public async Task LogPoster([Summary("The Warcraftlog url of the fight you want to add to the #logs channel.")] string url)
            var user = (SocketGuildUser)Context.User;

            if (!UtilService.IsOfficer(user.Roles) || !UtilService.IsRaider(user.Roles))
                await ReplyAsync("You do not have the required role for this command."); return;

            var channel = Context.Guild.GetTextChannel(504316725500575745);

            if (!url.Contains("reports/"))
                await ReplyAsync("That isn't a valid warcraftlogs url.");
                var ID             = url.Substring(url.LastIndexOf("reports/") + 8);
                var wowAnalyzerUrl = $"{ID}";
                var wipefestUrl    = $"{ID}";
                var embed          = new EmbedBuilder()
                                     .WithTitle("BFA Guild Raid LOG")
                                     .WithDescription($"Added: {DateTime.UtcNow}\n\n**Links:** [Warcraft Log]({url}) | [Wow Analyzer]({wowAnalyzerUrl}) | [WipeFest]({wipefestUrl})\n")
                                     .WithFooter("Powered by Bleps, WarcraftLogs, Wow Analyzer & WipeFest", "")

                await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed);