static public void NewColor(VBox pg, string name) { var tbox = new HBox(); var tp = new Label("color"); tp.SetSizeRequest(200, 25); tp.SetAlignment(0, 0); var nm = new Label(name.Replace("_", "__")); nm.SetSizeRequest(400, 25); nm.SetAlignment(0, 0); #if RottenBackGround tp.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(125, 18, 0)); nm.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(18, 125, 0)); #else tp.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(255, 180, 0)); nm.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(180, 255, 0)); #endif tbox.Add(tp); tbox.Add(nm); var colbox = new HBox(); colbox.SetSizeRequest(400, 25); var r = new Entry("0"); r.SetSizeRequest(75, 25); var g = new Entry("0"); g.SetSizeRequest(75, 25); var b = new Entry("0"); b.SetSizeRequest(75, 25); var but = new Button("Pick"); but.SetSizeRequest(100, 25); MainClass.Colors[name] = new MyColor(nm, r, g, b); objlink[r] = name; objlink[g] = name; objlink[b] = name; objlink[but] = name; r.Changed += OnColor; g.Changed += OnColor; b.Changed += OnColor; MyDataBase.fields[name] = "color"; MyDataBase.defaults[name] = "255;255;255"; colbox.Add(new Label("R")); colbox.Add(r); r.ModifyBase(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0x0f, 0x00, 0x00)); r.ModifyText(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0xff, 0x00, 0x00)); colbox.Add(new Label("G")); colbox.Add(g); g.ModifyBase(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0x00, 0x0f, 0x00)); g.ModifyText(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0x00, 0xff, 0x00)); colbox.Add(new Label("B")); colbox.Add(b); b.ModifyBase(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0x00, 0x0f, 0x00)); b.ModifyText(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(0x00, 0x00, 0xff)); colbox.Add(but); but.Clicked += PickColor; tbox.Add(colbox); pg.Add(tbox); }
private void BuildDatePickerWindow() { Title = "DatePicker"; TypeHint = Gdk.WindowTypeHint.Desktop; WindowPosition = WindowPosition.Mouse; BorderWidth = 1; Resizable = false; AllowGrow = false; Decorated = false; DestroyWithParent = true; SkipPagerHint = true; SkipTaskbarHint = true; _datebox = new VBox(); _datebox.Spacing = 6; _datebox.BorderWidth = 3; _calendar = new RangeCalendar(); _calendar.CanFocus = true; _calendar.DisplayOptions = CalendarDisplayOptions.ShowHeading; _datebox.Add(_calendar); Box.BoxChild dateBoxChild = ((Box.BoxChild)(_datebox[_calendar])); dateBoxChild.Position = 0; Add(_datebox); if ((Child != null)) { Child.ShowAll(); } Show(); ButtonPressEvent += new ButtonPressEventHandler(OnButtonPressEvent); _calendar.ButtonPressEvent += new ButtonPressEventHandler(OnCalendarButtonPressEvent); _calendar.DaySelected += new EventHandler(OnCalendarDaySelected); _calendar.DaySelectedDoubleClick += new EventHandler(OnCalendarDaySelectedDoubleClick); }
public Panel(VBox vBox) { Table table = new Table(9, 10, true); int index = 0; for (int row = 0; row < 9; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 10; col++) { index++; Button button = new Button(); table.Attach(button, (uint)col, (uint)col + 1, (uint)row, (uint)row + 1); //button.Label = ("Botón " + index.ToString()); button.Label = index.ToString();//insertar número en los botones //button.Clicked += delegate { //button.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(100, 200, 250)); //}; } } vBox.Add(table); table.ShowAll(); }
public Panel(VBox vbox1) { Table table = new Table(10, 9, true); int index = 0; for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (int colum = 0; colum < colums; colum++) { index++; Button button = new Button(); table.Attach(button, (uint)colum, (uint)colum + 1, (uint)row, (uint)row + 1); //button.Label = "Button"; buttons.Add(button); button.Label = index.ToString(); //button.Clicked += delegate } } //button.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(100, 250, 250)); vbox1.Add(table); table.ShowAll(); }
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming void InitializeComponents() { Stream stream = Assembly .GetExecutingAssembly() .GetManifestResourceStream(AppController.Instance.Config.DrawingAreaWindow); var glade = new Glade.XML(stream, AppController.Instance.Config.DrawingAreaWindowName, null); if (stream != null) { stream.Close(); } glade.Autoconnect(this); //todo: add icon //this.IconList = new Pixbuf[]{ new Pixbuf(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "LadderLogic.bmp")}; //this.Icon = this.IconList[0]; var drw = new ElementDrawing(DrawingAreaController.Instance.Surface, 2, 2); vbox1.Add(drw); drw.Show(); }
public Panel(VBox vBox) { int index = 0; Table table = new Table(3, 3, true); for (uint row = 0; row < 3; row++) { for (uint col = 0; col < 3; col++) { index++; Button button = new Button(); table.Attach(button, col, col + 1, row, row + 1); button.Label = "Button " + index.ToString(); button.Clicked += delegate { button.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(100, 200, 250)); }; } } vBox.Add(table); table.ShowAll(); }
public Panel(VBox vbox1) { Table table = new Table(3, 3, true); int index = 0; for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) { for (int colum = 0; colum < 3; colum++) { index++; Button button = new Button(); table.Attach(button, (uint)colum, (uint)colum + 1, (uint)row, (uint)row + 1); //button.Label = "Button"; button.Label = "BUTTON " + index.ToString(); button.Clicked += delegate { button.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(150, 148, 250)); }; } } vbox1.Add(table); table.ShowAll(); }
public ExceptionCaughtDialog(ExceptionInfo val, ExceptionCaughtMessage msg) { Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Exception Caught"); ex = val; widget = new ExceptionCaughtWidget(val); this.msg = msg; VBox box = new VBox(); box.Spacing = 6; box.PackStart(widget, true, true, 0); HButtonBox buttonBox = new HButtonBox(); buttonBox.Layout = ButtonBoxStyle.End; buttonBox.BorderWidth = 6; buttonBox.Spacing = 12; var copy = new Gtk.Button(GettextCatalog.GetString("Copy")); buttonBox.PackStart(copy, false, false, 0); copy.Clicked += HandleCopyClicked; var close = new Gtk.Button(GettextCatalog.GetString("Close")); buttonBox.PackStart(close, false, false, 0); close.Clicked += (sender, e) => msg.Close(); close.Activated += (sender, e) => msg.Close(); box.PackStart(buttonBox, false, false, 0); VBox.Add(box); DefaultWidth = 500; DefaultHeight = 350; box.ShowAll(); ActionArea.Hide(); }
private Widget CreateCatList() { var scroll = new ScrolledWindow(); var box = new VBox(); scroll.Add(box); var tb = new Toolbar(); tb.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; tb.ToolbarStyle = ToolbarStyle.BothHoriz; tb.ShowArrow = false; box.Add(tb); allButton = createCatButton(TLauncherIndex.Current.catHash["All"]); tb.Add(allButton); tb.Add(new SeparatorToolItem()); foreach (var entry in TLauncherIndex.Current.Categories) { if (!entry.meta) { tb.Add(createCatButton(entry)); } } var noneButton = createCatButton(TLauncherIndex.Current.catHash["None"]); tb.Add(noneButton); var frame = new Frame(); frame.Add(scroll); return(frame); }
public void AddCodeTab(string filePath) { // put textview in vbox with 1 spacing so that the path of the // opened file can be stored as the name of the vbox VBox container = new VBox(); container.Name = filePath; container.Spacing = 1; TextView text = new TextView(); text.Buffer.Text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filePath); container.Add(text); Label label = new Label(); label.Text = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath); views.AppendPage(container, label); views.SetTabDetachable(container, true); views.ShowAll(); }
