Beispiel #1
        Button EngButton(IWidget parent, string name, int x, int y)
            const int   kHeight = 35;
            const float kRound  = 5f;

            var contour = VGPath.OpenVGPath(); // 33x35

            VGU.vguRoundRect(contour, 0, 0, 33, kHeight, kRound, kRound);
            var normal = new VGPath(contour, null, new VGSolidColor(Palette.LightGrey));
            var active = new VGPath(contour, null, new VGSolidColor(Palette.DarkGray));

            var btn = new Button(parent, active, normal);//, "eng");//, x, y, width, kHeight, kRound);

            var label = new TextArea(btn, 0, 0, btn.Width, btn.Height)
                Text = name

            label.SetAlign(Align.Center, new GfxPoint(0, 5));

            btn.Move(x, y);
            btn.OnRelease = caller =>
                Text          += Text.Length == 0 ? label.Text : label.Text.ToLower();
                mTextArea.Text = Text;

Beispiel #2
        public static TableLine InputArea(IWidget parent, string label, int x, int y, int width = 440, int height = 30)
            var rv = new TableLine(parent, height);

            rv.AddColumn(width, null, Align.Left, 20, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5));

            var outline = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

            VGU.vguRoundRect(outline, 0, 0, width, height, 5, 5);

            rv.AddVGPath(new VGPath(outline, new VGSolidColor(Palette.LightGrey), new VGSolidColor(Palette.TextArea.Background)));
            rv.Move(x, y);

            var hitLabel = new TextArea(rv, 0, 0, rv.Width, rv.Height);

            hitLabel.SetAlign(Align.Left, new GfxPoint(5, 5));
            hitLabel.SetFont(Palette.DarkSlateGray, 20);
            hitLabel.Text = label;

            rv.OnPaint += caller =>
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rv.Text[0].Text))

Beispiel #3
        private static void InitModal()
            if (mModalInitialized)

            const int kWidth  = 90;
            const int kHeight = 35;
            const int kRound  = 10;

            mModalOutline = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

            VGU.vguRoundRect(mModalOutline, 0, 0, kWidth, kHeight, kRound, kRound);

            mModalStrokeVGPaint = new VGSolidColor(Palette.LightGrey);

            #region default color
            mModalNormalVGPaintDefault = SetPaint(Palette.DarkGray, Palette.LightGrey, kHeight);
            mModalActiveVGPaintDefault = SetPaint(Palette.LightGrey, Palette.DarkGray, kHeight);

            #region red color
            mModalNormalVGPaintRed = SetPaint(new Color(0x640000FF), Palette.Red, kHeight);
            mModalActiveVGPaintRed = SetPaint(Palette.Red, new Color(0x640000FF), kHeight);

            #region green color
            mModalNormalVGPaintGreen = SetPaint(new Color(0x006400FF), Palette.Lime, kHeight);
            mModalActiveVGPaintGreen = SetPaint(Palette.Lime, new Color(0x006400FF), kHeight);

            mModalInitialized = true;
Beispiel #4
        private void Init(int x)
            //Width = 16;
            //Height = mCount * (Width + 5) - 5;
            //Y = (Application.Screen.Height - Height) / 2 + 10;

            Resize(16, mCount * (Width + 5) - 5);

            mPath = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

            mActivePaint = VG.vgCreatePaint();
            VG.vgSetParameterfv(mActivePaint, (int)VGPaintParamType.VG_PAINT_COLOR, 4, (new Color(0x2EBF0EFF)).Value);

            mDefaultPaint = VG.vgCreatePaint();
            VG.vgSetParameterfv(mDefaultPaint, (int)VGPaintParamType.VG_PAINT_COLOR, 4, (new Color(0x3B3C3DFF)).Value);

            mText = new List <TextArea[]>();

            for (var i = 0; i < mCount; i++)
                mText.Add(Text.Label(this, string.Format("{0}", i + 1), 17, -1, (i * (Width + 5)) - 3, 16, 16));

            mSensor.OnUpdate += sensor => SetSpeed((byte)sensor.Value);

            Move(x, (Application.Screen.Height - Height) / 2 + 10);
Beispiel #5
        internal FillMesh(GraphicsDevice device, VGPath path)
            StencilVertex[] vertices;
            if (!Make(path, out vertices, out _tris))

            _vertices = new VertexBuffer(device, StencilVertex.VertexDeclaration, vertices.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly);
Beispiel #6
        protected internal TestWidget(IWidget parent) : base(parent, 0, 0, 150, 150)
            //Text.Label(this, "Hello", 50, 10, 20, Width, 50, Align.Center, Palette.DarkSlateGray);

            //mPath = new VGPath(null, new VGSolidColor(Palette.Orange));
            mPath = new VGPath(null, new VGSolidColor(new Color(0xFFA5003F)));
            mPath.Move(30, 30);
            VGU.vguRoundRect(mPath.GetPath(), 0, 0, 100, 100, 35, 35);
Beispiel #7
        internal static bool Make(VGPath path, out StencilVertex[] vertices, out int tris)
            vertices = null;
            // Count triangles
            tris =
                path.GetCount(VGPath.SegmentType.CurveTo) * 2 +
                path.GetCount(VGPath.SegmentType.LineTo) +

            if (tris == 0)
                return false;

            // Tesselate
            vertices = new StencilVertex[tris * 3];
            StencilVertex start = new StencilVertex();
            Vector2 last = new Vector2();
            int index = 0;

            start.Set(0, 0, Constants.Coef_Solid);
            for (var s = path.FirstSegment; s != null; s = s.Next)
                switch (s.Value.Type)
                    case VGPath.SegmentType.CurveTo:
                            vertices[index++].Set(last.X, last.Y, Constants.Coef_Solid);
                            vertices[index++].Set(s.Value.Target.X, s.Value.Target.Y, Constants.Coef_Solid);
                            vertices[index++] = start;

