public ActionResult Delete(int thisTripId, FormCollection collection)
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId()))
                if (!UserRoleHelper.IsEmployee(User.Identity.GetUserId()))// check if current user has admin or employee rights
                    return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));

            int NumberOfReservations = countReservavtionsMade((int)thisTripId);

            Trip trip = dbcontext.Trips.Find(thisTripId); //get current trip

            //check for reservations. Cannot edit while there are any and trip is yet to end
            var currTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (NumberOfReservations > 0 && trip.DateBack > currTime)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.CannotEditEntry }));


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.DeleteEntrySuccess }));
Beispiel #2
        public ActionResult Create(Coach model)                     //public ActionResult Create(CoachesViewModel model)
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                /*Coach coach = new Coach() // this commented code was when Coach Entity had TripID FK in it, but it
                 * always required TripID in creation, so it was scrapped. A possible soluiton is to only
                 * Create a coach from a Trip edit link containing its Id, but that would mean a coach would
                 * only be created for a trip (bad idea)
                 * {
                 *  Brand = model.Brand,
                 *  VehModel = model.VehModel,
                 *  Seats = model.Seats,
                 *  DateAdded = model.DateAdded,
                 *  VehicleNumber = model.VehicleNumber,
                 *  VehScreenshot = model.VehScreenshot
                 * };*/

                //model.Id_Trip = 0; -> commented TripID FK line In DBentities\Coach.cs


                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.CreateEntrySuccess }));
        // GET: Trip/Delete/5
        public ActionResult Delete(int?thisTripId)
            if (thisTripId == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId()))
                if (!UserRoleHelper.IsEmployee(User.Identity.GetUserId()))// check if current user has admin or employee rights
                    return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));

            //check for reservations. Cannot edit while there are any. Placeholder
            int NumberOfReservations = countReservavtionsMade((int)thisTripId);

            Trip trip = dbcontext.Trips.Find(thisTripId); //get current trip

            if (trip == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

            //check for reservations. Cannot edit while there are any and trip is yet to end
            var currTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (NumberOfReservations > 0 && trip.DateBack > currTime)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.CannotEditEntry }));

Beispiel #4
        // GET: /Coaches/Index
        public ActionResult Index(ManageMessageId?message)
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
            ViewBag.StatusMessage =
                message == ManageMessageId.EditDetailsSuccess ? "All changes have been saved."
                : message == ManageMessageId.CreateEntrySuccess ? "Successfully added a new vehicle."
                : message == ManageMessageId.DeleteEntrySuccess ? "Successfully deleted a vehicle."
                : message == ManageMessageId.Error ? "An error has occured."
                : "";

            CoachesViewModels model = new CoachesViewModels();

            // add every coach item to the list, then save the list in model's List: Coach. Return the model to view
            var list = new List <Coach>();

            foreach (var item in dbcontext.Coaches.ToList())
            model.List = list;
        public async Task <ActionResult> ManageView()

                var templates = await new TemplateController().GetTemplates();
                if (templates.Count > 0)
                    ViewBag.Templates = templates.OrderBy(s => s.TemplateName).Where(t => t.IsManageTemplate).ToList();

                ViewBag.IsAdmin = UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);

            catch (Exception exception)
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Error";
                ViewBag.ErrorDetails = exception.Message;


Beispiel #6
        // GET: Location/Create
        public ActionResult Create()
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));

        // duplicated action EDIT POST/GET and changed to EditUserRoles
        // GET: ManageUsers/EditUserRoles/5
        public ActionResult EditUserRoles(string Id)
            if (Id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
            ApplicationUser CurrUser = dbcontext.Users.Find(Id);

            if (CurrUser == null)

            EditUserRoleViewModel field = new EditUserRoleViewModel();    // get access to model fields we will be showing
            var userStore   = new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(dbcontext); // access to roles using Identity Framework
            var userManager = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(userStore);

