public void AddVCD(VCD vcd, bool isVerilogVCD)
            Timeline     = new VCDTimeline(vcd);
            IsVerilogVCD = isVerilogVCD;

Beispiel #2
        internal static void VerifyInferTypes(string moduleName, string extension, bool isVerilogVCD, string modulePath)
            CircuitGraph graph = VerifyMakeGraph(moduleName, extension, modulePath);

            using VCD vcd = LoadVCD(moduleName, modulePath);

            foreach (var variables in vcd.Variables)
                foreach (var variable in variables)
                    ScalarIO varCon = graph.GetConnection(variable, isVerilogVCD);
                    if (varCon == null)

                    ref BinaryVarValue actual = ref varCon.GetValue();
                    if (!varCon.Value.IsInitialized())
                    if (variable.Size != actual.Bits.Length)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Ref: {variable.Reference}, Expected: {variable.Size}, Actual: {actual.Bits.Length}");
                    Assert.AreEqual(variable.Size, actual.Bits.Length);
        public void ParseScopeMismatchOpen1()
            string vcdString = @"
$scope module lol $end
$enddefinitions $end";
            VCD    vcd       = Parse.FromString(vcdString);
Beispiel #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const string TestDir = @"...";
            Stopwatch    timer   = new Stopwatch();

            if (true)
                VerifyComputeGraph("TileTester_4", "lo.fir", true, TestDir);
                using VCD vcd = VCDReader.Parse.FromFile(Path.Combine(TestDir, "TileTester_6.vcd"));
                //using VCD vcd = VCDReader.Parse.FromFile(Path.Combine(TestDir, "TileTester_8.vcd"));
                //using VCD vcd = VCDReader.Parse.FromFile(Path.Combine(TestDir, "TileTester_4.vcd"));
                //using VCD vcd = VCDReader.Parse.FromFile(Path.Combine(TestDir, "TileTester_5.vcd"));

                new VCDTimeline(vcd);

            Console.WriteLine((timer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f).ToString("N2"));
        public void ParseScopeOpen2Closed2()
            string vcdString = @"
$scope module lol $end
$upscope $end
$scope module fish $end
$upscope $end
$enddefinitions $end";
            VCD    vcd       = Parse.FromString(vcdString);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, vcd.Declarations.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(vcd.Declarations[0] is Scope);
            Assert.IsTrue(vcd.Declarations[1] is UpScope);
            Assert.IsTrue(vcd.Declarations[2] is Scope);
            Assert.IsTrue(vcd.Declarations[3] is UpScope);

            var decl = vcd.Declarations[0] as Scope;

            Assert.AreEqual(ScopeType.Module, decl.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual("lol", decl.Name);

            decl = vcd.Declarations[2] as Scope;
            Assert.AreEqual(ScopeType.Module, decl.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual("fish", decl.Name);
        public void ParseDumpVars()
            Scope scope = new Scope(ScopeType.Module, "tester1");

            Scope[] scopes = { scope };

            IDeclCmd[] expectedDecls = new IDeclCmd[]
                new VarDef(VarType.Wire, 4, "'", "values_2/in", scopes),
                new VarDef(VarType.Wire, 4, "(", "values_1", scopes),
                new VarDef(VarType.Wire, 1, "-", "clock", scopes),
                new VarDef(VarType.Wire, 4, ".", "values_0", scopes),
                new UpScope()

            ISimCmd[] expectedSimCmds = new ISimCmd[]
                new DumpVars(new List <VarValue>()
                    new BinaryVarValue(new BitState[] { BitState.Zero, BitState.Zero, BitState.Zero, BitState.Zero }, new List <VarDef>()
                    }, true),
                    new BinaryVarValue(new BitState[] { BitState.Zero, BitState.Zero, BitState.Zero, BitState.Zero }, new List <VarDef>()
                    }, true),
                    new BinaryVarValue(new BitState[] { BitState.Zero, BitState.Zero, BitState.Zero, BitState.Zero }, new List <VarDef>()
                    }, true),
                    new BinaryVarValue(new BitState[] { BitState.Zero }, new List <VarDef>()
                    }, true)

            string vcdString = @"
$scope module tester1 $end
$var wire 4 ' values_2/in $end
$var wire 4 ( values_1 $end
$var wire 1 - clock $end
$var wire 4 . values_0 $end
$upscope $end
$enddefinitions $end
b0000 '
b0000 .
b0000 (
            VCD    vcd       = Parse.FromString(vcdString);

            TestTools.VerifyDeclarations(expectedDecls, vcd.Declarations);
            TestTools.VerifySimCmds(expectedSimCmds, vcd.GetSimulationCommands().ToArray());
        public void ParseDate()
            string vcdString = @"
$date test $end 
$enddefinitions $end";
            VCD    vcd       = Parse.FromString(vcdString);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, vcd.Declarations.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(vcd.Declarations[0] is Date);

            var decl = vcd.Declarations[0] as Date;

            Assert.AreEqual("test", decl.Content);
        public void ParseVersion()
            string vcdString = @"
$version test $lol $end 
$enddefinitions $end";
            VCD    vcd       = Parse.FromString(vcdString);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, vcd.Declarations.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(vcd.Declarations[0] is VCDReader.Version);

            var decl = vcd.Declarations[0] as VCDReader.Version;

