public static Bitmap Render_Message_Window(UserInfoFields account)
            int template_width  = 320;
            int template_height = 240;

            Bitmap base_template = new Bitmap(template_width, template_height);
            Bitmap window_frame  = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//P2EP-PS1//frame.png");
            Bitmap wallpaper     = new Bitmap(template_width, template_height);

            switch (account.P2EP_PSX_TS_Wallpaper)
            case "Blue Tone":
                wallpaper = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//P2EP-PS1//Wallpaper//1.png");

            case "Sepia Tone":
                wallpaper = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//P2EP-PS1//Wallpaper//2.png");

            case "Purple Tone":
                wallpaper = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//P2EP-PS1//Wallpaper//3.png");

            case "Seventh":
                wallpaper = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//P2EP-PS1//Wallpaper//4.png");

            case "Baofu":
                wallpaper = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//P2EP-PS1//Wallpaper//5.png");

            case "NWO":
                wallpaper = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//P2EP-PS1//Wallpaper//6.png");

            case "Dragon":
                wallpaper = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//P2EP-PS1//Wallpaper//7.png");

            case "Jack Frost":
                wallpaper = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//P2EP-PS1//Wallpaper//8.png");

            case "Grid":
                wallpaper = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//P2EP-PS1//Wallpaper//9.png");

            case "Star":
                wallpaper = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile($@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//P2EP-PS1//Wallpaper//10.png");

            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(base_template))
                graphics.DrawImage(wallpaper, 0, 0, wallpaper.Width, wallpaper.Height);
                graphics.DrawImage(window_frame, 0, 0, window_frame.Width, window_frame.Height);

Beispiel #2
        public void SetFieldErrorToolTip(UserInfoFields field, string message)
            switch (field)
            case UserInfoFields.UserName:
                this.pbUserNameTip.Visible = true;
                this.wrongTip.SetToolTip(this.pbUserNameTip, message);

            case UserInfoFields.FullName:
                this.pbFullNameTip.Visible = true;
                this.wrongTip.SetToolTip(this.pbFullNameTip, message);

            case UserInfoFields.Password:
                this.pbPasswordTip.Visible = true;
                this.wrongTip.SetToolTip(this.pbPasswordTip, message);

            case UserInfoFields.ConfirmPassword:
                this.pbConfirmPasswordTip.Visible = true;
                this.wrongTip.SetToolTip(this.pbConfirmPasswordTip, message);

            case UserInfoFields.Role:
                this.pbRoleTip.Visible = true;
                this.wrongTip.SetToolTip(this.pbRoleTip, message);

Beispiel #3
        public static Bitmap CombineSocialStatRankBitmaps(UserInfoFields account)
            Bitmap base_bitmap = new Bitmap(template_width, template_height);

            System.Drawing.Color tms_yellow = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 3);

            int area_x      = 357;
            int area_y      = 824;
            int area_width  = 488;
            int area_height = 859;

            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(base_bitmap))
                graphics.DrawImage(RenderRankBarLayer(account), 0, 0, template_width, template_height);
                graphics.DrawImage(RenderRankProgressBar(account, "Proficiency", 357, 589), 0, 0, template_width, template_height);
                graphics.DrawImage(RenderRankProgressBar(account, "Diligence", 357, 743), 0, 0, template_width, template_height);
                graphics.DrawImage(RenderRankProgressBar(account, "Expression", 357, 897), 0, 0, template_width, template_height);

                graphics.DrawImage(KeepOverlapWithMatchedColor(base_bitmap, CreateMaxRankShineBitmap("Proficiency"), tms_yellow, area_x, area_y, area_width, area_height), 0, 0, template_width, template_height);
                graphics.DrawImage(KeepOverlapWithMatchedColor(base_bitmap, CreateMaxRankShineBitmap("Diligence"), tms_yellow, area_x, area_y, area_width, area_height), 0, 0, template_width, template_height);
                graphics.DrawImage(KeepOverlapWithMatchedColor(base_bitmap, CreateMaxRankShineBitmap("Expression"), tms_yellow, area_x, area_y, area_width, area_height), 0, 0, template_width, template_height);

        public static BustupData Get_Bustup_Data(UserInfoFields account, OfficialSetData set_data, MakerCommandData command_data)
            // Create variables for the folder and JSON that contains the data for the set.
            string data_folder = $@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Data//Template_Data//{set_data.Origin}//Bustup//{set_data.ID}";
            string data_sheet  = "bustup_data.json";