                            vertices[index++].Set(last.X, last.Y, Constants.Coef_BezierStart);
                            vertices[index++].Set(s.Value.Controls[0].X, s.Value.Controls[0].Y, Constants.Coef_BezierControl);
                            vertices[index++].Set(s.Value.Target.X, s.Value.Target.Y, Constants.Coef_BezierEnd);
                    case VGPath.SegmentType.LineTo:
                    case VGPath.SegmentType._Tesselated:
                            vertices[index++].Set(last.X, last.Y, Constants.Coef_Solid);
                            vertices[index++].Set(s.Value.Target.X, s.Value.Target.Y, Constants.Coef_Solid);
                            vertices[index++] = start;
                    case VGPath.SegmentType.MoveTo:
                            start.Set(s.Value.Target.X, s.Value.Target.Y, Constants.Coef_Solid);

                last = s.Value.Target;

            return true;
Beispiel #8
 internal StaticString(VGDevice device, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Vector2, VGPath>> glyphs)
     : base(null)
     VGPath result = new VGPath();
     foreach (var g in glyphs)
         var p = g.Value.Clone();
     _path = device.PreparePath(result, VGPaintMode.Fill);
     Extents = _path.Extents;
Beispiel #9
        private void Init(int x, int y)

            mImage = new Image(this, 10, 35);

            Text.Label(this, "Фильтр\\nв системе смазки", 14, 0, 0, Width, 14);

            mPaint = VG.vgCreatePaint();
            VG.vgSetParameterfv(mPaint, (int)VGPaintParamType.VG_PAINT_COLOR, 4, (new Color(0xEDAB18ff)).Value);

            mRollArea = new TextArea(this, Width - 50, 45, 49, 30)
                Text = ""
            mRollArea.SetAlign(Align.Center, new GfxPoint(0, 5));
            mRollArea.SetFont(Palette.White, 16);

            const int kLimit = 10;

            mRollArea.Text = string.Format("{0}", "Отключен");
            VG.vgSetParameterfv(mFilterPaint, (int)VGPaintParamType.VG_PAINT_COLOR, 4, new Color(0x2EC90Eff).Value);

            mSensor.OnUpdate += sensor =>
                if (mStatus.ValueAsInt == 0)
                    mRollArea.Text = string.Format("{0}", "Отключен");
                    VG.vgSetParameterfv(mFilterPaint, (int)VGPaintParamType.VG_PAINT_COLOR, 4, new Color(0x2EC90Eff).Value);
                    mRollArea.Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value / 10.0f);
                    //mRollArea.Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value > kLimit ? "Норма" : "Авария");
                    VG.vgSetParameterfv(mFilterPaint, (int)VGPaintParamType.VG_PAINT_COLOR, 4,
                                        sensor.Value > kLimit ? (new Color(0x2EC90Eff)).Value : (new Color(0xE3AB1Fff)).Value);

            AddVGPath(new VGPath(mPath, null, new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x2c2d2eff))));

            Move(x, y);

            mFilterPath = VGPath.OpenVGPath();
            VGU.vguRect(mFilterPath, mImage.ScreenPosition.X + 1, mImage.ScreenPosition.Y + 1, mImage.Width - 2, mImage.Height - 2);

            mFilterPaint = VG.vgCreatePaint();
            VG.vgSetParameterfv(mFilterPaint, (int)VGPaintParamType.VG_PAINT_COLOR, 4, (new Color(0xEDAB18ff)).Value);
Beispiel #10
        private void InitBackground()
            if (mInitialized)

            const int kRound = 10;

            mPath = VGPath.OpenVGPath();
            VGU.vguRoundRect(mPath, 0, 0, Width, Height, kRound, kRound);

            mInitialized = true;
Beispiel #11
        public override ModalWindow AddModal(string name)
            var modal = base.AddModal("modal-" + name);

            var modalOutline = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

            VGU.vguRoundRect(modalOutline, 0, 0, 400, 230, 20, 20);

            var fill = new VGLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 230);

            fill.AddColor(0, Palette.DarkGray);
            fill.AddColor(25, Palette.LightGrey);
            fill.AddColor(100, Palette.LightGrey);

            var outline = new VGPath(modalOutline,
                                     new VGSolidColor(Palette.DarkSlateGray),
                StrokeWidth = 2.0f

            outline.Move(40, 25);

            var textOutline = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

            VGU.vguRect(textOutline, 0, 0, 360, 160);
            var text = new VGPath(textOutline,
                                  new VGSolidColor(Palette.DarkSlateGray),
                                  new VGSolidColor(Palette.White))
                StrokeWidth = 2.0f

            text.Move(60, 85);

            switch (name)
            case "yesno":

            case "ok":

Beispiel #12
        private VGPath GetPanelPath()
            var fill = new VGLinearGradient(0, 0, mPanel.Width, 0);

            fill.AddColor(0, Palette.LightBlue);
            fill.AddColor(25, Palette.Gainsboro);
            fill.AddColor(75, Palette.Gainsboro);
            fill.AddColor(100, Palette.LightBlue);

            var rv = new VGPath(new VGSolidColor(Palette.White), fill);

            VGU.vguRect(rv.GetPath(), 0, 0, mPanel.Width, mPanel.Height);

Beispiel #13
        public static TableLine DateTime(IWidget parent, int x, int y)
            const int kHeight = 40;

            var rv = new TableLine(parent, kHeight);

            rv.AddColumn(35, null, Align.Center, 40, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // hour
            rv.AddColumn(15, null, Align.Center, 40, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // :
            rv.AddColumn(35, null, Align.Center, 40, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // minute
            rv.AddColumn(0, null, Align.Center, 40, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5));  // :
            rv.AddColumn(0, null, Align.Center, 40, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5));  // seconds
            rv.AddColumn(20, null, Align.Center, 40, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // " - "

            rv.AddColumn(35, null, Align.Center, 40, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // day
            rv.AddColumn(15, null, Align.Center, 40, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // "/"
            rv.AddColumn(35, null, Align.Center, 40, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // month
            rv.AddColumn(15, null, Align.Center, 40, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // "/"
            rv.AddColumn(80, null, Align.Center, 40, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // year

            //rv.AddColumn(30, null, Align.Center, 20, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // seconds

            var outline = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

            VGU.vguRoundRect(outline, 0, 0, rv.Width, kHeight, 5, 5);

            rv.AddVGPath(new VGPath(outline, new VGSolidColor(Palette.LightGrey), new VGSolidColor(Palette.TextArea.Background)));
            rv.Move(x, y);

                rv.Text[0].Text = "09";
                rv.Text[1].Text = ":";
                rv.Text[2].Text = "00";
                rv.Text[3].Text = ":";
                rv.Text[4].Text = "00";
                rv.Text[5].Text = " - ";

                rv.Text[6].Text  = "01";
                rv.Text[7].Text  = "/";
                rv.Text[8].Text  = "03";
                rv.Text[9].Text  = "/";
                rv.Text[10].Text = "2014";
                //rv.Text[0].Text = ":";
                //rv.Text[0].Text = "14";

