Beispiel #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Transforms a vector by a quaternion rotation.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="vec">The vector to transform.</param>
    /// <param name="quat">The quaternion to rotate the vector by.</param>
    /// <returns>The result of the operation.</returns>
    public static VInt3 Transform(VInt3 vec, VQuaternion quat)
        VInt3 result;

        Transform(ref vec, ref quat, out result);
Beispiel #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a JMatrix representing an orientation from a quaternion.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="quaternion">The quaternion the matrix should be created from.</param>
    /// <param name="result">JMatrix representing an orientation.</param>
    public static void Rotate(ref VQuaternion quaternion, out VMatrix4x4 result)
        // Precalculate coordinate products
        long x  = quaternion.x * 2;
        long y  = quaternion.y * 2;
        long z  = quaternion.z * 2;
        long xx = quaternion.x * x;
        long yy = quaternion.y * y;
        long zz = quaternion.z * z;
        long xy = quaternion.x * y;
        long xz = quaternion.x * z;
        long yz = quaternion.y * z;
        long wx = quaternion.w * x;
        long wy = quaternion.w * y;
        long wz = quaternion.w * z;

        // Calculate 3x3 matrix from orthonormal basis
        result.M11 = 1 - (yy + zz);
        result.M21 = xy + wz;
        result.M31 = xz - wy;
        result.M41 = 0;
        result.M12 = xy - wz;
        result.M22 = 1 - (xx + zz);
        result.M32 = yz + wx;
        result.M42 = 0;
        result.M13 = xz + wy;
        result.M23 = yz - wx;
        result.M33 = 1 - (xx + yy);
        result.M43 = 0;
        result.M14 = 0;
        result.M24 = 0;
        result.M34 = 0;
        result.M44 = 1;
Beispiel #3
    public static VMatrix4x4 Rotate(VQuaternion quaternion)
        VMatrix4x4 result;

        VMatrix4x4.Rotate(ref quaternion, out result);
Beispiel #4
    public static VMatrix4x4 TRS(VInt3 translation, VQuaternion rotation, VInt3 scale)
        VMatrix4x4 result;

        TRS(translation, rotation, scale, out result);
Beispiel #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Transforms a vector by a quaternion rotation.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="vec">The vector to transform.</param>
    /// <param name="quat">The quaternion to rotate the vector by.</param>
    /// <param name="result">The result of the operation.</param>
    public static void Transform(ref VInt3 vec, ref VQuaternion quat, out VInt3 result)
        // Since vec.W == 0, we can optimize quat * vec * quat^-1 as follows:
        // vec + 2.0 * cross(, cross(, vec) + quat.w * vec)
        VInt3 xyz =, temp, temp2;

        temp   = Cross(ref xyz, ref vec);
        temp2  = vec * quat.w / Precision;
        temp  += temp2;
        temp   = Cross(ref xyz, ref temp);
        temp  *= 2;
        result = vec + temp;
Beispiel #6
        public static PacCustomAnimation Smd2Pac(SmdData untouchedSmdData,
                                                 List <string> ignoreBones,
                                                 int optimizeLevel,
                                                 Dictionary <string, Tuple <Vector3, Vector3> > boneFixups,
                                                 SmdData subtractionBaseSmd,
                                                 int subtractionBaseFrame,
                                                 bool hideWarnings,
                                                 out SmdData subtractedSmdData)
            PacCustomAnimation pacAnim = new PacCustomAnimation();

            // Work on a copy of the SmdData so we can do pose subtraction nondestructively
            SmdData smdData = untouchedSmdData.Clone();

            ///// Find frame for base pose subtraction
            SmdTimelineFrame subtractionBasePoseFrame = null;

            if (subtractionBaseSmd != null)
                // Validate the user's chosen frame number
                foreach (SmdTimelineFrame frame in subtractionBaseSmd.Timeline.ExplicitFrames)
                    if (frame.FrameTime == subtractionBaseFrame)
                        subtractionBasePoseFrame = frame;
                if (subtractionBasePoseFrame == null)
                    throw new Exception("No frame with \"time " + subtractionBaseFrame + "\" exists within the subtraction base SMD.");

