Beispiel #1
            protected TrainStateBase(IChannel ch, int numFeatures, LinearModelParameters predictor, OnlineLinearTrainer <TTransformer, TModel> parent)
                Contracts.CheckValue(ch, nameof(ch));
                ch.Check(numFeatures > 0, "Cannot train with zero features!");
                ch.Assert(Iteration == 0);
                ch.Assert(Bias == 0);

                ParentHost = parent.Host;

                ch.Trace("{0} Initializing {1} on {2} features", DateTime.UtcNow, parent.Name, numFeatures);

                // We want a dense vector, to prevent memory creation during training
                // unless we have a lot of features.
                if (predictor != null)
                    ((IHaveFeatureWeights)predictor).GetFeatureWeights(ref Weights);
                    VBufferUtils.Densify(ref Weights);
                    Bias = predictor.Bias;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parent.OnlineLinearTrainerOptions.InitialWeights))
                    ch.Info("Initializing weights and bias to " + parent.OnlineLinearTrainerOptions.InitialWeights);
                    string[] weightStr = parent.OnlineLinearTrainerOptions.InitialWeights.Split(',');
                    if (weightStr.Length != numFeatures + 1)
                        throw ch.Except(
                                  "Could not initialize weights from 'initialWeights': expecting {0} values to initialize {1} weights and the intercept",
                                  numFeatures + 1, numFeatures);

                    var weightValues = new float[numFeatures];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++)
                        weightValues[i] = float.Parse(weightStr[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    Weights = new VBuffer <float>(numFeatures, weightValues);
                    Bias    = float.Parse(weightStr[numFeatures], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                else if (parent.OnlineLinearTrainerOptions.InitialWeightsDiameter > 0)
                    var weightValues = new float[numFeatures];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++)
                        weightValues[i] = parent.OnlineLinearTrainerOptions.InitialWeightsDiameter * (parent.Host.Rand.NextSingle() - (float)0.5);
                    Weights = new VBuffer <float>(numFeatures, weightValues);
                    Bias    = parent.OnlineLinearTrainerOptions.InitialWeightsDiameter * (parent.Host.Rand.NextSingle() - (float)0.5);
                else if (numFeatures <= 1000)
                    Weights = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <float>(numFeatures);
                    Weights = VBufferUtils.CreateEmpty <float>(numFeatures);
                WeightsScale = 1;
 public Counters(int size)
     Contracts.Assert(size > 0);
     _size       = size;
     TotalL1Loss = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <Double>(size);
     TotalL2Loss = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <Double>(size);
     TotalLoss   = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <Double>(size);
        protected virtual void InitCore(IChannel ch, int numFeatures, LinearPredictor predictor)
            Contracts.Check(numFeatures > 0, "Can't train with zero features!");
            Contracts.Check(NumFeatures == 0, "Can't re-use trainer!");
            Contracts.Assert(Iteration == 0);
            Contracts.Assert(Bias == 0);

            ch.Trace("{0} Initializing {1} on {2} features", DateTime.UtcNow, Name, numFeatures);
            NumFeatures = numFeatures;

            // We want a dense vector, to prevent memory creation during training
            // unless we have a lot of features.
            // REVIEW: make a setting
            if (predictor != null)
                predictor.GetFeatureWeights(ref Weights);
                VBufferUtils.Densify(ref Weights);
                Bias = predictor.Bias;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Args.InitialWeights))
                ch.Info("Initializing weights and bias to " + Args.InitialWeights);
                string[] weightStr = Args.InitialWeights.Split(',');
                if (weightStr.Length != NumFeatures + 1)
                    throw Contracts.Except(
                              "Could not initialize weights from 'initialWeights': expecting {0} values to initialize {1} weights and the intercept",
                              NumFeatures + 1, NumFeatures);