public MemberListWindow(string title, Gtk.Window parent, DialogFlags flags, IUnresolvedEntity selectedEntry, params object[] button_data) : base(title, parent, flags, button_data) { if (IdeApp.Workbench == null) { return; } SelectedEntity = selectedEntry; _searchView = new Gtk.Entry(""); _searchView.SetSizeRequest(500, 40); _searchView.Changed += _searchView_Changed; _searchView.KeyReleaseEvent += HandleSearchViewKeyReleaseEvent; _searchView.KeyPressEvent += HandleKeyPressEvent; _searchView.FocusOutEvent += HandleFocusOutEvent; VBox.Add(_searchView); CreateTree(); _scrolledWindow = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); _scrolledWindow.SetSizeRequest(500, 600); _scrolledWindow.Add(_treeView); VBox.Add(_scrolledWindow); MemberExtensionsHelper.Instance.IsDirty = true; UpdateMembers(); var editor = IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument.Editor; var visualInsertLocation = editor.LogicalToVisualLocation(editor.Caret.Location); var targetView = IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow; this.SetSizeRequest(500, 700); CanFocus = true; _searchView.CanFocus = true; _searchView.IsEditable = true; _searchView.GrabFocus(); ShowAll(); }
private void Build() { var mainVbox = new VBox(false, 0); var mainHbox = new HBox(true, 5); var leftVox = new VBox(true, 5); this.calendarComponent = new Components.Calendar(); this.dayContentComponent = new Components.DayContent(); this.monthContentComponent = new Components.MonthContent(); this.toolbarComponent = new Components.Toolbar(); this.toolbarComponent.NewNoteClicked += this.OnNewNoteClicked; this.toolbarComponent.NewExerciseClicked += this.OnNewExerciseClicked; this.toolbarComponent.NewMeasureClicked += this.OnNewMeasureClicked; this.calendarComponent.DaySelected += OnDaySelected; //left-top leftVox.PackStart(this.calendarComponent, true, true, 5); //left-bottom leftVox.PackStart(this.dayContentComponent, true, true, 5); //left mainHbox.PackStart(leftVox, true, true, 5); //right mainHbox.PackStart(this.monthContentComponent, true, true, 5); mainVbox.PackStart(this.toolbarComponent, false, false, 0); mainVbox.Add(mainHbox); this.Add(mainVbox); this.OnViewBuilt(); }
private void ShowPath(string wayTitle, string stopTitle, string arriveTime, double position) { var title_label = new Label(); title_label.Name = "title_label"; title_label.LabelProp = wayTitle; var title_stop_label = new Label(); title_stop_label.Name = "title_stop_label"; title_stop_label.LabelProp = stopTitle; var time_stop_label = new Label(); time_stop_label.Name = "time_stop_label"; time_stop_label.LabelProp = arriveTime; var time_position_label = new Label(); time_position_label.Name = "time_stop_label"; time_position_label.LabelProp = position.ToString(); var hbox = new HBox(); hbox.Add(title_label); hbox.Add(title_stop_label); hbox.Add(time_stop_label); hbox.Add(time_position_label); var vbox = new VBox(); vbox.Add(hbox); _control_container.Add(vbox); path_main_container.Add(vbox); }
public static VBox StatistikaTip(List <AktivnostKorisnika> listak, string tip) { var items = new List <ColumnItem>(); var kat = new List <string>(); var list = listak; foreach (var x in list) { var b = new ColumnItem(x.Potrosnja); items.Add(b); kat.Add(x.Tip); } if (list.Count > 1) { int i = 0; var listaBoja = OxyPalettes.Jet(list.Count).Colors; foreach (ColumnItem cI in items) { cI.Color = listaBoja[i]; i++; } } var barSeries = new ColumnSeries { ItemsSource = items, LabelPlacement = LabelPlacement.Base, LabelFormatString = "{0:,00} kcal" }; var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Statistika za tip aktivnosti: " + tip }; model.Series.Add(barSeries); model.Axes.Add(new CategoryAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, Key = "Tip aktivnosti", ItemsSource = kat }); model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Left, Minimum = 0 }); model.PlotAreaBackground = OxyColors.AliceBlue; var pv = new PlotView(); pv.Model = model; var v = new VBox(); v.Add(pv); return(v); }
private void Build() { this.titleLabel = new Label(""); var fontDescription = new Pango.FontDescription(); fontDescription.Size = Convert.ToInt32(17 * Pango.Scale.PangoScale); this.titleLabel.ModifyFont(fontDescription); this.PackStart(this.titleLabel, false, true, 10); this.monthNotesComponent = new MonthNotes(); this.monthExercisesComponent = new MonthExercises(); this.monthMeasuresComponent = new MonthMeasures(); this.monthExercisesComponentG = new MonthExercisesGraph(); this.monthMeasuresComponentG = new MonthMeasuresGraph(); var nbLibro = new Gtk.Notebook(); var nbEjercicio = new Gtk.Notebook(); var nbMedidas = new Gtk.Notebook(); nbEjercicio.AppendPage( this.monthExercisesComponent, new Gtk.Label("List") ); nbEjercicio.AppendPage( this.monthExercisesComponentG, new Gtk.Label("Graphic") ); nbMedidas.AppendPage( this.monthMeasuresComponent, new Gtk.Label("List") ); nbMedidas.AppendPage( this.monthMeasuresComponentG, new Gtk.Label("Graphic") ); nbLibro.AppendPage( this.monthNotesComponent, new Gtk.Label("Notes") ); VBox ex = new VBox(); ex.Add(nbEjercicio); nbLibro.AppendPage( ex, new Gtk.Label("Exercises") ); VBox ey = new VBox(); ey.Add(nbMedidas); nbLibro.AppendPage( ey, new Gtk.Label("Measures") ); this.Add(nbLibro); //Update state and render this.OnViewBuilt(); }
private void BuildWindow() { this.Resizable = false; BorderWidth = 6; VBox.Spacing = 12; ActionArea.Layout = Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle.End; HBox box = new HBox(); box.BorderWidth = 6; box.Spacing = 12; Image image = new Image(PodcastPixbufs.PodcastIcon48); image.Yalign = 0.0f; box.PackStart(image, false, true, 0); VBox content_box = new VBox(); content_box.Spacing = 12; Label header = new Label(); header.Markup = "<big><b>" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText(Catalog.GetString( "Subscribe to New Podcast Feed")) + "</b></big>"; header.Justify = Justification.Left; header.SetAlignment(0.0f, 0.0f); Label message = new Label(Catalog.GetString( "Please enter the URL of the podcast you wish to subscribe to")); message.Wrap = true; message.Justify = Justification.Left; message.SetAlignment(0.0f, 0.0f); Expander advanced_expander = new Expander("Advanced"); VBox expander_children = new VBox(); expander_children.BorderWidth = 6; expander_children.Spacing = 6; Label sync_text = new Label(Catalog.GetString( "When new episodes are available: ")); sync_text.SetAlignment(0.0f, 0.0f); sync_text.Justify = Justification.Left; sync_combo = new SyncPreferenceComboBox(); expander_children.PackStart(sync_text); expander_children.PackStart(sync_combo); advanced_expander.Add(expander_children); url_entry = new Entry(); url_entry.ActivatesDefault = true; Table table = new Table(1, 2, false); table.RowSpacing = 6; table.ColumnSpacing = 12; table.Attach(new Label(Catalog.GetString("URL:")), 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); table.Attach(url_entry, 1, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); table.Attach(advanced_expander, 0, 2, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); content_box.PackStart(header, false, true, 0); content_box.PackStart(message, false, true, 0); content_box.PackStart(table, false, true, 0); box.PackStart(content_box, false, true, 0); AddButton(Gtk.Stock.Cancel, Gtk.ResponseType.Cancel, false); AddButton(Catalog.GetString("Subscribe"), ResponseType.Ok, true); box.ShowAll(); VBox.Add(box); }
