/// <summary>
        /// Returns all the Assessments of a particular Patient.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patid">The Patient's file-number to use to filter the results returned.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public HttpResponseMessage GetAssessmentsOfPatient(int patid)
            HttpResponseMessage message;

                List <Assessment> assess = new AssessmentsBL().GetAssessmentsOfPatient(patid).ToList();
                UsersBL           users  = new UsersBL();
                Roles             rol    = new Roles();

                var result = from a in assess select new { AssessmentId = a.AssesmentId, Worker = users.GetNameById(a.Worker_fk), Date = a.Date, Time = a.time, Type = a.AssessmentType.AssesmentTypeName, Role = rol.GetRoleName(a.Worker_fk) };

                 * var result = from a in assess select new { PatientId = a.PatientId_fk, Confirmed = a.Confirmed, Worker = users.GetNameById(a.Worker_fk), Date = a.Date, DateConfirmed = a.ConfirmationDate, AssessmentId = a.AssesmentId, Description = a.Description, Time = a.time, Type = a.AssesmentType_fk, Origin = a.Origin_fk, Duration = a.duration, TypeName = a.AssessmentType.AssesmentTypeName };
                message = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result);
                message = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new HttpError("Error occurred. Please try again later."));
