Beispiel #1
        //-----------------  Search Method [ For Payment ] ----------------------------

        public List <SalePurchaseEntity> GetMatchedRecords(DBSite site, string payment_made_or_received, string value_to_search)
            List <SalePurchaseEntity> sale_purchase_entity_list = new List <SalePurchaseEntity>();
            SalePurchaseEntity        sale_purchase_entity      = null;

            string qry = " SELECT DISTINCT LedgerNumber FROM tblLedger as ldg "
                         + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblAccountMaster as acc"
                         + " ON ldg.AccountMasterId = acc.AccountMasterId "
                         + " WHERE ( "
                         + " ( BillNumber LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%')"
                         + " OR ( CheckNumber LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%')"
                         + " OR ( AccountName LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%')";

            if (IsDate(value_to_search))
                qry += " OR ( LDate = '" + value_to_search + "' ) ";

            if (util.IsNumber(value_to_search))
                qry += " OR ( Credit = '" + value_to_search + "' ) ";
                qry += " OR( Debit = '" + value_to_search + "' ) ";

            qry += " )";
            qry += " AND ldg.UserId = " + Util_BLL.User.UserId;
            qry += " AND ldg.FYear = " + Util_BLL.User.fYear;
            qry += " AND ldg.SourceId = " + payment_made_or_received;

            string    ledger_number = null;
            DataTable dt            = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                sale_purchase_entity = new SalePurchaseEntity();
                ledger_number        = util.CheckNull(row["LedgerNumber"]);
                sale_purchase_entity = GetPaymentInformation(site, payment_made_or_received, ledger_number)[0];


Beispiel #2
        public List <ProductMasterBLL.ProductMasterEntity> GetMatchedRecords(DBSite site, string value_to_search)
            List <ProductMasterBLL.ProductMasterEntity> selected_product_list = new List <ProductMasterBLL.ProductMasterEntity>();

            string qry = "";

            qry += " SELECT ";
            qry += " ProductMasterId, ProductID,  ProductName, OpeningBalance, CostPrice, SellingPrice ";
            qry += " , ReOrderQty, ProductDescription, product.UserID, FYear, product.CreatedAt ";
            qry += ", category.CategoryId CategoryId ";
            qry += ", CategoryName ";
            qry += ", uom.UOMId UOMId ";
            qry += ", product.LocationId LocationId ";
            qry += ", product.AccountId AccountId ";
            qry += ", UnitName  ";
            qry += " FROM ( tblProductMaster as product ";
            qry += " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblProductCategory as category ON ";
            qry += " product.CategoryId = category.CategoryId )";
            qry += " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblUOM as uom ON ";
            qry += " product.UOM= uom.UOMId ";
            //------------ selection condition ----------------------
            qry += " WHERE product.UserID =  " + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " AND ";
            qry += " (( ProductID LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( ProductName LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( UnitName LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( CategoryName LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) ";

            if (util.IsNumber(value_to_search))
                qry += "OR ( OpeningBalance = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";
                qry += " ( CostPrice = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";
                qry += " ( SellingPrice = '" + value_to_search + "' ) ";
            qry += " ) ";

            DataTable           dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);
            ProductMasterEntity pme;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                pme = new ProductMasterEntity();

                pme.ProductMasterId    = util.CheckNullInt(dr["ProductMasterId"]);
                pme.ProductId          = util.CheckNull(dr["ProductID"]);
                pme.ProductName        = util.CheckNull(dr["ProductName"]);
                pme.OpeningBalance     = util.ToDecimal(util.CheckNullDecimal(dr["OpeningBalance"]));
                pme.CostPrice          = util.ToDecimal(util.CheckNullDecimal(dr["CostPrice"]));
                pme.SellingPrice       = util.ToDecimal(util.CheckNullDecimal(dr["SellingPrice"]));
                pme.UOM                = util.CheckNullInt(dr["UOMId"]);
                pme.UOMName            = util.CheckNull(dr["UnitName"]);
                pme.CategoryID         = util.CheckNullInt(dr["CategoryID"]);
                pme.CategoryName       = util.CheckNull(dr["CategoryName"]);
                pme.AccountId          = util.CheckNullInt(dr["AccountId"]);
                pme.LocationId         = util.CheckNullInt(dr["LocationId"]);
                pme.ReOrderQty         = util.CheckNullDecimal(dr["ReOrderQty"]);
                pme.ProductDescription = util.CheckNull(dr["ProductDescription"]);
                pme.UserID             = util.CheckNullInt(dr["UserID"]);
                pme.FYear              = util.CheckNullInt(dr["FYear"]);


Beispiel #3
        public List <User> GetMatchedUsers(DBSite site, string value_to_search)
            List <User> users = new List <User>();
            User        user  = null;

            string qry = " SELECT "
                         + " UserInfoId"
                         + ", UserName"
                         + ", Email"
                         + ", SenderID"
                         + ", SMSUser"
                         + ", SMSPassword"
                         + ", SMSDelivery"
                         + ", UserPassword"
                         + ", CreationDate"
                         + ", AmountPaid"
                         + ", StartDate"
                         + ", EndDate"
                         + ", Address"
                         + ", City"
                         + ", Country"
                         + ", Phone"
                         + ", Mobile"
                         + ", TinNumber"
                         + ", SalesTaxNumber"
                         + ", CSTNumber"
                         + ", UserType"
                         + ", Remarks";

            qry += " FROM tblUserInfo  ";
            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);