                Weights = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <Float>(NumFeatures);
                for (int i = 0; i < NumFeatures; i++)
                    Weights.Values[i] = Float.Parse(weightStr[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                Bias = Float.Parse(weightStr[NumFeatures], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            else if (Args.InitWtsDiameter > 0)
                Weights = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <Float>(NumFeatures);
                for (int i = 0; i < NumFeatures; i++)
                    Weights.Values[i] = Args.InitWtsDiameter * (Host.Rand.NextSingle() - (Float)0.5);
                Bias = Args.InitWtsDiameter * (Host.Rand.NextSingle() - (Float)0.5);
            else if (NumFeatures <= 1000)
                Weights = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <Float>(NumFeatures);
                Weights = VBufferUtils.CreateEmpty <Float>(NumFeatures);
            WeightsScale = 1;
        private static VBuffer <Float>[] Zeros(int k, int d)
            var rv = new VBuffer <Float> [k];

            for (var i = 0; i < k; ++i)
                rv[i] = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <Float>(d);
        private OlsLinearRegressionPredictor TrainCore(IChannel ch, FloatLabelCursor.Factory cursorFactory, int featureCount)

            int m = featureCount + 1;

            // Check for memory conditions first.
            if ((long)m * (m + 1) / 2 > int.MaxValue)
                throw ch.Except("Cannot hold covariance matrix in memory with {0} features", m - 1);

            // Track the number of examples.
            long n = 0;
            // Since we are accumulating over many values, we use Double even for the single precision build.
            var xty = new Double[m];
            // The layout of this algorithm is a packed row-major lower triangular matrix.
            var xtx = new Double[m * (m + 1) / 2];

            // Build X'X (lower triangular) and X'y incrementally (X'X+=X'X_i; X'y+=X'y_i):
            using (var cursor = cursorFactory.Create())
                while (cursor.MoveNext())
                    var yi = cursor.Label;
                    // Increment first element of X'y
                    xty[0] += yi;
                    // Increment first element of lower triangular X'X
                    xtx[0] += 1;
                    var values = cursor.Features.GetValues();

                    if (cursor.Features.IsDense)
                        int ioff = 1;
                        ch.Assert(values.Length + 1 == m);
                        // Increment rest of first column of lower triangular X'X
                        for (int i = 1; i < m; i++)
                            ch.Assert(ioff == i * (i + 1) / 2);
                            var val = values[i - 1];
                            // Add the implicit first bias term to X'X
                            xtx[ioff++] += val;
                            // Add the remainder of X'X
                            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                                xtx[ioff++] += val * values[j];
                            // X'y
                            xty[i] += val * yi;
                        ch.Assert(ioff == xtx.Length);
                        var fIndices = cursor.Features.GetIndices();
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < values.Length; ++ii)
                            int i    = fIndices[ii] + 1;
                            int ioff = i * (i + 1) / 2;
                            var val  = values[ii];
                            // Add the implicit first bias term to X'X
                            xtx[ioff++] += val;
                            // Add the remainder of X'X
                            for (int jj = 0; jj <= ii; jj++)
                                xtx[ioff + fIndices[jj]] += val * values[jj];
                            // X'y
                            xty[i] += val * yi;
                ch.Check(n > 0, "No training examples in dataset.");
                if (cursor.BadFeaturesRowCount > 0)
                    ch.Warning("Skipped {0} instances with missing features/label during training", cursor.SkippedRowCount);

                if (_l2Weight > 0)
                    // Skip the bias term for regularization, in the ridge regression case.
                    // So start at [1,1] instead of [0,0].

                    // REVIEW: There are two ways to view this, firstly, it is more
                    // user friendly ot make this scaling factor behave similarly regardless
                    // of data size, so that if you have the same parameters, you get the same
                    // model if you feed in your data than if you duplicate your data 10 times.
                    // This is what I have now. The alternate point of view is to view this
                    // L2 regularization parameter as providing some sort of prior, in which
                    // case duplication 10 times should in fact be treated differently! (That
                    // is, we should not multiply by n below.) Both interpretations seem
                    // correct, in their way.
                    Double squared = _l2Weight * _l2Weight * n;
                    int    ioff    = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < m; ++i)
                        xtx[ioff += i + 1] += squared;
                    ch.Assert(ioff == xtx.Length - 1);

            if (!(_l2Weight > 0) && n < m)
                throw ch.Except("Ordinary least squares requires more examples than parameters. There are {0} parameters, but {1} examples. To enable training, use a positive L2 weight so this behaves as ridge regression.", m, n);