            // If the file folder doesn't exist, create it.
            if (!Directory.Exists(data_folder))

            // If the file exists at the specified directory, load its contents.
            if (File.Exists(data_folder + "/" + data_sheet))
                // Load the data sheet for the selected sprite set.
                bustup_data_list = Load_Bustup_Data_List(data_folder + "/" + data_sheet).ToList();

                // START

                /* Console.WriteLine("Copying data...");
                 * string data_path = $@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Data//Template_Data//{set_data.Origin}//Bustup//{set_data.ID}//bustup_data.json";
                 * foreach (BustupData s in bustup_data_list)
                 * {
                 *  s.P5S_Coord_X = s.P5R_Coord_X;
                 *  s.P5S_Coord_Y = s.P5R_Coord_Y;
                 *  s.P5S_Scale_Width = s.P5R_Scale_Width;
                 *  s.P5S_Scale_Height = s.P5R_Scale_Height;
                 * }
                 * try
                 * {
                 *  string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bustup_data_list, Formatting.Indented);
                 *  File.WriteAllText(data_path, json);
                 * }
                 * catch (Exception e)
                 * {
                 *  Console.WriteLine($"'{e}'");
                 * }
                 * Console.WriteLine("Copy complete!"); */
                // END

                // Find the filename of the bustup that the user has selected.
                string bustup_filename = Get_Bustup_Filename(account, set_data, command_data);

                // Return the bustup data info by using its filename to search for its entry.
                return(Get_Bustup_Data(account, set_data, command_data));
Beispiel #5
        public static List <string> ParseContentFilter(UserInfoFields account)
            //Create a list variable to return
            List <string> input_substring;

            //Specify the characters to divide the incoming string by
            char[] delimiterChars = { ';' };

            //Assign the return value to the input account's content filter string with its entries split into a list
            input_substring = account.Content_Filter.Split(delimiterChars).ToList();

        public static List <string> ParseContentFilter(UserInfoFields account)
            //Create a list variable to return
            List <string> input_substring;

            //Specify the characters to divide the incoming string by
            char[] delimiterChars = { ';' };

            //Assign the return value to the input account's content filter string with its entries split into a list
            input_substring = account.Content_Filter.Split(delimiterChars).ToList();

            // There may be times when an empty string is parsed into the list, so make sure they are removed before returning.
            input_substring.RemoveAll(s => s == "");

        public static string Get_Profile_Config_Thumbnail(UserInfoFields account)
            // Based on the account's settings, return a thumbnail to be used on embedded menu messages.
            switch (account.Profile_Theme)
            case "P3":

            case "P4":

            case "P5":

        public static string Get_Profile_Help_Thumbnail(UserInfoFields account)
            // Based on the account's settings, return a thumbnail to be used on embedded menu messages.
            switch (account.Profile_Theme)
            case "P3":

            case "P4":

            case "P5":

        public static Color Get_Profile_Embed_Color(UserInfoFields account)
            // Based on the account's settings, return a color to be used on embedded menu messages.
            switch (account.Profile_Theme)
            case "P3":
                return(new Color(37, 149, 255));

            case "P4":
                return(new Color(255, 229, 49));

            case "P5":
                return(new Color(213, 27, 4));

                return(new Color(0, 0, 0));
        public static Bitmap Render_Bustup(UserInfoFields account, BustupData bustup_data, Bitmap bustup)
            int template_width  = 320;
            int template_height = 240;

            Bitmap base_template = new Bitmap(template_width, template_height);