            Assert.AreEqual("test", decl.VersionText);
            Assert.AreEqual("$lol", decl.SystemTask);
        public void ParseSimTime()
            ISimCmd[] expectedSimCmds = new ISimCmd[]
                new SimTime(0),
                new SimTime(53)

            string vcdString = @"
$enddefinitions $end
            VCD    vcd       = Parse.FromString(vcdString);

            TestTools.VerifySimCmds(expectedSimCmds, vcd.GetSimulationCommands().ToArray());
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the File parts
        /// </summary>
        private void Build()
            foreach (var commandset in CommandSets)

            if (!CommandSets.Any())
                throw new Exception("Voice Command Definitions require at least 1 Command Set");
            else if (CommandSets.Count > 15)
                throw new FieldOverflowException(CommandSets, "Voice Command Definitions can only have up to 15 Languages");
        public void ParseScopeOpen1Closed1()
            foreach (ScopeType scopeType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ScopeType)))
                string vcdString = @$ "
$scope {scopeType.ToString().ToLower()} lol $end
$upscope $end
$enddefinitions $end";
                VCD    vcd       = Parse.FromString(vcdString);

                Assert.AreEqual(2, vcd.Declarations.Count);
                Assert.IsTrue(vcd.Declarations[0] is Scope);
                Assert.IsTrue(vcd.Declarations[1] is UpScope);

                var decl = vcd.Declarations[0] as Scope;
                Assert.AreEqual(scopeType, decl.Type);
                Assert.AreEqual("lol", decl.Name);
Beispiel #12
        internal static void VerifyChiselTest(string moduleName, string extension)
            const string modulePath = "ChiselTests";

            CircuitGraph lowFirGraph = null;

            if (extension == "fir")
                string loFirPath = Path.Combine(modulePath, $"{moduleName}.lo.fir");
                lowFirGraph = VerifyCanCreateGraphFromFile(loFirPath);

            string       firPath = Path.Combine(modulePath, $"{moduleName}.{extension}");
            CircuitGraph graph   = VerifyCanCreateGraphFromFile(firPath, lowFirGraph);

            using VCD vcd = VCDReader.Parse.FromFile($"{modulePath}/{moduleName}.vcd");
            VCDTimeline timeline = new VCDTimeline(vcd);

            VerifyCircuitState(graph, timeline, isLoFIRRTL(extension), false);
Beispiel #13
        public VCDTimeline(VCD vcd)
            this.TimeScale = vcd.Time;

            var          simCommands = vcd.GetSimulationCommands();
            SimPass      firstCmd    = simCommands.First();
            CircuitState segmentStartState;

            if (firstCmd.SimCmd is DumpVars initDump)
                segmentStartState = new CircuitState(initDump);
                segmentStartState = new CircuitState(vcd.Variables.ToList());
                simCommands       = simCommands.Prepend(firstCmd);
            CircuitState followState = segmentStartState.Copy();

            ulong                  startTime            = 0;
            const int              maxChangesPerSegment = 100_000;
            List <BinaryVarValue>  binChanges           = new List <BinaryVarValue>(maxChangesPerSegment);
            List <TimeStepChanges> stepChanges          = new List <TimeStepChanges>();
            int currTimeStepStart  = 0;
            int currTimeStepLength = 0;

            foreach (var simCmd in simCommands)
                if (simCmd.SimCmd is SimTime time)
                    if (currTimeStepLength > 0)
                        TimeStepChanges timeStep = new TimeStepChanges(startTime, currTimeStepStart, currTimeStepLength);
                        currTimeStepStart += currTimeStepLength;
                        currTimeStepLength = 0;


                        //If segment is full then store the segment and
                        //prepare for the next segment
                        if (binChanges.Count > maxChangesPerSegment)
                            TimeSpan tSpan = new TimeSpan(stepChanges.First().Time, time.Time);
                            SegmentChanges.Add(new TimeSegmentChanges(tSpan, segmentStartState, binChanges.ToArray(), stepChanges));
                            currTimeStepStart  = 0;
                            currTimeStepLength = 0;

                            segmentStartState = followState;
                            followState       = segmentStartState.Copy();

                            stepChanges = new List <TimeStepChanges>();
                    startTime = time.Time;
                else if (simCmd.BinValue.HasValue)

            //Add last segment if it's not empty.
            //Segment isn't added by above loop if the vcd file doesn't
            //end with a simulation time command.
            if (currTimeStepLength > 0)
                stepChanges.Add(new TimeStepChanges(startTime, currTimeStepStart, currTimeStepLength));
            if (stepChanges.Count > 0)
                TimeSpan tSpan = new TimeSpan(stepChanges.First().Time, stepChanges.Last().Time + 1);
                SegmentChanges.Add(new TimeSegmentChanges(tSpan, segmentStartState, binChanges.ToArray(), stepChanges));

            this.TimeInterval = new TimeSpan(SegmentChanges.First().TimeInterval.StartInclusive, SegmentChanges.Last().TimeInterval.EndExclusive);
Beispiel #14
 private static VCDTimeline MakeTimeline(string moduleName, string modulePath)
     using VCD vcd = LoadVCD(moduleName, modulePath);
     return(new VCDTimeline(vcd));
Beispiel #15
 public override string ToString()
     Build(); return(VCD.ToString());
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves VCD to Storage File of your creation, ensure that it replaces itself
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="File">File to save to</param>
 public async Task SaveToFile(StorageFile File)
     Build(); using (var stream = await File.OpenStreamForWriteAsync()) { VCD.Save(stream); }