public Dictionary <UserModel, int> DefaultAlgorithm(UserModel MatchSeeker)
            //Potential Matches will be used in second Part of algorithm
            //result list servers as return object for frontend-storing the user and percentage of "How good of a match they are for one another"- we wil call this number Match Index
            //User Dummies are all curently registered user in our app
            List <UserModel>            PotentialMatches = new List <UserModel>();
            Dictionary <UserModel, int> result           = new Dictionary <UserModel, int>();
            List <UserModel>            AllUsers         = new UserDummies().GetUserDummies();

            int MatchSeekerAge = MatchSeeker.Age;

            foreach (var RegisteredUser in AllUsers)
                var UserYear = RegisteredUser.Age;

                //if they are same age
                if (MatchSeekerAge == UserYear)
                    //add user with 50% Match Index
                    result.Add(RegisteredUser, 50);

                    //add user to list for futher evaluation
                    result.Add(RegisteredUser, 0);
            //if they match on age- check if they match on hobbies
            foreach (var NarrowedDownUser in PotentialMatches)
                if (MatchSeeker.Hobby != null)
                    var  MatchSeekerHobbies = MatchSeeker.Hobby.Split(",");
                    var  Userhobbies        = NarrowedDownUser.Hobby.Split(',');
                    bool haveSharedHobbies  = MatchSeekerHobbies.Intersect(Userhobbies).Count() > 0;
                    if (haveSharedHobbies)
                        //the user is allready in result so we just change his Match Index
                        result[NarrowedDownUser] = 100;
        public Dictionary <UserModel, int> AdvancedAlgorithm(UserModel MatchSeeker)
            //result list servers as return object for frontend-storing the user and percentage of
            //"How good of a match they are for one another"- we wil call this number Match Index
            //Lists for matches on different values are created
            //User Dummies are all curently registered user in our app
            Dictionary <UserModel, int> result            = new Dictionary <UserModel, int>();
            List <UserModel>            SameGenderMatches = new List <UserModel>();
            List <UserModel>            SameHeightMatches = new List <UserModel>();
            List <UserModel>            SameSignMatches   = new List <UserModel>();

            List <UserModel> AllUsers = new UserDummies().GetUserDummies();

            foreach (var RegisteredUser in AllUsers)
                if (RegisteredUser.Gender == MatchSeeker.Gender)
                if (RegisteredUser.Height == MatchSeeker.Height)
                if (RegisteredUser.Zodiac == MatchSeeker.Zodiac)
                    //If both the matchseeker and user don't match gender
                    //add user to the result with 0 match index
                    result.Add(RegisteredUser, 0);
            //We wil use gender interest as a main factor in this algorithm
            foreach (var match in SameGenderMatches)
                bool isInHeightMatches = SameHeightMatches.Contains(match);
                bool isInzodiacMatches = SameSignMatches.Contains(match);
                //lets check if they match on all values
                //otherwise check if they match at least on one value
                if (isInHeightMatches && isInzodiacMatches)
                    result.Add(match, 100);
                else if (isInHeightMatches || isInzodiacMatches)
                    //if the user is allready in the list change his Match Index
                    if (result.ContainsKey(match))
                        result[match] = 50;
                        result.Add(match, 50);

Beispiel #3
 public void Setup()
     this._testlist = new UserDummies();
        public IActionResult FindUsersPage()
            List <UserModel> DummieList = new UserDummies().GetUserDummies();
