Beispiel #1
        }//end method SetOwner

        public void SubmitCheckIn()
            try {
                // Update table Customers, if there are new customers, add to database.

                int groupID = -1;

                // Check if there is group
                if (Groups.Rows.Count == 1)
                    groupID = (int)Groups.Rows[0]["GroupID"];

                // Get rooms
                int numOfRooms = Rooms.Rows.Count;

                // Scan room list to register to PHIEU_THUE_PHONG
                for (int i = 0; i < numOfRooms; i++)
                    VO.PhieuThuePhongVO   ticket = new VO.PhieuThuePhongVO();
                    BUS.PhieuThuePhongBUS bus    = new QLKS.BUS.PhieuThuePhongBUS();

                    // Set customer id
                    ticket.MA_KHACH_HANG = (int)Rooms.Rows[i]["OwnerID"];

                    // Set group id
                    if (groupID != -1)
                        ticket.MA_DOAN_KHACH = groupID;
                        ticket.MA_DOAN_KHACH = groupID;
                    ticket.MA_PHONG        = (int)Rooms.Rows[i]["RoomID"];
                    ticket.NGAY_NHAN_PHONG = CheckInDay;

                    // Insert and get the new id
                    int ticketID = bus.InsertAndGetID(ticket);

                    // Update room ticker id
                    Rooms.Rows[i]["TicketID"] = ticketID;

                    // Set room state to busy
                    BUS.PhongBUS roomBus = new QLKS.BUS.PhongBUS();
                    roomBus.SetRoomState(ticket.MA_PHONG, TableRooms.RoomState.Busy);
                }//end for : scan all rooms

                // Scan all customer to register to table KHACH_TRO
                int numOfCustomers = Customers.Rows.Count;

                for (int j = 0; j < numOfCustomers; j++)
                    int roomNumber = (int)Customers.Rows[j]["RoomNumber"];

                    string  filter      = "RoomID = " + roomNumber.ToString();
                    DataRow matchedRoom = Rooms.Select(filter)[0];

                    VO.KhachTroVO ktRow = new QLKS.VO.KhachTroVO();
                    ktRow.MA_KHACH_HANG = (int)Customers.Rows[j]["CustomerID"];
                    ktRow.MA_PHIEU      = (int)matchedRoom["TicketID"];

                    BUS.KhachTroBUS ktBus  = new QLKS.BUS.KhachTroBUS();
                    int             result = ktBus.Insert(ktRow);
                    if (result <= 0)
                        throw new Exception("Không thể thêm dữ liệu vào bảng Khách Trọ");
                } //end for : scan all customers
            }     //end try
            catch {
            } //end catch
        }     //end method SubmitCheckIn
Beispiel #2
        }//end method Submit

        private void SubmitCheckIn()
            bool IsGroup = groupInfo.IsAGroup();
            int  groupID = -1;

            if (IsGroup == true)
                groupID = groupInfo.GetGroupID();

            int numOfRooms = DataRegister.Rooms.Rows.Count;

            // Scan room list
            for (int i = 0; i < numOfRooms; i++)
                string roomNumber     = DataRegister.Rooms.Rows[i]["RoomID"].ToString();
                int    ticketID       = -1;
                int    numOfCustomers = DataRegister.Customers.Rows.Count;

                // Scan customer list
                for (int j = 0; j < numOfCustomers; j++)
                    string roomNumber2 = DataRegister.Customers.Rows[j]["RoomNumber"].ToString();
                    if (roomNumber2.Equals(roomNumber))
                        if (ticketID == -1)
                            VO.PhieuThuePhongVO item = new VO.PhieuThuePhongVO();
                            if (groupID != -1)
                                item.MA_DOAN_KHACH = groupID;
                            item.MA_KHACH_HANG   = Int32.Parse(DataRegister.Customers.Rows[j]["CustomerID"].ToString());
                            item.MA_PHONG        = Int32.Parse(DataRegister.Customers.Rows[j]["RoomNumber"].ToString());
                            item.NGAY_NHAN_PHONG = DateTime.Parse(dateCheckIn.Text);
                            item.NGAY_TRA_PHONG  = DateTime.Parse(dateCheckOut.Text);
                            BUS.PhieuThuePhongBUS bus = new BUS.PhieuThuePhongBUS();
                                int result = bus.Insert(item);
                                if (result == 0)
                                    //code here
                                }//end if there're some errors

                                ticketID = result;
                            }//end try
                            catch (Exception e)
                            } //end catch
                        }     //end if : set owner
                            VO.KhachTroVO ktItem = new VO.KhachTroVO();
                            ktItem.MA_PHIEU      = ticketID;
                            ktItem.MA_KHACH_HANG = Int32.Parse(DataRegister.Customers.Rows[j]["CustomerID"].ToString());
                            BUS.KhachTroBUS ktBus = new BUS.KhachTroBUS();
                            try {
                                int result2 = ktBus.Insert(ktItem);
                                if (result2 != 0)
                                } //end if
                            }     //end try
                            catch (Exception e) {
                            } //end catch
                        }     //end else
                    }         //end if : room number matched
                }             //end for : customers
            }                 //end for : rooms
        }                     //end method SubmitCheckIn