            Double yMean = n == 0 ? 0 : xty[0] / n;

            ch.Info("Trainer solving for {0} parameters across {1} examples", m, n);
            // Cholesky Decomposition of X'X into LL'
                Mkl.Pptrf(Mkl.Layout.RowMajor, Mkl.UpLo.Lo, m, xtx);
            catch (DllNotFoundException)
                // REVIEW: Is there no better way?
                throw ch.ExceptNotSupp("The MKL library (libMklImports) or one of its dependencies is missing.");
            // Solve for beta in (LL')beta = X'y:
            Mkl.Pptrs(Mkl.Layout.RowMajor, Mkl.UpLo.Lo, m, 1, xtx, xty, 1);
            // Note that the solver overwrote xty so it contains the solution. To be more clear,
            // we effectively change its name (through reassignment) so we don't get confused that
            // this is somehow xty in the remaining calculation.
            var beta = xty;

            xty = null;
            // Check that the solution is valid.
            for (int i = 0; i < beta.Length; ++i)
                ch.Check(FloatUtils.IsFinite(beta[i]), "Non-finite values detected in OLS solution");

            var weights = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <float>(beta.Length - 1);

            for (int i = 1; i < beta.Length; ++i)
                weights.Values[i - 1] = (float)beta[i];
            var bias = (float)beta[0];

            if (!(_l2Weight > 0) && m == n)
                // We would expect the solution to the problem to be exact in this case.
                ch.Info("Number of examples equals number of parameters, solution is exact but no statistics can be derived");
                return(new OlsLinearRegressionPredictor(Host, in weights, bias, null, null, null, 1, float.NaN));

            Double rss = 0; // residual sum of squares
            Double tss = 0; // total sum of squares

            using (var cursor = cursorFactory.Create())
                var   lrPredictor = new LinearRegressionPredictor(Host, in weights, bias);
                var   lrMap       = lrPredictor.GetMapper <VBuffer <float>, float>();
                float yh          = default;
                while (cursor.MoveNext())
                    var features = cursor.Features;
                    lrMap(in features, ref yh);
                    var e = cursor.Label - yh;
                    rss += e * e;
                    var ydm = cursor.Label - yMean;
                    tss += ydm * ydm;
            var rSquared = ProbClamp(1 - (rss / tss));
            // R^2 adjusted differs from the normal formula on account of the bias term, by Said's reckoning.
            double rSquaredAdjusted;

            if (n > m)
                rSquaredAdjusted = ProbClamp(1 - (1 - rSquared) * (n - 1) / (n - m));
                ch.Info("Coefficient of determination R2 = {0:g}, or {1:g} (adjusted)",
                        rSquared, rSquaredAdjusted);
                rSquaredAdjusted = Double.NaN;

            // The per parameter significance is compute intensive and may not be required for all practitioners.
            // Also we can't estimate it, unless we can estimate the variance, which requires more examples than
            // parameters.
            if (!_perParameterSignificance || m >= n)
                return(new OlsLinearRegressionPredictor(Host, in weights, bias, null, null, null, rSquared, rSquaredAdjusted));

            var standardErrors = new Double[m];
            var tValues        = new Double[m];
            var pValues        = new Double[m];

            // Invert X'X:
            Mkl.Pptri(Mkl.Layout.RowMajor, Mkl.UpLo.Lo, m, xtx);
            var s2 = rss / (n - m); // estimate of variance of y

            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                // Initialize with inverse Hessian.
                standardErrors[i] = (Single)xtx[i * (i + 1) / 2 + i];

            if (_l2Weight > 0)
                // Iterate through all entries of inverse Hessian to make adjustment to variance.
                int   ioffset = 1;
                float reg     = _l2Weight * _l2Weight * n;
                for (int iRow = 1; iRow < m; iRow++)
                    for (int iCol = 0; iCol <= iRow; iCol++)
                        var entry      = (Single)xtx[ioffset];
                        var adjustment = -reg * entry * entry;
                        standardErrors[iRow] -= adjustment;
                        if (0 < iCol && iCol < iRow)
                            standardErrors[iCol] -= adjustment;