protected virtual void Build() { Gui.Initialize((Widget)this); this.HeightRequest = 175; this.Name = "CocoStudio.ControlLib.Windows.LoginDialog"; this.WindowPosition = WindowPosition.CenterOnParent; VBox vbox = this.VBox; vbox.Name = "dialog1_VBox"; vbox.BorderWidth = 2U; this.evtbx_border = new EventBox(); this.evtbx_border.Name = "evtbx_border"; this.evtbx_border.BorderWidth = 10U; this.table_main = new Table(4U, 2U, false); this.table_main.Name = "table_main"; this.table_main.RowSpacing = 6U; this.table_main.ColumnSpacing = 6U; this.hbox_firstRow = new HBox(); this.hbox_firstRow.Name = "hbox_firstRow"; this.hbox_firstRow.Spacing = 6; this.entry_Name = new Entry(); this.entry_Name.WidthRequest = 250; this.entry_Name.CanFocus = true; this.entry_Name.Name = "entry_Name"; this.entry_Name.IsEditable = true; this.entry_Name.InvisibleChar = '●'; this.hbox_firstRow.Add((Widget)this.entry_Name); Box.BoxChild boxChild1 = (Box.BoxChild) this.hbox_firstRow[(Widget)this.entry_Name]; boxChild1.Position = 0; boxChild1.Expand = false; this.link_RegisterAccount = new LabelLink((string)null); this.link_RegisterAccount.Events = EventMask.ButtonPressMask; this.link_RegisterAccount.Name = "link_RegisterAccount"; this.hbox_firstRow.Add((Widget)this.link_RegisterAccount); Box.BoxChild boxChild2 = (Box.BoxChild) this.hbox_firstRow[(Widget)this.link_RegisterAccount]; boxChild2.Position = 1; boxChild2.Expand = false; boxChild2.Fill = false; this.table_main.Add((Widget)this.hbox_firstRow); Table.TableChild tableChild1 = (Table.TableChild) this.table_main[(Widget)this.hbox_firstRow]; tableChild1.LeftAttach = 1U; tableChild1.RightAttach = 2U; tableChild1.XOptions = AttachOptions.Fill; tableChild1.YOptions = AttachOptions.Fill; this.hbox_fourthRow = new HBox(); this.hbox_fourthRow.Name = "hbox_fourthRow"; this.hbox_fourthRow.Spacing = 6; this.label_remark = new Label(); this.label_remark.Name = "label_remark"; this.label_remark.LabelProp = Catalog.GetString("(请使用CocoaChina账号登陆)"); this.hbox_fourthRow.Add((Widget)this.label_remark); Box.BoxChild boxChild3 = (Box.BoxChild) this.hbox_fourthRow[(Widget)this.label_remark]; boxChild3.Position = 0; boxChild3.Expand = false; boxChild3.Fill = false; this.table_main.Add((Widget)this.hbox_fourthRow); Table.TableChild tableChild2 = (Table.TableChild) this.table_main[(Widget)this.hbox_fourthRow]; tableChild2.TopAttach = 3U; tableChild2.BottomAttach = 4U; tableChild2.LeftAttach = 1U; tableChild2.RightAttach = 2U; tableChild2.XOptions = AttachOptions.Fill; tableChild2.YOptions = AttachOptions.Fill; this.hbox_secondRow = new HBox(); this.hbox_secondRow.Name = "hbox_secondRow"; this.hbox_secondRow.Spacing = 6; this.entry_PassWord = new PassWordEntry(); this.entry_PassWord.CanFocus = true; this.entry_PassWord.Name = "entry_PassWord"; this.entry_PassWord.IsEditable = true; this.entry_PassWord.InvisibleChar = '●'; this.hbox_secondRow.Add((Widget)this.entry_PassWord); ((Box.BoxChild) this.hbox_secondRow[(Widget)this.entry_PassWord]).Position = 0; this.link_ForgotPassword = new LabelLink((string)null); this.link_ForgotPassword.Events = EventMask.ButtonPressMask; this.link_ForgotPassword.Name = "link_ForgotPassword"; this.hbox_secondRow.Add((Widget)this.link_ForgotPassword); Box.BoxChild boxChild4 = (Box.BoxChild) this.hbox_secondRow[(Widget)this.link_ForgotPassword]; boxChild4.Position = 1; boxChild4.Expand = false; boxChild4.Fill = false; this.table_main.Add((Widget)this.hbox_secondRow); Table.TableChild tableChild3 = (Table.TableChild) this.table_main[(Widget)this.hbox_secondRow]; tableChild3.TopAttach = 1U; tableChild3.BottomAttach = 2U; tableChild3.LeftAttach = 1U; tableChild3.RightAttach = 2U; tableChild3.XOptions = AttachOptions.Fill; tableChild3.YOptions = AttachOptions.Fill; this.hbox_thirdRow = new HBox(); this.hbox_thirdRow.Name = "hbox_thirdRow"; this.hbox_thirdRow.Spacing = 6; this.checkbutton_password = new CheckButton(); this.checkbutton_password.CanFocus = true; this.checkbutton_password.Name = "checkbutton_password"; this.checkbutton_password.Label = Catalog.GetString("记住密码"); this.checkbutton_password.DrawIndicator = true; this.checkbutton_password.UseUnderline = true; this.hbox_thirdRow.Add((Widget)this.checkbutton_password); Box.BoxChild boxChild5 = (Box.BoxChild) this.hbox_thirdRow[(Widget)this.checkbutton_password]; boxChild5.Position = 0; boxChild5.Expand = false; this.checkbutton_AutoLogin = new CheckButton(); this.checkbutton_AutoLogin.CanFocus = true; this.checkbutton_AutoLogin.Name = "checkbutton_AutoLogin"; this.checkbutton_AutoLogin.Label = Catalog.GetString("自动登陆"); this.checkbutton_AutoLogin.DrawIndicator = true; this.checkbutton_AutoLogin.UseUnderline = true; this.hbox_thirdRow.Add((Widget)this.checkbutton_AutoLogin); Box.BoxChild boxChild6 = (Box.BoxChild) this.hbox_thirdRow[(Widget)this.checkbutton_AutoLogin]; boxChild6.Position = 1; boxChild6.Expand = false; this.table_main.Add((Widget)this.hbox_thirdRow); Table.TableChild tableChild4 = (Table.TableChild) this.table_main[(Widget)this.hbox_thirdRow]; tableChild4.TopAttach = 2U; tableChild4.BottomAttach = 3U; tableChild4.LeftAttach = 1U; tableChild4.RightAttach = 2U; tableChild4.XOptions = AttachOptions.Fill; tableChild4.YOptions = AttachOptions.Fill; this.label_Name = new Label(); this.label_Name.Name = "label_Name"; this.label_Name.Xalign = 1f; this.label_Name.LabelProp = Catalog.GetString("用户名"); this.table_main.Add((Widget)this.label_Name); Table.TableChild tableChild5 = (Table.TableChild) this.table_main[(Widget)this.label_Name]; tableChild5.XOptions = AttachOptions.Fill; tableChild5.YOptions = AttachOptions.Fill; this.label_PassWord = new Label(); this.label_PassWord.Name = "label_PassWord"; this.label_PassWord.Xalign = 1f; this.label_PassWord.LabelProp = Catalog.GetString("密码"); this.table_main.Add((Widget)this.label_PassWord); Table.TableChild tableChild6 = (Table.TableChild) this.table_main[(Widget)this.label_PassWord]; tableChild6.TopAttach = 1U; tableChild6.BottomAttach = 2U; tableChild6.XOptions = AttachOptions.Fill; tableChild6.YOptions = AttachOptions.Fill; this.evtbx_border.Add((Widget)this.table_main); vbox.Add((Widget)this.evtbx_border); Box.BoxChild boxChild7 = (Box.BoxChild)vbox[(Widget)this.evtbx_border]; boxChild7.Position = 0; boxChild7.Expand = false; boxChild7.Fill = false; HButtonBox actionArea = this.ActionArea; actionArea.Name = "dialog1_ActionArea"; actionArea.Spacing = 10; actionArea.BorderWidth = 5U; actionArea.LayoutStyle = ButtonBoxStyle.End; this.buttonCancel = new Button(); this.buttonCancel.CanDefault = true; this.buttonCancel.CanFocus = true; this.buttonCancel.Name = "buttonCancel"; this.buttonCancel.UseStock = true; this.buttonCancel.UseUnderline = true; this.buttonCancel.Label = "gtk-cancel"; this.AddActionWidget((Widget)this.buttonCancel, -6); ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild buttonBoxChild1 = (ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)actionArea[(Widget)this.buttonCancel]; buttonBoxChild1.Expand = false; buttonBoxChild1.Fill = false; this.buttonOk = new Button(); this.buttonOk.CanDefault = true; this.buttonOk.CanFocus = true; this.buttonOk.Name = "buttonOk"; this.buttonOk.UseStock = true; this.buttonOk.UseUnderline = true; this.buttonOk.Label = "gtk-ok"; this.AddActionWidget((Widget)this.buttonOk, -5); ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild buttonBoxChild2 = (ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)actionArea[(Widget)this.buttonOk]; buttonBoxChild2.Position = 1; buttonBoxChild2.Expand = false; buttonBoxChild2.Fill = false; if (this.Child != null) { this.Child.ShowAll(); } this.DefaultWidth = 412; this.DefaultHeight = 191; this.Show(); }