            ///// Main animation data
            pacAnim.TimeScale = smdData.Timeline.ExpectedFrameRate; // Overall animation playback rate

            // The first smd frame with have an extremely high pac3 "FrameRate" due to the wacky animation rules of pac3
            // All subsequent frames with have a "FrameRate" derived from the time gap between them and the previous frame
            Print("- Processing animation frames...", 1);
            float lastSmdFrameTime = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < smdData.Timeline.ExplicitFrames.Count; i++)
                // Finalize the SMD frame data before translating it to the pac3 anim format
                SmdTimelineFrame smdFrame = smdData.Timeline.ExplicitFrames[i];

                if (subtractionBasePoseFrame != null)
                    /* Pose subtraction
                     *   SMD animations are all relative in parent bone space, but they are relative to 0,0,0 in both translation and rotation.
                     *   This means that every SMD animation is implicitly responsibly for maintaining the shape of the model's skeleton.
                     *   In other words, SMD animation is NOT relative to the model's bind pose, but rather includes the bind pose + the actual animation composited together.
                     *   This becomes a problem in-engine, since PAC3 custom animations are relative to either the model's bind pose or the currently playing sequence.
                     *   In other words, this means all PAC3 custom anims are additive animations. So if we feed PAC3 a normal SMD animation, things will look very ugly.
                     *   The solution is to "subtract" the desired animation from the model's bind pose, thus turning it into an additive animation that plays nice with PAC3.
                     *   Studiomdl can also do this, via the `subtract` part of the $animation command. The compiled MDL can then be decompiled with Crowbar to get the subtracted SMD.
                     *   In my testing, I have found this always adds a -90 Y rotation to the root bone. I'm not sure why that happens, and whether it's a studiomdl or Crowbar bug.
                     *   Valve has kept the core level of the Source engine's math code very secret, including studiomdl, unfortunately.
                     *   I did find a copy of the 2004 Episode 1 and 2007 SDK, though, which includes all the relevant code for subtracting animations - most crucially, it revealed Valve's inconsistencies in coordinate order that I was missing beforehand.

                    // Copy the frame and subtract the base pose frame from it for all bones
                    foreach (SmdBonePose subtractedBonePose in smdFrame.ExplicitBonePoses)
                        SmdBonePose subtractionBaseBonePose = null;
                        if (subtractionBasePoseFrame.ExplicitBonePoseByBoneName.TryGetValue(subtractedBonePose.Bone.Name, out subtractionBaseBonePose))
                            // Translation subtraction
                            // This is as straightforward as it can possibly be
                            subtractedBonePose.Position -= subtractionBaseBonePose.Position;

                            // Rotation subtraction
                            // This is much more interesting. Basic idea: r = q * p^-1

                            // The process here is identical to how studiomdl does it, but without the singularity/rounding/precision error that causes strange offsets
                            // Turn the SMD's yaw pitch roll into a quat (these are QAngles, NOT RadianAngles!)
                            Vector3     baseYPR = new Vector3(subtractionBaseBonePose.Rotation.Y, subtractionBaseBonePose.Rotation.Z, subtractionBaseBonePose.Rotation.X);
                            Vector3     destYPR = new Vector3(subtractedBonePose.Rotation.Y, subtractedBonePose.Rotation.Z, subtractedBonePose.Rotation.X);
                            VQuaternion baseRot = VQuaternion.FromQAngles(baseYPR);
                            VQuaternion destRot = VQuaternion.FromQAngles(destYPR);
                            // Undo the base animation, then apply the destination animation
                            Vector3 differenceRangles = VQuaternion.SMAngles(-1, baseRot, destRot); // RadianAngles?
                            // X is pitch, Y is yaw, Z is roll
                            subtractedBonePose.Rotation.X = differenceRangles.Z * 1;
                            subtractedBonePose.Rotation.Y = differenceRangles.X * 1;
                            subtractedBonePose.Rotation.Z = differenceRangles.Y * 1;