                Contracts.Assert(ioffset == xtx.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                // sqrt of diagonal entries of s2 * inverse(X'X + reg * I) * X'X * inverse(X'X + reg * I).
                standardErrors[i] = Math.Sqrt(s2 * standardErrors[i]);
                ch.Check(FloatUtils.IsFinite(standardErrors[i]), "Non-finite standard error detected from OLS solution");
                tValues[i] = beta[i] / standardErrors[i];
                pValues[i] = (float)MathUtils.TStatisticToPValue(tValues[i], n - m);
                ch.Check(0 <= pValues[i] && pValues[i] <= 1, "p-Value calculated outside expected [0,1] range");

            return(new OlsLinearRegressionPredictor(Host, in weights, bias, standardErrors, tValues, pValues, rSquared, rSquaredAdjusted));
        private TPredictor TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, LinearModelParameters predictor, int weightSetCount)
            int numFeatures   = data.Schema.Feature.Value.Type.GetVectorSize();
            var cursorFactory = new FloatLabelCursor.Factory(data, CursOpt.Label | CursOpt.Features);
            int numThreads    = 1;

            ch.CheckUserArg(numThreads > 0, nameof(_options.NumberOfThreads),
                            "The number of threads must be either null or a positive integer.");

            var             positiveInstanceWeight = _options.PositiveInstanceWeight;
            VBuffer <float> weights = default;
            float           bias    = 0.0f;

            if (predictor != null)
                predictor.GetFeatureWeights(ref weights);
                VBufferUtils.Densify(ref weights);
                bias = predictor.Bias;
                weights = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <float>(numFeatures);

            var weightsEditor = VBufferEditor.CreateFromBuffer(ref weights);

            // Reference: Parasail. SymSGD.
            bool tuneLR = _options.LearningRate == null;
            var  lr     = _options.LearningRate ?? 1.0f;

            bool tuneNumLocIter = (_options.UpdateFrequency == null);
            var  numLocIter     = _options.UpdateFrequency ?? 1;

            var l2Const = _options.L2Regularization;
            var piw     = _options.PositiveInstanceWeight;

            // This is state of the learner that is shared with the native code.
            State    state         = new State();
            GCHandle stateGCHandle = default;

                stateGCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(state, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                state.TotalInstancesProcessed = 0;
                using (InputDataManager inputDataManager = new InputDataManager(this, cursorFactory, ch))
                    bool shouldInitialize = true;
                    using (var pch = Host.StartProgressChannel("Preprocessing"))

                    int iter = 0;
                    if (inputDataManager.IsFullyLoaded)
                        ch.Info("Data fully loaded into memory.");
                    using (var pch = Host.StartProgressChannel("Training"))
                        if (inputDataManager.IsFullyLoaded)
                            pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader(new[] { "iterations" }),
                                          entry => entry.SetProgress(0, state.PassIteration, _options.NumberOfIterations));
                            // If fully loaded, call the SymSGDNative and do not come back until learned for all iterations.
                            Native.LearnAll(inputDataManager, tuneLR, ref lr, l2Const, piw, weightsEditor.Values, ref bias, numFeatures,
                                            _options.NumberOfIterations, numThreads, tuneNumLocIter, ref numLocIter, _options.Tolerance, _options.Shuffle, shouldInitialize,
                                            stateGCHandle, ch.Info);
                            shouldInitialize = false;
                            pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader(new[] { "iterations" }),
                                          entry => entry.SetProgress(0, iter, _options.NumberOfIterations));

                            // Since we loaded data in batch sizes, multiple passes over the loaded data is feasible.
                            int numPassesForABatch = inputDataManager.Count / 10000;
                            while (iter < _options.NumberOfIterations)
                                // We want to train on the final passes thoroughly (without learning on the same batch multiple times)
                                // This is for fine tuning the AUC. Experimentally, we found that 1 or 2 passes is enough
                                int numFinalPassesToTrainThoroughly = 2;
                                // We also do not want to learn for more passes than what the user asked
                                int numPassesForThisBatch = Math.Min(numPassesForABatch, _options.NumberOfIterations - iter - numFinalPassesToTrainThoroughly);
                                // If all of this leaves us with 0 passes, then set numPassesForThisBatch to 1
                                numPassesForThisBatch = Math.Max(1, numPassesForThisBatch);
                                state.PassIteration   = iter;
                                Native.LearnAll(inputDataManager, tuneLR, ref lr, l2Const, piw, weightsEditor.Values, ref bias, numFeatures,
                                                numPassesForThisBatch, numThreads, tuneNumLocIter, ref numLocIter, _options.Tolerance, _options.Shuffle, shouldInitialize,
                                                stateGCHandle, ch.Info);
                                shouldInitialize = false;