            // qry += " WHERE ";
            //qry += " WHERE UserID = " + User.userID + " AND  FYear= " + User.fYear + " AND ";

            qry += "AND (( UserName LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( Email LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( Address LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( City LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( Country LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( Phone LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";

            qry += " ( Mobile LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( TinNumber LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( SalesTaxNumber LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";

            if (util.IsDate(value_to_search))
                qry += " ( CreationDate = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";
                qry += " ( EndDate = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";
                qry += " ( StartDate = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";

            if (util.IsNumber(value_to_search))
                qry += " ( AmountPaid = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR ";
            qry += " ( CSTNumber LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) ";
            qry += ")";

            DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                user = new User();

                user.UserId      = util.CheckNullInt(row["UserInfoId"]);
                user.UserName    = util.CheckNull(row["UserName"]);
                user.EmailId     = util.CheckNull(row["Email"]);
                user.SenderId    = util.CheckNull(row["SenderID"]);
                user.SMSUser     = util.CheckNull(row["SMSUser"]);
                user.SMSPassword = util.CheckNull(row["SMSPassword "]);
                user.SMSDelivery = util.CheckNullInt(row["SMSDelivery"]);

                user.UserPassword   = util.CheckNull(row["UserPassword"]);
                user.AmountPaid     = util.CheckNullDecimal(row["AmountPaid"]);
                user.CreationDate   = ((DateTime)row["CreationDate"]).ToShortDateString();
                user.StartDate      = ((DateTime)row["StartDate"]).ToShortDateString();
                user.EndDate        = ((DateTime)row["EndDate"]).ToShortDateString();
                user.Address        = util.CheckNull(row["Address"]);
                user.City           = util.CheckNull(row["City"]);
                user.Country        = util.CheckNull(row["Country"]);
                user.Phone          = util.CheckNull(row["Phone"]);
                user.Mobile         = util.CheckNull(row["Mobile"]);
                user.TinNumber      = util.CheckNull(row["PinNumber"]);
                user.SalesTaxNumber = util.CheckNull(row["SalesTaxNumber"]);
                user.CSTNumber      = util.CheckNull(row["CSTNumber"]);
                user.UserType       = util.CheckNullInt(row["UserType"]);
                user.Remarks        = util.CheckNull(row["Remarks"]);


Beispiel #4
        public List <AccountMasterEntity> GetMatchedRecords(DBSite site, string value_to_search)
            List <AccountMasterEntity> selected_account_list = new List <AccountMasterEntity>();

            string qry = "";

            qry += "SELECT ";
            qry += "AccountMasterId, AccountName,  CreationDate, OpeningBalance,";
            qry += "DRCR,  Address, City, Phone, Mobile, Email,";
            qry += " Remarks, acc.UserID, FYear ";
            qry += ", acc.GroupId  ";
            qry += ", GroupName  ";

            qry += " FROM tblAccountMaster as acc ";
            qry += " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblGroup as gp ON ";
            qry += " acc.GroupId = gp.GroupId ";

            //----- selection condition ----------

            qry += " WHERE acc.UserID = " + Util_BLL.User.UserId + " AND  FYear= " + Util_BLL.User.fYear + " AND ";     //------  user from session -----
            qry += " (( AccountName LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";

            if (IsDate(value_to_search))
                qry += " ( CreationDate = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";

            qry += " ( Address LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( City LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";

            if (util.IsNumber(value_to_search))
                qry += " ( OpeningBalance = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";
                qry += " ( Phone = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";
                qry += " ( Mobile = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";

            qry += " ( Email LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( GroupName LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%') )";

            DataTable           dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);
            AccountMasterEntity ac;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                ac = new AccountMasterEntity();

                ac.AccountMasterId = util.CheckNullInt(dr["AccountMasterId"].ToString());
                ac.AccountName     = dr["AccountName"].ToString();
                ac.CreationDate    = util.CheckNullDate(dr["CreationDate"]);

                ac.OpeningBalance = util.ToDecimal(util.CheckNullDecimal(dr["OpeningBalance"]));

                ac.DRCR      = util.CheckNullInt(dr["DRCR"]);
                ac.DRCR_Name = (util.CheckNullInt(dr["DRCR"]) == 0) ? "Credit" : "Debit";
                ac.Address   = util.CheckNull(dr["Address"].ToString());
                ac.City      = util.CheckNull(dr["City"].ToString());
                ac.Phone     = util.CheckNull(dr["Phone"].ToString());
                ac.Mobile    = util.CheckNull(dr["Mobile"].ToString());
                ac.Email     = util.CheckNull(dr["Email"].ToString());
                ac.Remarks   = util.CheckNull(dr["Remarks"].ToString());
                ac.GroupId   = util.CheckNullInt(dr["GroupId"]);
                ac.GroupName = util.CheckNull(dr["GroupName"]);
                ac.UserID    = util.CheckNullInt(dr["UserID"]);
                ac.FYear     = util.CheckNullInt(dr["FYear"]);