Beispiel #14
        private void InitBackground()
            if (mInitialized)

            const int kRound = 10;

            mPath = VGPath.OpenVGPath();
            VGU.vguRoundRect(mPath, 0, 0, Width, Height, kRound, kRound);

            mLinear = VG.vgCreatePath(0, VGPathDatatype.VG_PATH_DATATYPE_F, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0, 0, VGPathCapabilities.VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_ALL);

            mInitialized = true;
Beispiel #15
        private static Button Button(IWidget parent, string text, IntPtr path)
            var isActivated = !(text == "резерв" || text == "");

            var contour = new VGPath(path, new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x00AEEFFF)), mClassicActiveVGPaintDefault)
                StrokeWidth = 3.0f

            var rv = new Button(parent, contour, new VGPath(path, null, new VGSolidColor(new Color((uint)(isActivated ? 0x3B3C3DFF : 0x3B3C3D6F)))));


            const int   kFontSize = 25;
            const float kBias     = 1.0f;

            SetText(rv, text, kFontSize, kBias);

Beispiel #16
        public static Button DownButton(IWidget parent, string text, int x, int y, ColorStyle style = ColorStyle.Default)

            const int   kFontSize = 15;
            const float kBias     = 1.0f;

            var contour = new VGPath(mDownOutline, new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x00AEEFFF)), mClassicActiveVGPaintDefault)
                StrokeWidth = 1.5f
            var rv = new Button(parent, contour, new VGPath(mDownOutline, null, new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x3B3C3DFF))));//new Color(0x3B3C3DFF)

            SetText(rv, text, kFontSize, kBias);
            //rv.IsCached = true;

            rv.Move(x, y);

Beispiel #17
        public static Button QuadButton(IWidget parent, string text, int x, int y, ColorStyle style = ColorStyle.Default)

            const int   kFontSize = 15;
            const float kBias     = 1.0f;

            var contour = new VGPath(mQuadOutline, new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x00AEEFFF)), mQuadActiveVGPaintDefault)
                StrokeWidth = 2.0f
            var rv = new Button(parent, contour, new VGPath(mQuadOutline, new VGSolidColor(Palette.White), new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x3B3C3DFF))));

            SetText(rv, text, kFontSize, kBias);
            //rv.IsCached = true;

            rv.Move(x, y);

Beispiel #18
        Button GenericButton(IWidget parent, int x, int y, int width, string text, Color color)
            const int   kHeight = 35;
            const float kRound  = 5f;

            var contour = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

            VGU.vguRoundRect(contour, 0, 0, width, kHeight, kRound, kRound);
            var normal = new VGPath(contour, null, new VGSolidColor(color ?? Palette.LightGrey));

            var activeColor = Palette.DarkGray;

            if (color == Palette.Red)
                activeColor = Palette.Orange;
            //activeColor = new Color(0x640000FF);

            if (color == Palette.Lime)
                activeColor = Palette.Orange;
            //activeColor = new Color(0x006400FF);

            var active = new VGPath(contour, null, new VGSolidColor(activeColor));

            var btn = new Button(parent, active, normal);//, "generic");//, x, y, width, kHeight, kRound);

            var label = new TextArea(btn, 0, 0, btn.Width, btn.Height)
                Text = text

            label.SetAlign(Align.Center, new GfxPoint(0, 10));

            btn.Move(x, y);

Beispiel #19
        private static void InitDown()
            if (mDownInitialized)

            const int kWidth  = 62;
            const int kHeight = 34;
            const int kRound  = 10;

            mDownOutline = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

            VGU.vguRoundRect(mDownOutline, 0, 0, kWidth, kHeight, kRound, kRound);

            #region default color
            mClassicActiveVGPaintDefault = SetPaint(Palette.Black, new Color(0x58595BFF), kHeight);

            mDownInitialized = true;
Beispiel #20
        private static void InitQuad()
            if (mQuadInitialized)

            const int kButtonsWidth  = 62;
            const int kButtonsHeight = 45;

            mQuadOutline = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

            VGU.vguRect(mQuadOutline, 0, 0, kButtonsWidth, kButtonsHeight);

            #region default color
            mQuadActiveVGPaintDefault = SetPaint(Palette.Black, new Color(0x58595BFF), kButtonsHeight);

            mQuadInitialized = true;
Beispiel #21
        private static void InitGiant()
            if (mGiantInitialized)

            const int kWidth  = 230;
            const int kHeight = 90;
            const int kRound  = 25;

            mGiantOutline = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

            VGU.vguRoundRect(mGiantOutline, 0, 0, kWidth, kHeight, kRound, kRound);

            mGiantStrokeVGPaint = new VGSolidColor(Palette.LightGrey);
            //mGiantNormalVGPaint = SetPaint(Palette.LightBlue, Palette.LightGrey, kHeight);
            mGiantNormalVGPaint = SetPaint(Palette.DarkGray, Palette.LightGrey, kHeight);
            mGiantActiveVGPaint = SetPaint(Palette.LightGrey, Palette.DarkGray, kHeight);

            mGiantInitialized = true;
Beispiel #22
        private static void InitClassic()
            if (mClassicInitialized)

            const int kWidth  = 120;
            const int kHeight = 50;
            const int kRound  = 15;

            mClassicOutline = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

            VGU.vguRoundRect(mClassicOutline, 0, 0, kWidth, kHeight, kRound, kRound);

            mClassicStrokeVGPaint = new VGSolidColor(Palette.LightGrey);

            #region default color
            //mClassicNormalVGPaintDefault = SetPaint(Palette.LightBlue, Palette.LightGrey, kHeight);
            mClassicNormalVGPaintDefault = SetPaint(Palette.DarkGray, Palette.LightGrey, kHeight);
            mClassicActiveVGPaintDefault = SetPaint(Palette.LightGrey, Palette.DarkGray, kHeight);

            #region red color
            //mClassicNormalVGPaintRed = SetPaint(Palette.LightBlue, Palette.Red, kHeight);
            mClassicNormalVGPaintRed = SetPaint(new Color(0x640000FF), Palette.Red, kHeight);
            mClassicActiveVGPaintRed = SetPaint(Palette.Red, new Color(0x640000FF), kHeight);

