Beispiel #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int id, [Bind("FacilityID,FacilityName,NumberOfClientsUsingWeightRoom,NumberOfClientsUsingCardioRoom," +
                                                              "NumberOfClientsUsingStretchRoom,IsOpenDoorRequested,DoorOpened,DoorCloseTimer,IsCameraScanSuccessful, IsWithin10m")] Facility facilityView
                                                ) //
            // Get the default gym for a user and set it to be the Id for the gym being edited
            var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            if (user.Id == null)

            id = user.DefaultGym;

            // Variable facility is the database values, facilityView, binds data from the view to post to DB
            var facility = await _facilityContext.Facilities.FindAsync(id);

            var facilityDetails = await _facilityContext.UsersInGymDetails.ToListAsync();

            UsersInGymDetail currentFacilityDetail = new UsersInGymDetail();
            var currentFacilityDetailDb            = await _facilityContext.UsersInGymDetails.Where(f => f.UniqueEntryID == user.Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            var allGymUserRecords = await _facilityContext.UsersOutofGymDetails.Where(f => f.UniqueEntryID == user.Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            bool enteredGym = false;

            if (id != facility.FacilityID || id != facilityView.FacilityID)

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                { // maybe make is open door requested a user property
                  // if door open is requested from the view by clicking the button, then run the below logic to test if user is authorized and also apply crowdsensing functions
                    enteredGym = await DetermineEnterOrExitGym(facilityView, user, facility, facilityDetails, currentFacilityDetail, currentFacilityDetailDb, enteredGym, allGymUserRecords);
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException e)
                    if (!FacilityExists(facility.FacilityID))

                // if the user has logged in successfully and not logged workout, then send to questionnaire TODO: for now, later will use AJAX to post questionaire here, and have option to later log in workout
                return((user.AccessGrantedToFacility) && (!user.HasLoggedWorkoutToday) ? RedirectToAction("LogWorkout", "Facilities", new { id = user.DefaultGym }) : RedirectToAction(nameof(Index)));
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int?id)
            // Get the default gym for a user and set it to be the Id for the gym being edited
            var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            ViewBag.EstimatedNumberInGym = 0;
            ViewBag.IsOpenDoorRequested  = false;
            ViewBag.DefaultLat           = user.TestLat;
            ViewBag.DefaultLong          = user.TestLong;

            // if user does not exist return not found, if id is null, send to login page
            if (user.Id == null)

            id = user.DefaultGym; // set the ID to be current user's default gym
            if (id == null)
            // if (!user.isVerifiedUser) return RedirectToPage("/Identity/Account/Login");

            var facility = await _facilityContext.Facilities.FindAsync(id);

            var facilityDetails = await _facilityContext.UsersInGymDetails.ToListAsync();

            UsersInGymDetail = await _facilityContext.UsersInGymDetails.Where(f => f.UniqueEntryID == user.Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            if (facility == null)
                return(NotFound());                  // ensure facility exists
            // if there is a user in gym, retreive facial recognition results from the database
            if (UsersInGymDetail != null)
                ViewBag.IsSmiling    = _facilityContext.UsersInGymDetails.Where(o => o.UniqueEntryID == user.Id).FirstOrDefault().IsSmiling;
                ViewBag.Gender       = _facilityContext.UsersInGymDetails.Where(o => o.UniqueEntryID == user.Id).FirstOrDefault().Gender;
                ViewBag.AgeRangeLow  = _facilityContext.UsersInGymDetails.Where(o => o.UniqueEntryID == user.Id).FirstOrDefault().AgeRangeLow;
                ViewBag.AgeRangeHigh = _facilityContext.UsersInGymDetails.Where(o => o.UniqueEntryID == user.Id).FirstOrDefault().AgeRangeHigh;

            // Calculations for estimated time
            // get estimated time to check submitted to the db for the user submitting
            DateTime estimatedTimeToCheck         = _facilityContext.UsersOutofGymDetails.Where(o => o.UniqueEntryID == user.Id).FirstOrDefault().EstimatedTimeToCheck;
            DateTime estimatedExitTimeCurrentUser = DateTime.Now;

