Beispiel #1
        private static void Main(string[] args)
                var config = new VS2017Info.Vs2017SetupConfig();
                foreach (var instance in config.VSInstances)
                    Console.WriteLine($"instance ID:{instance.Id}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"installed path:{instance.InstalledPath}");
                    var vsPath = VS2017Info.VS2017AppData.GetLocalAppDataPath(instance.Version, instance.Id);
                    Console.WriteLine($"local appdata path is {vsPath}");

                    var extensions = VS2017Info.VS2017AppData.GetInstalledExtensions(instance.Version, instance.Id);
                    foreach (var ext in extensions)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{ext.Key} {ext.Value}");

                    //var hivefile = VS2017Info.VS2017AppData.GetPrivateRegFilename(instance.Version, instance.Id);
                    //var hKey = RegistryNativeMethods.RegLoadAppKey(hivefile);

                    //var keyVersion = VS2017Info.VS2017AppData.GetVersionForRegistryKey(instance.Version, instance.Id);

                    //var keypath = $@"Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\{keyVersion}\ExtensionManager\EnabledExtensions";
                    //using (var safeRegistryHandle = new SafeRegistryHandle(new IntPtr(hKey), true))
                    //using (var appKey = RegistryKey.FromHandle(safeRegistryHandle))
                    //using (var extensionsKey = appKey.OpenSubKey(keypath, true))
                    //    if (extensionsKey == null)
                    //    {
                    //        throw new ApplicationException("Specified file is not a well-formed software registry hive: " + hivefile);
                    //    }

                    //    var allExtensions = extensionsKey.GetValueNames().Select(x=>x.Split(',').FirstOrDefault());
                    //    foreach (var extGuid in allExtensions)
                    //    {
                    //        var value = extensionsKey.GetValue(extGuid);
                    //        Console.WriteLine($"extension:{extGuid}: {value}");
                    //    }
            catch (Exception ex)
                var codeBase = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase;
                var progname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(codeBase);
                Console.Error.WriteLine(progname + ": Error: " + ex.ToString());
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            VSGlobals.ProjectGUID = Guid.NewGuid();
            var s = VSGlobals.ExpandMacros("$$(PROJECTGUID)");

            var codeBase = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().CodeBase;

            progname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(codeBase);
                var arglist = args.ToList();

                if (args.Count() == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{progname} - make various types of Visual Studio solution and start Visual Studio.\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Usage:\n\n    proggen <SOLUTIONTYPE> <solution-name> <solution-name> ...\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("An instance of Visual Studio is started for each solution name specified.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Solutions types are as follows:\n");
                    foreach (var helpText in GeneratorManager.HelpTexts)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nAlternatively if this program has the name of one of the solution types\nabove, the solution type parameter is not needed (the solution type is determined from the program name).");
                    Console.WriteLine($"\nSpecifying {progname} -makeg with no other parameters causes proggen to\ncopy itself to each of the solution-types specified above (with\na .exe extension)");
                else if (args[0] == "-makeg" || args[0] == "--makeg")
                    if (args.Count() > 1)
                        throw new Exception("-makeg option does not take parameters");
                else if (args[0] == "-instances")
                    if (args.Count() > 1)
                        throw new Exception("-instances does not take parameters.");
                    var vs2017Info = new VS2017Info.Vs2017SetupConfig();
                    var instances  = vs2017Info.VSInstances;
                    foreach (var instance in instances)
                        Console.WriteLine($"ID: {instance.Id} Path: {Path.Combine(instance.InstalledPath, instance.ProductPath)}");
                else if (args[0] == "-version" || args[0] == "--version")

                var generatorName = "";
                // is the program name a generator name?
                if (GeneratorManager.IsAGenarator(progname))
                    generatorName = progname;
                    if (arglist[0] == "-g")
                        if (arglist.Count < 2)
                            throw new Exception("You must specify the name of a project to create.");
                        Utility.Shift(ref arglist);
                    bool haveOption = arglist[0][0] == '-';
                    var  minargs    = haveOption ? 3 : 2;
                    if (arglist.Count < minargs)
                        throw new Exception("You must specify at least one project name.");

                    if (haveOption)
                        var option = arglist[0];
                        if (option != "-g")
                            throw new Exception($"'{option}' is an invalid option");
                        Utility.Shift(ref arglist);

                    generatorName = arglist[0];
                    if (!GeneratorManager.IsAGenarator(generatorName))
                        throw new Exception($"'{generatorName}' is not a valid project type.");
                    Utility.Shift(ref arglist);