            // update db info with new data given by user in form View
            field.Id          = CurrUser.Id;
            field.UserName    = CurrUser.UserName;
            field.Email       = CurrUser.Email;
            field.Name        = CurrUser.Name;
            field.Surname     = CurrUser.Surname;
            field.Country     = CurrUser.Country;
            field.Town        = CurrUser.Town;
            field.Street      = CurrUser.Street;
            field.NumHouse    = CurrUser.NumHouse;
            field.NumFlat     = CurrUser.NumFlat;
            field.ZIPCode     = CurrUser.ZIPCode;
            field.PhoneNumber = CurrUser.PhoneNumber;

            if (UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(field.Id))
                field.RoleType = UserRoleTypes.Administrator;
            if (UserRoleHelper.IsEmployee(field.Id))
                field.RoleType = UserRoleTypes.Employee;
            if (UserRoleHelper.IsUser(field.Id))
                field.RoleType = UserRoleTypes.Customer;

Beispiel #8
        public ActionResult Create(Location model)
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.CreateEntrySuccess }));
Beispiel #9
        // GET: Location/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
            Location CurrLoc = dbcontext.Locations.Find(id);

            if (CurrLoc == null)

Beispiel #10
        // GET: Coaches/Delete/5
        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
            Coach CurrVeh = dbcontext.Coaches.Find(id);

            if (CurrVeh == null)

 // what does Bind do: 2 approches: we can either create a model with all properties we want to edit in this Action OR we can
 // use Bind(Exclude = "") Bind(Include = "") to tell which properties from a given model to take and edit or exclude
 // usually first approach is better via:
 // but here I do not want to create a new model since Im not going to use this too often and have no
 // plans to change this Action often PLUS UserModel is build in and not something I created from scratch so I dont want to edit it more than needed
 public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Name,Surname,Street,NumHouse,NumFlat,Town,ZIPCode,Country,Email," +
                                          "                                   EmailConfirmed,PasswordHash,SecurityStamp,PhoneNumber,PhoneNumberConfirmed,TwoFactorEnabled," +
                                          "                                   LockoutEndDateUtc,LockoutEnabled,AccessFailedCount,UserName")] ApplicationUser applicationUser)
     if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
         return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         dbcontext.Entry(applicationUser).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
         return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.EditUserSuccess }));
        // GET: ManageUsers/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(string Id)
            if (Id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
            ApplicationUser CurrUser = dbcontext.Users.Find(Id);

            if (CurrUser == null)
        // GET: ManageUsers
        public ActionResult Index(ManageMessageId?message)          // from ManageController
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
            ViewBag.StatusMessage =
                message == ManageMessageId.EditUserSuccess ? "All changes have been saved."
                : message == ManageMessageId.ChangeRoleToCustomer ? "Changed account permissions to : Customer/Basic."
                : message == ManageMessageId.ChangeRoleToEmployee ? "Changed account permissions to : Employee."
                : message == ManageMessageId.ChangeRoleToAdmin ? "Changed account permissions to : Administrator."
                : message == ManageMessageId.DeleteUserSuccess ? "Successfully deleted user account."
                : message == ManageMessageId.ChangeOwnRoleErr ? "Cannot change own account permission type!"
                : message == ManageMessageId.Error ? "An error has occured."
                : "";

Beispiel #14
        // GET: Coaches/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
            // get info about currently edited coach and return it to view
            Coach CurrVeh = dbcontext.Coaches.Find(id);

            if (CurrVeh == null)

            //for View
            ViewBag.DateAdded = CurrVeh.DateAdded;

        public ActionResult Edit(int thisTripId, ViewEditTripsViewModel model)
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
            //check for reservations. Cannot edit while there are any. Placeholder
            int NumberOfReservations = countReservavtionsMade((int)thisTripId);

            //check for reservations. Cannot edit while there are any and trip is yet to end
            var currTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (NumberOfReservations > 0 && model.TripInstance.DateBack > currTime)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.CannotEditEntry }));

                Trip trip = dbcontext.Trips.Find(thisTripId); //get current trip
                if (trip == null)
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

                trip.Name          = model.TripInstance.Name;
                trip.DateDeparture = model.TripInstance.DateDeparture;
                trip.DateBack      = model.TripInstance.DateBack;
                trip.NumSpots      = model.TripInstance.NumSpots;
                trip.Price         = model.TripInstance.Price;
                trip.Description   = model.TripInstance.Description;
                trip.Banner        = model.TripInstance.Banner;
                trip.CoachNumberId = model.TripInstance.CoachNumberId;

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.EditDetailsSuccess }));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.Error }));
Beispiel #16
        public ActionResult Edit(int id, Coach model)
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    // first get info about currently edited coach, so it can be overwritten
                    var modelItem = dbcontext.Coaches.Find(id);
                    if (modelItem == null)