private Gtk.Widget CreateWorkspaceView() { ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow(); m_treeView = new Gtk.TreeView(); //first column has workspaceUnit but presents its friendly name, 2nd column displays type and 3rd displays value m_workspaceStore = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(WorkspaceUnit), typeof(WorkspaceUnit), typeof(WorkspaceUnit)); m_treeView.Model = m_workspaceStore; //create columns with associated cell renderings CellRendererText nameRenderer = new CellRendererText(); TreeViewColumn nameColumn = m_treeView.AppendColumn("Name", nameRenderer); nameColumn.SetCellDataFunc(nameRenderer, new TreeCellDataFunc(RenderName)); CellRendererText typeRenderer = new CellRendererText(); TreeViewColumn typeColumn = m_treeView.AppendColumn("Type", typeRenderer); typeColumn.SetCellDataFunc(typeRenderer, new TreeCellDataFunc(RenderType)); TreeViewColumn valueColumn = new TreeViewColumn(); valueColumn.Title = "Value"; CellRendererPixbuf valueViewerIconCellRenderer = new CellRendererPixbuf(); CellRendererText valueTextRenderer = new CellRendererText(); valueViewerIconCellRenderer.Xalign = 0.0f; valueColumn.PackEnd(valueTextRenderer, true); valueColumn.PackStart(valueViewerIconCellRenderer, false); valueColumn.SetCellDataFunc(valueViewerIconCellRenderer, new TreeCellDataFunc(RenderViewerIcon)); valueColumn.SetCellDataFunc(valueTextRenderer, new TreeCellDataFunc(RenderValue)); m_treeView.AppendColumn(valueColumn); m_treeView.RowActivated += HandleRowActivated; // HERZUM SPRINT 3: TLAB-86 VBox vbox1 = new VBox(); sw.Add(m_treeView); vbox1.Add(sw); Box.BoxChild w1 = ((Box.BoxChild)(vbox1 [sw])); w1.Position = 0; baseline.CanFocus = false; Box.BoxChild w2 = ((Box.BoxChild)(vbox1 [baseline])); vbox1.Add(baseline); w2.Position = 2; w2.Expand = false; w2.Fill = false; vbox1.ShowAll(); return(vbox1); //sw.Add(m_treeView); //sw.ShowAll(); //return sw; // END HERZUM SPRINT 3: TLAB-86 }
/// <summary> /// Instantiate the View /// </summary> /// <param name="owner">The owner view</param> public PivotTableView(ViewBase owner) : base(owner) { // Read in the glade file Builder builder = BuilderFromResource(""); // Assign the interactable objects from glade vbox1 = (VBox)builder.GetObject("vbox1"); leftButton = (Button)builder.GetObject("leftbutton"); rightButton = (Button)builder.GetObject("rightbutton"); storeButton = (Button)builder.GetObject("storebutton"); leftButton.Name = "left"; rightButton.Name = "right"; filterLabel = (Label)builder.GetObject("filter"); // Setup the ViewBoxes LedgerViewBox = new ViewBox("ledgerbox", this, builder) { Name = "LedgerViewBox" }; ExpressionViewBox = new ViewBox("expressionbox", this, builder) { Name = "ExpressionViewBox" }; ValueViewBox = new ViewBox("valuebox", this, builder) { Name = "ValueViewBox" }; RowViewBox = new ViewBox("rowbox", this, builder) { Name = "RowViewBox" }; ColumnViewBox = new ViewBox("columnbox", this, builder) { Name = "ColumnViewBox" }; FilterViewBox = new ViewBox("filterbox", this, builder) { Name = "FilterViewBox" }; TimeViewBox = new ViewBox("timebox", this, builder) { Name = "TimeViewBox" }; // Add text options to the ViewBoxes ExpressionViewBox.AddText("Sum"); ExpressionViewBox.AddText("Average"); ExpressionViewBox.AddText("Max"); ExpressionViewBox.AddText("Min"); ValueViewBox.AddText("Gain"); ValueViewBox.AddText("Loss"); AddOptions(RowViewBox); AddOptions(ColumnViewBox); FilterViewBox.AddText("None"); AddOptions(FilterViewBox); TimeViewBox.AddText("Daily"); TimeViewBox.AddText("Monthly"); TimeViewBox.AddText("Yearly"); // Subscribe the left/right buttons to the change pivot event leftButton.Clicked += OnInvokeUpdate; rightButton.Clicked += OnInvokeUpdate; // Subscribe the store button to the store data event storeButton.Clicked += OnStoreData; // Add the custom gridview (external to glade) Grid = new GridView(owner) { ReadOnly = true }; vbox1.Add(Grid.MainWidget); // Let the viewbase know which widget is the main widget mainWidget = vbox1; }
public SubTileEditor(TilesetEditor tilesetEditor) : base(0, 0, 0, 0) { this.tilesetEditor = tilesetEditor; Gtk.Box tmpBox; Gtk.VBox vbox = new VBox(false, 2); vbox.Spacing = 10; // Top row: 2 images of the tile, one for selecting, one to show // collisions subTileViewer = new SubTileViewer(); subTileViewer.SubTileChangedEvent += delegate() { PullEverything(); }; subTileCollisionEditor = new SubTileCollisionEditor(); subTileCollisionEditor.CollisionsChangedHandler += () => { PullEverything(); }; Alignment hAlign = new Alignment(0.5f, 0, 0, 0); Gtk.HBox hbox = new HBox(false, 2); hbox.Add(subTileViewer); hbox.Add(subTileCollisionEditor); hAlign.Add(hbox); vbox.Add(hAlign); // Next row: collision value collisionSpinButton = new SpinButtonHexadecimal(0, 255); collisionSpinButton.Digits = 2; collisionSpinButton.ValueChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tileset.SetTileCollision(TileIndex, (byte)collisionSpinButton.ValueAsInt); subTileCollisionEditor.QueueDraw(); }; Gtk.Label collisionLabel = new Gtk.Label("Collisions"); tmpBox = new Gtk.HBox(false, 2); tmpBox.Add(collisionLabel); tmpBox.Add(collisionSpinButton); vbox.Add(tmpBox); // Next rows: subtile properties var table = new Table(2, 2, false); table.ColumnSpacing = 6; table.RowSpacing = 6; subTileSpinButton = new SpinButtonHexadecimal(0, 255); subTileSpinButton.ValueChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { PushFlags(); }; paletteSpinButton = new SpinButton(0, 7, 1); paletteSpinButton.ValueChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { PushFlags(); }; flipXCheckButton = new Gtk.CheckButton(); flipXCheckButton.Toggled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { PushFlags(); }; flipYCheckButton = new Gtk.CheckButton(); flipYCheckButton.Toggled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { PushFlags(); }; priorityCheckButton = new Gtk.CheckButton(); priorityCheckButton.Toggled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { PushFlags(); }; bankCheckButton = new Gtk.CheckButton(); bankCheckButton.Toggled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { PushFlags(); }; bankCheckButton.Sensitive = false; // On second thought, nobody actually needs this Gtk.Label subTileLabel = new Gtk.Label("Subtile Index"); Gtk.Label paletteLabel = new Gtk.Label("Palette"); Gtk.Label flipXLabel = new Gtk.Label("Flip X"); Gtk.Label flipYLabel = new Gtk.Label("Flip Y"); Gtk.Label priorityLabel = new Gtk.Label("Priority"); Gtk.Label bankLabel = new Gtk.Label("Bank (0/1)"); paletteLabel.TooltipText = "Palette index (0-7)"; paletteSpinButton.TooltipText = "Palette index (0-7)"; priorityLabel.TooltipText = "Check to make colors 1-3 appear above sprites"; priorityCheckButton.TooltipText = "Check to make colors 1-3 appear above sprites"; bankLabel.TooltipText = "This should always be checked."; bankCheckButton.TooltipText = "This should always be checked."; uint y = 0; table.Attach(subTileLabel, 0, 1, y, y + 1); table.Attach(subTileSpinButton, 1, 2, y, y + 1); y++; table.Attach(paletteLabel, 0, 1, y, y + 1); table.Attach(paletteSpinButton, 1, 2, y, y + 1); y++; table.Attach(flipXLabel, 0, 1, y, y + 1); table.Attach(flipXCheckButton, 1, 2, y, y + 1); y++; table.Attach(flipYLabel, 0, 1, y, y + 1); table.Attach(flipYCheckButton, 1, 2, y, y + 1); y++; table.Attach(priorityLabel, 0, 1, y, y + 1); table.Attach(priorityCheckButton, 1, 2, y, y + 1); y++; table.Attach(bankLabel, 0, 1, y, y + 1); table.Attach(bankCheckButton, 1, 2, y, y + 1); y++; vbox.Add(table); this.Add(vbox); ShowAll(); PullEverything(); }
