Beispiel #1
    private void Awake()

        // Makes sure that only one instance of this object is in use at a time
        if (SteamInterface == null)
            bool error = false;
                // Starts the library. This will, and can, only be done once.
                SteamInterface = Steam.Initialize();
            catch (AlreadyLoadedException e)
                status = "The native dll is already loaded, this should not happen if ReleaseManagedResources is used and Steam.Initialize() is only called once.";
                Debug.LogError(status, this);
                Debug.LogError(e.Message, this);
                error = true;
            catch (SteamInitializeFailedException e)
                status = "Could not initialize the native Steamworks API. This is usually caused by a missing steam_appid.txt file or if the Steam client is not running.";
                Debug.LogError(status, this);
                Debug.LogError(e.Message, this);
                error = true;
            catch (SteamInterfaceInitializeFailedException e)
                status = "Could not initialize the wanted versions of the Steamworks API. Make sure that you have the correct Steamworks SDK version. See the documentation for more info.";
                Debug.LogError(status, this);
                Debug.LogError(e.Message, this);
                error = true;
            catch (DllNotFoundException e)
                status = "Could not load a dll file. Make sure that the steam_api.dll/libsteam_api.dylib file is placed at the correct location. See the documentation for more info.";
                Debug.LogError(status, this);
                Debug.LogError(e.Message, this);
                error = true;

            if (error)
                SteamInterface = null;
                status = "Steamworks initialized and ready to use.";

                                #if UNITY_WINDOWS
                if (SteamInterface.Utils.IsSteamRunningInVR())
                    HmdError result;
                    result = SteamInterface.Hmd.Init();
                    Debug.Log("Result: " + result);

                // Prevent destruction of this object
                activeInstance = this;

                // An event is used to notify us about any exceptions thrown from native code.
                SteamInterface.ExceptionThrown += ExceptionThrown;

                // Listen to when the game overlay is shown or hidden
                SteamInterface.Friends.GameOverlayActivated += OverlayToggle;

                hasLicense = SteamInterface.User.UserHasLicenseForApp(SteamInterface.User.GetSteamID(), SteamInterface.AppID);
            // Another Steamworks object is already created, destroy this one.
Beispiel #2
    private void Awake()
        // Makes sure that only one instance of this object is in use at a time
        if (SteamInterface == null)
            bool error = false;
                // Starts the library. This will, and can, only be done once.
                SteamInterface = Steam.Initialize();
            catch (AlreadyLoadedException e)
                status = "The native dll is already loaded, this should not happen if ReleaseManagedResources is used and Steam.Initialize() is only called once.";
                Debug.LogError(status, this);
                Debug.LogError(e.Message, this);
                error = true;
            catch (SteamInitializeFailedException e)
                status = "Could not initialize the native Steamworks API. This is usually caused by a missing steam_appid.txt file or if the Steam client is not running.";
                Debug.LogError(status, this);
                Debug.LogError(e.Message, this);
                error = true;
            catch (SteamInterfaceInitializeFailedException e)
                status = "Could not initialize the wanted versions of the Steamworks API. Make sure that you have the correct Steamworks SDK version. See the documentation for more info.";
                Debug.LogError(status, this);
                Debug.LogError(e.Message, this);
                error = true;
            catch (DllNotFoundException e)
                status = "Could not load a dll file. Make sure that the steam_api.dll/libsteam_api.dylib file is placed at the correct location. See the documentation for more info.";
                Debug.LogError(status, this);
                Debug.LogError(e.Message, this);
                error = true;

            if (error)
                SteamInterface = null;
                status = "Steamworks initialized and ready to use.";
				if (SteamInterface.Utils.IsSteamRunningInVR())
					HmdError result;
					result = SteamInterface.Hmd.Init();
					Debug.Log("Result: " + result);
                // Prevent destruction of this object
                activeInstance = this;

                // An event is used to notify us about any exceptions thrown from native code.
                SteamInterface.ExceptionThrown += ExceptionThrown;

                // Listen to when the game overlay is shown or hidden
                SteamInterface.Friends.GameOverlayActivated += OverlayToggle;

                hasLicense = SteamInterface.User.UserHasLicenseForApp(SteamInterface.User.GetSteamID(), SteamInterface.AppID);
            // Another Steamworks object is already created, destroy this one.