Beispiel #1
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the V8 'Set()' function on the underlying native function template to set properties that will exist on all function objects created from this template.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetProperty(string name, InternalHandle value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.Undefined)
            if (name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name (cannot be null, empty, or only whitespace)");

            V8NetProxy.SetFunctionTemplateProperty(_NativeFunctionTemplateProxy, name, value, attributes);
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Since some base methods operate on object properties, and the properties exist on this managed object, we override
        // them here to speed things up.

        public override bool SetProperty(string name, InternalHandle value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None)
            var result = NamedPropertySetter(ref name, value, attributes);

            if (result.IsUndefined)
                return(base.SetProperty(name, value, attributes));                    // (if this virtual override fails to set the property, try to do it via the base [directly on the native object])
Beispiel #3
        public override bool SetProperty(int index, InternalHandle value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.Undefined)
            var result = IndexedPropertySetter(index, value);

            if (result.IsUndefined)
                return(base.SetProperty(index, value, attributes));
Beispiel #4
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /// <summary>
        ///     Calls the V8 'SetAccessor()' function on the underlying native object to create a property that is controlled by
        ///     "getter" and "setter" callbacks.
        ///     <para>WARNING: If you try to set managed accessors on a native-ONLY object (as in, this handle does not yet have a
        ///     managed-side object associated with it) then
        ///     <see cref="V8Engine.CreateObject(InternalHandle, bool)"/> will be called to create a wrapper object so the
        ///     accessor delegates will not get garbage collected, causing errors. You can optionally take control of this yourself
        ///     and call one of the 'CreateObject()' methods on <see cref="V8Engine"/>.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"> The property name. </param>
        /// <param name="getter">
        ///     The property getter delegate that returns a value when the property is accessed within JavaScript.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="setter">
        ///     The property setter delegate that sets AND returns a value when the property is accessed within JavaScript.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="attributes"> (Optional) The attributes to assign to the property. </param>
        /// <param name="access"> (Optional) The access security on the property. </param>
        /// <seealso cref="M:V8.Net.IV8Object.SetAccessor(string,GetterAccessor,SetterAccessor,V8PropertyAttributes,V8AccessControl)"/>
        public virtual void SetAccessor(string name, GetterAccessor getter, SetterAccessor setter,
                                        V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None, V8AccessControl access = V8AccessControl.Default)
            attributes = _CreateAccessorProxies(Engine, name, getter, setter, attributes, access, ref _Getter, ref _Setter);

            Getter = getter;
            Setter = setter;

            V8NetProxy.SetObjectAccessor(this, ID, name, _Getter, _Setter, access, attributes);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the V8 'SetAccessor()' function on the underlying native 'v8::ObjectTenplate' instance to create a property that is controlled by "getter" and "setter" callbacks.
        /// <para>Note: This is template related, which means all objects created from this template will be affected by these special properties.</para>
        /// </summary>
        public void SetAccessor(string name,
                                GetterAccessor getter, SetterAccessor setter,
                                V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None, V8AccessControl access = V8AccessControl.Default)
            attributes = V8NativeObject._CreateAccessorProxies(Engine, name, getter, setter, attributes, access, ref _Getter, ref _Setter);

            Getter = getter;
            Setter = setter;

            V8NetProxy.SetObjectTemplateAccessor(_NativeObjectTemplateProxy, -1, name, _Getter, _Setter, access, attributes);
Beispiel #6
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the V8 'Set()' function on the underlying native object template to set properties that will exist on all objects created from this template.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetProperty(string name, InternalHandle value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None)
                if (name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("name (cannot be null, empty, or only whitespace)");

                V8NetProxy.SetObjectTemplateProperty(_NativeObjectTemplateProxy, name, value, attributes);
Beispiel #7
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the V8 'SetAccessor()' function on the underlying native 'v8::ObjectTenplate' instance to create a property that is controlled by "getter" and "setter" callbacks.
        /// <para>Note: This is template related, which means all objects created from this template will be affected by these special properties.</para>
        /// </summary>
        public void SetAccessor(string name,
                                V8NativeObjectPropertyGetter getter, V8NativeObjectPropertySetter setter,
                                V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None, V8AccessControl access = V8AccessControl.Default)
            if (name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name (cannot be null, empty, or only whitespace)");

            var engine = Engine;