                                // Check if we are done with going through the data
                                if (inputDataManager.FinishedTheLoad)
                                    iter += numPassesForThisBatch;
                                    // Check if more passes are left
                                    if (iter < _options.NumberOfIterations)
                                        inputDataManager.RestartLoading(_options.Shuffle, Host);

                                // If more passes are left, load as much as possible
                                if (iter < _options.NumberOfIterations)

                        // Maps back the dense features that are mislocated
                        if (numThreads > 1)
                            Native.MapBackWeightVector(weightsEditor.Values, stateGCHandle);
                if (stateGCHandle.IsAllocated)
            return(CreatePredictor(weights, bias));
        private PcaPredictor TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, int dimension)

            if (_rank > dimension)
                throw ch.Except("Rank ({0}) cannot be larger than the original dimension ({1})", _rank, dimension);
            int oversampledRank = Math.Min(_rank + _oversampling, dimension);

            //exact: (size of the 2 big matrices + other minor allocations) / (2^30)
            Double memoryUsageEstimate = 2.0 * dimension * oversampledRank * sizeof(Float) / 1e9;

            if (memoryUsageEstimate > 2)
                ch.Info("Estimate memory usage: {0:G2} GB. If running out of memory, reduce rank and oversampling factor.", memoryUsageEstimate);

            var y    = Zeros(oversampledRank, dimension);
            var mean = _center ? VBufferUtils.CreateDense <Float>(dimension) : VBufferUtils.CreateEmpty <Float>(dimension);

            var omega = GaussianMatrix(oversampledRank, dimension, _seed);

            var  cursorFactory = new FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory(data, CursOpt.Features | CursOpt.Weight);
            long numBad;

            Project(Host, cursorFactory, ref mean, omega, y, out numBad);
            if (numBad > 0)
                ch.Warning("Skipped {0} instances with missing features/weights during training", numBad);

            //Orthonormalize Y in-place using stabilized Gram Schmidt algorithm.
            for (var i = 0; i < oversampledRank; ++i)
                var v = y[i];
                VectorUtils.ScaleBy(ref v, 1 / VectorUtils.Norm(y[i]));

                // Make the next vectors in the queue orthogonal to the orthonormalized vectors.
                for (var j = i + 1; j < oversampledRank; ++j) //subtract the projection of y[j] on v.
                    VectorUtils.AddMult(ref v, -VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref v, ref y[j]), ref y[j]);
            var q = y;     // q in QR decomposition.

            var b = omega; // reuse the memory allocated by Omega.

            Project(Host, cursorFactory, ref mean, q, b, out numBad);

            //Compute B2 = B' * B
            var b2 = new Float[oversampledRank * oversampledRank];

            for (var i = 0; i < oversampledRank; ++i)
                for (var j = i; j < oversampledRank; ++j)
                    b2[i * oversampledRank + j] = b2[j * oversampledRank + i] = VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref b[i], ref b[j]);

            Float[] smallEigenvalues;// eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the small matrix B2.
            Float[] smallEigenvectors;
            EigenUtils.EigenDecomposition(b2, out smallEigenvalues, out smallEigenvectors);
            PostProcess(b, smallEigenvalues, smallEigenvectors, dimension, oversampledRank);

            return(new PcaPredictor(Host, _rank, b, ref mean));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize weights by running SGD up to specified tolerance.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual VBuffer <float> InitializeWeightsSgd(IChannel ch, FloatLabelCursor.Factory cursorFactory)
            if (!Quiet)
                ch.Info("Running SGD initialization with tolerance {0}", SgdInitializationTolerance);

            int        numExamples  = 0;
            var        oldWeights   = VBufferUtils.CreateEmpty <float>(BiasCount + WeightCount);
            DTerminate terminateSgd =
                (in VBuffer <float> x) =>
                if (++numExamples % 1000 != 0)
                VectorUtils.AddMult(in x, -1, ref oldWeights);
                float normDiff = VectorUtils.Norm(oldWeights);
                x.CopyTo(ref oldWeights);
                // #if OLD_TRACING // REVIEW: How should this be ported?
                if (!Quiet)
                    if (numExamples % 50000 == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("\t{0}\t{1}", numExamples, normDiff);
                // #endif
                return(normDiff < SgdInitializationTolerance);