            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(base_template))
                switch (account.P2EP_PSX_TS_Position)
                case "Default":
                    switch (bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Default_Position)
                    case "Left":
                        graphics.DrawImage(bustup, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Left_Coord_X, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Left_Coord_Y, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Scale_Width, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Scale_Height);

                    case "Center":
                        graphics.DrawImage(bustup, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Center_Coord_X, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Center_Coord_Y, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Scale_Width, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Scale_Height);

                    case "Right":
                        graphics.DrawImage(bustup, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Right_Coord_X, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Right_Coord_Y, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Scale_Width, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Scale_Height);

                case "Negotiation":
                    graphics.DrawImage(bustup, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Right_Coord_X, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Right_Coord_Y, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Scale_Width, bustup_data.P2EP_PSX_Scale_Height);

        public static string Get_Loading_Icon(string title, UserInfoFields account)
            // Return a thumbnail to be used on embedded menu messages.
            switch (title)
            case "P1-PS1":

            case "P1-PSP":

            case "P2IS-PS1":

            case "P2IS-PSP":

            case "P2EP-PS1":

            case "P2EP-PSP":

            case "P3F":

            case "P3P":
                switch (account.P3P_TS_Color)
                case "Male Protagonist":

                case "Female Protagonist":


            case "P4-PS2":

            case "P4G":

            case "P4AU":

            case "P4D":

            case "P5-PS4":

            case "P5R":

            case "P5S":

            case "BBTAG":

Beispiel #12
        public static Bitmap RenderFont(SocketUser user, UserInfoFields account)
            Bitmap base_bitmap = new Bitmap(template_width, template_height);

            System.Drawing.Color tms_text_green       = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(152, 254, 30);
            SolidBrush           tms_text_green_brush = new SolidBrush(tms_text_green);

            System.Drawing.Color tms_text_yellow       = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 3);
            SolidBrush           tms_text_yellow_brush = new SolidBrush(tms_text_yellow);

            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(base_bitmap))
                graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

                StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat();

                Rectangle class_title_window = new Rectangle(52, 30, 700, 41);

                Rectangle level_window = new Rectangle(1785, 109, 117, 82);

                Rectangle username_window = new Rectangle(221, 1012, 1450, 40);

                Rectangle remaining_exp_window = new Rectangle(85, 236, 268, 48);

                Rectangle pmedal_window = new Rectangle(113, 375, 529, 54);

                Rectangle proficiency_rank_window = new Rectangle(268, 522, 85, 44);
                Rectangle proficiency_next_window = new Rectangle(218, 567, 135, 44);

                Rectangle diligence_rank_window = new Rectangle(268, 676, 85, 44);
                Rectangle diligence_next_window = new Rectangle(238, 721, 115, 44);

                Rectangle expression_rank_window = new Rectangle(268, 830, 85, 44);
                Rectangle expression_next_window = new Rectangle(218, 875, 135, 44);

                using (Font neology_deco = new Font("NeologyDecoW03-Regular", 23))
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                    graphics.DrawString($"{user.Username}'s status.", neology_deco, Brushes.White, username_window, stringFormat);

                Font arial_bold = new Font("Arial", 64, FontStyle.Bold);
                if (account.Level < 10)
                    arial_bold = new Font("Arial", 64, FontStyle.Bold);
                    arial_bold = new Font("Arial", 58, FontStyle.Bold);
                using (arial_bold)
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                    graphics.DrawString($"{account.Level}", arial_bold, tms_text_green_brush, level_window, stringFormat);

                int next_level_total_exp_required = LevelSystem.Leveling.CalculateExp(account.Level + 1);
                int required_exp = next_level_total_exp_required - account.Total_Exp;

                using (Font lucida_sans = new Font("Lucida Sans Unicode", 30))
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                    graphics.DrawString($"{required_exp}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, remaining_exp_window, stringFormat);

                using (Font lucida_sans = new Font("Lucida Sans Unicode", 30))
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                    graphics.DrawString($"{account.P_Medals}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, pmedal_window, stringFormat);