            #region green color
            //mClassicNormalVGPaintGreen = SetPaint(Palette.LightBlue, Palette.Lime, kHeight);
            //mClassicNormalVGPaintGreen = SetPaint(new Color(0x004623FF), Palette.Lime, kHeight);
            mClassicNormalVGPaintGreen = SetPaint(new Color(0x006400FF), Palette.Lime, kHeight);
            mClassicActiveVGPaintGreen = SetPaint(Palette.Lime, new Color(0x006400FF), kHeight);

            mClassicInitialized = true;
Beispiel #23
        public static Button SideButton(IWidget parent, string text, int x, int y, ColorStyle style = ColorStyle.Default)

            const int   kFontSize = 18;
            const float kBias     = 1.0f;

            var contour = new VGPath(mClassicOutline, new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x00AEEFFF)), mClassicActiveVGPaintDefault)
                StrokeWidth = 1.5f
            var rv = new Button(parent, contour, new VGPath(mClassicOutline, null, new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x3B3C3DFF))));

            SetText(rv, text, kFontSize, kBias);
            if (text == "")
                rv.FixState = ButtonState.Released;

            rv.Move(x, y);

Beispiel #24
        public static Button DownButton(IWidget parent, string text, int x, int y, ColorStyle style = ColorStyle.Default)

            const int   kFontSize = 25;
            const float kBias     = 1.0f;

            var contour = new VGPath(mDownOutline, new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x00AEEFFF)), mClassicActiveVGPaintDefault)
                StrokeWidth = 3.0f
            var rv = new Button(parent, contour, new VGPath(mDownOutline, null, new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x3B3C3DFF))));

            if (text == "резерв")

            SetText(rv, text, kFontSize, kBias);

            rv.Move(x, y);

Beispiel #25
        private void Init(int x, int y)

            Text.Label(this, mDescription, 14, 0, 0, Width, 14);
            //Text.Label(this, "100%", 14, 0, 0, Width, 14);
            //Text.Label(this, "0%", 14, 0, 0, Width, 14);

            mPaint = VG.vgCreatePaint();
            VG.vgSetParameterfv(mPaint, (int)VGPaintParamType.VG_PAINT_COLOR, 4, (new Color(0xEDAB18ff)).Value);

            Format      = "{0:0}";
            mActiveArea = new TextArea(this, Width - 40, (int)(Height * 0.45f), 40, 30);//

            mActiveArea.SetAlign(Align.Left, new GfxPoint(0, 5));
            mActiveArea.SetFont(Palette.White, 22);

            AddVGPath(new VGPath(mPath, null, new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x2c2d2eff))));

                var i = VGPath.OpenVGPath();
                VGU.vguRect(i, 0, 0, 45, 59);
                var rv = new VGPath(i, new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x6d6e71ff)), new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x414041ff)))
                    StrokeWidth = 1.0f
                rv.Move(X + 12, Y + 32);

            mSensor.OnUpdate += sensor => SetValue(sensor.Value / 10.0f);

            Move(x, y);
Beispiel #26
        public static TableLine DateTime(IWidget parent, int x, int y)
            const int kHeight = 30;

            var rv = new TableLine(parent, kHeight);

            rv.AddColumn(25, null, Align.Center, 20, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // hour
            rv.AddColumn(10, null, Align.Center, 20, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // :
            rv.AddColumn(25, null, Align.Center, 20, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // minute
            rv.AddColumn(0, null, Align.Center, 20, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5));  // :
            rv.AddColumn(0, null, Align.Center, 20, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5));  // seconds
            rv.AddColumn(15, null, Align.Center, 20, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // " - "

            rv.AddColumn(25, null, Align.Center, 20, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // day
            rv.AddColumn(10, null, Align.Center, 20, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // "/"
            rv.AddColumn(25, null, Align.Center, 20, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // month
            rv.AddColumn(10, null, Align.Center, 20, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // "/"
            rv.AddColumn(55, null, Align.Center, 20, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // year

            //rv.AddColumn(30, null, Align.Center, 20, Palette.Black, new GfxPoint(5, 5)); // seconds

            var outline = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

            VGU.vguRoundRect(outline, 0, 0, rv.Width, kHeight, 5, 5);

            rv.AddVGPath(new VGPath(outline, new VGSolidColor(Palette.LightGrey), new VGSolidColor(Palette.TextArea.Background)));
            rv.Move(x, y);

            foreach (var label in rv.Text)
                label.SetFont(Palette.Black, 25);

            //rv.OnShow += caller =>
                rv.Text[0].Text = "09";
                rv.Text[1].Text = ":";
                rv.Text[2].Text = "00";
                rv.Text[3].Text = ":";
                rv.Text[4].Text = "00";
                rv.Text[5].Text = " - ";

                rv.Text[6].Text  = "01";
                rv.Text[7].Text  = "/";
                rv.Text[8].Text  = "03";
                rv.Text[9].Text  = "/";
                rv.Text[10].Text = "2014";
                //rv.Text[0].Text = ":";
                //rv.Text[0].Text = "14";

            rv.OnPress += caller =>
                var cell = caller as TextArea;
                if (cell != null)

Beispiel #27
        internal StrokeMesh(GraphicsDevice device, VGPath path, VGLineCap startCap, VGLineCap endCap, VGLineJoin join, float miterLimit)
            int solidCount, radialCount, i, j, moves;

            // No triangles at all, don't bother...
            if (path.IsEmpty)

            // Approximate triangle counts
            moves = path.GetCount(VGPath.SegmentType.MoveTo);
            GetCapTris(startCap, out i, out j);
            solidCount = moves * i;
            radialCount = moves * j;

            GetCapTris(endCap, out i, out j);
            solidCount += moves * i;
            radialCount += moves * j;

            GetJoinTris(join, out i, out j);
            solidCount += path.Count * i;
            radialCount += path.Count * j;

            solidCount += (path.GetCount(VGPath.SegmentType.LineTo) + path.GetCount(VGPath.SegmentType._Tesselated)) * 2;

            // Initialize
            _solid = new SolidStrokeBuilder(solidCount, miterLimit);
            _radial = new RadialStrokeBuilder(radialCount);

            var startCapFunc = GetCapFunction(startCap);
            var endCapFunc = GetCapFunction(endCap);
            var joinFunc = GetJoinFunction(join);

            // Tesselate
            VGPath.Segment last = null;
            Vector2 lastNormal = Vector2.Zero;
            var lastStart = path.FirstSegment;

            for (var s = lastStart; s != null; s = s.Next)
                switch (s.Value.Type)
                    case VGPath.SegmentType.LineTo:
                            Vector2 n, mn;
                            VectorMath.GetLeftNormal(last.Target, s.Value.Target, out n);
                            mn = -n;