            V8NetProxy.SetObjectTemplateAccessor(_NativeObjectTemplateProxy, -1, name,
                                                 _Engine._StoreAccessor <ManagedAccessorGetter>(_NativeObjectTemplateProxy->ObjectID, "get_" + name, (HandleProxy * _this, string propertyName) =>
                    using (InternalHandle hThis = _this) { return(getter != null ? getter(hThis, propertyName) : null); }
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(engine.CreateError(Exceptions.GetFullErrorMessage(ex), JSValueType.ExecutionError));
                                                 _Engine._StoreAccessor <ManagedAccessorSetter>(_NativeObjectTemplateProxy->ObjectID, "set_" + name, (HandleProxy * _this, string propertyName, HandleProxy * value) =>
                    using (InternalHandle hThis = _this) { return(setter != null ? setter(hThis, propertyName, value) : null); }
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(engine.CreateError(Exceptions.GetFullErrorMessage(ex), JSValueType.ExecutionError));
                                                 access, attributes);
 public static unsafe extern bool SetObjectPropertyByIndex32(HandleProxy *proxy, Int32 index, HandleProxy *value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None);
Beispiel #9
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls the V8 'SetAccessor()' function on the underlying native object to create a property that is controlled by "getter" and "setter" callbacks.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void SetAccessor(string name,
     V8NativeObjectPropertyGetter getter, V8NativeObjectPropertySetter setter,
     V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None, V8AccessControl access = V8AccessControl.Default)
     _Handle._Handle.SetAccessor(name, getter, setter, attributes, access);
Beispiel #10
 public static unsafe extern void SetObjectTemplateAccessor(NativeObjectTemplateProxy *proxy, Int32 managedObjectID, string name,
                                                            ManagedAccessorGetter getter, ManagedAccessorSetter setter,
                                                            V8AccessControl access, V8PropertyAttributes attributes);
Beispiel #11
 public static unsafe extern void SetObjectTemplateProperty(NativeObjectTemplateProxy* proxy, string name, HandleProxy* value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None);
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds a 'V8Function' object to the specified type and associates the type name (or custom script name) with the underlying object.
 /// Returns true if successful.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type to wrap.</param>
 /// <param name="propertyAttributes">Flags that describe the property behavior.  They must be 'OR'd together as needed.</param>
 /// <param name="className">A custom in-script function name for the specified type, or 'null' to use either the type name as is (the default) or any existing 'ScriptObject' attribute name.</param>
 /// <param name="recursive">For object types, if true, then object reference members are included, otherwise only the object itself is bound and returned.
 /// For security reasons, public members that point to object instances will be ignored. This must be true to included those as well, effectively allowing
 /// in-script traversal of the object reference tree (so make sure this doesn't expose sensitive methods/properties/fields).</param>
 /// <param name="memberSecurity">For object instances, these are default flags that describe JavaScript properties for all object instance members that
 /// don't have any 'ScriptMember' attribute.  The flags should be 'OR'd together as needed.</param>
 public virtual bool SetProperty(Type type, V8PropertyAttributes propertyAttributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None, string className = null, bool?recursive = null, ScriptMemberSecurity?memberSecurity = null)
     return(_Handle.SetProperty(type, propertyAttributes, className, recursive, memberSecurity));
Beispiel #13
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the V8 'Set()' function on the underlying native object.
        /// Returns true if successful.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attributes">Flags that describe the property behavior.  They must be 'OR'd together as needed.</param>
        public virtual bool SetProperty(string name, InternalHandle value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None)
            return(_Handle.SetProperty(name, value, attributes));
Beispiel #14
        public virtual InternalHandle NamedPropertySetter(ref string propertyName, InternalHandle value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.Undefined)
            if (_Proxy != this)
                var result = ((IV8ManagedObject)_Proxy).NamedPropertySetter(ref propertyName, value, attributes);
                if (!result.IsUndefined) return result;

            var jsVal = this[propertyName];

            if (jsVal.Value.IsEmpty)
                this[propertyName] = jsVal = new JSProperty(value, attributes != V8PropertyAttributes.Undefined ? attributes : V8PropertyAttributes.None);
                if (attributes != V8PropertyAttributes.Undefined)
                    jsVal.Attributes = attributes;
                    jsVal.Value = value; // (note: updating attributes automatically assumes writable access)
                else if ((jsVal.Attributes & V8PropertyAttributes.ReadOnly) == 0)
                    jsVal.Value = value;