                // Social stats
                int proficiency_rank = LevelSystem.SocialStats.CalculateProficiencyRank(account.Proficiency);
                int diligence_rank   = LevelSystem.SocialStats.CalculateDiligenceRank(account.Diligence);
                int expression_rank  = LevelSystem.SocialStats.CalculateExpressionRank(account.Expression);

                int proficiency_left_to_rank_up = Get_Base_Proficiency_Of_Next_Rank(proficiency_rank) - account.Proficiency;
                int diligence_left_to_rank_up   = Get_Base_Diligence_Of_Next_Rank(diligence_rank) - account.Diligence;
                int expression_left_to_rank_up  = Get_Base_Expression_Of_Next_Rank(expression_rank) - account.Expression;

                using (Font neology_deco = new Font("NeologyDecoW03-Regular", 21))
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                    graphics.DrawString($"{Get_Class_Title(proficiency_rank, diligence_rank, expression_rank)}", neology_deco, Brushes.Black, class_title_window, stringFormat);

                using (Font lucida_sans = new Font("Lucida Sans Unicode", 30))
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;

                    // Draw text to screen
                    if (proficiency_rank == 5)
                        graphics.DrawString($"{proficiency_rank}", lucida_sans, tms_text_yellow_brush, proficiency_rank_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{LevelSystem.SocialStats.SocialStatToDecimal(proficiency_left_to_rank_up)}", lucida_sans, tms_text_yellow_brush, proficiency_next_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{proficiency_rank}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, proficiency_rank_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{LevelSystem.SocialStats.SocialStatToDecimal(proficiency_left_to_rank_up)}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, proficiency_next_window, stringFormat);

                    if (diligence_rank == 5)
                        graphics.DrawString($"{diligence_rank}", lucida_sans, tms_text_yellow_brush, diligence_rank_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{LevelSystem.SocialStats.SocialStatToDecimal(diligence_left_to_rank_up)}", lucida_sans, tms_text_yellow_brush, diligence_next_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{diligence_rank}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, diligence_rank_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{LevelSystem.SocialStats.SocialStatToDecimal(diligence_left_to_rank_up)}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, diligence_next_window, stringFormat);

                    if (expression_rank == 5)
                        graphics.DrawString($"{expression_rank}", lucida_sans, tms_text_yellow_brush, expression_rank_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{LevelSystem.SocialStats.SocialStatToDecimal(expression_left_to_rank_up)}", lucida_sans, tms_text_yellow_brush, expression_next_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{expression_rank}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, expression_rank_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{LevelSystem.SocialStats.SocialStatToDecimal(expression_left_to_rank_up)}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, expression_next_window, stringFormat);

        public static Color Get_Game_Color(string title, UserInfoFields account)
            // Return a color to be used on embedded menu messages.
            switch (title)
            case "P1-PS1":
                return(new Color(141, 61, 182));

            case "P1-PSP":
                return(new Color(141, 61, 182));

            case "P2IS-PS1":
                return(new Color(242, 55, 0));

            case "P2IS-PSP":
                return(new Color(242, 55, 0));

            case "P2EP-PS1":
                return(new Color(229, 217, 212));

            case "P2EP-PSP":
                return(new Color(229, 217, 212));

            case "P3F":
                return(new Color(0, 195, 243));

            case "P3P":
                switch (account.P3P_TS_Color)
                case "Male Protagonist":
                    return(new Color(0, 195, 243));

                case "Female Protagonist":
                    return(new Color(255, 117, 154));

                    return(new Color(0, 195, 243));

            case "P4-PS2":
                return(new Color(241, 233, 0));

            case "P4G":
                return(new Color(241, 233, 0));

            case "P4AU":
                return(new Color(241, 233, 0));

            case "P4D":
                return(new Color(228, 0, 126));

            case "P5-PS4":
                return(new Color(212, 0, 12));

            case "P5R":
                return(new Color(212, 0, 12));

            case "P5S":
                return(new Color(212, 0, 12));

            case "BBTAG":
                // Assign an embed color based on the user's episode header setting for the BBTAG template.
                switch (account.BBTAG_TS_Header)
                case "Episode P4A":
                    return(new Color(241, 233, 0));

                case "Episode Under Night In-Birth":
                    return(new Color(141, 72, 249));

                case "Episode RWBY":
                    return(new Color(250, 50, 85));

                // If the episode header is set to BlazBlue, Prologue, or Extra, default to a blue color.
                    return(new Color(66, 119, 255));

                return(new Color(0, 0, 0));
Beispiel #14
        public static Bitmap RenderRankProgressBar(UserInfoFields account, string social_stat, int x, int y)
            // Create a working space bitmap
            Bitmap new_bitmap = new Bitmap(template_width, template_height);

            int bar_max_value    = 0;
            int bar_filled_value = 0;