                            _solid.AddVertex(last.Target, mn);
                            _solid.AddVertex(last.Target, n);
                            _solid.AddVertex(s.Value.Target, n);
                            _solid.AddVertex(last.Target, mn);
                            _solid.AddVertex(s.Value.Target, n);
                            _solid.AddVertex(s.Value.Target, mn);
                    case VGPath.SegmentType._Tesselated:
                            if (last.Type != VGPath.SegmentType._Tesselated)
                                VectorMath.GetLeftNormal(last.Target, s.Value.Target, out lastNormal);

                            Vector2 lastRtNormal = -lastNormal;
                            _solid.AddVertex(last.Target, lastRtNormal);
                            _solid.AddVertex(last.Target, lastNormal);
                            _solid.AddVertex(s.Value.Target, s.Value.Controls[0]);
                            _solid.AddVertex(last.Target, lastRtNormal);
                            _solid.AddVertex(s.Value.Target, s.Value.Controls[0]);
                            _solid.AddVertex(s.Value.Target, -s.Value.Controls[0]);

                            lastNormal = s.Value.Controls[0];

                    case VGPath.SegmentType.MoveTo:
                            if (s.Previous != null && s.Previous.Value.Type != VGPath.SegmentType.Close && s.Previous.Value.Type != VGPath.SegmentType.MoveTo)
                                startCapFunc(lastStart, true);
                                endCapFunc(s.Previous, false);

                            lastStart = s;
                    case VGPath.SegmentType.Close:
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Trying to stroke non-flattened path!");

                if (s.Value.MakeJoin && s.Next != null)

                last = s.Value;

            // Do the caps
            if (path.LastSegment.Value.Type != VGPath.SegmentType.Close && path.LastSegment.Value.Type != VGPath.SegmentType.MoveTo)
                startCapFunc(lastStart, true);
                endCapFunc(path.LastSegment, false);

            // Create buffer
            _vertices[0] = _solid.Build(device, out _tris[0]);
            _vertices[1] = _radial.Build(device, out _tris[1]);

            // Free builders
            _radial = null;
            _solid = null;
Beispiel #28
        private void AddChilds()
            #region generic

            var window = this;

            mTextArea = new TextArea(window, 20, 207, 435, 25)
                Text = ""
            };                                                               //, Size = 18, Background = true};
            mTextArea.SetFont(Palette.Black, 24);
            mTextArea.SetAlign(Align.Left, new GfxPoint(0, 5));

            var outline = VGPath.OpenVGPath();
            VGU.vguRoundRect(outline, 0, 0, mTextArea.Width + 6, mTextArea.Height + 6, 5, 5);
            var vgOutline = new VGPath(outline, new VGSolidColor(Palette.LightGrey), new VGSolidColor(Palette.White));
            vgOutline.Move(mTextArea.X - 3, mTextArea.Y - 3);

            GenericButton(window, 15, 15, 80, "cancel", Palette.Red).OnRelease = caller =>
                if (ReturnWindow == null)

                mTextArea.Text = "";
                Text           = "";



            GenericButton(window, 385, 15, 80, "enter", Palette.Lime).OnRelease = caller =>
                if (ReturnWindow == null)

                if (OnEnter != null)

                mTextArea.Text = "";
                Text           = "";



            GenericButton(window, 110, 15, 260, "", null).OnRelease = caller =>
                Text           = (Text + " ");
                mTextArea.Text = Text;


            #region symbols

            var xPos     = 110;
            var xPosStep = 52;
            var yPos     = 150;

            #region first row

                var btnRus = NumericButton(window, "rus", 20, yPos);
                btnRus.OnRelease = caller => ActivateLayout(mRusLayout);

                NumericButton(window, "0", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                NumericButton(window, "1", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                NumericButton(window, "2", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                NumericButton(window, "3", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                NumericButton(window, "4", xPos, yPos);

                xPos = 415;
                var btnDel = NumericButton(window, "del", xPos, yPos);
                btnDel.OnRelease = caller =>
                    Text           = RemoveLastSymbol(Text);
                    mTextArea.Text = Text;


            #region second row
            xPos = 110;
            yPos = 107;
                var btnEng = NumericButton(window, "eng", 20, yPos);
                //btnEng.PressColor = Utils.ColorPalette.Blue;
                btnEng.OnRelease = caller => ActivateLayout(mEngLayout);

                NumericButton(window, "5", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                NumericButton(window, "6", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                NumericButton(window, "7", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                NumericButton(window, "8", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                NumericButton(window, "9", xPos, yPos);


            #region third row
            xPos = 110;
            yPos = 65;
                NumericButton(window, ".", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                NumericButton(window, ",", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                NumericButton(window, "_", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                NumericButton(window, "#", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                NumericButton(window, ":", xPos, yPos);



            #region russian
            xPos     = 10;
            xPosStep = 39;
            yPos     = 150;

            #region first row

                RusButton(window, "É", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ö", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ó", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ê", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Å", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Í", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ã", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ø", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ù", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ç", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Õ", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ú", xPos, yPos);


            #region second row

            xPos = 10;
            yPos = 107;
                var btn123 = RusButton(window, "123", xPos, yPos);
                //btn123.PressColor = Utils.ColorPalette.Blue;
                btn123.OnRelease = caller => ActivateLayout(mSymbolLayout);
                xPos            += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ô", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Û", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Â", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "À", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ï", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ð", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Î", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ë", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ä", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Æ", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ý", xPos, yPos);


            #region third row

            xPos = 10;
            yPos = 65;
                var btnEng = RusButton(window, "eng", xPos, yPos);
                //btnEng.PressColor = Utils.ColorPalette.Blue;
                btnEng.OnRelease = caller => ActivateLayout(mEngLayout);
                xPos            += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "ß", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "×", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ñ", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ì", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "È", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ò", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Ü", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Á", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                RusButton(window, "Þ", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                xPos += xPosStep;
                var btnDel = RusButton(window, "del", xPos, yPos);
                btnDel.OnRelease = caller =>
                    Text           = RemoveLastSymbol(Text);
                    mTextArea.Text = Text;



            #region english
            xPos     = 10;
            xPosStep = 39;
            yPos     = 150;

            #region first row

                EngButton(window, "Q", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "W", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "E", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "R", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "T", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "Y", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "U", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "I", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "O", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "P", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "{", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "}", xPos, yPos);


