataTable();

            Console.WriteLine(">>>Parsing and inserting DATAVALUE");

            // Get site ID
            if (scRow.SiteID == -1)
                cond         = "SiteCode = '" + siteCode + "'";
                scRow.SiteID = OD_Utils.GetPrimaryKey("Sites", "SiteID", cond, sqlConn);

            // Get variable ID
            if (scRow.VariableID == -1)
                string[] vars     = Regex.Split(varCode, "/");
                string   dataType = tsRt.timeSeries[0].variable.dataType;
                cond             = "VariableCode = '" + vars[0] + "_" + dataType + "'";
                scRow.VariableID = OD_Utils.GetPrimaryKey("Variables", "VariableID", cond, sqlConn);
                if (scRow.VariableID == -1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to get variable ID from WS TimeSeries info (code: {0} type: {1}).",
                                      varCode, dataType);
                    cond             = "VariableCode = '" + vars[0] + "_" + scRow.DataType + "'";
                    scRow.VariableID = OD_Utils.GetPrimaryKey("Variables", "VariableID", cond, sqlConn);
                    if (scRow.VariableID == -1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Also failed to get variable ID with code: {0} and type: {1}. Give up.",
                                          varCode, scRow.DataType);
                        Console.WriteLine("Found variable ID {0} with code: {1} and type: {2} from database.",
                                          scRow.VariableID, varCode, scRow.DataType);

            // Update IDs if modified OD_SeriesCatalog odSC,
            if (scRow.RowState == DataRowState.Modified)

            // Walk through each data value
            if ((tsRt.timeSeries[0].values[0].value == null) || (tsRt.timeSeries[0].values[0].value.Count() == 0))
                Console.WriteLine("No values in WS response.");
            int valueCount = tsRt.timeSeries[0].values[0].value.Count();
            int currCount = 0, idx0 = 0, dupCount = 0;
            ValueSingleVariable dvInfo0 = null;
            bool dup;
            // Begin database transaction to make sure the end data time and value count
            // in SeriesCatalog and DataValues tables are consistent.
            SqlTransaction sqlTrans     = sqlConn.BeginTransaction();

            for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++)
                dup = false;
                ValueSingleVariable dvInfo = tsRt.timeSeries[0].values[0].value[i];
                if (dvInfo0 != null)
                    // We have seen many duplicate dvInfo which caused following DataValue insertion failure.
                    // "Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UNIQUE_DataValues'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.DataValues'"
                    // Have to skip the duplicate to avoid the whole batch insertion failure.
                    // Simplify the dup check by only comparing dateTime.
                    if (dvInfo0.dateTime == dvInfo.dateTime)
                        Console.WriteLine("* Index {0} has duplicate time {1:s} with {2}, skip count {3}!",
                                          i, dvInfo.dateTime, idx0, dupCount);
                        dup = true;

                if (!dup)
                    InsertOneDataValue(tblDataValues, scRow.SiteID, scRow.VariableID, dvInfo);
                    idx0    = i;
                    dvInfo0 = dvInfo;

                if ((currCount == Program.DbUpdateBatchSize) || (i + 1 == valueCount))
                        dvAdapter.Transaction = sqlTrans;

                        scRow.EndDateTime        = dvInfo.dateTime;
                        scRow.EndDateTimeUTC     = scRow.EndDateTime.ToUniversalTime();
                        scRow.ValueCount        += currCount;
                        odSC.Adapter.Transaction = sqlTrans;

                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("!!!!!! Got exception: {0}.", e.Message);
                        Console.WriteLine("* Inserted {0} of {1} records for site {2} variable {3}",
                                          i + 1 - currCount, valueCount, siteCode, varCode);
                        Console.WriteLine("* Rollback {0} records with {0} of {1} completed!",
                                          currCount, i + 1 - currCount, valueCount);


                        return(i + 1 - currCount);

                    currCount = 0;

                    if (i + 1 != valueCount)
                        sqlTrans = sqlConn.BeginTransaction();

            dvAdapter.Transaction    = null;
            odSC.Adapter.Transaction = null;

            return(valueCount - dupCount);