            return jsVal.Value;
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds a 'V8Function' object to the specified type and associates the type name (or custom script name) with the underlying object.
 /// Returns true if successful.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type to wrap.</param>
 /// <param name="propertyAttributes">Flags that describe the property behavior.  They must be 'OR'd together as needed.</param>
 /// <param name="className">A custom in-script function name for the specified type, or 'null' to use either the type name as is (the default) or any existing 'ScriptObject' attribute name.</param>
 /// <param name="recursive">For object types, if true, then object reference members are included, otherwise only the object itself is bound and returned.
 /// For security reasons, public members that point to object instances will be ignored. This must be true to included those as well, effectively allowing
 /// in-script traversal of the object reference tree (so make sure this doesn't expose sensitive methods/properties/fields).</param>
 /// <param name="memberSecurity">For object instances, these are default flags that describe JavaScript properties for all object instance members that
 /// don't have any 'ScriptMember' attribute.  The flags should be 'OR'd together as needed.</param>
 public virtual bool SetProperty(Type type, V8PropertyAttributes propertyAttributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None, string className = null, bool? recursive = null, ScriptMemberSecurity? memberSecurity = null)
     return _Handle._Handle.SetProperty(type, propertyAttributes, className, recursive, memberSecurity);
Beispiel #16
        public virtual InternalHandle NamedPropertySetter(ref string propertyName, InternalHandle value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.Undefined)
            if (_Proxy != this)
                var result = ((IV8ManagedObject)_Proxy).NamedPropertySetter(ref propertyName, value, attributes);
                if (!result.IsUndefined)

            var jsVal = this[propertyName];

            if (jsVal.Value.IsEmpty)
                this[propertyName] = jsVal = new JSProperty(value, attributes != V8PropertyAttributes.Undefined ? attributes : V8PropertyAttributes.None);
                if (attributes != V8PropertyAttributes.Undefined)
                    jsVal.Attributes = attributes;
                    jsVal.Value      = value; // (note: updating attributes automatically assumes writable access)
                else if ((jsVal.Attributes & V8PropertyAttributes.ReadOnly) == 0)
                    jsVal.Value = value;

Beispiel #17
 public static extern void SetFunctionTemplateProperty(NativeFunctionTemplateProxy* proxy, string name, HandleProxy* value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None);
Beispiel #18
 public static extern void SetObjectTemplateAccessor(NativeObjectTemplateProxy* proxy, Int32 managedObjectId, string name,
     ManagedAccessorGetter getter, ManagedAccessorSetter setter,
     V8AccessControl access, V8PropertyAttributes attributes);
Beispiel #19
 public static extern bool SetObjectPropertyByName(HandleProxy* proxy, string name, HandleProxy* value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None);
 public static unsafe extern void SetObjectTemplateProperty32(NativeObjectTemplateProxy *proxy, string name, HandleProxy *value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None);
Beispiel #21
        static internal V8PropertyAttributes _CreateAccessorProxies(V8Engine engine, string name, GetterAccessor getter, SetterAccessor setter, V8PropertyAttributes attributes, V8AccessControl access,
                                                                    ref NativeGetterAccessor _Getter, ref NativeSetterAccessor _Setter)
            if (name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name), "Cannot be null, empty, or only whitespace.");
            if (attributes == V8PropertyAttributes.Undefined)
                attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None;
            if (attributes < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("'attributes' has an invalid value.");
            if (access < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("'access' has an invalid value.");

            if (getter != null && _Getter == null)
                _Getter = (_this, _name) => // (only need to set this once on first use)
                        return(getter != null?getter(_this, _name) : null);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        return(engine.CreateError(Exceptions.GetFullErrorMessage(ex), JSValueType.ExecutionError));

            if (setter != null && _Setter == null)
                _Setter = (_this, _name, _val) => // (only need to set this once on first use)
                        return(setter != null?setter(_this, _name, _val) : null);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        return(engine.CreateError(Exceptions.GetFullErrorMessage(ex), JSValueType.ExecutionError));

Beispiel #22
 public override bool SetProperty(string name, InternalHandle value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes)
     var result = NamedPropertySetter(ref name, value, attributes);
     return !result.IsUndefined || base.SetProperty(name, value, attributes);
Beispiel #23
 public JSProperty(TValueSource source, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None)
     Source = source; _Attributes = attributes;
Beispiel #24
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Since some base methods operate on object properties, and the properties exist on this managed object, we override
        // them here to speed things up.