            // default to false for access
            ViewBag.AccessGrantedToFacility = false;
            // door open status depends on database value
            ViewBag.DoorOpened = facility.DoorOpened;

            // Decide to increase or decrease the estimated numbers in gym
            // if there are entries get the estimated exit time
            estimatedExitTimeCurrentUser = GetEstimatedNumberOfGymUsers(facilityDetails, estimatedTimeToCheck, estimatedExitTimeCurrentUser);

            // access denied message is normally true
            // if time since the date where user was denied, is more than 5 seconds, then access denied msg received is not received so present the access denial
            ViewBag.AccessDeniedMsgRecieved = true;
            if (DateTime.Now <= (user.TimeAccessDenied.AddSeconds(10)))
                ViewBag.AccessDeniedMsgRecieved = false;

            // TODO: Logic for conditonally displaying if current time after last workout logged then send to log workout, and inside gym
            //if (DateTime.Now > user.TimeLoggedWorkout && user.IsInsideGym)
            //    return RedirectToAction("LogWorkout", "Facilities", new { id = user.DefaultGym });

Beispiel #3
        // Face detection method
        private async Task FacialRecognitionScan(ApplicationUser user, UsersInGymDetail currentFacilityDetail)
            // initialize similarity threshold for accepting face match, source and target img.
            // S3 bucket img, dynamically selected based on user currently logged in.
            float  similarityThreshold = 70F;
            string photo       = $"{user.FirstName}_{user.Id}.jpg";
            String targetImage = $"{user.FirstName}_{user.Id}_Target.jpg";

                // create image objects
                Image imageSource = new Image()
                    S3Object = new S3Object()
                        Name   = photo,
                        Bucket = bucket
                Image imageTarget = new Image()
                    S3Object = new S3Object()
                        Name   = targetImage,
                        Bucket = bucket
                // create a compare face request object
                CompareFacesRequest compareFacesRequest = new CompareFacesRequest()
                    SourceImage         = imageSource,
                    TargetImage         = imageTarget,
                    SimilarityThreshold = similarityThreshold

                // detect face features of img scanned
                CompareFacesResponse compareFacesResponse = await AmazonRekognition.CompareFacesAsync(compareFacesRequest);

                // Display results
                foreach (CompareFacesMatch match in compareFacesResponse.FaceMatches)
                    ComparedFace face = match.Face;
                    // if confidence for similarity is over 90 then grant access
                    if (match.Similarity > 90)
                        // if there is a match set scan success
                        user.IsCameraScanSuccessful = true;
                        ViewBag.MatchResult = "Facial Match Failed!";
            catch (Exception e)

            // now add get facial details to display in the view.
            DetectFacesRequest detectFacesRequest = new DetectFacesRequest()
                Image = new Image()
                    S3Object = new S3Object()
                        Name   = targetImage,
                        Bucket = bucket
                // "DEFAULT": BoundingBox, Confidence, Landmarks, Pose, and Quality.
                Attributes = new List <String>()

                DetectFacesResponse detectFacesResponse = await AmazonRekognition.DetectFacesAsync(detectFacesRequest);

                bool hasAll = detectFacesRequest.Attributes.Contains("ALL");
                foreach (FaceDetail face in detectFacesResponse.FaceDetails)
                    // if the face found has all attributes within a Detect Face object then save these values to the database.
                    if (hasAll)
                        currentFacilityDetail.IsSmiling    = face.Smile.Value;
                        currentFacilityDetail.Gender       = face.Gender.Value.ToString();
                        currentFacilityDetail.AgeRangeLow  = face.AgeRange.Low;
                        currentFacilityDetail.AgeRangeHigh = face.AgeRange.High;
            catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #4
        private async Task LeaveGym(Facility facilityView, ApplicationUser user, Facility facility, List <UsersInGymDetail> facilityDetails, UsersInGymDetail currentFacilityDetailDb)
            user.IsInsideGym = false;
            // if it is not 0 then we can decrement to avoid negatives
            if (facility.NumberOfClientsInGym != 0)