                    // alternatively an option can go after the project type:
                    var optionAfterGenerator = arglist[0][0] == '-';
                    if (optionAfterGenerator)
                        var option = arglist[0];
                        if (option != "-g")
                            throw new Exception($"'{option}' is an invalid option");
                        Utility.Shift(ref arglist);

                foreach (var project in arglist)
                    if (project[0] == '-')
                        Console.Error.WriteLine($"{progname}: option {project} ignored.");
                        DoGenerate(project, generatorName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.Error.WriteLine($"{progname}: error: {ex}");
Beispiel #3
        public static void StartVisualStudio(string vsVersion, string command, string commandParam)
            var vsExecutableName = "";
            var amsExtensions    = false;

            if (vsVersion == "2010")
                var regkey = @"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0";
                vsExecutableName  = (string)Registry.GetValue(regkey, "InstallDir", "");
                vsExecutableName += "devenv.exe";
            else if (vsVersion == "2012")
                var regkey = @"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0";
                vsExecutableName  = (string)Registry.GetValue(regkey, "InstallDir", "");
                vsExecutableName += "devenv.exe";
            else if (vsVersion == "2013")
                var regkey = @"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0";
                vsExecutableName  = (string)Registry.GetValue(regkey, "InstallDir", "");
                vsExecutableName += "devenv.exe";
            else if (vsVersion == "2015")
                var regkey = @"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0";
                vsExecutableName  = (string)Registry.GetValue(regkey, "InstallDir", "");
                vsExecutableName += "devenv.exe";
            else if (vsVersion == "2017" || vsVersion == "2019" || vsVersion == "2022")
                // Both VS2017 and VS2019 have the same "private registry" mechanism for storing installed instances:
                var vsConfig  = new VS2017Info.Vs2017SetupConfig();
                var instances = vsConfig.VSInstances;

                // first get the numeric version number of the version of Visual Studio we wish to start. For VS2017, this is 15, for
                // VS2019 this is 16.
                int ver;
                switch (vsVersion)
                case "2017":
                    ver = 15;

                case "2019":
                    ver = 16;

                case "2022":
                    ver = 17;

                    throw new Exception($"Bad version ({vsVersion}) specified in generator");

                //Console.WriteLine($"Looking for numeric version ID {ver}");

                // get instances of the specified version of Visual Studio:
                var instancesForVersion = instances.Where(x =>
                    var dotPos         = x.Version.IndexOf(".");
                    var numericVersion = Convert.ToInt32(x.Version.Substring(0, dotPos));
                    return(numericVersion == ver);
                }).Where(y => y.ProductPath.EndsWith("devenv.exe"));

                var instanceToStart = instancesForVersion.First();

                instancesForVersion.ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine($"Found instance {x.Id} {x.InstalledPath}"));

                if (instancesForVersion.Count() > 1)
                    var defaultInstanceId = ver == 15 ? Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VSDefaultInstanceID") : Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VSDefaultInstanceID19");

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(defaultInstanceId))
                        foreach (var instance in instancesForVersion)
                            if (instance.Id == defaultInstanceId)
                                instanceToStart = instance;
                        var message = "Cannot start visual studio as I do not know which installed instance to use - it could be: \n";
                        foreach (var instance in instances)
                            message += Path.Combine(instance.InstalledPath, instance.ProductPath) + "\n";
                        message += $"Set the environment variable {InstanceEnvVar} to the instance ID you want to use to resolve this.";
                        throw new Exception(message);
                vsExecutableName = Path.Combine(instanceToStart.InstalledPath, instanceToStart.ProductPath);

                // find out if AMSExtensions present:

                    var extensions = VS2017Info.VS2017AppData.GetInstalledExtensions(instanceToStart.Version, instanceToStart.Id);
                    if (extensions != null)
                        var amsExtPresent = extensions.Any(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Key) && x.Key.Split(',')[0] == "3c6063ca-5f33-4889-aaae-387e9d5a0368");
                        if (amsExtPresent)
                            Console.WriteLine("AMS extensions found");
                            amsExtensions = true;
                catch (VS2017Info.VsInfoException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"INFO: {ex.Message}");

            Process process = new Process();

            process.StartInfo.FileName = vsExecutableName;

            // if command has a parameter then the whole command-plus-parameter string needs to be in quotes:
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command))
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commandParam))
                    command = "\"" + command + " " + commandParam + "\"";
                    command = VSGlobals.VSCommand;
                command = "/command " + command;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(VSGlobals.VSCommandParam))
                command = command + "";
                // command = "\"" + command + " " + VSGlobals.VSCommandParam + "\"";
            process.StartInfo.Arguments   = Path.Combine(VSGlobals.ProjectName, VSGlobals.ProjectName + ".sln") + (amsExtensions ? (" " + command) : "");
            process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;

            Console.WriteLine($"{process.Id} {vsExecutableName} {command}");