protected virtual void Build() { //MainWindow Name = "MainWindow"; Title = "Построение yml файла на основе заданных сервисов"; WindowPosition = ((WindowPosition)(4)); DefaultWidth = PersonalSettings.appConfig.MainWindowWidth; DefaultHeight = PersonalSettings.appConfig.MainWindowHeight; MainWindowHeight = PersonalSettings.appConfig.MainWindowWidth; MainWindowWidth = PersonalSettings.appConfig.MainWindowHeight; //Main Hbox for separation window hbox1 = new HBox(); hbox1.Name = "hbox1"; hbox1.Spacing = 2; vbox1 = new VBox(); vbox1.Name = "vbox1"; vbox1.Spacing = 1; label1 = new Label(); label1.Name = "label1"; label1.LabelProp = "Выбранные на данный момент"; label1.Justify = ((Justification)(2)); label1.SingleLineMode = true; label1.Expand = false; vbox1.PackStart(label1, false, false, 0); //For Selected Services scrolled window GtkScrolledWindow2 = new ScrolledWindow(); GtkScrolledWindow2.Name = "GtkScrolledWindow1"; GtkScrolledWindow2.ShadowType = ((ShadowType)(1)); //Selected Services StoreList of string and Image SelectedServices = new ListStore(typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(Pixbuf), typeof(List <Options>)); List <Options> temp = new List <Options>(); temp.Add(new Options(AllServiceOptions.allConfigs[0])); temp.Add(AllServiceOptions.allConfigs[1]); temp.Add(AllServiceOptions.allConfigs[2]); temp.Add(AllServiceOptions.allConfigs[3]); temp.Add(AllServiceOptions.allConfigs[4]); SelectedServices.AppendValues(0, "Свой сервис", OwnService, temp); SelectedServices.SetSortColumnId(0, SortType.Ascending); // Selected Services IconViewSettings IV_SelectedServices = new IconView(SelectedServices); IV_SelectedServices.CanFocus = true; IV_SelectedServices.Name = "IV_SelectedServices"; IV_SelectedServices.ItemWidth = IV_ItemWidth; IV_SelectedServices.TextColumn = Col_DisplayName; IV_SelectedServices.PixbufColumn = Col_Pixbuf; GtkScrolledWindow2.Add(IV_SelectedServices); vbox1.Add(GtkScrolledWindow2); IV_SelectedServices.GrabFocus(); hbox1.Add(vbox1); // Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild vbox2 = new VBox(); vbox2.Spacing = 1; // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild label2 = new Label(); label2.Name = "label2"; label2.LabelProp = "Список всех сервисов"; label2.Wrap = true; label2.Justify = ((Justification)(2)); label2.SingleLineMode = true; vbox2.PackStart(label2, false, false, 0); // Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild vbox4 = new VBox(); vbox4.Name = "vbox4"; vbox4.Spacing = 1; // Container child vbox4.Gtk.Box+BoxChild hbox3 = new HBox(); hbox3.Name = "hbox3"; hbox3.Spacing = 6; Vbox_Search = new VBox(); Vbox_Search.Name = "Vbox_Search"; Vbox_Search.Spacing = 1; // Container child hbox3.Gtk.Box+BoxChild SearchS = new Entry(); SearchS.WidthRequest = 230; SearchS.CanFocus = true; SearchS.Name = "SearchS"; SearchS.Text = ""; SearchS.IsEditable = true; SearchS.InvisibleChar = '●'; SearchS.Changed += new EventHandler(OnSearchSChanged); Lbl_Search = new Label(); Lbl_Search.Name = "Lbl_Search"; Lbl_Search.LabelProp = "Строка поиска сервиса"; Lbl_Search.Justify = Justification.Left; Lbl_Search.SingleLineMode = true; Lbl_Search.Xalign = 0F; Vbox_Search.PackStart(Lbl_Search, false, false, 0); Vbox_Search.PackStart(SearchS, false, false, 0); //Just to create empty space after input field Vbox_Search.PackStart(new Separator(Orientation.Horizontal), false, false, 0); hbox3.PackStart(Vbox_Search, false, false, 0); Btn_Create = new Button(); Btn_Create.CanFocus = true; Btn_Create.Name = "Btn_Search"; Btn_Create.UseUnderline = true; Btn_Create.Label = "Создать Yaml"; Btn_Create.Image = new Image(CreateYml); Btn_Create.ImagePosition = PositionType.Top; Btn_Create.AlwaysShowImage = true; Btn_Create.Pressed += OnCreateYmlPressed; hbox3.PackStart(Btn_Create, false, false, 0); Btn_Settings = new Button(); Btn_Settings.CanFocus = true; Btn_Settings.Name = "Btn_Settings"; Btn_Settings.UseUnderline = true; Btn_Settings.Label = "Настройки"; Btn_Settings.Image = new Image(Settings); Btn_Settings.ImagePosition = PositionType.Top; Btn_Settings.AlwaysShowImage = true; Btn_Settings.Pressed += OnSettingsPressed; //Btn_Settings.Pressed += OnCreateYmlPressed; hbox3.PackStart(Btn_Settings, false, false, 0); Loading.Wait(); //All Services StoreList of their name and Image AllServices = new ListStore(typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(Pixbuf)); AllServices.SetSortColumnId(0, SortType.Ascending); GtkScrolledWindow1 = new ScrolledWindow(); GtkScrolledWindow1.Name = "GtkScrolledWindow1"; GtkScrolledWindow1.ShadowType = ((ShadowType)(1)); //Adding services to store int length = ServicesImg.Length; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { AllServicesList[i].Img = null; if (ServicesImg[i] != null) { AllServices.AppendValues(i, AllServicesList[i].Name, ServicesImg[i]); } else { AllServices.AppendValues(i, AllServicesList[i].Name, DefaultServiceIcon); } } // All Services IconViewSettings IV_AllServices = new IconView(AllServices); IV_AllServices.CanFocus = true; IV_AllServices.Name = "IV_AllServices"; IV_AllServices.ItemWidth = IV_ItemWidth; IV_AllServices.TextColumn = Col_DisplayName; IV_AllServices.PixbufColumn = Col_Pixbuf; GtkScrolledWindow1.Add(IV_AllServices); vbox4.Add(GtkScrolledWindow1); IV_AllServices.GrabFocus(); vbox4.Add(hbox3); vbox4.SetChildPacking(hbox3, false, false, 0, PackType.Start); vbox2.Add(vbox4); hbox1.Add(vbox2); Add(hbox1); ShowAll(); DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler(OnDeleteEvent); IV_AllServices.ItemActivated += new ItemActivatedHandler(OnIV_AllServicesItemActivated); IV_SelectedServices.ItemActivated += new ItemActivatedHandler(OnIV_SelectedServicesItemActivated); IV_SelectedServices.ButtonPressEvent += new ButtonPressEventHandler(CheckForDelete); settingsWindow = new SettingsWindow() { WindowClosing = ClosedSettingsWindwos }; Task.Run(() => LoadVersionsOfComposeFileFromSite()); }