            #region second row

            xPos = 10;
            yPos = 107;
                var btn123 = EngButton(window, "123", xPos, yPos);
                //btn123.PressColor = Utils.ColorPalette.Blue;
                btn123.OnRelease = caller => ActivateLayout(mSymbolLayout);
                xPos            += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "A", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "S", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "D", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "F", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "G", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "H", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "J", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "K", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "L", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, ";", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "\"", xPos, yPos);


            #region third row

            xPos = 10;
            yPos = 65;
                var btnRus = EngButton(window, "rus", xPos, yPos);
                //btnRus.PressColor = Utils.ColorPalette.Blue;
                btnRus.OnRelease = caller => ActivateLayout(mRusLayout);
                xPos            += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "Z", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "X", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "C", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "V", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "B", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "N", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "M", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, "<", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                EngButton(window, ">", xPos, yPos);
                xPos += xPosStep;

                xPos += xPosStep;
                var btnDel = EngButton(window, "del", xPos, yPos);
                btnDel.OnRelease = caller =>
                    Text           = RemoveLastSymbol(Text);
                    mTextArea.Text = Text;


Beispiel #29
        public VagonIcon(IWidget parent, ISignal pump, ISignal uz2, ISignal uz3, ISignal uz4, ISignal uz5, ISignal conveyor, int y)
            : base(parent)
            mPump = pump;
            #region насосная станция
            mPump.OnUpdate += sensor =>
                switch (sensor.ValueAsInt)
                case 0:    // stop

                case 1:    // active

                case 2:    // fault

            mUz2 = uz2;
            #region ПЧН 1
            mUz2.OnUpdate += sensor =>
                switch (sensor.ValueAsInt)
                case 0:    // stop

                case 1:    // active

                case 2:    // fault

            mUz3 = uz3;
            #region ПЧН 2
            mUz3.OnUpdate += sensor =>
                switch (sensor.ValueAsInt)
                case 0:    // stop

                case 1:    // active

                case 2:    // fault

            mUz4 = uz4;
            #region ПЧН 3
            mUz4.OnUpdate += sensor =>
                switch (sensor.ValueAsInt)
                case 0:    // stop

                case 1:    // active

                case 2:    // fault

            mUz5 = uz5;
            #region ПЧН4
            mUz5.OnUpdate += sensor =>
                switch (sensor.ValueAsInt)
                case 0:    // stop

                case 1:    // active

                case 2:    // fault

            mConveyor = conveyor;
            #region конвейер
            mConveyor.OnUpdate += sensor =>
                switch (sensor.ValueAsInt)
                case 0:    // stop

                case 1:    // active

                case 2:    // fault

            mImage = new Image(this, 0, 0);
            const float kScale = 1.0f;
            mImage.Scale(kScale, kScale);

            //Width = (int)(mImage.Width * kScale);
            //Height = (int)(mImage.Height * kScale);
            Resize((int)(mImage.Width * kScale), (int)(mImage.Height * kScale));

            for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                mRects.Add(new Rect {
                    Path = VGPath.OpenVGPath(), Color = mDefaultColor

            var pos = ScreenPosition;

            VGU.vguRect(mRects[0].Path, pos.X + 145, pos.Y + mImage.Height - 30, 35, 20);
            VGU.vguRect(mRects[1].Path, pos.X + 75, pos.Y + mImage.Height - 35, 30, 25);
            VGU.vguRect(mRects[2].Path, pos.X + 185, pos.Y + mImage.Height - 35, 30, 25);
            VGU.vguRect(mRects[3].Path, pos.X + 75, pos.Y + 10, 30, 25);
            VGU.vguRect(mRects[4].Path, pos.X + 185, pos.Y + 10, 30, 25);
            VGU.vguRect(mRects[5].Path, pos.X + 10, pos.Y + mImage.Height / 2 - 20, mImage.Width - 20, 40);

            mPaint = VG.vgCreatePaint();
Beispiel #30
        private void Init(int x, int y)

            mPaint = VG.vgCreatePaint();
            VG.vgSetParameterfv(mPaint, (int)VGPaintParamType.VG_PAINT_COLOR, 4, (new Color(0xEDAB18ff)).Value);

            AddVGPath(new VGPath(mPath, new VGSolidColor(new Color(0xD1D3D4FF)), new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x2c2d2eff)))
                StrokeWidth = 0.5f

            var       divideLines = VGPath.OpenVGPath();
            const int kBiasY      = 44;

            VGU.vguLine(divideLines, 0, 3 * kBiasY, Width - 30, 3 * kBiasY);
            VGU.vguLine(divideLines, 0, 2 * kBiasY, Width - 30, 2 * kBiasY);
            VGU.vguLine(divideLines, 0, kBiasY, Width - 30, kBiasY);
            VGU.vguLine(divideLines, 0, 0, Width - 30, 0);
            var lines = new VGPath(divideLines, new VGSolidColor(new Color(0xD1D3D4FF)), null)
                StrokeWidth = 0.5f

            lines.Move(15, kBiasY);

            const int kBiasX  = 47;
            const int kBiasX0 = 60;

            Text.Label(this, "T, ⁰C", 16, kBiasX0, kBiasY * 4, kBiasX, 18);
            Text.Label(this, "I, A", 16, kBiasX0 + kBiasX, kBiasY * 4, kBiasX, 18);
            Text.Label(this, "U, B", 16, kBiasX0 + 2 * kBiasX, kBiasY * 4, kBiasX, 18);
            Text.Label(this, "F, Гц", 16, kBiasX0 + 3 * kBiasX, kBiasY * 4, kBiasX, 18);
            Text.Label(this, "об/мин", 16, kBiasX0 + 4 * kBiasX, kBiasY * 4, kBiasX, 18);