            Rectangle main_bar   = new Rectangle(x, y, 352, 18);
            Rectangle shadow_bar = new Rectangle(x, y + 16, 352, 2);

            System.Drawing.Color tms_white       = System.Drawing.Color.White;
            SolidBrush           tms_white_brush = new SolidBrush(tms_white);

            System.Drawing.Color tms_yellow       = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 3);
            SolidBrush           tms_yellow_brush = new SolidBrush(tms_yellow);

            System.Drawing.Color tms_yellow_shadow       = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(117, 112, 21);
            SolidBrush           tms_yellow_shadow_brush = new SolidBrush(tms_yellow_shadow);

            int total_points = 0;
            int next_rank_points_required    = 0;
            int current_rank_points_required = 0;
            int account_proficiency_rank     = LevelSystem.SocialStats.CalculateProficiencyRank(account.Proficiency);
            int account_diligence_rank       = LevelSystem.SocialStats.CalculateDiligenceRank(account.Diligence);
            int account_expression_rank      = LevelSystem.SocialStats.CalculateExpressionRank(account.Expression);

            switch (social_stat)
            case "Proficiency":
                total_points = account.Proficiency;
                current_rank_points_required = Get_Base_Proficiency_Of_Current_Rank(account_proficiency_rank);
                next_rank_points_required    = Get_Base_Proficiency_Of_Next_Rank(account_proficiency_rank);

            case "Diligence":
                total_points = account.Diligence;
                current_rank_points_required = Get_Base_Diligence_Of_Current_Rank(account_diligence_rank);
                next_rank_points_required    = Get_Base_Diligence_Of_Next_Rank(account_diligence_rank);

            case "Expression":
                total_points = account.Expression;
                current_rank_points_required = Get_Base_Expression_Of_Current_Rank(account_expression_rank);
                next_rank_points_required    = Get_Base_Expression_Of_Next_Rank(account_expression_rank);

            bar_max_value = next_rank_points_required - current_rank_points_required;

            // Draw a progress bar that has a max value set to the minimum total EXP requirement of the next level minus the minimum total EXP requirement of the current level
            ProgressBar progress_bar = new ProgressBar(tms_white_brush, main_bar, bar_max_value);

            if ((social_stat == "Proficiency" && account_proficiency_rank >= 5) ||
                (social_stat == "Diligence" && account_diligence_rank >= 5) ||
                (social_stat == "Expression" && account_expression_rank >= 5))
                //If the user's rank is 5, set the progress bar's max value to 1
                progress_bar = new ProgressBar(tms_yellow_brush, main_bar, 1);

                // Fill the progress bar completely up
                bar_filled_value = 1;
                // If the rank is below 5, fill the progress bar by subtracting the total points the user has by the minimum total point requirement of the current rank
                bar_filled_value = total_points - current_rank_points_required;

            // Use a graphics object to edit the bitmap
            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(new_bitmap))
                // Draw the progress bar to the bitmap
                graphics.DrawImage(progress_bar.GiveGraphic(), progress_bar.GiveCorner());

Beispiel #15
        public static Bitmap RenderRankBarLayer(UserInfoFields account)
            Bitmap new_bitmap = new Bitmap(template_width, template_height);

            System.Drawing.Color tms_white         = System.Drawing.Color.White;
            System.Drawing.Color tms_yellow        = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 3);
            System.Drawing.Color tms_white_shadow  = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(93, 93, 93);
            System.Drawing.Color tms_yellow_shadow = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(117, 112, 20);

            int proficiency_rank = LevelSystem.SocialStats.CalculateProficiencyRank(account.Proficiency);
            int diligence_rank   = LevelSystem.SocialStats.CalculateDiligenceRank(account.Diligence);
            int expression_rank  = LevelSystem.SocialStats.CalculateExpressionRank(account.Expression);

            int initial_x_value = 357;
            int initial_y_value = 548;
            int shadow_y_value  = 0;
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;

            int bar_width           = 60;
            int bar_height          = 18;
            int bar_shadow_height   = 2;
            int bar_width_distance  = 73;
            int bar_height_distance = 154;