            // adjust all variables to update the user to a left gym status
            if (user.WillUseWeightsRoom)
                user.WillUseWeightsRoom = false;
            if (user.WillUseCardioRoom && facility.NumberOfClientsUsingCardioRoom != 0)
                user.WillUseCardioRoom = false;
            if (user.WillUseStretchRoom && facility.NumberOfClientsUsingStretchRoom != 0)
                user.WillUseWeightsRoom = false;

            // if there are entries for facilities, loop through all the facilities, remove the entry which is stamped with the current user entry
            if (facilityDetails.Count() > 0)

            facilityView.IsCameraScanSuccessful = false;
            user.IsWithin10m             = false;
            user.IsCameraScanSuccessful  = false;
            user.AccessGrantedToFacility = false;

            // delete detected image from S3 bucket
                string keyName = $"{user.FirstName}_{user.Id}.jpg";

                var deleteObjectRequest = new Amazon.S3.Model.DeleteObjectRequest
                    BucketName = bucket,
                    Key        = keyName

                await S3Client.DeleteObjectAsync(deleteObjectRequest);
            catch (AmazonS3Exception e)
            catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #5
        // Method that applies action based on whether user is entering or exiting the gym
        private async Task <bool> DetermineEnterOrExitGym(Facility facilityView, ApplicationUser user, Facility facility, List <UsersInGymDetail> facilityDetails, UsersInGymDetail currentFacilityDetail,
                                                          UsersInGymDetail currentFacilityDetailDb, bool enteredGym, UsersOutOfGymDetails allGymUserRecords)
            if (facilityView.IsOpenDoorRequested)
                // perform facial recognition scan if not inside the gym
                if (!user.IsInsideGym)
                    await FacialRecognitionScan(user, currentFacilityDetail);

                // Location scan (results from HERE API using javascript) is passed to this POST Action Method
                // when the checkbox's value is checked we assign user.IsWithin10m as true,
                //  satisfying the first requirement to gaining access to the facility
                if (facilityView.IsWithin10m)
                    user.IsWithin10m = true;

                // if camera scan and location check is true, and user is not in the gym, then we open the door, and access granted is true
                if (user.IsWithin10m && user.IsCameraScanSuccessful && !user.IsInsideGym)
                    user.AccessGrantedToFacility    = true;
                    ViewBag.AccessGrantedToFacility = true;
                // if camera scan is not successful
                else if (!facilityView.IsCameraScanSuccessful && !user.IsWithin10m)
                    user.AccessGrantedToFacility = false;

                if (user.AccessGrantedToFacility)
                    facility.DoorOpened = true;
                    // if the user is not in the gym, then say this user is not in the gym, and increase object values as required.
                    if (!user.IsInsideGym)
                        user.IsInsideGym       = true;
                        user.TimeAccessGranted = DateTime.Now;
                        currentFacilityDetail.TimeAccessGranted = DateTime.Now;
                        currentFacilityDetail.FirstName         = user.FirstName;
                        currentFacilityDetail.UniqueEntryID     = user.Id;
                        currentFacilityDetail.FacilityID        = facility.FacilityID;
                        enteredGym = true;
                        // TODO: Use AJAX to async send to and from the client at the same time
                    // <--------------------------------- LEAVE GYM -----------------------------------------------------------
                    // if the user is already in the gym, when button is pushed then make reset all access to false, and decrement the number of ppl in the gym by 1
                    else if (user.IsInsideGym)
                        await LeaveGym(facilityView, user, facility, facilityDetails, currentFacilityDetailDb);
                } // end access granted
                else if (!user.AccessGrantedToFacility)
                    ViewBag.AccessDeniedMsgRecieved = false;
                    user.TimeAccessDenied           = DateTime.Now;

                // if door has been opened and user is authorised
                if (facility.DoorOpened && user.AccessGrantedToFacility)
                    // log the time granted, and wait 5 seconds.

                // When 5 second timer finishes, we close the door again automatically
                facility.IsOpenDoorRequested = false;
                ViewBag.IsOpenDoorRequested  = false;
                facility.DoorOpened          = false;

                // if we are entering gym, use the new facility object, if we are leaving, use the facility detail using Db values.
                if (enteredGym)
                // after a facility exist, then we can update facility to avoid foreign key constraint?
                await _facilityContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                await _userManager.UpdateAsync(user);