Beispiel #1
 private void WriteUsedNameSpaceList(UsedNamespaceList nsl)
     if (nsl == null)
     for (int i = 0; i < nsl.Count; i++)
 public Looker(Scope scope, ErrorHandler errorHandler, TrivialHashtable scopeFor, TypeSystem typeSystem, TrivialHashtable ambiguousTypes, TrivialHashtable referencedLabels)
   : base(errorHandler){
   //TODO: verify that crucial system types have either been imported or defined by the Parser
   this.scope = scope;
   this.scopeFor = scopeFor;
   this.ambiguousTypes = ambiguousTypes;
   this.referencedLabels = referencedLabels;
   this.alreadyReported = new TrivialHashtable();
   this.hasExplicitBaseClass = new TrivialHashtable();
   this.typesToKeepUninstantiated = new TrivialHashtable();
   this.UsedNamespaces = new UsedNamespaceList();
   this.targetFor = new TrivialHashtable();
   this.labelList = new IdentifierList();
   this.AbstractSealedUsedAsType = Error.NotAType;
   Debug.Assert(typeSystem != null);
   this.typeSystem = typeSystem;
   this.useGenerics = TargetPlatform.UseGenerics;
   this.inMethodParameter = false;
   this.inEventContext = false;
Beispiel #3
 public virtual UsedNamespaceList VisitUsedNamespaceList(UsedNamespaceList usedNspaces, UsedNamespaceList changes, UsedNamespaceList deletions, UsedNamespaceList insertions){
   if (usedNspaces == null) return changes;
   if (changes != null){
     if (deletions == null || insertions == null)
   }else if (deletions != null)
     return null;
   return usedNspaces;
 public virtual UsedNamespace GetClosestMatch(UsedNamespace/*!*/ nd1, UsedNamespaceList/*!*/ list1, UsedNamespaceList list2, int list1pos, ref int list2start,
   TrivialHashtable/*!*/ matchedNodes, out Differences closestDifferences, out int list2pos) {
   closestDifferences = null; list2pos = -1;
   if (list2 == null) return null;
   if (nd1 == null || list1 == null || matchedNodes == null || list1pos < 0 || list1pos >= list1.Count || list2start < 0 || list2start >= list2.Count) {
     Debug.Assert(false); return null;
   UsedNamespace closest = null;
   Differences winnerSoFar = null;
   for (int j = list2start, m = list2.Count; j < m; j++){
     UsedNamespace nd2 = list2[j];
     if (list2start == j) list2start++;
     if (nd2 == null) continue;
     if (matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
     Differences diff = this.GetDifferences(nd1, nd2);
     if (diff == null){Debug.Assert(false); continue;}
     if (diff.Similarity <= 0.5){
       //Not a good enough match
       if (list2start == j+1) list2start--; //The next call to GetClosestMatch will start looking at list2start, so this node will be considered then
       continue; //ignore it for the rest of this call
     if (winnerSoFar != null && winnerSoFar.Similarity >= diff.Similarity) continue;
     winnerSoFar = closestDifferences = diff;
     closest = nd2;
     list2pos = j;
     if (diff.NumberOfDifferences == 0) return closest; //Perfect match, no need to look for other matches
   if (closest != null){
     //^ assert winnerSoFar != null;
     //closest is closer to nd1 than any other node in list2, but this is no good if some other node in list1 has a better claim on closest
     for (int i = list1pos+1, n = list1.Count; i < n; i++){
       UsedNamespace nd1alt = list1[i];
       if (nd1alt == null) continue;
       if (matchedNodes[nd1alt.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
       Differences diff = this.GetDifferences(nd1alt, closest);
       if (diff == null){Debug.Assert(false); continue;}
       if (diff.Similarity <= winnerSoFar.Similarity) continue;
       //nd1alt has a better claim on closest. See if it wants closest.
