public override async Task ValidateClientAuthentication(ValidateClientAuthenticationContext context)
            // Note: client authentication is not mandatory for non-confidential client applications like mobile apps
            // (except when using the client credentials grant type) but this authorization server uses a safer policy
            // that makes client authentication mandatory and returns an error if client_id or client_secret is missing.
            // You may consider relaxing it to support the resource owner password credentials grant type
            // with JavaScript or desktop applications, where client credentials cannot be safely stored.
            // In this case, call context.Skip() to inform the server middleware the client is not trusted.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.ClientId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.ClientSecret))
                    error: "invalid_request",
                    description: "Missing credentials: ensure that your credentials were correctly " +
                    "flowed in the request body or in the authorization header");


            var database = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService <ApplicationContext>();

            // Retrieve the application details corresponding to the requested client_id.
            var application = await(from entity in database.Applications
                                    where entity.ApplicationID == context.ClientId
                                    select entity).SingleOrDefaultAsync(context.HttpContext.RequestAborted);

            if (application == null)
                    error: "invalid_client",
                    description: "Application not found in the database: ensure that your client_id is correct");


            if (!string.Equals(context.ClientSecret, application.Secret, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    error: "invalid_client",
                    description: "Invalid credentials: ensure that you specified a correct client_secret");