            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(new_bitmap))
                for (int i = 0; i < proficiency_rank; i++)
                    x = initial_x_value + (bar_width_distance * i);
                    y = initial_y_value;
                    shadow_y_value = y + 16;

                    if (proficiency_rank == 5)
                        graphics.DrawImage(CreateRankBar(bar_width, bar_height, tms_yellow), x, y, bar_width, bar_height);
                        graphics.DrawImage(CreateRankBar(bar_width, bar_shadow_height, tms_yellow_shadow), x, shadow_y_value, bar_width, bar_shadow_height);
                        graphics.DrawImage(CreateRankBar(bar_width, bar_height, tms_white), x, y, bar_width, bar_height);
                        graphics.DrawImage(CreateRankBar(bar_width, bar_shadow_height, tms_white_shadow), x, shadow_y_value, bar_width, bar_shadow_height);

                for (int i = 0; i < diligence_rank; i++)
                    x = initial_x_value + (bar_width_distance * i);
                    y = initial_y_value + bar_height_distance;
                    shadow_y_value = y + 16;

                    if (diligence_rank == 5)
                        graphics.DrawImage(CreateRankBar(bar_width, bar_height, tms_yellow), x, y, bar_width, bar_height);
                        graphics.DrawImage(CreateRankBar(bar_width, bar_shadow_height, tms_yellow_shadow), x, shadow_y_value, bar_width, bar_shadow_height);
                        graphics.DrawImage(CreateRankBar(bar_width, bar_height, tms_white), x, y, bar_width, bar_height);
                        graphics.DrawImage(CreateRankBar(bar_width, bar_shadow_height, tms_white_shadow), x, shadow_y_value, bar_width, bar_shadow_height);

                for (int i = 0; i < expression_rank; i++)
                    x = initial_x_value + (bar_width_distance * i);
                    y = initial_y_value + bar_height_distance + bar_height_distance;
                    shadow_y_value = y + 16;

                    if (expression_rank == 5)
                        graphics.DrawImage(CreateRankBar(bar_width, bar_height, tms_yellow), x, y, bar_width, bar_height);
                        graphics.DrawImage(CreateRankBar(bar_width, bar_shadow_height, tms_yellow_shadow), x, shadow_y_value, bar_width, bar_shadow_height);
                        graphics.DrawImage(CreateRankBar(bar_width, bar_height, tms_white), x, y, bar_width, bar_height);
                        graphics.DrawImage(CreateRankBar(bar_width, bar_shadow_height, tms_white_shadow), x, shadow_y_value, bar_width, bar_shadow_height);

        public static Bitmap RenderFont(SocketUser user, ISocketMessageChannel channel, UserInfoFields account)
            Bitmap base_bitmap = new Bitmap(template_width, template_height);

            System.Drawing.Color tms_text_green       = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(152, 254, 30);
            SolidBrush           tms_text_green_brush = new SolidBrush(tms_text_green);

            System.Drawing.Color tms_text_yellow       = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 3);
            SolidBrush           tms_text_yellow_brush = new SolidBrush(tms_text_yellow);

            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(base_bitmap))
                graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

                StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat();

                string role_name = (user as SocketGuildUser).Roles.Last().Name;

                Rectangle username_window = new Rectangle(822, 8, 775, 71);

                Rectangle channel_name_window = new Rectangle(896, 494, 810, 50);

                Rectangle role_name_window = new Rectangle(1160, 104, 390, 53);

                Rectangle level_window = new Rectangle(1539, 231, 117, 82);

                Rectangle remaining_exp_window = new Rectangle(140, 176, 268, 48);

                Rectangle pmedal_window = new Rectangle(168, 315, 529, 54);

                Rectangle proficiency_rank_window = new Rectangle(323, 462, 85, 44);
                Rectangle proficiency_next_window = new Rectangle(303, 507, 105, 44);

                Rectangle diligence_rank_window = new Rectangle(323, 616, 85, 44);
                Rectangle diligence_next_window = new Rectangle(323, 661, 85, 44);

