Beispiel #1
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            //-- Poor-man DI - build our dependencies by hand for this demo
            ISessionFactory        sessionFactory        = UserSessionFactory.CreateSessionFactory();
            ISessionScopeFactory   sessionScopeFactory   = new SessionScopeFactory(sessionFactory);
            IAmbientSessionLocator ambientSessionLocator = new AmbientSessionLocator();
            IUserRepository        userRepository        = new UserRepository(ambientSessionLocator);

            var userCreationService    = new UserCreationService(sessionScopeFactory, userRepository);
            var userQueryService       = new UserQueryService(sessionScopeFactory, userRepository);
            var userCreditScoreService = new UserCreditScoreService(sessionScopeFactory);

                Console.WriteLine("This demo application will create a database named NH in the LocalDB SQL Server instance on localhost. Edit the connection string in UserSessionFactory if you'd like to create it somewhere else.");
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to start...");

                //-- Demo of typical usage for read and writes
                Console.WriteLine("Creating a user called Mary...");
                var marySpec = new UserCreationSpec("Mary", "*****@*****.**");

                Console.WriteLine("Trying to retrieve our newly created user from the data store...");
                var mary = userQueryService.GetUser(marySpec.Id);
                Console.WriteLine("OK. Persisted user: {0}", mary);

                Console.WriteLine("Trying to retrieve our newly created user from the data store via a repository...");
                var maryViaRepo = userQueryService.GetUserViaRepository(marySpec.Id);
                Console.WriteLine("OK. Persisted user: {0}", maryViaRepo);

                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue...");

                //-- Demo of nested SessionScopes
                Console.WriteLine("Creating 2 new users called John and Jeanne in an atomic transaction...");
                var johnSpec   = new UserCreationSpec("John", "*****@*****.**");
                var jeanneSpec = new UserCreationSpec("Jeanne", "*****@*****.**");
                userCreationService.CreateListOfUsers(johnSpec, jeanneSpec);

                Console.WriteLine("Trying to retrieve our newly created users from the data store...");
                var createdUsers = userQueryService.GetUsers(johnSpec.Id, jeanneSpec.Id);
                Console.WriteLine("OK. Found {0} persisted users.", createdUsers.Count());

                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue...");

                //-- Demo of nested SessionScopes in the face of an exception.
                // If any of the provided users failed to get persisted, none should get persisted.
                Console.WriteLine("Creating 2 new users called Julie and Marc in an atomic transaction. Will make the persistence of the second user fail intentionally in order to test the atomicity of the transaction...");
                var julieSpec = new UserCreationSpec("Julie", "*****@*****.**");
                var marcSpec  = new UserCreationSpec("Marc", "*****@*****.**");
                    userCreationService.CreateListOfUsersWithIntentionalFailure(julieSpec, marcSpec);
                catch (Exception e)

                Console.WriteLine("Trying to retrieve our newly created users from the data store...");
                var maybeCreatedUsers = userQueryService.GetUsers(julieSpec.Id, marcSpec.Id);
                Console.WriteLine("Found {0} persisted users. If this number is 0, we're all good. If this number is not 0, we have a big problem.", maybeCreatedUsers.Count());

                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue...");

                //-- Demo of explicit database transaction isolation level.
                Console.WriteLine("Trying to retrieve user John within a READ UNCOMMITTED database transaction...");
                // You'll want to use SQL Profiler or Entity Framework Profiler to verify that the correct transaction isolation
                // level is being used.
                var userMaybeUncommitted = userQueryService.GetUserUncommitted(johnSpec.Id);
                Console.WriteLine("OK. User found: {0}", userMaybeUncommitted);

                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue...");

                //-- Demonstration of SessionScope and parallel programming
                Console.WriteLine("Calculating and storing the credit score of all users in the database in parallel...");
            catch (Exception e)

            Console.WriteLine("The end.");
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit...");