public TxtEdit() : base("Stronghold .tex editor v.0.2") { offsets = new UInt32[250]; sections = new List <TexString>(); file_dialog(); SetDefaultSize(800, 600); SetPosition(WindowPosition.Center); DeleteEvent += delegate { Application.Quit(); }; Gtk.TreeView tree = new Gtk.TreeView(); // menu bar MenuBar mb = new MenuBar(); Menu filemenu = new Menu(); Menu helpmenu = new Menu(); MenuItem file = new MenuItem("File"); file.Submenu = filemenu; MenuItem open = new MenuItem("Open"); open.Activated += delegate { file_dialog(); }; filemenu.Append(open); MenuItem reload = new MenuItem("Reload"); reload.Activated += delegate { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog(this, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Question, ButtonsType.OkCancel, "This will undo all changes. Continue?"); ResponseType result = (ResponseType)md.Run(); if (result == ResponseType.Ok) { sections = new List <TexString>(); load_file(); store = new Gtk.TreeStore(typeof(TexString)); foreach (var sec in sections) { store.AppendValues(sec); } tree.Model = store; } md.Destroy(); }; filemenu.Append(reload); MenuItem save = new MenuItem("Save"); save.Activated += delegate { save_backup(); save_tex(); }; filemenu.Append(save); MenuItem exit = new MenuItem("Exit"); exit.Activated += delegate { Application.Quit(); }; filemenu.Append(exit); MenuItem help = new MenuItem("Help"); help.Submenu = helpmenu; MenuItem about = new MenuItem("About"); about.Activated += about_event; helpmenu.Append(about); mb.Append(file); mb.Append(help); VBox vbox = new VBox(false, 2); vbox.PackStart(mb, false, false, 0); // scrolling area ScrolledWindow scroller = new ScrolledWindow(); scroller.BorderWidth = 5; scroller.ShadowType = ShadowType.In; vbox.Add(scroller); // tree view Gtk.TreeViewColumn sectionColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn(); sectionColumn.Title = "Text"; Gtk.CellRendererText sectionCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText(); sectionCell.Editable = true; sectionCell.Edited += sectionCell_edit; sectionColumn.PackStart(sectionCell, true); store = new Gtk.TreeStore(typeof(TexString)); foreach (var sec in sections) { store.AppendValues(sec); } sectionColumn.SetCellDataFunc(sectionCell, new Gtk.TreeCellDataFunc(RenderSection)); tree.AppendColumn(sectionColumn); tree.Model = store; scroller.Add(tree); Add(vbox); ShowAll(); }
public void AddEntry(Widget widget) { EntryBox.Add(widget); }
public ModelDetailsWrapperView(ViewBase owner) : base(owner) { hbox = new HBox(); vbox1 = new VBox(); modelTypeLabel = new Label { Xalign = 0.0f, Xpad = 3, UseMarkup = true }; modelDescriptionLabel = new Label() { Xalign = 0.0f, Xpad = 4 }; modelDescriptionLabel.LineWrapMode = Pango.WrapMode.Word; modelDescriptionLabel.Wrap = true; #if NETFRAMEWORK modelDescriptionLabel.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(131, 0, 131)); #endif modelHelpLinkLabel = new LinkButton("", "") { Xalign = 0.0f, }; modelHelpLinkLabel.Clicked += ModelHelpLinkLabel_Clicked; #if NETFRAMEWORK modelHelpLinkLabel.ModifyBase(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(131, 0, 131)); #endif modelHelpLinkLabel.Visible = false; Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf pixbufRender = new CellRendererPixbuf(); pixbufRender.Pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(null, "ApsimNG.Resources.MenuImages.Help.png"); pixbufRender.Xalign = 0.5f; Gtk.Image img = new Image(pixbufRender.Pixbuf); modelHelpLinkLabel.Image = img; modelHelpLinkLabel.Image.Visible = true; modelVersionLabel = new Label() { Xalign = 0.0f, Xpad = 4, UseMarkup = true }; #if NETFRAMEWORK modelVersionLabel.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(150, 150, 150)); modelVersionLabel.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(131, 0, 131)); #endif modelVersionLabel.LineWrapMode = Pango.WrapMode.Word; modelVersionLabel.Wrap = true; bottomView = new Viewport { ShadowType = ShadowType.None }; hbox.PackStart(modelTypeLabel, false, true, 0); hbox.PackStart(modelHelpLinkLabel, false, false, 0); vbox1.PackStart(hbox, false, true, 0); vbox1.PackStart(modelDescriptionLabel, false, true, 0); vbox1.PackStart(modelVersionLabel, false, true, 4); vbox1.Add(bottomView); vbox1.SizeAllocated += Vbox1_SizeAllocated; mainWidget = vbox1; mainWidget.Destroyed += _mainWidget_Destroyed; }
public ModelDetailsWrapperView(ViewBase owner) : base(owner) { string css = ""; using (Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("ApsimNG.Resources.Style.clem.css")) { using StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); css = reader.ReadToEnd(); } Gtk.CssProvider css_provider = new CssProvider(); css_provider.LoadFromData(css); hbox = new HBox(); vbox1 = new VBox(); labels = new VBox(); modelTypeLabel = new Label { Xalign = 0.0f, Xpad = 3 }; hbox.StyleContext.AddProvider(css_provider, Gtk.StyleProviderPriority.Application); modelTypeLabel.StyleContext.AddProvider(css_provider, Gtk.StyleProviderPriority.Application); modelTypeLabel.StyleContext.AddClass("wrapper_label_type"); modelDescriptionLabel = new Label() { Xalign = 0.0f, Xpad = 4 }; modelDescriptionLabel.LineWrapMode = Pango.WrapMode.Word; modelDescriptionLabel.Wrap = true; modelHelpLinkLabel = new LinkButton("", "") { Xalign = 0.0f, }; modelHelpLinkLabel.Clicked += ModelHelpLinkLabel_Clicked; modelHelpLinkLabel.Visible = false; Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf pixbufRender = new CellRendererPixbuf(); pixbufRender.Pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(null, "ApsimNG.Resources.MenuImages.Help.svg"); pixbufRender.Xalign = 0.5f; Gtk.Image img = new Image(pixbufRender.Pixbuf); modelHelpLinkLabel.Image = img; modelHelpLinkLabel.Image.Visible = true; bottomView = new Viewport { ShadowType = ShadowType.None }; hbox.PackStart(modelTypeLabel, false, true, 0); hbox.PackStart(modelHelpLinkLabel, false, false, 0); labels.PackStart(hbox, false, true, 0); modelDescriptionLabel.MarginBottom = 5; labels.PackStart(modelDescriptionLabel, false, true, 0); vbox1.PackStart(labels, false, true, 0); ScrolledWindow scroll = new ScrolledWindow(); scroll.ShadowType = ShadowType.None; scroll.SetPolicy(PolicyType.Automatic, PolicyType.Automatic); scroll.Add(bottomView); vbox1.Add(scroll); mainWidget = vbox1; mainWidget.Destroyed += _mainWidget_Destroyed; }
public override void Clicked() { Box tmpBox, tmpBox2; Alignment tmpAlign; Box vbox = new Gtk.VBox(); vbox.Spacing = 3; Box hbox = new Gtk.HBox(); hbox.Spacing = 3; Box dungeonVreContainer = new Gtk.VBox(); Box roomVreContainer = new Gtk.VBox(); ValueReferenceEditor dungeonVre = null; ValueReferenceEditor roomVre = null; Alignment frame = new Alignment(0, 0, 0, 0); var dungeonSpinButton = new SpinButton(0, 15, 1); var floorSpinButton = new SpinButton(0, 15, 1); var roomSpinButton = new SpinButtonHexadecimal(0, 255, 1); roomSpinButton.Digits = 2; Minimap minimap = null; System.Action RoomChanged = () => { Dungeon dungeon = minimap.Map as Dungeon; Room room = minimap.GetRoom(); roomSpinButton.Value = room.Index & 0xff; var vrs = new List <ValueReference>(); vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Up", room.Index & 0xff, 0, 0, DataValueType.ByteBit)); vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Right", room.Index & 0xff, 1, 1, DataValueType.ByteBit)); vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Down", room.Index & 0xff, 2, 2, DataValueType.ByteBit)); vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Left", room.Index & 0xff, 3, 3, DataValueType.ByteBit)); vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Key", room.Index & 0xff, 4, 4, DataValueType.ByteBit)); vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Chest", room.Index & 0xff, 5, 5, DataValueType.ByteBit)); vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Boss", room.Index & 0xff, 6, 6, DataValueType.ByteBit)); vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Dark", room.Index & 0xff, 7, 7, DataValueType.ByteBit)); Stream stream = Project.GetBinaryFile("rooms/" + Project.GameString + "/group" + dungeon.Group + "DungeonProperties.bin"); foreach (StreamValueReference r in vrs) { r.SetStream(stream); } if (roomVre != null) { roomVreContainer.Remove(roomVre); } var vrg = new ValueReferenceGroup(vrs); roomVre = new ValueReferenceEditor(Project, vrg, 4, "Minimap