                Rectangle expression_rank_window = new Rectangle(323, 770, 85, 44);
                Rectangle expression_next_window = new Rectangle(303, 815, 105, 44);

                using (Font neology_deco = new Font("NeologyDecoW03-Regular", 40))
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                    graphics.DrawString(user.Username, neology_deco, Brushes.White, username_window, stringFormat);

                using (Font neology_deco = new Font("NeologyDecoW03-Regular", 31))
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                    graphics.DrawString($"#{Shorten_Long_Strings(channel.Name, 38)}", neology_deco, Brushes.White, channel_name_window, stringFormat);

                using (Font neology_deco = new Font("NeologyDecoW03-Regular", 29))
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;

                    if (role_name == "@everyone")
                        graphics.DrawString("-----", neology_deco, Brushes.White, role_name_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString(role_name, neology_deco, Brushes.White, role_name_window, stringFormat);

                Font arial_bold = new Font("Arial", 64, FontStyle.Bold);
                if (account.Level < 10)
                    arial_bold = new Font("Arial", 64, FontStyle.Bold);
                    arial_bold = new Font("Arial", 58, FontStyle.Bold);
                using (arial_bold)
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                    graphics.DrawString($"{account.Level}", arial_bold, tms_text_green_brush, level_window, stringFormat);

                int next_level_total_exp_required = LevelSystem.Leveling.CalculateExp(account.Level + 1);
                int required_exp = next_level_total_exp_required - account.Total_Exp;

                using (Font lucida_sans = new Font("Lucida Sans Unicode", 30))
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                    graphics.DrawString($"{required_exp}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, remaining_exp_window, stringFormat);

                using (Font lucida_sans = new Font("Lucida Sans Unicode", 30))
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                    graphics.DrawString($"{account.P_Medals}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, pmedal_window, stringFormat);

                // Social stats
                int proficiency_rank = LevelSystem.SocialStats.CalculateProficiencyRank(account.Proficiency);
                int diligence_rank   = LevelSystem.SocialStats.CalculateDiligenceRank(account.Diligence);
                int expression_rank  = LevelSystem.SocialStats.CalculateExpressionRank(account.Expression);

                int proficiency_left_to_rank_up = Get_Base_Proficiency_Of_Next_Rank(proficiency_rank) - account.Proficiency;
                int diligence_left_to_rank_up   = Get_Base_Diligence_Of_Next_Rank(diligence_rank) - account.Diligence;
                int expression_left_to_rank_up  = Get_Base_Expression_Of_Next_Rank(expression_rank) - account.Expression;

                using (Font lucida_sans = new Font("Lucida Sans Unicode", 30))
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;

                    // Draw text to screen
                    if (proficiency_rank == 5)
                        graphics.DrawString($"{proficiency_rank}", lucida_sans, tms_text_yellow_brush, proficiency_rank_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{LevelSystem.SocialStats.SocialStatToDecimal(proficiency_left_to_rank_up)}", lucida_sans, tms_text_yellow_brush, proficiency_next_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{proficiency_rank}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, proficiency_rank_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{LevelSystem.SocialStats.SocialStatToDecimal(proficiency_left_to_rank_up)}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, proficiency_next_window, stringFormat);

                    if (diligence_rank == 5)
                        graphics.DrawString($"{diligence_rank}", lucida_sans, tms_text_yellow_brush, diligence_rank_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{LevelSystem.SocialStats.SocialStatToDecimal(diligence_left_to_rank_up)}", lucida_sans, tms_text_yellow_brush, diligence_next_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{diligence_rank}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, diligence_rank_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{LevelSystem.SocialStats.SocialStatToDecimal(diligence_left_to_rank_up)}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, diligence_next_window, stringFormat);

                    if (expression_rank == 5)
                        graphics.DrawString($"{expression_rank}", lucida_sans, tms_text_yellow_brush, expression_rank_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{LevelSystem.SocialStats.SocialStatToDecimal(expression_left_to_rank_up)}", lucida_sans, tms_text_yellow_brush, expression_next_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{expression_rank}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, expression_rank_window, stringFormat);
                        graphics.DrawString($"{LevelSystem.SocialStats.SocialStatToDecimal(expression_left_to_rank_up)}", lucida_sans, Brushes.White, expression_next_window, stringFormat);

        public static string Get_Bustup_Filename(UserInfoFields account, OfficialSetData set_data, MakerCommandData command_data)
            // Establish the directory of the specified sprite set.
            string set_path = $@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//{set_data.Origin}//Bustup//{set_data.ID}";