                    // overwrite old data with new data provided from the view form
                    modelItem.Brand         = model.Brand;
                    modelItem.VehModel      = model.VehModel;
                    modelItem.Seats         = model.Seats;
                    modelItem.VehScreenshot = model.VehScreenshot;
                    modelItem.VehicleNumber = model.VehicleNumber;
                    if (model.DateAdded != null)
                        modelItem.DateAdded = model.DateAdded;


                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.EditDetailsSuccess }));
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.Error }));

        public ActionResult Create(Trip model)
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId()))
                if (!UserRoleHelper.IsEmployee(User.Identity.GetUserId()))// check if current user has admin or employee rights
                    return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // CoachNumberId is a required field in Trip Table BUT because when assigning a coach to a trip we need to be sure its not already
                // assigned to a different trip going on in  the time of creating this trip (checked by looking for trips in progress)
                // there is no way to know at the time of this action what coaches can be used since we dont know when THIS trip will start-end.
                // we know that only after its created. so we assign a coachID which will never be created by DB and later assign a proprt value in edit action
                model.CoachNumberId = -1;

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.CreateEntrySuccess }));
Beispiel #18
        public ActionResult Delete(int id, FormCollection collection)
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
                // TODO: Add delete logic here
                Location CurrLoc = dbcontext.Locations.Find(id);
                if (CurrLoc == null)

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.DeleteEntrySuccess }));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.Error }));
Beispiel #19
        public ActionResult Edit(int id, Location model)
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    // first get info about currently edited coach, so it can be overwritten
                    var modelItem = dbcontext.Locations.Find(id);
                    if (modelItem == null)

                    // overwrite old data with new data provided from the view form
                    modelItem.Country       = model.Country;
                    modelItem.Town          = model.Town;
                    modelItem.Name          = model.Name;
                    modelItem.Description   = model.Description;
                    modelItem.LocationImage = model.LocationImage;


                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.EditDetailsSuccess }));
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.Error }));

        // all fields will be used so instead of Bind we can use just the ready Model for it
        public ActionResult EditUserRoles(EditUserRoleViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                    return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));

                ApplicationUser CurrUser = dbcontext.Users.Find(model.Id);
                if (CurrUser == null || model.Id == null)

                // user cannot change his own role. Check if user currently editing has same id as the one being edited
                if (model.Id == User.Identity.GetUserId())
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.ChangeOwnRoleErr }));

                // declaration of needed variables to have the ability to change user roles : Identity Framework. Takes role types and users we will be later using from DB
                var userStore   = new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(dbcontext);
                var userManager = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(userStore);

                // change user role to Administrator
                if (model.RoleType == UserRoleTypes.Administrator)
                    if (userManager.IsInRole(CurrUser.Id, "User"))
                        userManager.RemoveFromRole(CurrUser.Id, "User");
                    if (userManager.IsInRole(CurrUser.Id, "Employee"))
                        userManager.RemoveFromRole(CurrUser.Id, "Employee");
                    userManager.AddToRole(CurrUser.Id, "Administrator");
                    dbcontext.Entry(CurrUser).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.ChangeRoleToAdmin }));

                // change user role to Employee
                if (model.RoleType == UserRoleTypes.Employee)
                    if (userManager.IsInRole(CurrUser.Id, "User"))
                        userManager.RemoveFromRole(CurrUser.Id, "User");
                    if (userManager.IsInRole(CurrUser.Id, "Administrator"))
                        userManager.RemoveFromRole(CurrUser.Id, "Administrator");
                    userManager.AddToRole(CurrUser.Id, "Employee");
                    dbcontext.Entry(CurrUser).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.ChangeRoleToEmployee }));

                // change user role to Customer\User
                if (model.RoleType == UserRoleTypes.Customer)
                    if (userManager.IsInRole(CurrUser.Id, "Employee"))
                        userManager.RemoveFromRole(CurrUser.Id, "Employee");
                    if (userManager.IsInRole(CurrUser.Id, "Administrator"))
                        userManager.RemoveFromRole(CurrUser.Id, "Administrator");
                    userManager.AddToRole(CurrUser.Id, "User");
                    dbcontext.Entry(CurrUser).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.ChangeRoleToCustomer }));

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.Error }));

        public ActionResult Statistics()
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId())) // check if current user has admin rights
                return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));