            VBuffer <float>  result = default(VBuffer <float>);
            FloatLabelCursor cursor = null;

                float[] scratch = null;

                SgdOptimizer.DStochasticGradient lossSgd =
                    (in VBuffer <float> x, ref VBuffer <float> grad) =>
                    // Zero out the gradient by sparsifying.
                    grad = new VBuffer <float>(grad.Length, 0, grad.Values, grad.Indices);
                    EnsureBiases(ref grad);

                    if (cursor == null || !cursor.MoveNext())
                        if (cursor != null)
                        cursor = cursorFactory.Create();
                        if (!cursor.MoveNext())
                    AccumulateOneGradient(in cursor.Features, cursor.Label, cursor.Weight, in x, ref grad, ref scratch);

                VBuffer <float> sgdWeights;
                if (DenseOptimizer)
                    sgdWeights = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <float>(BiasCount + WeightCount);
                    sgdWeights = VBufferUtils.CreateEmpty <float>(BiasCount + WeightCount);
                SgdOptimizer sgdo = new SgdOptimizer(terminateSgd);
                sgdo.Minimize(lossSgd, ref sgdWeights, ref result);
                // #if OLD_TRACING // REVIEW: How should this be ported?
                if (!Quiet)
                // #endif
                ch.Info("SGD initialization done in {0} rounds", numExamples);
                if (cursor != null)

Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Convenience function to construct a working vector of length <c>Dim</c>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected VBuffer <Float> CreateWorkingVector()
     // Owing to the way the operations are structured, if the "x", "newX", and "dir" vectors
     // start out (or somehow naturally become) dense, they will remain dense.
     return(_keepDense ? VBufferUtils.CreateDense <Float>(Dim) : VBufferUtils.CreateEmpty <Float>(Dim));
        public override Delegate[] CreateGetters(IRow input, Func <int, bool> activeCols, out Action disposer)
            Host.Assert(LabelIndex >= 0);
            Host.Assert(ScoreIndex >= 0);

            disposer = null;

            long  cachedPosition = -1;
            Float label          = 0;
            var   score          = default(VBuffer <Float>);
            var   l1             = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <Double>(_scoreSize);

            ValueGetter <Float> nanGetter = (ref Float value) => value = Single.NaN;
            var labelGetter = activeCols(L1Col) || activeCols(L2Col) ? RowCursorUtils.GetLabelGetter(input, LabelIndex) : nanGetter;
            ValueGetter <VBuffer <Float> > scoreGetter;

            if (activeCols(L1Col) || activeCols(L2Col))
                scoreGetter = input.GetGetter <VBuffer <Float> >(ScoreIndex);
                scoreGetter = (ref VBuffer <Float> dst) => dst = default(VBuffer <Float>);
            Action updateCacheIfNeeded =
                () =>
                if (cachedPosition != input.Position)
                    labelGetter(ref label);
                    scoreGetter(ref score);
                    var lab = (Double)label;
                    foreach (var s in score.Items(all: true))
                        l1.Values[s.Key] = Math.Abs(lab - s.Value);
                    cachedPosition = input.Position;

            var getters = new Delegate[2];

            if (activeCols(L1Col))
                ValueGetter <VBuffer <Double> > l1Fn =
                    (ref VBuffer <Double> dst) =>
                    l1.CopyTo(ref dst);
                getters[L1Col] = l1Fn;
            if (activeCols(L2Col))
                VBufferUtils.PairManipulator <Double, Double> sqr =
                    (int slot, Double x, ref Double y) => y = x * x;

                ValueGetter <VBuffer <Double> > l2Fn =
                    (ref VBuffer <Double> dst) =>
                    dst = new VBuffer <Double>(_scoreSize, 0, dst.Values, dst.Indices);
                    VBufferUtils.ApplyWith(ref l1, ref dst, sqr);
                getters[L2Col] = l2Fn;
 protected override VBuffer <Double> Zero()
     return(VBufferUtils.CreateDense <Double>(_size));