            // Get a count of how many files are in the sprite set's directory.
            int filecount = OfficialSetMethods.AttachmentCountItemDirectory(set_path);

            // Create a variable for the base sprite's filename. We'll go searching for it in a few moments.
            string base_sprite_filename = "";

            // Create variables that keep track of how many frames of each frame type are present for the base sprite.
            // This will help us perform the math needed to form the sprite sheet.
            //int eye_frame_count = 0;
            //int mouth_frame_count = 0;

            // Check if the sprite set's directory exists.
            if (Directory.Exists(set_path))
                // If so, it's time to find the filename for the user's selected sprite so we can retrieve the frames associated with it.
                // We can do this by creating a counter starting from zero that will increment by one until it reaches the sprite numer the user specified.
                // Once it reaches that number, the iterated filename will be saved and we can use that to find its associated frames.
                int counter            = 0;
                int base_sprite_number = command_data.Base_Sprite;

                // The manner of iteration will change based on the user's settings.
                // First, Order by Outfit.
                if (account.Setting_Sheet_Order == "Order by Outfit")
                    // Create a loop starting at 1 meant to iterate though every file in the directory.
                    // Outfit numbers always start at 1, so we'll begin there.
                    for (int outfit = 1; outfit <= filecount; outfit++)
                        // Inside, create a secondary loop also meant to iterate though every file in the directory.
                        // This loop is searching for expressions, which start at 1.
                        for (int expression = 1; expression <= filecount; expression++)
                            // Here, we're going to create a file path that could potentially exist given the combination of expression and outfit numbers.
                            // Check if the created file path string exists.
                            if (File.Exists($"{set_path}//{set_data.ID.ToLower()}_{expression}_{outfit}.png"))
                                // If the file does exist, increment the counter by one.

                                // Check if the counter matches the same number of the chosen sprite number.
                                if (counter == base_sprite_number)
                                    // If it does, we found our sprite! Save the filename to the variable created earlier so we can reference it later.
                                    base_sprite_filename = $"{set_data.ID.ToLower()}_{expression}_{outfit}";

                                    // Break out of the current loop.

                        // Check if the filename variable for the base sprite is not empty.
                        if (base_sprite_filename != "")
                            // If so, we already found our filename! Break out of the outer loop.
                // Second case, Order by Expression.
                else if (account.Setting_Sheet_Order == "Order by Expression")
                    // Create a loop starting at 1 meant to iterate though every file in the directory.
                    // Expression numbers always start at 1, so we'll begin there.
                    for (int expression = 1; expression <= filecount; expression++)
                        // Inside, create a secondary loop also meant to iterate though every file in the directory.
                        // This loop is searching for outfits, which start at 1.
                        for (int outfit = 1; outfit <= filecount; outfit++)
                            // Here, we're going to create a file path that could potentially exist given the combination of expression and outfit numbers.
                            // Check if the created file path string exists.
                            if (File.Exists($"{set_path}//{set_data.ID.ToLower()}_{expression}_{outfit}.png"))
                                // If the file does exist, increment the counter by one.

                                // Check if the counter matches the same number of the chosen sprite number.
                                if (counter == base_sprite_number)
                                    // If it does, we found our sprite! Save the filename to the variable created earlier so we can reference it later.
                                    base_sprite_filename = $"{set_data.ID.ToLower()}_{expression}_{outfit}";

                                    // Break out of the current loop.

                        // Check if the filename variable for the base sprite is not empty.
                        if (base_sprite_filename != "")
                            // If so, we already found our filename! Break out of the outer loop.

 public static async void ErrorTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e, RestUserMessage error_message, UserInfoFields account)
     // If the user has their auto-delete settings for error messages set to on, attempt deleting the message if it hasn't been deleted by the user yet.
     // If it has, catch the exception and return.
     if (account.Auto_Delete_Error_Messages == "On")
             // Delete the current message from the channel.
             await error_message.DeleteAsync();
         catch (Exception ex)