       Differences diff2;
       int j, k = list2start;
       UsedNamespace nd2alt = this.GetClosestMatch(nd1alt, list1, list2, i, ref k,  matchedNodes, out diff2, out j);
       if (nd2alt != closest){
         Debug.Assert(nd2alt != null && diff2 != null && diff2.Similarity >= diff.Similarity);
         continue; //nd1alt prefers nd2alt to closest, so closest is still available
       //nd1alt wants closest, take it out of the running
       matchedNodes[closest.UniqueKey] = nd1alt;
       //Now that closest is out of the running, try again
       k = list2start;
       UsedNamespace newClosest = this.GetClosestMatch(nd1, list1, list2, i, ref k, matchedNodes, out winnerSoFar, out list2pos);
       //put closest back in the running so that the next call to this routine will pick it up
       matchedNodes[closest.UniqueKey] = closest;
       closest = newClosest;
   closestDifferences = winnerSoFar;
   return closest;
 public virtual Differences VisitUsedNamespaceList(UsedNamespaceList list1, UsedNamespaceList list2,
   out UsedNamespaceList changes, out UsedNamespaceList deletions, out UsedNamespaceList insertions){
   changes = list1 == null ? null : list1.Clone();
   deletions = list1 == null ? null : list1.Clone();
   insertions = list1 == null ? new UsedNamespaceList() : list1.Clone();
   //^ assert insertions != null;
   Differences differences = new Differences();
   for (int j = 0, n = list2 == null ? 0 : list2.Count; j < n; j++){
     //^ assert list2 != null;
     UsedNamespace nd2 = list2[j];
     if (nd2 == null) continue;
   TrivialHashtable savedDifferencesMapFor = this.differencesMapFor;
   this.differencesMapFor = null;
   TrivialHashtable matchedNodes = new TrivialHashtable();
   for (int i = 0, k = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count; i < n; i++){
     //^ assert list1 != null && changes != null && deletions != null;
     UsedNamespace nd1 = list1[i]; 
     if (nd1 == null) continue;
     Differences diff;
     int j;
     UsedNamespace nd2 = this.GetClosestMatch(nd1, list1, list2, i, ref k, matchedNodes, out diff, out j);
     if (nd2 == null || diff == null){Debug.Assert(nd2 == null && diff == null); continue;}
     matchedNodes[nd1.UniqueKey] = nd1;
     matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] = nd2;
     changes[i] = diff.Changes as UsedNamespace;
     deletions[i] = diff.Deletions as UsedNamespace;
     insertions[i] = diff.Insertions as UsedNamespace;
     insertions[n+j] = nd1; //Records the position of nd2 in list2 in case the change involved a permutation
     Debug.Assert(diff.Changes == changes[i] && diff.Deletions == deletions[i] && diff.Insertions == insertions[i]);
     differences.NumberOfDifferences += diff.NumberOfDifferences;
     differences.NumberOfSimilarities += diff.NumberOfSimilarities;
   //Find deletions
   for (int i = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count; i < n; i++){
     //^ assert list1 != null && changes != null && deletions != null;
     UsedNamespace nd1 = list1[i]; 
     if (nd1 == null) continue;
     if (matchedNodes[nd1.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
     changes[i] = null;
     deletions[i] = nd1;
     insertions[i] = null;
     differences.NumberOfDifferences += 1;
   //Find insertions
   for (int j = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count, m = list2 == null ? 0 : list2.Count; j < m; j++){
     //^ assert list2 != null;
     UsedNamespace nd2 = list2[j]; 
     if (nd2 == null) continue;
     if (matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] != null) continue;
     insertions[n+j] = nd2;  //Records nd2 as an insertion into list1, along with its position in list2
     differences.NumberOfDifferences += 1; //REVIEW: put the size of the tree here?
   if (differences.NumberOfDifferences == 0){
     changes = null;
     deletions = null;
     insertions = null;
   this.differencesMapFor = savedDifferencesMapFor;
   return differences;
Beispiel #6
 public virtual UsedNamespaceList VisitUsedNamespaceList(UsedNamespaceList usedNspaces){
   if (usedNspaces == null) return null;
   for (int i = 0, n = usedNspaces.Count; i < n; i++)
     usedNspaces[i] = this.VisitUsedNamespace(usedNspaces[i]);
   return usedNspaces;
Beispiel #7
 public virtual void VisitUsedNamespaceList(UsedNamespaceList usedNspaces)
   if (usedNspaces == null) return;
   for (int i = 0, n = usedNspaces.Count; i < n; i++)
Beispiel #8
 public override UsedNamespaceList VisitUsedNamespaceList(UsedNamespaceList usedNspaces)