            // get DB objects
            var bookings  = dbcontext.Reservations.ToList();
            var trips     = dbcontext.Trips.ToList();
            var coaches   = dbcontext.Coaches.ToList();
            var locations = dbcontext.Locations.ToList();
            var users     = dbcontext.Users.ToList();

            // model holding the data + default values
            StatisticsViewModel model = new StatisticsViewModel();

            model.TotalVehicles   = 0;
            model.AvgVehicleSeats = 0;
            model.TotalLocations = 0;
            model.TotalTrips       = 0;
            model.TotalTripsSpots  = 0;
            model.AvgTripPrice     = 0;
            model.AvgTripSpots     = 0;
            model.TotalActiveTrips = 0;
            model.TotalUsers    = 0;
            model.TotalEmployee = 0;
            model.TotalReservationSpotsBooked = 0;
            model.AvgTotalSpotsReserved       = 0;; // in %
            model.TotalTripsBooked            = 0;
            model.TotalReservationsLastMonth  = 0;

            // COACH Data
            model.TotalVehicles = coaches.Count();
            foreach (var coach in coaches)
                model.AvgVehicleSeats = coach.Seats + model.AvgVehicleSeats;
            if (model.AvgVehicleSeats != 0)
                model.AvgVehicleSeats = model.AvgVehicleSeats / model.TotalVehicles;
                model.AvgVehicleSeats = 0;

            //LOCATION DATA
            model.TotalLocations = locations.Count();

            //TRIP DATA
            model.TotalTrips = trips.Count();
            foreach (var trip in trips)
                model.TotalTripsSpots = trip.NumSpots + model.TotalTripsSpots;
                model.AvgTripPrice    = trip.Price + model.AvgTripPrice;
                model.AvgTripSpots    = trip.NumSpots + model.AvgTripSpots;
                if (trip.DateBack > DateTime.Now)
            if (model.TotalTrips != 0)
                model.AvgTripPrice = model.AvgTripPrice / model.TotalTrips;
                model.AvgTripSpots = model.AvgTripSpots / model.TotalTrips;
                model.AvgTripPrice = 0;
                model.AvgTripSpots = 0;

            //USER DATA
            model.TotalUsers = users.Count();
            foreach (var user in users)
                if (UserRoleHelper.IsUserInRole(user.Id, "Employee"))

            //RESERVATION DATA
            model.TotalTripsBooked = bookings.Count();
            foreach (var item in bookings)
                model.TotalReservationSpotsBooked = item.NumPeople + model.TotalReservationSpotsBooked;
            model.AvgTotalSpotsReserved = model.TotalReservationSpotsBooked * 100 / model.TotalTripsSpots;

            // per month reservations
            int month = DateTime.Now.Month;

            int year = DateTime.Now.Year - 1;

            model.ReservationsPerMonth = new List <ReservationsInMonth>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                model.ReservationsPerMonth.Add(new ReservationsInMonth {
                    Month = month, Year = year, MonthTotalReservations = 0, MonthName = "test"
                if (month > 12)
                    month -= 12;
            foreach (var item in model.ReservationsPerMonth)
                switch (item.Month)
                case 1: item.MonthName = "January"; break;

                case 2: item.MonthName = "February"; break;

                case 3: item.MonthName = "March"; break;

                case 4: item.MonthName = "April"; break;

                case 5: item.MonthName = "May"; break;

                case 6: item.MonthName = "June"; break;

                case 7: item.MonthName = "July"; break;

                case 8: item.MonthName = "August"; break;

                case 9: item.MonthName = "September"; break;

                case 10: item.MonthName = "October"; break;

                case 11: item.MonthName = "November"; break;

                case 12: item.MonthName = "December"; break;
            // count reservations per month
            foreach (var booking in bookings)
                foreach (var item in model.ReservationsPerMonth)
                    if (booking.DateBooked.Month == item.Month && booking.DateBooked.Year == item.Year)
                TimeSpan timespan = DateTime.Now - booking.DateBooked;
                if (timespan.Days <= 31)

            var axis_X = model.ReservationsPerMonth.Select(i => i.MonthName).ToArray();
            var axis_Y = model.ReservationsPerMonth.Select(i => new object[] { i.MonthTotalReservations }).ToArray();
            // *****************************************************************
            // HIGHCHART # 1 FOR RESERVATIONS PER MONTH ************************
            // *****************************************************************
            Highcharts columnChart = new Highcharts("columnchart");