Data"); roomVreContainer.Add(roomVre); }; System.Action DungeonChanged = () => { Dungeon dungeon = Project.GetIndexedDataType <Dungeon>(dungeonSpinButton.ValueAsInt); floorSpinButton.Adjustment.Upper = dungeon.NumFloors - 1; if (floorSpinButton.ValueAsInt >= dungeon.NumFloors) { floorSpinButton.Value = dungeon.NumFloors - 1; } var vrs = new List <ValueReference>(); vrs.Add(new ValueReference("Group", 0, DataValueType.String, false)); vrs.Add(new ValueReference("Wallmaster dest room", 0, DataValueType.Byte)); vrs.Add(new ValueReference("Bottom floor layout", 0, DataValueType.Byte, false)); vrs.Add(new ValueReference("# of floors", 0, DataValueType.Byte, false)); vrs.Add(new ValueReference("Base floor name", 0, DataValueType.Byte)); vrs.Add(new ValueReference("Floors unlocked with compass", 0, DataValueType.Byte)); Data data = dungeon.DataStart; foreach (ValueReference r in vrs) { r.SetData(data); data = data.NextData; } // Remove last ValueReferenceEditor if (dungeonVre != null) { dungeonVreContainer.Remove(dungeonVre); } var vrg = new ValueReferenceGroup(vrs); dungeonVre = new ValueReferenceEditor(Project, vrg, "Base Data"); dungeonVre.AddDataModifiedHandler(() => { floorSpinButton.Adjustment.Upper = dungeon.NumFloors; minimap.GenerateImage(); RoomChanged(); }); // Replace the "group" option with a custom widget for finer // control. SpinButton groupSpinButton = new SpinButton(4, 5, 1); groupSpinButton.Value = dungeon.Group; groupSpinButton.ValueChanged += (c, d) => { vrg.SetValue("Group", ">wGroup" + groupSpinButton.ValueAsInt + "Flags"); }; dungeonVre.ReplaceWidget(0, groupSpinButton); dungeonVre.ShowAll(); // Tooltips dungeonVre.SetTooltip(0, "Also known as the high byte of the room index."); dungeonVre.SetTooltip(1, "The low byte of the room index wallmasters will send you to."); dungeonVre.SetTooltip(2, "The index of the layout for the bottom floor. Subsequent floors will use subsequent indices."); dungeonVre.SetTooltip(4, "Determines what the game will call the bottom floor. For a value of:\n$00: The bottom floor is 'B3'.\n$01: The bottom floor is 'B2'.\n$02: The bottom floor is 'B1'.\n$03: The bottom floor is 'F1'."); dungeonVre.SetTooltip(5, "A bitset of floors that will appear on the map when the compass is obtained.\n\nEg. If this is $05, then floors 0 and 2 will be unlocked (bits 0 and 2 are set)."); dungeonVreContainer.Add(dungeonVre); minimap.SetMap(dungeon); minimap.Floor = floorSpinButton.ValueAsInt; RoomChanged(); }; dungeonSpinButton.ValueChanged += (a, b) => { DungeonChanged(); }; floorSpinButton.ValueChanged += (a, b) => { DungeonChanged(); }; frame.Add(vbox); tmpBox = new Gtk.HBox(); tmpBox.Add(new Gtk.Label("Dungeon ")); tmpBox.Add(dungeonSpinButton); tmpBox.Add(new Gtk.Label("Floor ")); tmpBox.Add(floorSpinButton); tmpAlign = new Alignment(0, 0, 0, 0); tmpAlign.Add(tmpBox); vbox.Add(tmpAlign); vbox.Add(hbox); // Leftmost column tmpBox = new VBox(); tmpBox.Add(dungeonVreContainer); var addFloorButton = new Button("Add Floor"); addFloorButton.Image = new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.Add, Gtk.IconSize.Button); addFloorButton.Clicked += (a, b) => { Dungeon dungeon = minimap.Map as Dungeon; int newFloorIndex = dungeon.FirstLayoutIndex + dungeon.NumFloors; // Shift all subsequent layouts 64 bytes down in the data file Stream layoutFile = Project.GetBinaryFile("rooms/" + Project.GameString + "/dungeonLayouts.bin"); layoutFile.SetLength(layoutFile.Length + 64); for (int i = (int)layoutFile.Length / 64 - 1; i > newFloorIndex; i--) { var buf = new byte[64]; layoutFile.Position = (i - 1) * 64; layoutFile.Read(buf, 0, 64); layoutFile.Write(buf, 0, 64); } // Clear the new floor layoutFile.Position = newFloorIndex * 64; for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) { layoutFile.WriteByte(0); } // Shift each dungeon's "FirstLayoutIndex" to match the shifted layouts. for (int i = 0; i < Project.GetNumDungeons(); i++) { Dungeon d2 = Project.GetIndexedDataType <Dungeon>(i); if (d2.FirstLayoutIndex >= newFloorIndex) { d2.FirstLayoutIndex++; } } dungeon.NumFloors = dungeon.NumFloors + 1; floorSpinButton.Value = dungeon.NumFloors - 1; DungeonChanged(); }; tmpAlign = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5f, 0, 0, 0); tmpAlign.Add(addFloorButton); tmpBox.Add(tmpAlign); var removeFloorButton = new Button("Remove Top Floor"); removeFloorButton.Image = new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.Remove, Gtk.IconSize.Button); removeFloorButton.Clicked += (a, b) => { Dungeon dungeon = minimap.Map as Dungeon; if (dungeon.NumFloors <= 1) { return; } Gtk.MessageDialog d = new MessageDialog(null, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Warning, ButtonsType.YesNo, "Are you quite certain that you wish to delete the top floor of this dungeon?"); var response = (ResponseType)d.Run(); d.Destroy(); if (response == Gtk.ResponseType.Yes) { int deletedFloorIndex = dungeon.FirstLayoutIndex + dungeon.NumFloors - 1; // Shift all subsequent layouts 64 bytes up in the data file Stream layoutFile = Project.GetBinaryFile("rooms/" + Project.GameString + "/dungeonLayouts.bin"); for (int i = deletedFloorIndex; i < layoutFile.Length / 64 - 1; i++) { var buf = new byte[64]; layoutFile.Position = (i + 1) * 64; layoutFile.Read(buf, 0, 64); layoutFile.Position = i * 64; layoutFile.Write(buf, 0, 64); } layoutFile.SetLength(layoutFile.Length - 64); // Shift each dungeon's "FirstLayoutIndex" to match the shifted layouts. for (int i = 0; i < Project.GetNumDungeons(); i++) { Dungeon d2 = Project.GetIndexedDataType <Dungeon>(i); if (d2.FirstLayoutIndex > deletedFloorIndex) { d2.FirstLayoutIndex--; } } dungeon.NumFloors = dungeon.NumFloors - 1; DungeonChanged(); } }; tmpAlign = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5f, 0, 0, 0); tmpAlign.Add(removeFloorButton); tmpBox.Add(tmpAlign); hbox.Add(tmpBox); // Middle column (minimap) minimap = new Minimap(); minimap.TileSelectedEvent += (sender) => { RoomChanged(); }; hbox.Add(minimap); // Rightmost column tmpAlign = new Alignment(0, 0, 0, 0); tmpAlign.Add(roomVreContainer); tmpBox2 = new HBox(); tmpBox2.Add(new Gtk.Label("Room ")); roomSpinButton.ValueChanged += (a, b) => { (minimap.Map as Dungeon).SetRoom(minimap.SelectedX, minimap.SelectedY, minimap.Floor, roomSpinButton.ValueAsInt); minimap.GenerateImage(); RoomChanged(); }; tmpBox2.Add(roomSpinButton); tmpBox = new VBox(); tmpBox.Add(tmpBox2); tmpBox.Add(tmpAlign); hbox.Add(tmpBox); Window w = new Window(null); w.Add(frame); w.ShowAll(); Map map = manager.GetActiveMap(); if (map is Dungeon) { dungeonSpinButton.Value = map.Index; } DungeonChanged(); }