            //Text.Label(this, "ПЧН #1\\nПЧН #2\\nПЧН #3\\nПЧН #4", 18, 15, 22, kBiasX0 - 15, kBiasY, Align.Left);

            mTable     = new Table(this);
            mTableLine = new TableLine(kBiasY / 2);
            mTableLine.AddColumn(kBiasX0 - 15, null, Align.Center, 17, Palette.White, new GfxPoint(0, 3));
            //mTableLine.Text[0].Text = "ПЧН #4";
            mTableLine.AddColumn(kBiasX, null, Align.Center, 17, Palette.White, new GfxPoint(0, 3));
            mTableLine.AddColumn(kBiasX, null, Align.Center, 17, Palette.White, new GfxPoint(0, 3));
            mTableLine.AddColumn(kBiasX, null, Align.Center, 17, Palette.White, new GfxPoint(0, 3));
            mTableLine.AddColumn(kBiasX, null, Align.Center, 17, Palette.White, new GfxPoint(0, 3));
            mTableLine.AddColumn(kBiasX, null, Align.Center, 17, Palette.White, new GfxPoint(0, 3));

            mTableStatusLine = new TableLine(kBiasY / 2);
            mTableStatusLine.AddColumn(kBiasX0 - 15, null, Align.Center, 16, new Color(0xD1D3D4FF), new GfxPoint(0, 5));
            mTableStatusLine.Text[0].Text = "статус:";
            mTableStatusLine.AddColumn(kBiasX * 5, null, Align.Center, 17, Palette.White, new GfxPoint(0, 3));


            mTable.AddLine(new TableLine(mTableStatusLine));
            mTable.AddLine(new TableLine(mTableLine));

            mTable.AddLine(new TableLine(mTableStatusLine));
            mTable.AddLine(new TableLine(mTableLine));

            mTable.AddLine(new TableLine(mTableStatusLine));
            mTable.AddLine(new TableLine(mTableLine));

            //mTable.SetBorder(1, Palette.Lime); // for debug
            mTable.Move(15, 0);

            mTable.GetCellById(7, 0).Text = "Uz 2";
            mTable.GetCellById(5, 0).Text = "Uz 3";
            mTable.GetCellById(3, 0).Text = "Uz 4";
            mTable.GetCellById(1, 0).Text = "Uz 5";

            #region temperature
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.2.temperature").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(7, 1).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.3.temperature").OnUpdate += sensor =>
                mTable.GetCellById(5, 1).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.4.temperature").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(3, 1).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.5.temperature").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(1, 1).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mTable.GetCellById(7, 1).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(5, 1).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(3, 1).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(1, 1).Text = "-";

            #region current
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.2.current").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(7, 2).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.3.current").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(5, 2).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.4.current").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(3, 2).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.5.current").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(1, 2).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mTable.GetCellById(7, 2).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(5, 2).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(3, 2).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(1, 2).Text = "-";

            #region voltage
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.2.voltage").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(7, 3).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.3.voltage").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(5, 3).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.4.voltage").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(3, 3).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.5.voltage").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(1, 3).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mTable.GetCellById(7, 3).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(5, 3).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(3, 3).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(1, 3).Text = "-";

            // TODO: привязать к реальным значениям
            #region freq
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.2.frequency").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(7, 4).Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", sensor.Value / 100);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.3.frequency").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(5, 4).Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", sensor.Value / 100);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.4.frequency").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(3, 4).Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", sensor.Value / 100);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.5.frequency").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(1, 4).Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", sensor.Value / 100);
            mTable.GetCellById(7, 4).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(5, 4).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(3, 4).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(1, 4).Text = "-";

            #region rpm - энкодера нет физически
            //mReciever.GetSignal("uz.2.speed").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(7, 5).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            //mReciever.GetSignal("uz.3.speed").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(5, 5).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            //mReciever.GetSignal("uz.4.speed").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(3, 5).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            //mReciever.GetSignal("uz.5.speed").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(1, 5).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mTable.GetCellById(7, 5).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(5, 5).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(3, 5).Text = "-";
            mTable.GetCellById(1, 5).Text = "-";

            // TODO: по значению
            #region status

             * mReciever.GetSignal("uz.2.error").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(7, 5).Text = string.Format("0x{0:X4}", sensor.Value);
             * mReciever.GetSignal("uz.3.error").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(5, 5).Text = string.Format("0x{0:X4}", sensor.Value);
             * mReciever.GetSignal("uz.4.error").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(3, 5).Text = string.Format("0x{0:X4}", sensor.Value);
             * mReciever.GetSignal("uz.5.error").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(1, 5).Text = string.Format("0x{0:X4}", sensor.Value);

            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.2.error").OnUpdate += sensor =>
                mTable.GetCellById(6, 1).SetFont(sensor.Value > 0
                                                                                                            ? Palette.Red
                                                                                                            : Palette.White);
                mTable.GetCellById(6, 1).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.3.error").OnUpdate += sensor =>
                mTable.GetCellById(4, 1).SetFont(sensor.Value > 0
                                                                                                            ? Palette.Red
                                                                                                            : Palette.White);
                mTable.GetCellById(4, 1).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.4.error").OnUpdate += sensor =>
                mTable.GetCellById(2, 1).SetFont(sensor.Value > 0
                                                                                                            ? Palette.Red
                                                                                                            : Palette.White);
                mTable.GetCellById(2, 1).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);
            mReciever.GetSignal("uz.5.error").OnUpdate += sensor =>
                mTable.GetCellById(0, 1).SetFont(sensor.Value > 0
                                                                                                            ? Palette.Red
                                                                                                            : Palette.White);
                mTable.GetCellById(0, 1).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);

            mTable.GetCellById(6, 1).Text = "6:1";
            mTable.GetCellById(4, 1).Text = "4:1";
            mTable.GetCellById(2, 1).Text = "2:1";
            mTable.GetCellById(0, 1).Text = "0:1";

            //mReciever.GetSignal("").OnUpdate += sensor => mTable.GetCellById(0, 0).Text = string.Format("{0}", sensor.Value);

            Move(x, y);
Beispiel #31
        public static GraphicArea ClassicArea(IWidget parent)
            var rv = new GraphicArea(parent, 460, 220)
                Background = Palette.TextArea.Background

            #region Lines & arrows
                var path = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

                VGU.vguLine(path, 0, 0, rv.Width - 60, 0);  // OX
                VGU.vguLine(path, 0, 0, 0, rv.Height - 40); // OY

                const float kXBias = 5f;
                const float kYBias = 12f;

                var yArroyBias = rv.Height - 40f;

                var pathData = new float[16];
                pathData[0] = -kXBias;
                pathData[1] = yArroyBias;          //0f;
                pathData[2] = 0f;
                pathData[3] = yArroyBias + kYBias; // kYBias;
                pathData[4] = kXBias;
                pathData[5] = yArroyBias;          //0f;
                VGU.vguPolygon(path, pathData, 3, VGboolean.VG_TRUE);

                var xArroyBias = rv.Width - 60f;
                pathData[0] = xArroyBias;
                pathData[1] = -kXBias;
                pathData[2] = xArroyBias + kYBias;
                pathData[3] = 0f;
                pathData[4] = xArroyBias;
                pathData[5] = kXBias;
                VGU.vguPolygon(path, pathData, 3, VGboolean.VG_TRUE);

                var vgPath = new VGPath(path, new VGSolidColor(Palette.Black), new VGSolidColor(Palette.LightBlue));
                vgPath.Move(35, 15);
                rv.Arrows = vgPath;