            columnChart.InitChart(new Chart()
                Type            = DotNet.Highcharts.Enums.ChartTypes.Column,
                BackgroundColor = new BackColorOrGradient(System.Drawing.Color.AliceBlue),
                Style           = "fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '17px'",
                BorderColor     = System.Drawing.Color.LightBlue,
                BorderRadius    = 0,
                BorderWidth     = 2

            columnChart.SetTitle(new Title()
                Text = "Reservations"

            columnChart.SetSubtitle(new Subtitle()
                Text = "12 month data"

            columnChart.SetXAxis(new XAxis()
                Type  = AxisTypes.Category,
                Title = new XAxisTitle()
                    Text = "Month", Style = "fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '17px'"
                Categories = axis_X

            columnChart.SetYAxis(new YAxis()
                Title = new YAxisTitle()
                    Text  = "Number of reservations",
                    Style = "fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '17px'"
                ShowFirstLabel = true,
                ShowLastLabel  = true,
                Min            = 0

            columnChart.SetLegend(new Legend
                Enabled         = true,
                BorderColor     = System.Drawing.Color.CornflowerBlue,
                BorderRadius    = 6,
                BackgroundColor = new BackColorOrGradient(ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFADD8E6"))

            columnChart.SetSeries(new Series[]
                new Series {
                    Name = "Monthly reservations",
                    Data = new Data(axis_Y)

            columnChart.SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
                Line = new PlotOptionsLine
                    DataLabels = new PlotOptionsLineDataLabels {
                        Enabled = true
                    EnableMouseTracking = false

            model.ReservationChart = columnChart;

        // GET: Trip/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int?thisTripId)
            if (thisTripId == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            if (!UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId()))
                if (!UserRoleHelper.IsEmployee(User.Identity.GetUserId()))// check if current user has admin or employee rights
                    return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Manage"));

            //check for reservations. Cannot edit while there are any.
            int NumberOfReservations = countReservavtionsMade((int)thisTripId);

            Trip trip = dbcontext.Trips.Find(thisTripId); //get current trip

            if (trip == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));
            ViewEditTripsViewModel model = new ViewEditTripsViewModel();

            model.TripInstance = trip;

            //check for reservations. Cannot edit while there are any and trip is yet to end
            var currTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (NumberOfReservations > 0 && model.TripInstance.DateBack > currTime)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Message = ManageMessageId.CannotEditEntry }));

            //get a list of all sub-locations that this trip has
            var list = new List <TripLocationsInstanceViewModels>();

            foreach (var item in dbcontext.Trip_Locations.ToList())
                if (item.Id_Trip == thisTripId)
                    foreach (var location in dbcontext.Locations.ToList())
                        if (item.Id_Location == location.Id)
                            list.Add(new TripLocationsInstanceViewModels
                                Country         = location.Country,
                                Town            = location.Town,
                                Name            = location.Name,
                                Description     = location.Description,
                                LocationImage   = location.LocationImage,
                                Number          = item.Number,
                                RouteInstanceId = item.Id
            model.Route = new TripLocationsViewModels();
            if (list.Count() > 0)
                model.Route.ListElement = list;
            if (thisTripId != null && dbcontext.Trips.Find(thisTripId) != null)
                model.Route.Id_Trip = (int)thisTripId;

            // list that has every coach in database
            var listOfCoaches = dbcontext.Coaches.ToList();

            var currDate = DateTime.Now;

            // go through every trip in db that is in progress atm. A coach assigned to that trip will be removed from our list, so it cant be assigned
            //to this currently edited trip
            foreach (var coach in dbcontext.Coaches.ToList())
                foreach (var tripInstance in dbcontext.Trips.ToList())
                    if (tripInstance.DateDeparture < model.TripInstance.DateDeparture && model.TripInstance.DateDeparture < tripInstance.DateBack)
                        if (coach.Id == tripInstance.CoachNumberId)
            ViewBag.DateDeparture = model.TripInstance.DateDeparture;
            ViewBag.DateBack      = model.TripInstance.DateBack;

            model.CoachVehicleIdList = new SelectList(listOfCoaches, "Id", "VehicleNumber");

