// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Check if the menu is showing
        if (vrManager.menuManager.IsShowing())
            // Check if the hand is touching this menu item
            if (boxColliderGesture.bounds.Intersects(boxColliderMenuRestart.bounds))
                // Reset the game

                // The menu changes color
                menuRestart.GetComponent <AlphaChanger>().ChangeAlpha(1.0f);
            else      // The hand is not touching this menu
                // The menu keep the default color
                menuRestart.GetComponent <AlphaChanger>().ChangeAlpha(0.5f);

            // Check if the hand is touching this menu item
            if (boxColliderGesture.bounds.Intersects(boxColliderMenuCubeFactory.bounds))
                // The menu changes the alpha
                menuCubeFactory.GetComponent <AlphaChanger>().ChangeAlpha(1.0f);

                // The factory starts creating objects
            else        // The hand is not touching this menu
                // The menu changes the alpha
                menuCubeFactory.GetComponent <AlphaChanger>().ChangeAlpha(0.5f);

                // The factory stops

            // Check if the hand is touching this menu item
            if (boxColliderGesture.bounds.Intersects(boxColliderMenuSphereFactory.bounds))
                // The menu changes the alpha
                menuSphereFactory.GetComponent <AlphaChanger>().ChangeAlpha(1.0f);

                // The factory starts
            else    // The hand is not touching this menu
                // The menu changes the alpha
                menuSphereFactory.GetComponent <AlphaChanger>().ChangeAlpha(0.5f);

                // The factory stops

        // Check if the hand is touching the button to walk
        if (boxColliderGesture.bounds.Intersects(boxColliderMenuWalk.bounds))
            // The button changes colour
            menuWalk.GetComponent <AlphaChanger>().ChangeAlpha(0.8f);

            // Check if the menu is not showing
            if (!vrManager.menuManager.IsShowing())
                // Move the player (walks)
        else        // The hand is not touching the button
            // The button keeps the default alpha
            menuWalk.GetComponent <AlphaChanger>().ChangeAlpha(-1f);