            #region Grid
                var path = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

                for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                    VGU.vguLine(path, 0, i * 60, rv.Width - 60, i * 60);  // OX
                for (var i = 1; i < 11; i++)
                    VGU.vguLine(path, i * 40, 0, i * 40, rv.Height - 40); // OY
                var vgPath = new VGPath(path, null, null);
                vgPath.SetStroke(new VGSolidColor(Palette.DarkSlateGray), new[] { 5.0f, 10.0f, 15.0f, 10.0f });
                vgPath.StrokeWidth = 0.5f;
                vgPath.Move(40, 20);

                rv.Grid = vgPath;

            rv.Move(10, 10);
Beispiel #32
        private void Init()
            mTimer = new Timer(ProcessTimerEvent, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);

            mPath        = VG.vgCreatePath(0, VGPathDatatype.VG_PATH_DATATYPE_S_16, 1, 0, 0, 0, VGPathCapabilities.VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_ALL);
            mFillPaint   = VG.vgCreatePaint();
            mStrokePaint = VG.vgCreatePaint();

            mGrapihcs = new List <GraphicsData>();

            var color = new VGSolidColor(new Color(0xD1D3D4FF));

            #region Lines & arrows
                var path = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

                const float kXBias = 3f;
                const float kYBias = 12f;

                VGU.vguLine(path, 0, 0, Width - 60, 0);          // OX
                //VGU.vguLine(path, 0, 0, 0, Height - 40); // OY
                VGU.vguLine(path, 0, 0, 0, Height - kYBias - 1); // OY

                var yArroyBias = Height - kYBias - 1;
                //var yArroyBias = Height - 40f;

                var pathData = new float[16];
                pathData[0] = -kXBias;
                pathData[1] = yArroyBias;          //0f;
                pathData[2] = 0f;
                pathData[3] = yArroyBias + kYBias; // kYBias;
                pathData[4] = kXBias;
                pathData[5] = yArroyBias;          //0f;
                VGU.vguPolygon(path, pathData, 3, VGboolean.VG_TRUE);

                var xArroyBias = Width - 60f;
                pathData[0] = xArroyBias;
                pathData[1] = -kXBias;
                pathData[2] = xArroyBias + kYBias;
                pathData[3] = 0f;
                pathData[4] = xArroyBias;
                pathData[5] = kXBias;
                VGU.vguPolygon(path, pathData, 3, VGboolean.VG_TRUE);

                var vgPath = new VGPath(path, color, color);
                vgPath.Move(35, 15);
                Arrows = vgPath;


            #region Grid

                var path = VGPath.OpenVGPath();
                VGU.vguLine(path, 0, 0, Width - 60, 0); // OX

                var vgPath = new VGPath(path, null, null);
                vgPath.SetStroke(color, new[] { 2.0f, 2.0f });
                vgPath.StrokeWidth = 0.5f;
                vgPath.Move(40, 20 + 180);

                Grid = vgPath;


            #region childs
            mHLabels = new[]
                new TextArea(this, 15, 0, 36, 18)
                    Text = "1"
                new TextArea(this, (int)(kOxWidht * 50 / 177), 0, 36, 18)
                    Text = "50"
                new TextArea(this, (int)(kOxWidht * 100 / 177), 0, 36, 18)
                    Text = "100"
                new TextArea(this, (int)(kOxWidht * 150 / 177), 0, 36, 18)
                    Text = "150"

            var oyLabel = new TextArea(this, -10, Height, 60, 18)
                Text = "P, бар"
            mVRuntimeLabels = new[]
                new TextArea(this, -10, 10, 36, 18)
                    Text = "0"

                new TextArea(this, -10, Height * 50 / kHeight, 36, 18)
                    Text = "100"
                new TextArea(this, -10, Height * 100 / kHeight, 36, 18)
                    Text = "200"
                new TextArea(this, -10, Height * 150 / kHeight, 36, 18)
                    Text = "300"
                new TextArea(this, -10, Height * 200 / kHeight, 36, 18)
                    Text = "400"
                new TextArea(this, -10, Height * 250 / kHeight, 36, 18)
                    Text = "500"

            mVHistoryLabels = new[]
                new TextArea(this, -15, Height * 10 / kHeight, 45, 18)
                    Text = ""
                new TextArea(this, -15, Height * 25 / kHeight, 45, 18)
                    Text = ""

                new TextArea(this, -15, Height * 60 / kHeight, 45, 18)
                    Text = ""
                new TextArea(this, -15, Height * 75 / kHeight, 45, 18)
                    Text = ""

                new TextArea(this, -15, Height * 110 / kHeight, 45, 18)
                    Text = ""
                new TextArea(this, -15, Height * 125 / kHeight, 45, 18)
                    Text = ""

                new TextArea(this, -15, Height * 160 / kHeight, 45, 18)
                    Text = ""
                new TextArea(this, -15, Height * 175 / kHeight, 45, 18)
                    Text = ""

                new TextArea(this, -15, Height * 210 / kHeight, 45, 18)
                    Text = ""
                new TextArea(this, -15, Height * 225 / kHeight, 45, 18)
                    Text = ""

            foreach (var label in mHLabels)
                label.SetFont(new Color(0xD1D3D4FF), 20);

            foreach (var label in mVRuntimeLabels)
                label.SetFont(new Color(0xD1D3D4FF), 20);

            foreach (var label in mVHistoryLabels)
                label.SetFont(new Color(0xD1D3D4FF), 20);

            //mVRuntimeLabels[mVRuntimeLabels.Length - 2].SetFont(new Color(0x5EE82CFF), 20);// "180"

            var oxLabel = new TextArea(this, Width - 20, 0, 60, 18)
                Text = "N"
            oxLabel.SetFont(new Color(0xD1D3D4FF), 20);

            oyLabel.SetFont(new Color(0xD1D3D4FF), 20);
            oyLabel.SetAlign(Align.Left, new GfxPoint(0, 5));

            Move(170, 310);

            //ImageCacheBorder = 50; // work

            Type = VisializationType.Realtime;