        // GET: Deployments
        public async Task <ActionResult> DeploymentsView()
                // Get all subscriptions for this tenant
                var subscriptions  = await new SubscriptionController().GetSubscriptions();
                var subscriptionId = subscriptions.FirstOrDefault()?.SubscriptionId;
                var token          = await ServicePrincipal.GetAccessToken();

                var client = new RestApiClient();
                // Get all resource groups
                var resourceGroupUri = string.Format(UriConstants.GetAllResourceGroupsUri, Url.Encode(subscriptionId), "");
                var resourceGroups   = await client.CallGetListAsync <ResourceGroup>(resourceGroupUri, token);

                // Get all deployments
                var deployments = new List <DeploymentExtended>();
                foreach (var resourceGroup in resourceGroups.Result)
                    var deploymentsUri = string.Format(UriConstants.GetDeploymentsByResourceGroup, subscriptionId, resourceGroup.Name);
                    client = new RestApiClient();
                    var result = await client.CallGetListAsync <DeploymentExtended>(deploymentsUri, token);

                    var deployment = result.Result;

                var email             = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("").Value;
                var resultDeployments = new List <DeploymentViewModel>();
                using (WebAppContext context = new WebAppContext())
                    var localDeployments = await context.Deployments.ToListAsync();

                    foreach (var localDeployment in localDeployments)
                        foreach (var deployment in deployments)
                            if (localDeployment.DeploymentName != deployment?.Name)

                            if (UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(email) || email == localDeployment.Owner)
                                var newDeployment = new DeploymentViewModel()
                                    TemplateName      = localDeployment.TemplateName,
                                    DeploymentId      = localDeployment.DeploymentId,
                                    DeploymentName    = localDeployment.DeploymentName,
                                    SubscriptionId    = localDeployment.SubscriptionId,
                                    SubscriptionName  = localDeployment.SubscriptionName,
                                    Owner             = localDeployment.Owner,
                                    TemplateVersion   = localDeployment.TemplateVersion,
                                    Timestamp         = localDeployment.Timestamp,
                                    ProvisioningState = deployment?.Properties?.ProvisioningState,
                                    Outputs           = deployment?.Properties?.Outputs?.ToString()
                var deploymentsList = resultDeployments.OrderByDescending(d => d.Timestamp).ToList();

                ViewBag.FileLogName = $"{DateTime.Today:yyyy-MM-dd}.log";

            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Error";
                ViewBag.ErrorDetails = ex.Message;

Beispiel #24
        // GET: RunBooks
        public async Task <ActionResult> RunBooksView()
                Log.Info("Start RunBooksController");
                var subscriptions  = await new SubscriptionController().GetSubscriptions();
                var subscriptionId = subscriptions.FirstOrDefault()?.SubscriptionId;
                var token          = await ServicePrincipal.GetAccessToken();

                var automationAccountClient = new RestApiClient();

                var automationAccountUri = string.Format(UriConstants.GetAutomationAccounts, Url.Encode(subscriptionId));
                var automationAccounts   = await automationAccountClient.CallGetListAsync <AutomationAccount>(automationAccountUri, token);

                var automationAccountsResult = automationAccounts.Result;

                var email = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("").Value;
                Log.Info($"RunBooksController Owner: {email}");
                List <Job> localJobs;
                using (var webAppContext = new WebAppContext())
                    localJobs = await webAppContext.Jobs.ToListAsync();
                Log.Info($"LocalJobs: {TemplateHelper.ToJson(localJobs)}");
                var jobList = new List <JobViewModel>();
                foreach (var account in automationAccountsResult)
                    var jobAccountClient = new RestApiClient();
                    var jobsUrl          = string.Format(UriConstants.GetJobs, account.Id);
                    var jobs             = await jobAccountClient.CallGetListAsync <JobViewModel>(jobsUrl, token);

                    var jobsResult = jobs.Result;
                    foreach (var job in jobsResult)
                        var isUserOwner = localJobs.Any(j => j.Id == job.Properties.JobId && j.Owner == email);
                        Log.Info($"job status: {isUserOwner}");
                        if (UserRoleHelper.IsAdmin(email) || isUserOwner)
                            var jobOutputClient = new RestApiClient();
                            var jobOutputUrl    = string.Format(UriConstants.GetJobOutput, job.Id);
                            var jobOutput       = await jobOutputClient.CallGetText(jobOutputUrl, token);

                            var newJob = job;
                            newJob.Outputs = jobOutput;

            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Error";
                ViewBag.ErrorDetails = ex.Message;

