private static void WriteInput(List <VLSM.Branch> listBranches, VLSM.IPv4 rootIP)
            Guides = "";

            Guides += $"Root IP: {rootIP.ToDecimalString()}/{rootIP.Suffix}{Environment.NewLine}";
            Guides += $"Branch";
            Guides += branchesAmount <= 1 ? $": {Environment.NewLine}" :$"es (sorted descendant by hosts amount): {Environment.NewLine}";

            foreach (Branch brch in listBranches)
                Guides += $"{brch.Name}:{brch.HostsAmount}{Environment.NewLine}";

            Guides += Environment.NewLine;
            Guides += Environment.NewLine;

            Guides += $"Using the \"AND BIT\" operator foreach bit couple of the subnet mask & root IP:{Environment.NewLine}";
            Guides += $"Subnet mask: {rootIP.SubnetMask.ToBinaryString()}{Environment.NewLine}";
            Guides += $@"          Root IP: {rootIP.ToBinaryString()}{Environment.NewLine}";
            Guides += $@"  Net address: {rootIP.NetAddress.ToBinaryString()} ({rootIP.NetAddress.ToDecimalString()}/{rootIP.Suffix}){Environment.NewLine}";
        private static void WriteNetAddressFormat(VLSM.IPv4 ip, VLSM_Units vlsm_units)
            Guides += $"{Environment.NewLine}";
            Guides += $@"       Subnet format:     ";

            List <int> listBits = ip.ToBinaryList();

            int startOctet = (32 - vlsm_units.BeforeHosts) / 8;
            int endOctet   = (32 - vlsm_units.AfterHosts - 1) / 8;

            int startIndex = (32 - vlsm_units.BeforeHosts);
            int endIndex   = (32 - vlsm_units.AfterHosts - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < listBits.Count; ++i)
                int currentOctetIndex = i / 8;

                if (currentOctetIndex >= startOctet && currentOctetIndex <= endOctet)
                    if (i >= startIndex && i <= endIndex)
                        Guides += 'x';
                        Guides += $"{listBits[i]}";
                    if ((i + 1) % 8 == 0)
                        Guides += $"{Octet.ToDecimal(listBits.GetRange(i - 7, 8))}";

                if ((i + 1) % 8 == 0)
                    if (i != 31)
                        Guides += '.';

            Guides += $"/{ip.Suffix + vlsm_units.BorrowedBitsAmount}";
        private static void WriteHostFormat(VLSM.IPv4 ip, VLSM_Units vlsm_units)
            Guides += $"{Environment.NewLine}";
            Guides += $@"       Host format:     ";

            List <int> listBits       = ip.ToBinaryList();
            int        hostOctetIndex = (32 - vlsm_units.AfterHosts) / 8;

            for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
                if (i / 8 >= hostOctetIndex)
                    if (i >= 32 - vlsm_units.AfterHosts)
                        Guides += 'x';
                        Guides += listBits[i];
                    if (((i + 1) % 8) == 0)
                        Guides += Octet.ToDecimal(listBits.GetRange(i - 7, 8));

                if (((i + 1) % 8) == 0)
                    if (i != 31)
                        Guides += ".";

            Guides += $"/{ip.Suffix}";
        public static List <VLSM__RESULT> GetQuickResult(List <VLSM.Branch> listBranches, VLSM.IPv4 rootIP)
            branchesAmount = listBranches.Count;
            WriteInput(listBranches, rootIP);

            //  Sắp xếp danh sách các chi nhánh giảm dần theo số Hosts

            //  List các mạng con được sinh ra
            List <IPv4> listSubnets = new List <VLSM.IPv4>();


            //  List kết quả
            List <VLSM__RESULT> listResult = new List <VLSM__RESULT>();

            //  Duyệt từng chi nhánh từ đầu đến cuối (host giảm dần)
            foreach (VLSM.Branch branch in listBranches)
                Guides += $@"{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}
                Guides += $@">>>  {branch.Name} ({branch.HostsAmount}){Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}";

                //  Thêm một item kết quả
                VLSM__RESULT item = GetResult(listSubnets, branch);

                if (item == null)