     if (usedNspaces == null) return null;
     return base.VisitUsedNamespaceList(usedNspaces.Clone());
 public virtual UsedNamespaceList VisitUsedNamespaceList(UsedNamespaceList usedNspaces1, UsedNamespaceList usedNspaces2)
     if (usedNspaces1 == null) return null;
     for (int i = 0, n = usedNspaces1.Count, m = usedNspaces2 == null ? 0 : usedNspaces2.Count; i < n; i++)
         //^ assert usedNspaces2 != null;
         if (i >= m)
             usedNspaces1[i] = this.VisitUsedNamespace(usedNspaces1[i], null);
             usedNspaces1[i] = this.VisitUsedNamespace(usedNspaces1[i], usedNspaces2[i]);
     return usedNspaces1;
Beispiel #10
 public Namespace(Identifier name, Identifier fullName, AliasDefinitionList aliasDefinitions, UsedNamespaceList usedNamespaces,
   NamespaceList nestedNamespaces, TypeNodeList types)
     : base(NodeType.Namespace)
     this.Name = name;
     this.FullNameId = fullName;
     if(fullName != null)
         this.fullName = fullName.ToString();
     this.AliasDefinitions = aliasDefinitions;
     this.NestedNamespaces = nestedNamespaces;
     this.Types = types;
     this.UsedNamespaces = usedNamespaces;
Beispiel #11
 public MethodScope(Class/*!*/ parentScope, UsedNamespaceList usedNamespaces, Method method)
     this.baseClass = parentScope;
     this.UsedNamespaces = usedNamespaces;
     this.DeclaringModule = parentScope.DeclaringModule;
     this.DeclaringMethod = method;
     if(method != null && (method.Flags & MethodFlags.Static) == 0)
         this.ThisType = this.ThisTypeInstance = method.DeclaringType;
     if(method != null)
         this.LexicalSourceExtent = method.SourceContext;
Beispiel #12
 public MethodScope(Class/*!*/ parentScope, UsedNamespaceList usedNamespaces)
     : this(parentScope, usedNamespaces, null)
 public override Namespace VisitNamespace(Namespace nspace){
   if (nspace == null) return null;
   Identifier nsId = nspace.URI == null ? nspace.FullNameId : nspace.URI;
   Debug.Assert(nsId != null);
   if (nsId == null) nsId = nspace.Name;
   if (nsId == null) nsId = Identifier.Empty;
   Scope savedScope = this.scope;
   NamespaceScope nsscope = (NamespaceScope)this.scopeFor[nspace.UniqueKey];
   if (nsscope == null || nsscope.AssociatedNamespace == null || nsscope.AssociatedModule == null){Debug.Assert(false); return null;}
   this.scope = nsscope;
   this.AddNodePositionAndInfo(nsId, nspace, IdentifierContexts.NullContext);
   AliasDefinitionList aliases = nspace.AliasDefinitions;
   TrivialHashtable aliasedType = nsscope.AliasedType = new TrivialHashtable();
   TrivialHashtable aliasedNamespace = nsscope.AliasedNamespace = new TrivialHashtable();
   for (int i = 0, n = aliases == null ? 0 : aliases.Count; i < n; i++){
     AliasDefinition aliasDef = aliases[i];
     if (aliasDef == null || aliasDef.Alias == null) continue;
     int aliasIdKey = aliasDef.Alias.UniqueIdKey;
     if (aliasDef.AliasedAssemblies != null){
       AssemblyReferenceList arefs = this.currentModule == null ? null : this.currentModule.AssemblyReferences;
       for (int j = 0, m = arefs == null ? 0 : arefs.Count; j < m; j++){
         AssemblyReference aref = arefs[j];
         if (aref == null) continue;
         for (int jj = 0, nn = aref.Aliases == null ? 0 : aref.Aliases.Count; jj < nn; jj++){
           Identifier aliasId = aref.Aliases[jj];
           if (aliasId == null) continue;
           if (aliasId.UniqueIdKey == aliasIdKey){
     if (aliasDef.AliasedExpression == null) continue;
     TypeNodeList duplicates = null;
     TypeNode aType = this.LookupType(aliasDef.AliasedExpression, nsscope, out duplicates);
     if (aType != null){
       aliasDef.AliasedType = new TypeReference(new TypeExpression(aliasDef.AliasedExpression, 0, aType.SourceContext), aType);
       aliasedType[aliasDef.Alias.UniqueIdKey] = aType;
       if (duplicates != null && duplicates.Count > 1){
         this.HandleError(aliasDef.AliasedExpression, Error.AmbiguousTypeReference, aliasDef.AliasedExpression.ToString());
         for (int j = 0, m = duplicates.Count; j < m; j++){
           TypeNode dup = duplicates[j];
           if (dup == null || dup == aliasDef.AliasedType) continue;
       //TODO: need to leave the AliasedExpression alone (but check it)
       //Other parts of the Looker must change to stop expecting namespace qualifiers to be just dotted identifiers
       this.ExpandRootIfAnAlias(ref aliasDef.AliasedExpression, nsscope);
       aliasDef.AliasedExpression = this.ConvertToIdentifier(aliasDef.AliasedExpression);