                            // In Source:
                            // - Pitch is rot X
                            // - Yaw is rot Y
                            // - Roll is rot Z
                            // But not always! Because it's Valve!
                            // Which is why we have to swizzle differenceRangles back into a QAngle, because SMAngles doesn't produce a proper QAngle!
                            if (hideWarnings)
                                Print("- [WARNING] Frame " + smdFrame.FrameTime + " subtraction: Bone " + subtractedBonePose.Bone.Name + " is not present in the subtraction base pose frame.", 1);
                                // Pose subtraction should really only be be done on sequences that have identical skeletons with every bone posed

                // Frame duration
                PacFrame pacFrame = new PacFrame();
                if (i == 0)
                    pacFrame.FrameRate = 999; // We want to complete this frame as fast as possible since there's no way to change the bind pose in pac3 custom animations
                    /* SMD frame "time" is in fps. So if one frame has time 0 and the next has time 10, that's a gap of 10 *frames*.
                     * The actual time an SMD frame will take is defined by the `fps` option in the $sequence command.
                     * In comparison, pac3 has no concept of fps and instead sets frame interpolation time purely in seconds
                     * Every custom animation frame in pac3 is innately 1 second long and pac3 individually scales the playback rate of each frame to achieve different length frames
                     * To avoid making the ugly pac3 behavior even uglier, we will use pac3's "TimeScale" property to simply transform this 1 second long unit frame time into a 1/30s or 1/60s or 1/whatever unit.

                    float deltaSmdFrameCount = smdFrame.FrameTime - lastSmdFrameTime; // How many SMD "frames" it should take to interpolate between the two frames
                    pacFrame.FrameRate = 1.0f * deltaSmdFrameCount;                   // How many units this frame should take (natively seconds)

                // Frame bone poses
                foreach (SmdBonePose smdBonePose in smdFrame.ExplicitBonePoses)
                    if (ignoreBones.Contains(smdBonePose.Bone.Name))

                    PacBonePose pacBonePose = new PacBonePose();

                    /* Just like QAngles and RAngles, coordinates are not consistent either because Valve is Valve
                     * SMD coordinate system:
                     *   +X: North on the compass.
                     *   +Y: East on the compass.
                     *   +Z: Up.
                     *   - With your RIGHT hand, stick out your thumb, index finger, and middle finger in a kind of L shape.
                     *   - All 3 digits should form right angles with each other.
                     *   - Your index finger is +X, your thumb is +Y, and your middle finger is +Z.
                     *   - Twist your hand so your *index finger* is pointing directly forward in front of you and your middle finger is pointing at the sky.
                     * Source engine coordinate system:
                     *   +X: East on the compass. Moving forward (W) ingame moves you +X.
                     *   +Y: North on the compass. Moving left (A) ingame moves you +Y.
                     *   +Z: Up.
                     *   - With your LEFT hand, stick out your thumb, index finger, and middle finger in a kind of L shape.
                     *   - All 3 digits should form right angles with each other.
                     *   - Your index finger is +X, your thumb is +Y, and your middle finger is +Z.
                     *   - Twist your hand so your *thumb* is pointing at your monitor and your middle finger is pointing at the sky.
                     * Conversion from SMD to engine: Swap X and Y, then negate the new X.
                     *   - This is "correct" (for direct bone manipulation as intended), but does not work with pac3.
                     * Conversion from SMD to pac3: Swap X and Y, then negate both.
                     *   - This is because for some bizarre reason, pac uses an unorthodox coordinate space that assumes +Y is *south* on the compass.
                     *   - The various pac3 elements that manipulate bone position blindly negate the "MR" value (Y translation), so we have to adhere to that.