        public override bool SetProperty(string name, InternalHandle value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None)
            var result = NamedPropertySetter(ref name, value, attributes);
            if (result.IsUndefined) return base.SetProperty(name, value, attributes); // (if this virtual override fails to set the property, try to do it via the base [directly on the native object])
            return true;
Beispiel #25
 public JSProperty(InternalHandle value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None) : this(default(TValueSource), value, attributes)
Beispiel #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls the V8 'Set()' function on the underlying native object.
 /// Returns true if successful.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="index"> Zero-based index to set. </param>
 /// <param name="value"> The value to set. </param>
 /// <param name="attributes">
 ///     (Optional) Flags that describe the property behavior.  They must be 'OR'd together as needed.
 ///     <para>Warning: V8 does not support setting attributes using numerical indexes.  If you set an attribute, the given
 ///     value is converted to a string, and a named property setter will be used instead. </para>
 /// </param>
 public virtual bool SetProperty(Int32 index, InternalHandle value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.Undefined)
     return(_Handle.SetProperty(index, value, attributes));
Beispiel #27
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls the V8 'Set()' function on the underlying native object.
 /// Returns true if successful.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="attributes">Flags that describe the property behavior.  They must be 'OR'd together as needed.</param>
 public virtual bool SetProperty(string name, InternalHandle value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None)
     return _Handle._Handle.SetProperty(name, value, attributes);
Beispiel #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls the V8 'SetAccessor()' function on the underlying native object to create a property that is controlled by "getter" and "setter" callbacks.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void SetAccessor(string name,
     V8NativeObjectPropertyGetter getter, V8NativeObjectPropertySetter setter, V8PropertyAttributes attributes)
     SetAccessor(name, getter, setter, attributes, V8AccessControl.Default);
Beispiel #29
 public static unsafe extern void SetObjectAccessor(HandleProxy* proxy, Int32 managedObjectID, string name,
     ManagedAccessorGetter getter, ManagedAccessorSetter setter,
     V8AccessControl access, V8PropertyAttributes attributes);
Beispiel #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new JSProperty instance to help keep track of JavaScript object properties on managed objects.
 /// </summary>
 public JSProperty(V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None)
     Source = default(TValueSource); _Attributes = attributes;
Beispiel #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls the V8 'SetAccessor()' function on the underlying native object to create a property that is controlled by "getter" and "setter" callbacks.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void SetAccessor(string name,
     V8NativeObjectPropertyGetter getter, V8NativeObjectPropertySetter setter,
     V8PropertyAttributes attributes, V8AccessControl access)
     HandleInternal.HandleInternal.SetAccessor(name, getter, setter, attributes, access);
Beispiel #32
 public JSProperty(TValueSource source, InternalHandle value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None) : this(source, attributes)
Beispiel #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls the V8 'Set()' function on the underlying native object.
 /// Returns true if successful.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="attributes">Flags that describe the property behavior.  They must be 'OR'd together as needed.</param>
 public virtual bool SetProperty(string name, InternalHandle value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes)
     return HandleInternal.HandleInternal.SetProperty(name, value, attributes);
Beispiel #34
 public JSProperty(V8Engine engine, object value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None)
     : this(InternalHandle.Empty, attributes)
     _Value.Set(engine != null ? engine.CreateValue(value) : InternalHandle.Empty);
Beispiel #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds a 'V8Function' object to the specified type and associates the type name (or custom script name) with the underlying object.
 /// Returns true if successful.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type to wrap.</param>
 /// <param name="propertyAttributes">Flags that describe the property behavior.  They must be 'OR'd together as needed.</param>
 /// <param name="className">A custom in-script function name for the specified type, or 'null' to use either the type name as is (the default) or any existing 'ScriptObject' attribute name.</param>
 /// <param name="recursive">For object types, if true, then object reference members are included, otherwise only the object itself is bound and returned.
 /// For security reasons, public members that point to object instances will be ignored. This must be true to included those as well, effectively allowing
 /// in-script traversal of the object reference tree (so make sure this doesn't expose sensitive methods/properties/fields).</param>
 /// <param name="memberSecurity">For object instances, these are default flags that describe JavaScript properties for all object instance members that
 /// don't have any 'ScriptMember' attribute.  The flags should be 'OR'd together as needed.</param>
 public virtual bool SetProperty(Type type, V8PropertyAttributes propertyAttributes, string className, bool? recursive, ScriptMemberSecurity? memberSecurity)
     return HandleInternal.HandleInternal.SetProperty(type, propertyAttributes, className, recursive, memberSecurity);
Beispiel #36
 public static unsafe extern bool SetObjectPropertyByName(HandleProxy *proxy, string name, HandleProxy *value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None);
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the V8 'SetAccessor()' function on the underlying native object to create a property that is controlled by "getter" and "setter" callbacks.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void SetAccessor(string name,
                                        V8NativeObjectPropertyGetter getter, V8NativeObjectPropertySetter setter,
                                        V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None, V8AccessControl access = V8AccessControl.Default)
            _Handle.SetAccessor(name, getter, setter, attributes, access);
Beispiel #38
 public static unsafe extern void SetFunctionTemplateProperty(NativeFunctionTemplateProxy *proxy, string name, HandleProxy *value, V8PropertyAttributes attributes = V8PropertyAttributes.None);
Beispiel #39
        public static unsafe extern void SetObjectAccessor64(HandleProxy *proxy, Int32 managedObjectID, string name,

                                                             NativeGetterAccessor getter, NativeSetterAccessor setter,
                                                             V8AccessControl access, V8PropertyAttributes attributes);