       aliasDef.AliasedNamespace = this.GetNamespaceIfValidAndComplainIfNeeded(aliasDef.AliasedExpression);
       if (aliasDef.AliasedNamespace != null) 
         aliasedNamespace[aliasDef.Alias.UniqueIdKey] = aliasDef.AliasedNamespace;
       this.AddNodePositionAndInfo(aliasDef.AliasedExpression, aliasDef, IdentifierContexts.AllContext);
   UsedNamespaceList savedUsedNamespaces = this.UsedNamespaces;
   UsedNamespaceList usedNamespaces = this.UsedNamespaces = nspace.UsedNamespaces;
   for (int i = 0, n = usedNamespaces == null ? 0 : usedNamespaces.Count; i < n; i++){
     UsedNamespace unSpace = usedNamespaces[i];
     if (unSpace == null || unSpace.Namespace == null || unSpace.SourceContext.StartPos < nspace.SourceContext.StartPos) continue;
     if (unSpace.Namespace.Prefix == null){
       Identifier fullName = nsscope.GetNamespaceFullNameFor(unSpace.Namespace);
       if (fullName == null && nspace.Name != null && nspace.Name != Identifier.Empty){
         string nsName = nspace.Name.Name;
         string nsFullName = nspace.FullName;
         if (nsFullName != null && nsName != null && nsFullName.Length > nsName.Length) {
           string nsEnclosingName = nsFullName.Substring(0, nsFullName.Length - nsName.Length);
           Identifier id = new Identifier(nsEnclosingName + unSpace.Namespace);
           fullName = nsscope.GetNamespaceFullNameFor(id);
       if (fullName != null)
         unSpace.Namespace = new Identifier(fullName.Name, unSpace.Namespace.SourceContext);
     }else if (!this.IsPrefixForTheGlobalNamespace(unSpace.Namespace.Prefix)){
       Identifier expandedPrefix = nsscope.GetNamespaceFullNameFor(unSpace.Namespace.Prefix);
       if (expandedPrefix != null){
         expandedPrefix = new Identifier(expandedPrefix.Name, unSpace.Namespace.Prefix.SourceContext);
         QualifiedIdentifier qual = new QualifiedIdentifier(expandedPrefix, unSpace.Namespace, unSpace.Namespace.SourceContext);
         qual.Identifier = this.GetUnprefixedIdentifier(unSpace.Namespace);
         unSpace.Namespace = this.GetNamespaceIfValidAndComplainIfNeeded(qual);
         this.HandleError(unSpace.Namespace.Prefix, Error.AliasNotFound, unSpace.Namespace.Prefix.Name);
     this.AddNodePositionAndInfo(unSpace.Namespace, unSpace, IdentifierContexts.AllContext);
   AttributeList attributes = nspace.Attributes;
   if (attributes != null){
     nspace.Attributes = null;
     int n = attributes.Count;
     AttributeList assemblyAttributes = null;
     AttributeList moduleAttributes = null;
     AssemblyNode assem = this.currentModule as AssemblyNode;
     if (assem != null){
       assemblyAttributes = assem.Attributes;
       if (assemblyAttributes == null) assem.Attributes = assemblyAttributes = new AttributeList(n);
       moduleAttributes = assem.ModuleAttributes;
       if (moduleAttributes == null) assem.ModuleAttributes = moduleAttributes = new AttributeList(n);
       moduleAttributes = this.currentModule.Attributes;
       if (moduleAttributes == null) this.currentModule.Attributes = moduleAttributes = new AttributeList(n);
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
       AttributeNode attr = this.VisitAttributeNode(attributes[i]);
       if (attr == null) continue;
       attributes[i] = null;
       if (attr.Target == AttributeTargets.Assembly && assem != null)
       else if (attr.Target == AttributeTargets.Module)
         attributes[i] = attr;
   TypeNodeList types = nspace.Types;
   for (int i = 0, n = types == null ? 0 : types.Count; i < n; i++)
   NamespaceList nestedNamespaces = nspace.NestedNamespaces;
   for (int i = 0, n = nestedNamespaces == null ? 0 : nestedNamespaces.Count; i < n; i++)
   this.scope = savedScope;
   this.UsedNamespaces = savedUsedNamespaces;
   return nspace;
 private UsedNamespaceList Translate(CodeNamespaceImportCollection imports){
   int n = imports == null ? 0 : imports.Count;
   UsedNamespaceList usedNspaces = new UsedNamespaceList(n);
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
   return usedNspaces;
 private void WriteUsedNameSpaceList(UsedNamespaceList nsl) {
   if (nsl == null) return;
   for(int i=0; i<nsl.Count; i++) {
 public EventingVisitor(Action<UsedNamespaceList> visitUsedNamespaceList) { VisitedUsedNamespaceList += visitUsedNamespaceList; } public event Action<UsedNamespaceList> VisitedUsedNamespaceList; public override UsedNamespaceList VisitUsedNamespaceList(UsedNamespaceList usedNspaces) { if (VisitedUsedNamespaceList != null) VisitedUsedNamespaceList(usedNspaces); return base.VisitUsedNamespaceList(usedNspaces); }