                    // Translation (including coordinate system conversion via swizzled x and y)
                    pacBonePose.MF = smdBonePose.Position.Y * -1;
                    pacBonePose.MR = smdBonePose.Position.X * -1;
                    pacBonePose.MU = smdBonePose.Position.Z * 1;

                    // Rotation
                    pacBonePose.RF = MathHelper.ToDegrees(smdBonePose.Rotation.X) * 1;
                    pacBonePose.RR = MathHelper.ToDegrees(smdBonePose.Rotation.Y) * 1;
                    pacBonePose.RU = MathHelper.ToDegrees(smdBonePose.Rotation.Z) * 1;

                    // Fixup translation + rotation
                    // These are optional constant transforms that are added to the bone pose every frame.
                    // Useful for fixing skeleton alignment, especially for `subtracted` SMDs created by studiomdl + Crowbar, which typically add an erraneous -90 Y rotation to the root bone.
                    Tuple <Vector3, Vector3> boneFixup;
                    if (boneFixups.TryGetValue(smdBonePose.Bone.Name, out boneFixup))
                        // The fixup translations inputted by the user should be in SMD coordinate space
                        pacBonePose.MF += boneFixup.Item1.Y * -1; // So we can convert them into engine coordinate space
                        pacBonePose.MR += boneFixup.Item1.X * -1;
                        pacBonePose.MU += boneFixup.Item1.Z * 1;

                        pacBonePose.RF += boneFixup.Item2.X * 1;
                        pacBonePose.RR += boneFixup.Item2.Y * 1;
                        pacBonePose.RU += boneFixup.Item2.Z * 1;

                    // Keep rotations in -180 to 180 range or else Source gets real unhappy
                    pacBonePose.RF = MathHelper.PeriodicClamp(pacBonePose.RF, -180, 180);
                    pacBonePose.RR = MathHelper.PeriodicClamp(pacBonePose.RR, -180, 180);
                    pacBonePose.RU = MathHelper.PeriodicClamp(pacBonePose.RU, -180, 180);

                    pacFrame.BoneInfo[smdBonePose.Bone.Name] = pacBonePose;

                lastSmdFrameTime = smdFrame.FrameTime;

            ///// Optimization
            // We can completely omit bones that have an extremely negligible transform (and thus no perceptible visual movement)
            if (optimizeLevel >= 1)
                // Get all bones that made it into the pac data
                HashSet <string> allPacBones = new HashSet <string>();
                foreach (PacFrame frame in pacAnim.FrameData)
                    foreach (string boneName in frame.BoneInfo.Keys)

                // Find bones which have or are very close to a 0,0,0 0,0,0 transform for the entire animation, and thus will have no visual effect (pac3 animations are additive)
                List <string> identityBones = new List <string>();
                foreach (string pacBoneName in allPacBones)
                    bool nearIdentity = true;
                    foreach (PacFrame frame in pacAnim.FrameData)
                        PacBonePose pose = null;
                        if (frame.BoneInfo.TryGetValue(pacBoneName, out pose))
                            if (new Vector3(pose.MF, pose.MR, pose.MU).Length() > 0.0001 || pose.RF > 0.0005 || pose.RR > 0.0005 || pose.RU > 0.0005)
                                nearIdentity = false;

                    if (nearIdentity)

                // Remove those bones from all frames of the animation
                foreach (string pacBoneName in identityBones)
                    foreach (PacFrame frame in pacAnim.FrameData)

                    Print("- Bone \"" + pacBoneName + "\" has virtually zero movement and has been optimized out", 1);

            // Return subtracted SMD data for dumping
            if (subtractionBaseSmd != null)
                subtractedSmdData = smdData;
                subtractedSmdData = null;

Beispiel #7
 public static void TRS(VInt3 translation, VQuaternion rotation, VInt3 scale, out VMatrix4x4 matrix)
     matrix = VMatrix4x4.Translate(translation) * VMatrix4x4.Rotate(rotation) * VMatrix4x4.Scale(scale);