private void Build() { Icon = PintaCore.Resources.GetIcon("Menu.Image.Resize.png"); WindowPosition = WindowPosition.CenterOnParent; DefaultWidth = 300; DefaultHeight = 200; percentageRadio = new RadioButton(Catalog.GetString("By percentage:")); absoluteRadio = new RadioButton(percentageRadio, Catalog.GetString("By absolute size:")); percentageSpinner = new SpinButton(1, 1000, 1); widthSpinner = new SpinButton(1, 10000, 1); heightSpinner = new SpinButton(1, 10000, 1); aspectCheckbox = new CheckButton(Catalog.GetString("Maintain aspect ratio")); const int spacing = 6; var main_vbox = new VBox() { Spacing = spacing, BorderWidth = 12 }; var hbox_percent = new HBox() { Spacing = spacing }; hbox_percent.PackStart(percentageRadio, true, true, 0); hbox_percent.PackStart(percentageSpinner, false, false, 0); hbox_percent.PackEnd(new Label("%"), false, false, 0); main_vbox.PackStart(hbox_percent, false, false, 0); main_vbox.PackStart(absoluteRadio, false, false, 0); var hbox_width = new HBox() { Spacing = spacing }; hbox_width.PackStart(new Label(Catalog.GetString("Width:")), false, false, 0); hbox_width.PackStart(widthSpinner, false, false, 0); hbox_width.PackStart(new Label(Catalog.GetString("pixels")), false, false, 0); main_vbox.PackStart(hbox_width, false, false, 0); var hbox_height = new HBox() { Spacing = spacing }; hbox_height.PackStart(new Label(Catalog.GetString("Height:")), false, false, 0); hbox_height.PackStart(heightSpinner, false, false, 0); hbox_height.PackStart(new Label(Catalog.GetString("pixels")), false, false, 0); main_vbox.PackStart(hbox_height, false, false, 0); main_vbox.PackStart(aspectCheckbox, false, false, 0); VBox.BorderWidth = 2; VBox.Add(main_vbox); ShowAll(); }
public VentanaContactosModificar() : base("Modificar contactos") { //Config BorderWidth = 10; SetDefaultSize(250, 200); SetPosition(WindowPosition.Center); VBox Main = new VBox(); //TODO ESTA TARDE comboBox = new ComboBox(Agenda.Get().ToStringCB()); comboBox.Changed += cambiarContacto; Button botonModificar = new Button("Modificar"); botonModificar.Clicked += modificarContacto; Nombre = new Entry(); Apellidos = new Entry(); Direccion = new Entry(); Telefono = new Entry(); Email = new Entry(); Label labelNombreContacto = new Label("Nombre"); labelNombreContacto.SetAlignment(0, 1); Label labelApellidosContacto = new Label("Apellidos"); labelApellidosContacto.SetAlignment(0, 1); Label labelDireccionContacto = new Label("Dirección"); labelDireccionContacto.SetAlignment(0, 1); Label labelTelefonoContacto = new Label("Teléfono"); labelTelefonoContacto.SetAlignment(0, 1); Label labelEmailContacto = new Label("Email"); labelEmailContacto.SetAlignment(0, 1); Main.Add(comboBox); Main.Add(labelNombreContacto); Main.Add(Nombre); Main.Add(labelApellidosContacto); Main.Add(Apellidos); Main.Add(labelDireccionContacto); Main.Add(Direccion); Main.Add(labelTelefonoContacto); Main.Add(Telefono); Main.Add(labelEmailContacto); Main.Add(Email); Main.Add(botonModificar); this.Add(Main); this.ShowAll(); }
private void BuildDialog() { // Layout table for preset, width, and height var layout_table = new Table(3, 2, false); layout_table.RowSpacing = 5; layout_table.ColumnSpacing = 6; // Preset Combo var size_label = new Label(Catalog.GetString("Preset:")); size_label.SetAlignment(1f, .5f); var preset_entries = new List <string> (); if (has_clipboard) { preset_entries.Add(Catalog.GetString("Clipboard")); } preset_entries.Add(Catalog.GetString("Custom")); preset_entries.AddRange(preset_sizes.Select(p => string.Format("{0} x {1}", p.Width, p.Height))); preset_combo = new ComboBox(preset_entries.ToArray()); preset_combo.Active = 0; layout_table.Attach(size_label, 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); layout_table.Attach(preset_combo, 1, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); // Width Entry var width_label = new Label(Catalog.GetString("Width:")); width_label.SetAlignment(1f, .5f); width_entry = new Entry(); width_entry.WidthRequest = 50; width_entry.ActivatesDefault = true; var width_units = new Label(Catalog.GetString("pixels")); var width_hbox = new HBox(); width_hbox.PackStart(width_entry, false, false, 0); width_hbox.PackStart(width_units, false, false, 5); layout_table.Attach(width_label, 0, 1, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); layout_table.Attach(width_hbox, 1, 2, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); // Height Entry var height_label = new Label(Catalog.GetString("Height:")); height_label.SetAlignment(1f, .5f); height_entry = new Entry(); height_entry.WidthRequest = 50; height_entry.ActivatesDefault = true; var height_units = new Label(Catalog.GetString("pixels")); var height_hbox = new HBox(); height_hbox.PackStart(height_entry, false, false, 0); height_hbox.PackStart(height_units, false, false, 5); layout_table.Attach(height_label, 0, 1, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); layout_table.Attach(height_hbox, 1, 2, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Expand | AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Fill, 0, 0); // Orientation Radio options var orientation_label = new Label(Catalog.GetString("Orientation:")); orientation_label.SetAlignment(0f, .5f); portrait_radio = new RadioButton(Catalog.GetString("Portrait")); var portrait_image = new Image(PintaCore.Resources.GetIcon(Stock.OrientationPortrait, 16)); var portrait_hbox = new HBox(); portrait_hbox.PackStart(portrait_image, false, false, 7); portrait_hbox.PackStart(portrait_radio, false, false, 0); landscape_radio = new RadioButton(portrait_radio, Catalog.GetString("Landscape")); var landscape_image = new Image(PintaCore.Resources.GetIcon(Stock.OrientationLandscape, 16)); var landscape_hbox = new HBox(); landscape_hbox.PackStart(landscape_image, false, false, 7); landscape_hbox.PackStart(landscape_radio, false, false, 0); // Orientation VBox var orientation_vbox = new VBox(); orientation_vbox.PackStart(orientation_label, false, false, 4); orientation_vbox.PackStart(portrait_hbox, false, false, 0); orientation_vbox.PackStart(landscape_hbox, false, false, 0); // Background Color options var background_label = new Label(Catalog.GetString("Background:")); background_label.SetAlignment(0f, .5f); white_bg_radio = new RadioButton(Catalog.GetString("White")); var image_white = new Image(GdkExtensions.CreateColorSwatch(16, new Gdk.Color(255, 255, 255))); var hbox_white = new HBox(); hbox_white.PackStart(image_white, false, false, 7); hbox_white.PackStart(white_bg_radio, false, false, 0); secondary_bg_radio = new RadioButton(white_bg_radio, Catalog.GetString("Background Color")); var image_bg = new Image(GdkExtensions.CreateColorSwatch(16, PintaCore.Palette.SecondaryColor.ToGdkColor())); var hbox_bg = new HBox(); hbox_bg.PackStart(image_bg, false, false, 7); hbox_bg.PackStart(secondary_bg_radio, false, false, 0); trans_bg_radio = new RadioButton(secondary_bg_radio, Catalog.GetString("Transparent")); var image_trans = new Image(GdkExtensions.CreateTransparentColorSwatch(true)); var hbox_trans = new HBox(); hbox_trans.PackStart(image_trans, false, false, 7); hbox_trans.PackStart(trans_bg_radio, false, false, 0); // Background VBox var background_vbox = new VBox(); background_vbox.PackStart(background_label, false, false, 4); background_vbox.PackStart(hbox_white, false, false, 0); if (allow_background_color) { background_vbox.PackStart(hbox_bg, false, false, 0); } background_vbox.PackStart(hbox_trans, false, false, 0); // Put all the options together var options_vbox = new VBox(); options_vbox.Spacing = 10; options_vbox.PackStart(layout_table, false, false, 3); options_vbox.PackStart(orientation_vbox, false, false, 0); options_vbox.PackStart(background_vbox, false, false, 4); // Layout the preview + the options preview = new PreviewArea(); var preview_label = new Label(Catalog.GetString("Preview")); var preview_vbox = new VBox(); preview_vbox.PackStart(preview_label, false, false, 0); preview_vbox.PackStart(preview, true, true, 0); var main_hbox = new HBox(false, 10); main_hbox.PackStart(options_vbox, false, false, 0); main_hbox.PackStart(preview_vbox, true, true, 0); VBox.Add(main_hbox); ShowAll(); }
public void AddOption(Widget widget) { OptionArea.Add(widget); }